Laufey's brains turned sharply. This Sol must not be kept. He has already reached the Heavenly Father level at such a young age, and he will definitely become stronger in the future. He must be eliminated, otherwise it will be a huge disaster for their Frost Giants.

Laufey thought about the pros and cons between himself and Sol, and felt that the other party had just entered the Heavenly Father class, and his control over his own power should be very rough. Father, but the control of power far exceeds that of Sol, a power can be exerted several times, and there may be a chance to defeat him. .


Lau Fei stomped his feet suddenly, and the ground at the center of you and him began to freeze, turning thousands of meters into ice, and then Lau Fei raised his hand, and the ground began to tremble. .

Swipe!A series of ice thorns emerged from the ground and stabbed at Sol.

Seeing Laufey's reluctance to get in, Sol had no choice but to beat him down first. The Thor's Hammer in his hand spun quickly, took him to the sky, and then swung him hard, and suddenly the dark cloud Densely covered, one after another thunderbolts fell from the sky, and the lightning flashed and thundered for a while, smashing towards Lau Fei who was on the ground.

Lau Fei raised his hands high above his head, the ground on both sides of his body cracked, and two big hands of ice protruded and closed together, forming a shield above his head, blocking the lightning that struck down.

The two big hands made of cold ice were cracked by thunder and lightning, and countless ice cubes were shattered, but Lao Fei immediately injected the power of extreme cold, and the big hands that were about to be shattered recovered again.

Not only is Laufey unable to fly, but he also has a way to deal with Sol in the sky. He waved his hand again, and the ice cones on the ground broke apart and turned into a stream of light rushing towards the sky, shooting directly at Sol.

Thor paused his attack, and spun Thor's hammer to form a thick tornado, and he was in the center of the tornado. The ice cones were swept in by the strong wind, collided with each other, and finally turned into countless ice shards.

The ice cones on the ground shot out one after another, but they were soon shattered by Sol's tornado. Sol also bombarded Laufei with the power of thunder from time to time, but was blocked by Laufei with ice. The two stalemate for a while. There was nothing he could do about it, but Sol was young and strong, thinking about it was very easy, and took advantage of this opportunity to keep using some tricks he had learned from Yang Jian before, and he actually regarded Lau Fei as a free training partner.

Laufey didn't expect Sol to have such a talent. He had just entered the Heavenly Father level, so he could use his divine power so flexibly and freely, and he still used many magical tricks. Lauphy's eyes were more murderous. A god-king who is more powerful than OJ, if he is allowed to grow, there will be no way for the frost giants to survive. He must be eliminated, even at the cost of his life.

Laufey took a deep breath, directly used the source of extreme cold power, and felt a burst of stinging pain from his body. This was the injury left after the battle with Odin that year. If there was a box of ice, He can recover slowly, but the Ice Box was also taken away, so Lau Fei's injuries have not recovered until now, and he has to use part of his strength to suppress him, so that he can't exert the strength of the heavenly father. But now in order to kill Sol, he can't care so much.

Lau Fei turned over the scattered ice chips between the sky and the earth, as if they were summoned, they gathered quickly, and at the same time, endless extreme cold air radiated out, as if to freeze everything.

Solzhi felt his whole body go stiff, and a chill invaded his body. At this moment, his heartbeat seemed to stop, his blood seemed to stop flowing, and his body seemed to be frozen.

Sol was startled, knowing that it was a time of life and death crisis, he directly stimulated the power of his whole body, and the thunder power exploded in his body instantly. In raging, the violent thunder power finally forced the cold out of the body, and at the same time stimulated Sol's body, restoring his vitality.

Just a little bit, this little life is explained here, Sol is also very annoyed, looking at Lau Fei Yazhong has a little more murderous intent, since you are so cruel, then don't blame me for being rude.


Thor held Thor's Hammer high, and bolts of lightning were drawn down, condensing together above Thor's Hammer, slowly shrinking and deforming, and finally condensed into a two-meter-long Thunder Spear.

"Laufey! Give me the arrow of thunder!"

Following Sol's loud shout, the two-meter-long Thunder Spear turned into a flash of light, and shot towards Laufey with a thunderclap, causing ripples everywhere it passed, as if the space Being broken by it, it can be seen how violent and powerful the power contained in this Thunder Spear is.

Laufey turned pale with fright. Unexpectedly, Sol was stronger than he expected. Not only could he resist his extreme cold divine power, but he could also condense and deform the thunderous divine power. The strong parent is not bad at all.

Laufey felt an unparalleled crisis at the moment when the Thunder Spear was formed, and he slapped his hand down, and immediately a wall of ice rose from the ground, layer upon layer, blocking in front of him.


The Thunder Spear touched the first ice wall, and the ice wall almost shattered at the touch of a touch, countless ice splashes, and then the second, third, fourth... when the last layer of ice wall was broken through , the Thunder Spear has shrunk to less than one meter, but this is no longer enough.

Because the time was too short, Lau Fei could barely turn his body sideways, and the Thunder Spear less than one meter pierced the ice armor on Lau Fei's body, and then pierced his shoulder.

what! ! !

Lau Fei couldn't help letting out a scream, looking at the big hole in his shoulder, feeling the thunderous power that was constantly pouring into his body and destroying his body, he resisted not falling down.

Lau Fei covered his shoulder with one hand, wanting to repair his shoulder with the power of ice, but it was damaged by the power of thunder just after repairing it, which made his injury worse.

"Go to hell! Lau Fei!" The room was leaking and it was raining continuously. At this time, a figure jumped out from a rock behind Lau Fei, holding the Eternal Spear, and stabbing fiercely at Lau Fei's vest.

Needless to say, Loki was the one who made the sneak attack. In fact, Loki had arrived long ago. It's just that the battle between Sol and Laufey was too fierce, and Loki couldn't intervene at all, so he hid there to look for a chance to sneak attack.

Fortunately, Loki is a descendant of the Frost Giant. The extremely cold air released by Laufey when he broke out with all his strength before did not have much influence on him. Now he finally found a chance to make a move.

Chapter 246 Two pairs of father and son

Now Laufey himself had recurred his old injuries due to his full-strength shot, and was severely injured by Sol. If he was stabbed by the Eternal Spear again, the divine power of Odin contained in it would burst out, and he would undoubtedly die under the triple attack.

Lau Fei turned his body slightly, and looked at Loki who was flying from the corner of his eyes. There was no fear of death, nor the slightest resentment. There was only an inexplicable emotion in his eyes, which seemed to be relief and nostalgia. In addition, there is a strange warmth.

Loki only wanted to kill Laufey, become the savior of Asgard, and get Odin's approval. He didn't notice Lauphy's eyes, but Thor noticed it. When he saw the emotion in Lauphy's eyes At that time, I couldn't help trembling, this kind of look is so familiar to him, you have seen the same look from Odin countless times, but at that time he was too capricious and didn't care at all, but why did Lau Fei's eyes reveal this emotion.

At this moment, Sol's mind was extraordinarily clear, and he instantly understood something. If everything was as he guessed, then Laufey must not be allowed to die in Loki's hands.

Seeing that the Spear of Eternity was about to stab Laufey, Sol pointed out with his left index finger, and a bolt of lightning shot out, making a quick turn, hitting the Spear of Eternity in Loki's hand, and passing through Laufey's body. , let this killing blow fail!

"Bastard! What are you doing?" The anger in Loki's heart, why is it like this again?Could it be that this single-minded guy is enlightened, worried that I will be called the savior of Asgard after I killed Laufey, and I will lose my qualification to compete with me for the throne of the god king in the future.

Sol ignored Loki, but stared at Laufey and asked, "Laufey, tell me what is your purpose for coming to Asgard this time?"

After Laufey was rescued by Sol, he didn't make another move. He looked at Sol with a look of surprise, not knowing why Sol did this. Now that he heard that Sol asked such a strange question again, he couldn't help but coldly said: "Does this still need to be said? Of course it is to kill Odin and revenge, what other purpose can there be?"

"No, no, revenge is only secondary. Your real purpose is for Loki. You deliberately caused a war between Asgard and Jotunheim. This is just for your later plans. You want to die in Loki. In Ki's hands, let him become the savior of Asgard and pave the way for him to ascend to the throne of God King."

There was nothing abnormal on Laufey's surface, but there was still a trace of panic in the depths of his eyes. Although it disappeared quickly, he was still spotted by Sol who was staring at him.

"What a joke, how can I, Laufey, do such a stupid thing, and when will Thor, who is full of muscles, actually make up a story, or this is such a ridiculous story."

"Is it ridiculous? It's not funny at all. I was exiled this time. The biggest gain is that I understand one thing. A father who loves his children deeply will give everything for his children. Rocky is your child, but you You must be very guilty for not being able to raise her."

Lau Fei refused to admit it: "It's really nonsense, why should we Frost Giants love such things."

"You don't need to deny it in such a hurry, because it makes it easier for me to believe that my guess is correct. I have always caused trouble outside, but my father never said anything about me. When I entered Jotunheim, my father was really angry, and I was punished like never before. I didn’t understand why my father became so strict. At that time, I was still blaming him in my heart. Life is coming to an end, and he can no longer protect me like before, so he wants to use this extreme method to hone me, let me grow up quickly, and have the ability to protect myself."

"What? You said the father is going to die." Loki couldn't help but exclaimed.

With tears in his eyes, Sol nodded to Loki, then looked at Laufey, and continued: "I don't think your situation is much better, after all, you were defeated by my father back then, and the injury may not be serious. You were also taken away from the Box of Frost, I think your time is also running out, and as a father, Loki has always been a pain in your heart, you must want to do something for Loki before you die. "

Loki was listening by the side, his face became more and more ugly, and finally he couldn't hold back anymore, "Laufey, tell me, is what he said true, you and Odin are about to die, you knew my truth early in the morning The plan is to get rid of you?"

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