Because Asgard was invaded by the Frozen Giant, and even directly hit the palace, outsiders didn't know it at all, they just thought that it was Garter who was now in a weak state, and some forces that had been living under the shadow of Odin began to move around. They I think this is a good opportunity to take the opportunity to destroy Asgard.Maybe they can become the new rulers of the Nine Great Kingdoms, and many forces in the kingdoms have begun to rebel. Some of them are motivated by personal ambitions, and some are for the rise of the race.

In this case, Odin would of course send Sol to suppress it. Before leaving, he handed Sol a pendant and told him to carry it no matter what the situation.

At the beginning, Sol thought it was just a protective magical item, but at night, he was pulled into a strange space, and then was forced to fight by a group of strange people, who claimed to be the old man of the third generation of Raikage, who claimed to be the superhero? The girl with the electromagnetic gun Misaka Mikoto, the weirdo of the Eight Heroes, Shermi, and Enel, who is also called Thor, like him, and so on.

Originally, Thor, the god of thunder, is that you are a fighting maniac, and you are not afraid of fighting, but I did not expect that these people are so powerful that they are beaten up every time, and their noses and faces are swollen, and it is obviously in an illusion. Why is the pain so real?

Thor was abused so badly, sometimes he was even beaten by both hands, of course, there are benefits, Sol constantly squeezed his own strength in order to fight back, his combat experience can be said to be improved by leaps and bounds, and he can learn subtle things from these people Skill.

Next, Thor studied in the illusion at night, fought against the rebel enemies during the day, and applied what he learned to actual combat. He won consecutive battles, and unknowingly his strength has become unimaginably strong.

Those who originally thought that Asgard had begun to decline were shocked by Thor's strength. It is not bad to have reached the Heavenly Father level at such a young age, and to be able to flexibly use the power of thunder to this level.

You must know that the power of the thunder attribute is mainly based on strong attack power. Sol is still so young. Once he completely controls his power, he may become a stronger existence than Odin.

It is already tragic enough to be under Odin's pressure for countless years. If there is another Sol, then they will never recover. Some forces have secretly planned to find a chance to kill Sol and relieve a Seriously.

In the next counter-insurgency, Sol was besieged by enemy masters, including several old monsters who hadn't been born for many years.However, after a great battle, Sols was uninjured, and the masters of the siege suffered heavy losses. Only then did they realize that Thor was no longer a baby bird sheltered under Odin's wings, but a real eagle. Having grown up, Saul made a big splash.

Chapter 248 The Cosmic Rubik's Cube Was Robbed

Yang Jian lived her comfortable life as usual every day, and occasionally asked Dabai to help pay attention to S.H.I.E.L.D. in preparation for the next Chitauri invasion.

The thing Yang Jian had been looking forward to finally happened. Loki, the god from Asgard, suddenly appeared, snatched away the Rubik's Cube, gave Nick Fury a combo punch, and knocked out Nick Fury's right-hand man. , Hawkeye betrayed him by control, and Selvig, the chief astronomer who studied the Rubik's Cube, also became the lackey of the opponent, and the research base invested a lot of money was also burned.

While dealing with the chattering Security Council, Nick Fury sent people crazy to find the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube, but unfortunately it didn't work. Loki hid it so well that he couldn't even find a hair. Nick Fury asked some strange people to come Help, take the opportunity to compose the Avengers plan he had planned long ago.

Nick Fury came to Fantasy Technology with a dark face to meet Yang Jian. Of course, his face was originally dark, but this time it was more completely dark, and there was a wound on his head, which made him look extremely haggard.

Nick Fury had a sullen face, and said as soon as they met: "Mr. Yang, the earth has encountered an unprecedented crisis, and now we need your help."

Yang Jian said blankly, "Something happened to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"Uh! You know?" Nick Fury's complexion changed slightly, and he looked cautiously at Yang Jian, wondering if there was any collusion between Yang Jian and Loki?It's just his character to be suspicious of anyone.

"Don't look at me like that, it's normal. I felt strong spatial energy fluctuations before. The only one that can emit such energy fluctuations on earth is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but then it suddenly disappeared and I can't sense it anymore. It should be When you were studying the Rubik's Cube, you inspired its power, sent some dangerous people over, and took away the Rubik's Cube, right?"

Most of the doubts on Nick Fury's face disappeared immediately, but not completely. "Then, can Mr. Yang find a way to find the Rubik's Cube?"

"No way, the person who stole the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is much better than you in the use of space energy, and it hasn't been leaked at all. Where can I find it? It seems that the person who stole the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is not easy."

"Indeed, the person who stole the Rubik's Cube is called Loki. Like Thor, he is a god from Asgard. Not only did he steal the Rubik's Cube, but he can also directly control other people, turning my two men into His faithful lackey."

"Loki, why is he grabbing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? That's a hot potato. Even the god king Odin dare not keep the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hands for a long time, and deliberately throw it on the earth. He has been expelled now, isn't he afraid? Being targeted by the powerful in the universe? This is no different from courting death." Yang Jian pretended to be puzzled and muttered to himself.

Nick Fury's heart skipped a beat. He felt that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was not as simple as he imagined. He quickly asked, "What's the secret of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? Why didn't God King Odin dare to hold it for a long time and throw him on the earth?"

"Of course, at the beginning of the universe, the six singularities condensed into six gemstones, which represent the six most primitive attribute powers in the universe. As long as you can get one and be able to flexibly use the power of that gemstone, it is enough for you Holders become the most powerful group of people in the universe. The most important thing about the Rubik's Cube is the gemstone in the center. It is one of the six infinite gemstones, representing the power of space. In theory, you can travel through the universe with this gemstone. , reach any place you want to go in an instant, when I returned the Rubik's Cube to you, did I give you a device that can hide space fluctuations? Why didn't you use it?"

Nick Fury was a little embarrassed. He had already thrown the device Yang Jian sent aside. The reason was simple. He was worried about what Yang Jian might do with the device. After all, he would never trust anyone.

"Che, people like you just have too many eyes, no matter who you look at, you are a threat. Those who doubt this or that, it's okay now, you study the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, let the gamma energy spread all over the earth, and all the forces with a little background in the universe Detecting your behavior is like a child holding a priceless treasure, and it is still outside, waiting for them to snatch it. It’s like telling people all over the universe that you’re ready for an interstellar war, and it’s no wonder you don’t attract the enemy’s plunder.”

Nick Fury suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that the Rubik's Cube could be related to the interstellar war. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube leaves the earth.

Nick Fury took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said sternly: "Mr. Yang, it is precisely because of such an upside-down situation that the earth is facing a crisis. How can a capable person like you stand idly by at this moment, the earth need you."

Yang Jian shook his head, "Believe me, when it comes to protecting the earth, some people are hotter than you, but they are hiding in the dark, while you are in the light, this matter is not as simple as you think, I have to talk to you first. Discuss other things."

"By others you mean the mages of Karma Taj mentioned earlier? If so, why not have an open and honest talk? We can work together."

"Cooperation? How to cooperate? I don't know what kind of shit you agents are, and you have to listen to the Security Council. If Kama Taj is exposed, with the thinking of politicians, they will try to get Kama Taj They are in control, and there will probably be conflicts at that time, and they have no self-knowledge, and they don't know what will happen in the end, so forget it." Yang Jian looked down on S.H.I.E.L.D. Until now he was unaware of Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D.

"But don't you just ignore it? We are working hard to protect the earth."

"Who said I don't care, but I am using my method to help the earth. In addition, although I can't go directly, but my men can, let Skye and Ivan go with you, they should be able to help Gotta be busy."

"Miss Skye and Ivan Vanke?" Nick Fury was not surprised that Ivan was in Fantasy Technology. Although Fantasy Technology announced that Ivan Vanke stole some precious information and left Fantasy Technology, but A discerning person can tell at a glance that this is a bitter plan. What happened to Hammer Industries made everyone understand that this fantasy technology self-directed and acted in a play for the purpose of annexing the shares of Hammer Industries. Now that the play is over , will naturally return to fantasy technology.

Ivan had a big battle with Iron Man before, and Nick Fury could tell that his nano armor is definitely one or two levels ahead of your Tony's iron suit, and it is indeed a powerful force.

It’s just that Nick Fury doesn’t understand why Skye will join. Because Nick Fury doesn’t know Skye’s ability, in his eyes, Skye is just a good helper who can help in research. It can be regarded as a vase, what is the use of such a person joining in?

"Don't underestimate women, just take them to S.H.I.E.L.D., and you'll know when the time comes." Yang Jian could tell what Nick Fury was thinking at a glance, and didn't bother to explain to him, so he just made a decision.

"Okay, then thank you Mr. Yang for your generosity." Although Yang Jian was not invited, Ivan is also good. As for Skye, it's a good addition. Nick Fury has already made up his mind. The headquarters used Skye as a vase. She arranged a non-dangerous job and sent it back after the end. In the end, Nick Fury committed the problem of judging people by their appearance, but that’s right, who made Skye look too deceptive Woolen cloth!

It's just that when Nick Fury saw Ivan and Skye under the fantasy technology building, his face was a little ugly.

Ivan is fine, at most, his hair is a little sloppy, and he is holding a red metal box in his hand, which may be a steel suit or a powerful weapon, but Skye is dressed casually, so it’s fine if he doesn’t bring anything. Why are you still holding a kitten in your arms?Are you planning to travel?

Nick Fury wished he could drive you away on the spot, Skye, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Who asked him to ask for anything?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Nick Fury took Ivan and Skye out of Fantasy Technology, and then returned to the Fork Headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. in a Quinjet fighter.

After getting off the plane, Nick Fury directly asked one of his agents to take Ivan and Skye to the lounge, and he went directly back to the office. It didn’t take long before he received several good news. The black widow had already taken care of the big Hulk , Coulson also got the playboy Tony, plus Captain America who had been persuaded before, the members of the Avengers in Nick Fury's mind were basically gathered.

Skye and Ivan were the first to come, and they stayed in the lounge obediently. Skye sat on a chair in boredom, gently stroking the kitten in his arms, while Ivan held a red The metal box stood behind Skye, looking like a conscientious bodyguard. The lounge was unusually quiet, and someone came to call them, boarded the Quinjet fighter again, and headed towards the next target.

Not long after, when the weird people brought by Nick Fury got together, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Dr. Banner, Captain America and Black Widow were fine, the key was Iron Man, when he saw Ivan present , his complexion changed immediately, and a murderous aura even burst out from his body.

Ivan was not afraid, the two were deadly enemies, and when they confronted each other, the atmosphere became extremely tense.

Tony stared at Ivan coldly, wishing he could beat him to the ground immediately, and then force him to tell the truth about his parents' death, but when he thought of the other party's more advanced steel suit than his own, plus the The red metal gun may be some kind of powerful weapon that keeps him from acting rashly.

Let him go first this time, the most important thing now is to find a way to relieve the crisis on the earth!Tony kept hinting to himself, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Wow, this isn't Ivan. You really went back and forth and became someone else's bodyguard. Although it's a good job to be a beauty's bodyguard, it's too pretentious. How much is it a month? Do you want it?" If you come to work under my hands, my salary will definitely be higher than your current salary." Although you can't do anything, you can still speak harsh words and stimulate them.

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