
Sol, as a fighter, has very strong instincts. Yang Jian's behavior is a bit like an attack. Sol instinctively turned around and punched Yang Jian, but his fist stopped halfway, but was caught by a stranger. grabbed the wrist.

Yang Jian was not angry at Saul's attack at all, with a smile on his face, he said under Saul's shocked eyes: "Hello, Saul Odinson, may I ask why you came back to Earth?"

Sol was stunned for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised. Finally, he met someone who knew him. On this remote planet, Sol explained several times. Unfortunately, no one believed his identity at all, but who was the person in front of him?Sol can be sure that he has never seen it.

"Who are you? Do you know me?" Sol is not completely out of his mind, he must first find out the identity of the other party.

"Although we are meeting for the first time, I have heard of you, Thor, the son of Odin, the second heir to Asgard."

"No, what you said is wrong. I am indeed Thor, the son of Odin, but not the second heir, but the first heir. I am the eldest son of Odin."

"Really? I don't think so. As far as I know, Odin has another eldest daughter. Her name is Hela, the goddess of death. In theory, she is the first heir. It's a pity, I had a conflict with Odin many years ago, and I wanted to overthrow Odin, but in the end I failed, and I was sealed by Odin, and if I remember correctly, the location of the seal is on Earth."

"You are talking nonsense. I have never heard that I have a sister, and my father would not do such a thing? Who are you? Why do you slander my father?" I have to say that Sol is a good son, even if he is Exiled, sealed power, but the respect for Odin has not diminished in the slightest, and no one is allowed to speak ill of him.

Chapter 239 Meeting Sol for the First Time

Yang Jian looked at the angry and childish Sol, and sighed: "You do have an older sister, but I haven't heard of it because Odin sealed your older sister a long time ago. Not born yet."

"It's even more impossible for my father to do such a cruel thing to his daughter, let alone my mother, wouldn't he stop it?" God King Odin has always been Thor's idol, and his mother God Queen He is also a very gentle person, and he does not believe that he will seal his daughter.

"That's because your sister's actions angered everyone. Odin paid a heavy price to seal your sister, Hela, the goddess of death. The entire Valkyrie army was wiped out, and he was also severely injured For many years, Hela, the goddess of death, has been eroding the seal with her own power, and that seal was laid by Odin and your own original power. The seal is closely related to Odin. If Hela causes any damage to the seal, your father will be punished accordingly. Therefore, Odin has to enter Odin's deep sleep to restore his body every once in a while, which is the so-called Odin's sleep."

"Did the Valkyrie Legion find out the group was destroyed in order to seal my sister? And my father entered Odin's Sleep in order to maintain the seal and restore his body?" Thor muttered to himself, beginning to believe Yang Jian's words .

"No, I still don't believe it. By the way, you haven't said who you are yet? What you said just now must be lying to me, right?"

"My name is Yang Jian. Of course, this is the name of a person from Huaguo, so you have to call it the other way around. Jane Yang, you can call me Yang. I am a magician."

Hearing Yang Jian's introduction, Jane Foster couldn't hold back anymore, "Is your name also Jane? That's a coincidence, my name is Jane too, Jane Foster, a doctor of astronomy, Although your story is very interesting, I'm sorry, I can't believe it. If you are really a magician, do you have any way to prove it? The big man also said that he is Thor, but apart from being physically stronger, I really don't see how he looks like the legendary Thor."

"Prove it? How about this proof?" Yang Yangjian raised his hand and lightly tapped a teacup on the table, and then the teacup turned into a snow-white mouse with a squeak and squeaky sound. Jumping up and down the table.

"Oh? My God, how could it be that I'm dazzled?" Jane's assistant, Daisy, uttered a scream, jumped up from the chair in fright, crossed her arms, and kept backing away screaming.

"What's going on? What happened?" The fat aunt, the owner of the fast food restaurant, came over, and was shocked when he saw the little white mouse on the table.

"I'm sorry Izzy, just now I was joking with Daisy, I deliberately used the experimental mice to scare him, it wasn't on purpose!" Then he pretended to yell at Daisy: "You are so rude!"

"Jane, you are serious too. Can this kind of joke be played around? Take the little white mouse back quickly." The fat aunt turned around and left after saying a few words.

Originally, Yang Jian was going to transform the white mouse back, but Selvig, who was obsessed with research, grabbed the little white mouse in his hand and observed carefully, "It's incredible, it's exactly the same as a real white mouse. Is there really magic in the sky? It's not scientific at all."

"That's not necessarily true. The end of science may be theology? How about it, do you believe my words now?"

"Okay, I believe it. Please sit down, both of you. It's really embarrassing to let you stand until now." Jane quickly calmed down and greeted the guests.

Yang Jian's gaze returned to Saul, "Why is it still difficult to accept that you still have a sister? I'm worried that she will take away your position as the first heir."

"I, it's not that I can't accept that I have a sister, but it's really hard for me to imagine that my father would do such a cruel thing to his own children, not only sealing my sister, but also denying me. In addition to all the information, I I have always thought that he is the greatest god king, a benevolent monarch, how can this be?"

"You really misunderstood your father. In my opinion, Odin is indeed a great god-king. Under his rule, Asgard enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. Compared with what your sister did What you do will only make people look down on you.”

"Why do you say that?" Saul looked at Yang Jian expectantly and asked.

"As a king and a ruler, many things cannot be done by one's own temperament, one has to learn to adapt to one's own country, not to let the country adapt to one's own.

Back when your father Odin had just inherited the throne of the God King, it was the time when Asgard was suffering from internal and external troubles, and the nine kingdoms were in constant war. Mu, Walter Alheim, and Muspelheim are fighting for the dominance of Asgard. In this case, only a strong force can make the enemy fearful, so your father turned into a tyrant without hesitation to launch a war.

At that time, your sister was the vanguard of Ao's subordinates, and everywhere she went, blood flowed like a river. Whether it was an old man or a newborn baby, he strangled them one by one, and made the corpses of the dead into undead to continue. Fight for him, even the warriors of Asgard. "

In order to let others feel the tragedy of this war more intuitively, Yang Jian released a ball of orange energy in his hand, and transformed into an image. Among them was Hela, the goddess of death holding a magic hammer, riding the giant wolf Fenrir, leading the undead The situation where soldiers killed the Quartet.

"That's my hammer, Mjolnir, how is it possible? Was it my sister's weapon before?"

"That's right, your elder sister Hela was the first owner of Mjolnir. She didn't become your weapon until she was sealed and collected by Odin in the treasury after you were born."

"Is that my sister? She is really strong, but how can she kill so indiscriminately? She doesn't even spare her own people."

"That's why your sister is not a qualified ruler. Asgardion has conquered one world after another. The Vanir Protoss, the Light Elves of Alfheim, and the Dwarves of Nidaville have surrendered one after another. For you Sgard made weapons, took care of flowers and plants, and provided food. The frost giant in Jotunheim was taken away from the Frost Box, and the flame giant Surtur in Muspelheim was also defeated by your father and took away the eternal fire. Other countries are even more vulnerable.

It’s just that after conquering the Nine Kingdoms, Odin seems not satisfied, and wants to fight for a bigger territory. Looking at the whole universe, he has experienced one cruel war after another.

It was also at that time that the name of Asgard spread throughout the universe. In the impression of all creatures in the universe, Asgardians were naturally warlike and extremely cruel, and they could not be killed no matter how hard they were beaten.

However, Asgard also aroused the fear and backlash of all forces. Many powerful forces in the universe united against Asgard. Although under the leadership of Odin, Asgard was still invincible, but every time There will also be tragic losses behind the victory. After all, Asgard has a limited number of people. If the battle continues, it will eventually lead to extinction. Therefore, while still occupying a clear advantage, Odin took the initiative to choose peace talks and stopped the march. , only kept the nine major kingdoms, and gave up all the other territories. Just like that, he changed from a tyrant to a benevolent king, and began to let Asgard recuperate.

However, your sister doesn't understand your father's painstaking efforts. She thinks that you Odin are cowardly and lost his previous ambitions. She feels that he is not worthy to rule Asgard. She chose to betray for her own ambition. Needless to say, you My sister's actions made the sky angry and people complained, and you were finally sealed by you, Odin. "

"Indeed, judging from what my sister has done, she is a female devil. This kind of person is not really suitable to be a king." Sol smiled wryly. He was also shocked by the picture Yang Jian showed just now. Ra killed like mowing grass, without mercy.

"It stands to reason that your sister's betrayal is a serious crime, and ten times of death is enough, but your sister can't be killed at all, so I can only seal it in desperation, and there is one more. And leave a prophecy called Ragnarok, always One day, Hela, the goddess of death, will return to trigger Ragnarok in Asgard."

"Wait a minute, I know the prophecy of Ragnarok, but it is not my sister who destroyed Asgard in the prophecy, but the flame giant Surtur. Are you mistaken?"

Yang Jian waved his hand, "Causing Ragnarok does not mean destroying Asgard. In fact, everyone in this world may destroy Asgard, except your sister. I told you before, you My sister can't be killed at all, because her soul has already merged with Asgard, if Asgard is destroyed, she can't survive."

Yang Jian's hand gesture changed, and the orange-red energy once again transformed into a picture of a towering tree. Worlds hung on the roots, trunk, and top of the tree.

"This is... the World Tree!"

"The world tree contains space energy. It has nine space nodes and can connect nine worlds. Asgard's rainbow bridge can be transmitted freely in the nine worlds because the rainbow bridge connects the roots of the world tree. In myths and legends , Asgard is located at the top of the canopy, to be precise, the space node connected to Asgard should be at the top. The office has to control the empty space node to be at the top.”

"But what do you say these have to do with my sister?"

"Don't worry. Listen to me slowly. If you look carefully, you will find a very magical phenomenon. The distribution of these space nodes is regular, which is very magical."

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