Ivan looked at Tony coldly, and said, "I'm defeated!"

"Bastard, who do you think is the defeat? Do you dare to compare with me again?"

"Hmph! The scream of a defeated dog!"

"Shut up, I'm Tony Stark, the most popular man in America."

"The most popular man in America I've stepped on."

Tony flushed with anger, "I am the master of his industry."

"You were trampled under my feet!"

"I'm the richest man in America."

"You were trampled under my feet!"

"I have upgraded a new steel armor, and I will definitely be able to defeat you."

"You were trampled under my feet!"


Ivan, the poisonous tongue, could not keep up with Tony even if he was exhausted, but his short sentence hit Tony Stark's vitals, and Tony was furious and furious, but there was nothing he could do.

At the critical moment, the black widow stepped forward to smooth things over. Tony gradually calmed down, thinking about whether he could use other methods to attack Ivan, and his eyes lit up when he saw Skye.

It's not that Tony can't move when he sees the beautiful woman. In fact, after having Pepper, Tony is no longer as philandering as before. It's just that when he sees Skye and Ivan, Skye is the main one, and Ivan looks like A bodyguard, so is it possible to use Skye to attack Ivan and achieve his own goals?

"Hi! Miss Skye, long time no see, how are you doing recently? You are really getting more and more beautiful."

"I'm fine, thank you for the compliment, of course, it would be better if you could stay away from me."

"Miss Assassin, don't be so ruthless. Is this little cat your pet? It's so cute, let me pet it!"

Tony Stark stretched out his hand to touch Meow in Skye's arms as he said that, but he stopped halfway through reaching out, not because he didn't want to continue touching, but because the kitten had already raised its head at this time, and the eyes were shining. The penetrating dim light frightened him.

The kitten looked at Tony Stark and said, "Boy, if you dare to reach out your hand, I'll just bite it off. Don't blame me when you ask."

Tony Stark froze there, and the surrounding Captain America, Black Widow, and Dr. Banner were also stunned, looking at the kitten in Skye's arms, speechless for a while.

"This is really amazing. A kitten can actually talk, am I dreaming?" Tony Stark reacted first, retracted his hand and sighed and said a few words.

"Is it amazing to be able to talk? There's nothing to make a fuss about. Also, don't call me Kitty, my name is Meow."

"Uh, meow! Such a cute name, you should be the most amazing cat on earth, right?"

"You're a good ass, but unfortunately, I'm not. If you want to say that the most amazing cat should be another guy, I will be ranked second at most."

"What? Is there a second talking cat in this world?"

"Although that guy can't speak, in terms of magic, she is indeed above me. Her stomach is connected to a dimensional universe. If she wants, she can swallow the entire earth in a very short time."

"Swallow the earth, how is this possible? I don't believe it." Tony couldn't help but screamed. The black widow, Captain America, and Dr. Banner next to him were also shocked, but they didn't quite believe it.

Chapter 249 Capture Loki

In fact, Iron Man's reaction is normal. After all, what Meow Meow said is really hard for them to accept. If there is really a cat that can swallow the earth, it will be too scary.

Miao Miao glanced at Iron Man and the others, and said indifferently: "What I'm saying is the truth, it doesn't matter if you don't believe it, of course, if you want to ask for proof, there is a way, you can go directly to that black bald head, his eyes are the ones that were caught The cat was scratched.

With the current level of treatment on the earth, it is not difficult to treat one eye, but the cat has magical powers. After being scratched by her, it can not only affect the human body, but also affect the soul. It cannot be cured at all, so he Only then did he become a one-eyed dragon, usually wearing a blindfold to play cool. "

Black Widow and the others glanced at each other, with a thought in their hearts, was Nick Fury's eye really scratched by a cat?Maybe you should really ask.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, at this moment the door was pushed open, Nick Fury strode in, he heard the report from his subordinates, Tony and Yi started arguing, Nick Fury hurried over to smooth things over, but look In the situation before him, the quarrel seemed to be over, but everyone looked at him strangely.

"Everyone, let's put aside personal grievances first. Now is the time for the survival of the earth. We must work together to overcome this difficulty. Everyone calm down first."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he found that everyone was still staring at him, and all their attention was focused on his blindfold.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ahem!" Tony coughed twice, and finally she couldn't help but asked, "Nick, I'm asking a very important question, and you must answer it truthfully."

"It depends on what you are asking, if it involves the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"Stop! This matter should not be considered a secret. I just want to ask, how did your eyes go blind?"

Nick Fury couldn't help but reached out and touched his blindfold. He didn't expect Tony to have this problem. After thinking about it, he said lightly: "I was accidentally scratched by a cat when I was doing a task."

"That should be an ordinary cat, otherwise why your eyes haven't been cured until now."

Nick Fury's complexion tightened, and he thought to himself: Does he know something?No, it's impossible, Yuan Devourer's information is top secret, and it's impossible to leak it after so many years.

"It's nothing special. It's just an ordinary cat. I was too careless to be scratched by him."

Looking at Nick Fury who was performing hard there, Tony said coldly: "Ordinary cats can't swallow the earth."

boom!Nick Fury couldn't help feeling dizzy for a while, he knew it, he really knew it!How exactly did it leak?

"Tony, what did you do? How did you know these secrets? Could it be that you hacked into my S.H.I.E.L.D. database? This is no small matter."

Listening to Nick Fury's extremely stern voice, everyone understood that what Meow Meow said before was true. It turned out that there really is such a cat that can swallow the entire earth. This world is too dangerous.

Nick Fury put his hands behind his waist, and even wanted to bring the gun. Natasha was startled, and hurried over to pull Nick Fury aside, and whispered what happened.

In this way, Nick Fury focused his energy on Miaomiao again, "What are you? Are you also a Yuan Devourer?"

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