"Wait, Ivan, will we meet again?"

"It depends on the situation. Your special status is destined to make many things inconvenient. Our meeting will definitely arouse the anger of your bureau chief. Uh, maybe even use us to achieve certain goals, which is not good for us."

Natasha sighed, although she knew it would probably be like this, she was still a little sad, "I understand, now I'm beginning to regret my original decision, maybe I shouldn't have joined S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Actually, I think this is pretty good. At least after joining S.H.I.E.L.D., you're much happier. With your own ideals, you can atone for your past mistakes. Although I don't think it's your fault, as long as you're happy, that's fine. keep it up!"

After Ivan finished speaking, two flames spewed out from under his feet soaring into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky. Natasha looked up at the night sky in a daze, and fell into silence for a while.

Tony and Rhode escaped. The two supported each other and stood up, looking at each other with wry smiles. Unexpectedly, the final result turned out to be like this. Natasha became their last savior.

Chapter 236 Fury Asks for Help

The out-of-control incident of the steel armor at the weapons exhibition has attracted the attention of various departments. Although Hammer kept claiming that all this was caused by Ivan, he was wronged, but unfortunately he couldn't come up with evidence.

Because when he cooperated with Ivan at the beginning, both parties were very cautious. In order to prevent others from knowing, Ivan did not show up at all, and wore a mask when other people were present. Later, Yang Jian let Dabai invade Han Mo Industry's network deleted all the last clues.

In this case, the final result is of course that Hammer took all the blame and went to jail.

Because the iron and steel armor out of control incident was too bad, Hanmer Industry was hit hard. All major powers were accusing Hanmer Industry of its crimes. Hanmer Industries, Jin Bing transformed into the largest shareholder of Hanmer Industries.

At this time, everyone realized that Jin Bin was the mastermind behind the scenes, but it was too late to say anything now, because they were not prepared enough, and their funds were limited, so they could not acquire too many shares. Fantasy technology is in the bag.

Although Yang Jian doesn't care much about money anymore, Jin Bing and Yi Fan, as veterans of Yang Jian's subordinates, do everything for Yang Jian, and they will be rewarded for their merits. The magic props made Jin Bin and Ivan overjoyed.

Now Jian Yang not only holds Fantasy Technology, but is also the largest and second largest shareholder of Hammer Industries and Stark Industries, and is already the most well-deserved number one in the American manufacturing industry.However, outsiders don't know that Yang Jian holds more than 15% of Stark Industries' shares, so everything is kept secret. If it is exposed, it may cause a huge storm.


On this day, Yang Jian, Skye and Ke Xin lay on the bed enjoying a moment of peace after their passion, but there was someone ignorant who disturbed him at this time.

Following the rapid ringtone of the mobile phone, Yang Jian took the mobile phone with a grim expression, looked at the caller ID, and suddenly became helpless. Although the caller ID was not just an unfamiliar number, Yang Jian already knew who was calling.

"Director Fury, I'll give you ten seconds. If it's not really important, I'll just hang up the phone, and I'll treat it like this call as a provocation to me."

"Mr. Yang, I'm very sorry, but the situation is too urgent! We need your help." Nick Fury's eager voice came from the opposite side, and it seemed that it was really not a trivial matter.

"Tell me what you want, don't waste time."

Yang Jian's voice was full of impatience, but she sat up from the bed. The two beauties, Skye and Ke Xin, got up to help Yang Jian get clothes and put them on.

"Mr. Yang, don't you watch TV? It's because your subordinates didn't inform you that the world is going upside down. Just turn on the TV and you'll understand what's going on."

TV set?Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and finally realized that when he was doing passionate sports with beautiful women, in order to prevent others from disturbing him, except for a few emergency signals, everything else would be blocked. It was time to disturb Yang Jian, that's why he didn't receive any news.

However, this also shows that the matter should not have much to do with fantasy technology, at least it is not worth Jin Bingren and others to bother Yang Jian at the risk of being scolded.

Yang Jian turned on the TV, and a chaotic picture suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Everyone in front of the TV, here's an urgent news..." The news host held down the headset, pulled off his tie with excitement, and his tone was a little hasty.I

The TV screen was shot from the sky above New York, and below is Manhattan, the economic center of New York, showing a very lively scene.

Armed helicopters hovered in the sky, and underground tanks rumbled past. Yang Jian's keen eyes saw the temporary positions piled up with sandbags from the erratic lens.

Soon a figure that interested Yang Jian appeared in the picture, a huge body nearly four meters high, dark green on the body, thick arms like pillars, and muscles on the thighs.

The huge dark green man's huge strength can easily blow up a car, and the spine extending from the neck down on the back and the bony spurs on the limbs are ferocious and aggressive. Yang Jian will know it when he sees this scene The identity of the other party has been revealed, the Hulk's sworn enemy is evil.

This big guy, Evil Shah, was rampant on the streets of Manhattan. The weak line of defense set up by the group of American soldiers couldn't even stop him for a second. It fell from the sky and turned into a cloud of fireworks.

The ferocious firepower of the U.S. military became pale and powerless in front of Evil, leaving no white mark on him, and he was beaten back and forth.

"This is power! I am the strongest!" Evil grinned deliberately at the camera, as if he was provoking the world. Now he feels great and intends to show his invincible power in front of the world.

Yang Jian recalled the information about Eisha. Eisha's real name is Bronski. He is an elite soldier who has been active on the battlefield. Return to the peak.

In order to gain stronger strength, he agreed to Rose's request and injected a super soldier serum similar to Captain America. He felt that he was omnipotent and better than when he was young, but it was a pity that he suffered a serious injury soon. In front of the Hulk's berserk power, there is no difference between the weak and ordinary people.The Hulk shattered his dream with just a slap, and he behaved like a clown.

The desperate gap almost destroyed Blonsky's pride. In order to pursue strength and prove that he would do anything to prove that he could not defeat the enemy, he chose to become the same existence as the enemy. He injected the blood sample of the Hulk privately and obtained a powerful Power, unfortunately, he didn't have the mood to match it, so he became a power slave, and as a result, evil was born.

Although evil is transformed from the blood of the Hulk, there is a big difference between the two. The transformation of evil is stable, and it has advantages and disadvantages compared with the Hulk.

The first is the advantage. This transformation can maintain his sanity. His combat-experienced fighting skills can be used freely, which greatly enhances its combat power.

The disadvantages are equally obvious. Bronsky is still strangled in a human state and cannot change back, nor will he become stronger due to anger. His power does not fluctuate like the Hulk, and his power has an upper limit.

The appearance of the evil spirit is very intimidating, and it is more domineering than the Hulk, but Yang Jian doesn't like it at all, "Wow! Director Fury, you really know how to play, this big guy is so cool!"

"Mr. Yang, now is not the time to joke. People in New York are in dire straits. They need you. Please save them. We need you."

"Please don't give me a high hat. I'm not a savior. Judging by the appearance of this big man, he is clearly a copy of the Hulk. The monster you created by yourself can be solved by yourself." Yang Jian refused politely.

"We didn't make this monster, it was made by the military. They couldn't solve the disaster they caused themselves, so they asked us to come here."

"It's strange, when did your S.H.I.E.L.D. have such a good relationship with the US military, and you are willing to help them clean up the mess, unless..." Yang Jian is not a fool, Nick Fury's behavior is obviously abnormal, he is not a bad person , It's absolutely useless to get up early, Yang Jian doesn't want to be used by him and become his thug.

Nick Fury on the other end of the phone suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Indeed, he did accept the benefits before agreeing to make the move, because someone on the other side agreed that as long as S.H.I.E.L.D. It is the allocation of funds for the coming year, and SHIELD can increase by 20%.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is the largest secret service organization in the world, it has its own source of funds, but it also costs a lot, especially in recent years, it has been unable to make ends meet. Nick Fury has suffered a lot from this, and now there is a way to solve part of the funding problem Of course, he would not refuse, but with the ability of S.H.I.E.L.D. to solve the evil, he would have to pay a heavy price, so he thought of Yang Jian, to see if he could trick Yang Jian into helping him to work for nothing, but obviously, his Ideas fell through.

"Then Mr. Yang, what conditions do you have? Feel free to say, as long as it's not too much, I will agree." Since you can't fool around, let's just come to something affordable.

"I said, why do you have to let me come? Isn't that playboy okay? His iron suit should be updated, isn't he Iron Man? This is the time when he is shining and hot, tell him to deal with that big green guy That's it." Yang Jian didn't intend to agree so easily, to whet the appetite of the other party, and negotiate terms later.

"Our experts have evaluated that Iron Man's current strength cannot cause effective damage to Evil, and Tony went out with her and Pepper, and it will take at least half an hour to catch him. This time is enough for Evil to give New York It’s dismantled, of course, it would be best if you can let Ivan make a move..."

"Stop! I don't know where Ivan is. If you can find him, you can persuade him yourself. If he is willing to take action, I have no objection." There are some things that everyone knows, but they must not admit it.

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