boom! !

The violent air waves scattered in all directions, blowing away all the rubble at a distance of more than ten meters, and the wanton thunder and lightning swept over everyone present, and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated at this moment. No harm was done, but instead, they were released and retracted, frantically gathering towards the center. Amidst the lightning and thunder, Sol's burly figure looked even more domineering. The coercion began to dissipate quietly. At this moment, everyone could feel the heart-shattering throbbing, but Sif and the three warriors actually felt a feeling of facing God King Odin from Thor at this moment.

Thor withdrew his weapon, feeling the joy of Thor's Hammer Mjolnir, who did not have the power of thunder, he was also very happy, "Old man, let us fight side by side again!"

As if in response to Thor, Thor's Hammer erupted in wisps of lightning.

Sol turned around and looked at his little girlfriend affectionately, "Jane, I have to go first, you have to take care, but don't worry, I will solve the matter on Asgard as soon as possible and come back to you."

"Don't worry, Saul, I will take care of myself, you take care of yourself."

Seeing Sol and his girlfriend interacting there, the most uncomfortable person should be Sif. Everyone thought that Sif was the best candidate for Saul's wife and would be the future queen, even Sif herself They all think so, but now they are being preempted by Jane from the Heavenly Department, and the other party is still a mortal.

But Sif is a strong woman. Although she felt uncomfortable in her heart, she didn't show it.

Sol turned his head to look at Yang Jian again, "Thank you very much for your teaching, I know what to do in the future, I will report your kindness to you later, please take care of Jane while I am away. "

"Don't worry, we will meet again in the future. If I guess correctly, Odin should come to me. I need to talk to him face to face. As for Jane, don't worry, she is not someone who needs to be taken care of by others. "

Sol didn't know what Yang Jian meant, why he was so sure that his father, who is the king of the gods, would come to him, but since the other party was a mage, he was always mysterious, so it was not easy to ask more questions at this time.

The four of Thor and Sif stood together, shouting at the same time with Thor's Hammer in their left ears. "Heimdall, teleport us back!"

But soon Thor was slapped in the face. He held up the hammer, but there was no response. Unable to respond.

"Don't worry, maybe that Heimdall has something to do, such as going to the toilet, you can wait a little bit."

"Uh! Maybe!" Thor knew that Heimdall couldn't go to the bathroom, but he didn't bother to find other reasons at this time, and shouted to the sky. Fortunately, although Heimdall was frozen, his consciousness was still there. Listen After Sol's shout, he tried his best to break free from the ice, inserted the golden sword into the Rainbow Bridge to activate it, and a colorful beam of light enveloped Sol and the others, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, only on the ground. A mysterious pattern is left on it.

When the figures of Sol and the five appeared on the Rainbow Bridge console, the first thing they saw was Heimdall, who was covered in frost and fell into a coma on the console.

"Heimdall!" Thor exclaimed, and quickly came to Heimdall, squatted down and helped him up, then stretched out a hand and pressed it on his heart, and a weak thunder power surged out , stimulating Heimdall's body, and soon Heimdall started to move, and slowly opened his eyes.

Needless to say, this method of using the power of thunder to stimulate the body to save people was also passed on to him by Yang Jian through a spiritual connection before. Naturally, the inspiration came from the owner of the thunder fruit in the world of pirates, Enel. The abilities of the two fruits make people speechless. Although they have super attack power, they have been developed into medical abilities. One is the thunder fruit of Enilo, and the other is the string fruit of Doflamingo. The owner of the thunder fruit is injured. , A simple stimulation, resurrection, thread fruit, injured, it doesn't matter, sew it up with thread.

Just after waking up, Heimdall bounced off the ground before he understood the situation. After seeing that the person beside him was Sol, he felt relieved, but then his face changed drastically, "Sol, hurry to the palace, I need it urgently." The Rainbow Bridge sent the Frost Giants over, they have already gone to the palace, His Majesty the God King is still sleeping, His Majesty the God King is in danger."

"Asshole, how could Loki do this, let's go, let's go to him to settle the score."

Heimdall was wounded, so Sol asked him to stay at the Rainbow Bridge to guard, and then rushed out of the teleportation room with his four friends, and ran towards the palace along the colorful Rainbow Bridge.

Soon the five of Sol and the others encountered a few frost giants, who were specially left by King Laufey to be on guard. Without saying a word, Sol directly waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and thunderbolts descended, knocking those Frost giants shatter.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of other frost giants, and soon twenty or thirty frost giants surrounded them. One of the leaders was two heads taller than ordinary ice giants, and he was one of King Laufey's capable men.

"Kill!" The leading Frost Giant roared, and the men behind him moved quickly, with ice cones appearing in their hands, and they rushed towards Sol and the others aggressively.

Thor turned his head slightly to avoid the attack of the leading frost giant, and smashed out with a backhand hammer. Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed, and the violent power was released.

The Frost Giant was startled, and instinctively twisted his body. Thor's hammer hit his shoulder, smashing half of his body.


The leading Frost Giant screamed, but he didn't die in this situation, so he had to praise the Frost Giant's strong vitality. He seemed to know that he was doomed today, so he felt ruthless in his heart, and condensed a fist with his only remaining arm. The sharp spear pierced Thor's chest with all his strength.


A cloud of lightning emerged from Thor's body, forming a layer of lightning armor. The moment the ice spear came into contact, it immediately broke and shattered.

"You are a warrior, but our positions are different, so I'm sorry, I can only give you a heroic way of death!" Thor said as Thor's Hammer in his hand lit up again, and a thunderbolt was released, blasting on the Frost Giant , There was a sound similar to breaking glass, and the frost giant was smashed to pieces, and he couldn't die anymore.

When Sol was fighting the leading frost giant, the four of Sif were not idle and stood together with the other frost giants. Don't look at them being beaten up when they faced the Destroyer, but that was Because the Destroyers are too strong, in fact, their strength can be ranked first in Asgard, not this group of frost giants can stop them, the four of them teamed up to kill more than 20 frost giants. Back off.

Seeing that his subordinates were gaining the upper hand, Sol felt relieved, and immediately said, "Leave this to you, and I'll save my father!"

"Don't worry, just go ahead! We can handle this group of guys."

Sol nodded, and the Thor's Hammer in his hand turned quickly, soaring directly into the sky, and flew towards the palace.

Sol encountered frost giants intercepting him from time to time along the way, but these people were nothing to Sol, because he was so worried about the safety of his father and queen mother, so he became ruthless and released thunder and lightning continuously along the way. Kill the frost giants one by one.

At this time, Thor's power has been fully stimulated by the super divine water, and his strength has entered the heavenly father level. Although he is definitely not as good as Odin and Gu Yi because he has just entered, they are the same in level. Giants have few enemies.

Sol didn't meet any Asgards along the way, because they were all transferred away by Loki, leaving the palace guards extremely empty, so King Laufey drove straight in, and replaced them all with Frost Giants, but this is also good. Thor can shoot with confidence, without worrying about accidental injury.

In Odin's dormitory, Frigga clenched Odin's old palm and sighed dejectedly. In fact, she knew about Odin's situation. Injuries, and later in order to seal Hela, his body has reached its limit, and he has to sleep to recuperate his physical condition every once in a while. This is still in the case of Frigga using magic to help him recover. Over the past year, her magical effect has also gradually weakened. Frigga was really worried that Odin would never wake up after falling asleep.


In this quiet atmosphere, the door of the dormitory was suddenly knocked open, and a tall figure of Lau Fei walked in, staring at Frigga coldly, followed by Loki.

Frigg stood up in an instant, pulled out the sword from one side, and stared at Laufey warily. His eyes swept past Loki, but he stopped paying attention.

Even now, Frigga still trusts Loki, and she understands the current situation in Asgard. She has also heard rumors that Loki colluded with the Frost Giants. It is known that Mo Ruomu, she has been holding hands since childhood The person who taught Loki's magic knows Loki's temperament very well. Although he is a bit radical and paranoid, he will never do anything against Asgard. He even guessed what Loki will do next. If this is the case, yes Loki is too cruel, patricide is not a joy for anyone.

Lau Fei didn't put Frigg in his eyes at all, and walked towards Odin with a big stride. Frigg would naturally not be polite to him. At this time, she would do everything possible to protect Odin, waving her hands The sword slashed towards Lau Fei.

Lau Fei waved her hand disdainfully, the cold air filled the whole room in an instant, Frigga's movements gradually stopped, and Lau Fei stepped forward and grabbed her wrist, ready to take it off.

But when Laufey met Frigga, a strange thing happened, his palm actually passed through, and it turned out that it was just a phantom.

At the same time, Lau Fei felt a cold murderous intent coming from behind him. At some time, Frigga had appeared behind him, and the sword in his hand stabbed Lau Fei in the back.

At the critical moment, another gust of cold air gushed out of Lau Fei's body, condensing into a thick layer of ice armor on his body surface.


Frigg's sword was blocked by the thick ice armor, no matter how hard Frigg tried, he couldn't penetrate half a point.

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