As Yang Jian said, he clicked on a few positions of the transformed World Tree, and then outlined lines one by one, forming a magic circle.

Sol stared dumbfounded at the magic circle, a little unbelievable, as the heir of Asgard, he didn't know that the World Tree had such a secret.

"It's amazing, isn't it? Asgard is a kind. As far as I know, Asgard itself is a kind of colorful cosmic crystallization, which can absorb energy independently. People living in Asgard can experience Strengthened by this kind of energy, the density of the body is three times that of the people on earth, and the life span can reach about 5000 years, and gods like you can live longer, tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years.

But the problem is how can there be so much energy in this world for Asgard to absorb? The easel lies in this magic circle, which gathers energy to Asgard through space nodes and is then transformed, so in some respects However, Asgard is now strong because it is based on plundering the original energy of other worlds.

And your sister Hela did it more thoroughly, directly integrating herself with Asgard. As long as she is in Asgard, she can absorb energy from Asgard endlessly, becoming stronger day by day, Even if you pierce her body through you, you can recover instantly by dismembering her body. One day your sister will break through the seal. How do you think she will treat the people of Asgard?Hela never knew what pity is, and you, who are not Asgard, are very stubborn and will definitely not give in. At that time, they can only die forever. How do you think you can defeat her? "

"Destroy Asgard." Before Sol could speak, Jane gave the answer first, and at the same time understood what Yang Jian meant.

"Yes, it is to destroy Asgard, but it is not easy to destroy Asgard. You must find someone who has enough strength to do it. Sol, if there is such a day, what do you think? Who is most suitable to destroy Asgard?"

"The flame giant Surtur." Thor said the answer with blank eyes, "This is the truth of the prophecy in the fable. It's not that we can't stop Surtur, but deliberately guide him to destroy Asgard. Is this the future of Asgard? Is it really inevitable?"

"This is your Asgard's prophecy. I think some people with the ability to see the future have seen some pictures of the future, but it's inevitable, not necessarily. Hasn't all this happened yet? Maybe you can try to change the future."

"Change the future!" Suoer, who was deeply shocked and depressed, grabbed Yang Jian's hand and asked, "What should I do, how can I change the future?"

"The method is very simple. Find a way to enhance your strength. As long as you are strong enough, you can defeat Hela and seal her again when you have to come back. In this way, there is no need to release Surtur to destroy A Sgaard, in fact, your father has been doing this all the time, allowing your reckless temperament to cause trouble everywhere, constantly fighting against powerful enemies, putting you in danger of life and death, and constantly breaking through your own strength."

Jane, Selvig, and Daisy next to him saw Yang Jian's ability and listened to the conversation with Sol. At this time, they also believed that Sol was the legendary Thor.

"Sol, you are really Thor, the son of God King Odin." Jane asked with a look of proof.

"Of course, I've said it many times, but you don't believe it." Sol finally felt elated. After explaining so many times before, he was regarded as a psychopath. It's too embarrassing for Sol to be brought down twice by ordinary people on Earth.

"Since you are the god of thunder, why are you afraid of electric rods? And the legendary god of thunder should be able to summon thunder. Can you prove your identity by showing us? Why don't you do this?" Daisy looked curious asked.

Now Sol is embarrassed, he is now sealed with divine power, and he can't summon Thunder at all, that is, a strong ordinary person, how can he summon Thunder.

"I'm also very surprised about this point. Why did you appear on the earth? And now you look really weak. It doesn't match the name of the legendary Thor. If it weren't for me, I could feel that you still There is a trace of thunder power, I really can't confirm that you are Thor, what happened to you?"

Thor's face was flushed from holding back, and he managed to say, "My father sealed the power and exiled him to the earth!"

Chapter 240 Secret News

"Odin actually ruthlessly exiled you. It stands to reason that he should try his best to train you, so that you will have enough power before Ragnarok comes, and protect yourself and Asgard. What have you done? Could it be that Asgard was blown up?" Yang Jian looked shocked, but Skye knew that it was Yang Jian who pretended.

"During my succession ceremony, the Frost Giants sneaked into Asgard and wanted to invade Odin's treasury to steal their secret treasure, the Frost Box. They disrupted my ceremony, so I wanted to seek revenge from them. Lead the four warriors into Jotunheim, and fight them in the kingdom of giants..."

Sol was broken at this time, and told the reason why he was exiled.

"Is it because of this? Strange, did Odin make a big fuss? Although your breakthrough this time is indeed not small, and almost caused a big battle between the Frost Giants and Asgard, but compared to the previous ones you broke into Misfortune is nothing, didn't he wipe your ass this time like before?"

The three of Jane, Daisy and Selvig heard a black line, and almost caused a war between the two countries. This is not a big disaster, but to what extent is it in your eyes?

Jane looked at Sol curiously and asked: "Sol, did you become an ordinary person after your power was sealed? Then how can you get your power back?"

"Unless I can get back my weapon, Thor's Hammer Mjolnir, it should be on Earth."

Yang Jian looked at Saul with contempt, "You can only use your divine power if you have a hammer. What qualifications do you have to be called Thor? Just call him the God of Hammer."

Thorton blushed with anger, slapped the table heavily and roared, "Bastard, are you insulting me? I am the son of Odin, and I want to fight you."

"When did I insult you? I was just telling the truth. Am I wrong? For anyone, weapons are only auxiliary, and the real powerful person is the person himself, but you are too dependent on Your hammer has relaxed the training of your own divine power, so that now you are like an ordinary person without the hammer, is it wrong for me to call you the god of the hammer?..?"

"I, I..." Sol was speechless at Yang Jian's words.

"You, you, now I understand why Odin exiled you and took back your hammer. This is training you. I advise you, quickly throw away your hammer and start training from scratch. What are you waiting for? When you can wield the power of thunder without resorting to the power of a hammer, then you are the real Thor."

Sol suffered the worst blow ever in his heart. He sat back on the chair and his eyes were dull, as if he was suspicious of life. "Is this really the case, my father exiled me to exercise my use of divine power?"

"It is indeed possible, and there may be other reasons. I have broken my heart for your son Odin, but he just threw you on the earth. Isn't he afraid of being killed? Maybe he has made some preparations." , By the way, is there anything strange about your father lately? Is it different from usual?"

Sol scratched his head, recalling his father's appearance, "How could it be different, it's still the same, it just looks a little older."

"Wait, there's a problem. You just said that your father looks older."

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Saul asked inexplicably.

"Of course there is a problem. You Asgardians have a long lifespan, and ordinary people also have a lifespan of 5000 years. Because the top ten are too long, you usually don't notice the aging of the people around you, just like the four people around you. Warriors, did you notice any changes in them as they grew up?"

"It doesn't seem to be. Although we grew up together, we all grew up before we knew it. I really didn't notice it."

"But you have noticed the changes in your father, King Odin. This shows that he has aged very quickly recently. As the king of the gods, it is reasonable to say that he will not suddenly age, unless his body suffers severe injuries, or Life is coming to an end, here... I understand!"

Yang Jian suddenly realized, and screamed, "Odin is paving the way for you. He knows he is going to die. In the past, no matter what trouble you caused, no matter what you did, he would take care of his ass and let you take it easy. But now, as a father, he finds that his life is about to end and he can no longer protect his son, so he treats you so severely, deprives you of your divine power, weapons, and knocks you down in the mortal world, just to let him Faster growth, that's why you use this extreme method, the dusk of the gods is approaching, but you, the heir of Asgard, are still muddled, it's really embarrassing for him."

hum! ! !

Sol was shocked by these words, his father is going to die?This is a question that Sol has never thought about. Although Sol knows that his father is old, the name of Odin still shocks the entire universe. He still acts recklessly as usual because he knows that his father will protect him. But now I seem to be about to lose this protection.

Sol was a little unwilling to believe it, and wanted to refute Yang Jian's words, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Yang Jian said was true.

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. I even noticed some signs, but I always ignored them. His body is getting worse day by day, but I always thought that as long as he fell asleep once, everything would be fine."

When Sol thought of Odin exiling himself, the disappointment that he finally looked at himself showed in Yazhong, deeply hurt Thor's heart once again.

"No, I want to go back, I want to see my father right away."

Sol stood up suddenly, rushed out regardless, and came to the street outside the street.

"Heimdall, quickly open the Rainbow Bridge, I want to go back, right now, now, right now, I want to go back, I know you can see me." Sol looked up at the sky and shouted loudly.

"Sol, calm down, don't do this, if you really want to go back, we can slowly find a way." Jane and Daisy rushed out of the fast food restaurant, and the two went to La Thor together, but even if Sol lost After gaining divine power, he became a mortal, and his strong body could not be moved by two women.

At this time, Sol's yelling attracted the attention of other people on the street, and many people gathered around curiously, wanting to see what was going on.

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