"A childish trick, this is your real body, right?" Fei stretched out her foot, and Frigga flew out, hitting the wall with a bang.

Frigga felt severe pain all over her body, as if her bones were about to fall apart, she got up reluctantly, and Lau Fei's second kick had already kicked her lower abdomen!The powerful force kicked her away, smashed through a wall and landed in the distance, unable to stand up for a while.

Frigga lost the power to fight again, and watched Laufei walk towards Odin, but Frigga did not despair, because at this time, Loki had sneaked behind Laufei and raised the weapon in his hand , that is Gungnir, the gun of eternity, which can penetrate anything. After Odin fell asleep, Loki temporarily managed Asgard, and the gun of eternity was also in Loki's hands. Can't resist the gun of eternity.

If there is no accident, in a second, the spear of eternity will pierce Laufey's body, and this serious problem of Asgard's confidant will be completely resolved.

But in this world, you come here for whatever you are afraid of, and an accident happened. Just when the eternal gun in Rocky's spare hand ended Laufey's life, suddenly there was a loud bang, the door was knocked open, and Sol held Thor in his hand. The hammer rushed in and yelled, "Don't hurt my father!"

Sol made too much noise, so Laufey was naturally attracted. Looking back, he found that Loki was holding the Eternal Gun and was about to sneak attack.

Loki froze there for a moment, especially facing Laufey's blood-red eyes, he couldn't help trembling all over, wondering if he should stab the spear of eternity there.

"Damn it, why did Thor show up at this time and screw everything up, no, no, you can't give up!" Loki gritted his teeth and sent the eternal gun forward.

But at this time, Laufey had already reacted, grabbed the Eternal Spear, and with a little force, he threw Loki and the gun out.

Chapter 245 Sol VS Laufey

Bang! !

With a loud noise, Loki hit the wall and fell down. His whole body was in pain, but the pain in his body was far less than the grief and indignation in his heart.

damn it!Just a little bit, just a little bit, why did this stupid guy come back at this time, my plan was all ruined, maybe even my life would be lost here.

At this time, Sol also found that he seemed to have messed up the matter. He was embarrassed and happy at the same time. Before he saw Loki stabbing Laufey with the spear of eternity, it meant that Loki had not betrayed Asgard. Everything is his trick, it's just a pretense to deal with Lau Fei.

"Great, Loki, I knew you wouldn't betray Asgard. You wouldn't betray the king and queen." Thor couldn't help but reach out to help Loki, almost forgetting that big brother Laufey The enemy is nearby.

"Shut up, you idiot, is this the time to act like this?" Loki wanted to pry Sol's head open to see what he was thinking inside, and Laufey was staring at him. Mood to say these irrelevant things.

"Uh! Sorry! I'm so excited. I heard that you were in collusion with the Frost Giants and I was so angry. Now that I know you are wronged, I can't hold back for a while, but don't worry, leave the rest to me, I He will definitely be defeated."

Laufey stared at Sol and Loki, looking very angry, but it didn't look like it when he looked carefully, his face was a little weird, and after a while he said in a deep voice: "Okay! Okay! Loki, you are worthy It's my son, so cruel and merciless."

"Shut up, I'm not your son, I'm the son of the god king Odin, the son of Frigga. Since I was sensible, I only remember my mother and father. They are the ones who raised me and took care of me."

"But whose fault is all this? It was Odin who took you away from me. He trained you to make us father and son fight each other. It seems that he succeeded. Now you actually want to kill my biological father."

"You are not worthy to be my father."

"But you have my blood in your body..."

"I'm not!"

Seeing Loki and Laufey, who were arguing more and more fiercely, Sol was a little stunned. He wondered if there was something wrong with his ears. Lauphy was actually his brother's biological father. How could this be possible?

It's a pity that the situation was too urgent, and Sol also left in a hurry, Heimdall didn't have time to tell him what happened in detail, so Sol didn't know the real relationship between Loki and Laufey until now?

"That... Loki, if he is really your father, I think it's better for everyone to sit down and talk about it." Sol couldn't help but want to speak to adjust, but unfortunately he is not suitable for it at all. This job.

"Shut up, I have nothing to talk to him about!" Loki yelled at Thor.

"Really? I feel the same way. If this is the case, the shame can only be washed away with blood. Go to hell with all of you!"

Laufey also cursed, and then went straight to the fight. With a wave of his hand, the cold air suddenly burst, and dense ice cones appeared, overwhelmingly shooting towards Sol.

Sol also had no choice but to make a move, and with one stroke of Thor's Hammer in his hand, lightning flashed and thundered, and thunder and lightning poured in, crackling and colliding with the densely packed freezer, smashing it to pieces.

Because Odin was sleeping in the room, Sol was afraid of accidentally hurting his father and did not dare to use all his strength. He carefully controlled the coverage of the lightning and was temporarily suppressed by Laufey.

no!We must find a way to transfer the battlefield, it is too bad to fight here!

Sol thought in his heart, the thunder divine power in his body gushed out again, and the blazing light surrounded him, turning into a thunderball, bearing the dense ice cones, and slammed into Laufey suddenly.


The moment Laufey hit the thunder ball, the extremely cold force condensed on his arm to form a layer of solid ice. He punched the thunder ball, and the thunder and lightning scattered slowly, revealing the figure of Sol. He clenched his fist and collided with Lao Fei's fist which was one size bigger than his, but he didn't take half a step back, and the thunder and lightning that kept overflowing were actually melting the solid ice on Lau Fei's fist.

Seeing this scene, Laufey's face changed drastically, which meant that the other party's physical fitness and divine power were superior to his own, but how could this be possible? Sol was still just a child in his eyes. Although he was over 1000 years old, Eas In terms of the person's age, he is indeed a child, but this child's strength has reached the level of the heavenly father.

As soon as Lau Fei gritted his teeth, icicles popped out of his body, and he rammed directly towards Thor.

Thor didn't back down either, the thunder lights on his body lit up again, and he shrank one by one, forming a layer of thunder armor outside his body, shattering the ice thorns that pierced him. The hammer was thrown out.


Lau Fei was hit right on the ground, his body was pushed by Thor's Hammer and directly smashed through the ceiling, flying higher and higher, and he didn't start to fall until several kilometers away.

Sol looked at Odin who was sleeping, and then at the God Queen Frigg who had just returned, and nodded slightly at them, then jumped up and jumped out of the hole Laufey had made, Luo Fei Ki thought for a moment, and followed suit.

Boom! !

Laufey fell from the air and fell to the seaside, making a big crater on the ground. After Thor's Hammer completed its mission, it flew back in the direction it came from.

Lau Fei took the opportunity to check his injuries. The ice armor on the surface of his body was already full of cracks, but he managed to block most of the force for Lau Fei and did not suffer much damage.


At this time Sol, wearing a thunderbolt, descended from the sky, stood more than [-] meters away from Laufey, and said, "Laufey, stop, violence can't solve all problems, we can sit down and talk, don't let the hatred fascinate you Eye."

"Shut up, the hatred between us will last forever, unless one party dies, everything will be fine." Laufey said stiffly, looking at Sol with extremely fearful eyes.

In fact, Laufey used to be the same as Odin, also a strong man at the level of the heavenly father, but he was defeated by Odin many years ago and was seriously injured, and the treasured Frost Box, which is a family of ice giants, was also taken away. He suffered a huge drop, and his injuries could not be recovered, so that his strength was only at the quasi-heavenly father level.

Originally, Laufey thought that after Odin fell into a deep sleep, with his quasi-heavenly father-level strength, no one in Asgard could beat him, but he was sent flying by Sol just now. They are all suppressed, which can only explain one problem, that is, Saul has entered the heavenly father level.

Maybe it's because the time is too short to fully display the strength of the Heavenly Father, but after all, he is a real Heavenly Father, and in his current situation, he really doesn't have much chance of winning against Sol.

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