The metal box opened automatically, revealing a mass of white objects, and then there was a sound of inflation, and soon a white "balloon" appeared in front of everyone, walked out with two short legs, and greeted everyone cutely: "Everyone Well, I'm Dabai, nice to meet you!"

Chapter 250 Explaining Mechanical Life

"Wow, it's an intelligent robot, very advanced, and it looks very cute and dark." Tony looked at Dabai carefully, and put his head on Dabai's body, and carefully looked inside.Seeing a metal skeletal structure carefully scrutinizing its internal bones,

"Hello, Mr. Stark, thank you for your compliment, but I want to declare that I am not as simple as an intelligent robot!"

"Why, is there anything magical about you?"

Dabai raised his left hand, and the white polyvinyl alcohol fiber layer on the surface was separated from the palm to reveal the metal skeleton, "Sir, you only need to let Jarvis scan it, and you will know how different I am."

Tony Stark looked at Ivan and Skye curiously. This is the robot they brought. If you scan at will without the permission of the other party, it is provocative in some ways, so it is best to ask for their consent. .

"Dabai can make his own decisions about this matter." Of course Skye knew about Dabai's specialness. Yang Jian told him a long time ago that Dabai is a real life form, a silicon-based life form, so don't treat him as a tool.

Seeing Skye's attitude, Tony Stark no longer hesitated, raised his left hand, and the watch on his wrist shot out a beam of light, slowly sweeping across Dabai's exposed metal skeleton.

"Oh! God! It's amazing, it's incredible. If I didn't have accurate data, I would suspect that I made a mistake." Jarvis's electronic synthesis suddenly sounded. I don't know if it was an illusion. One could hear a kind of human joy in Jarvis's voice.

"Hey! Jarvis, should you upgrade again? Do you need to make such a fuss? Tell me what happened to you?" Tony Stark was very dissatisfied. Didn't Jarvis's performance embarrass him? ?

"DNA! Sir, it's DNA! A robot actually has DNA, which means that he is not a simple intelligent robot, but a real living body."


As long as everyone present has a little knowledge, they can understand what a robot with DNA represents?Then he is no longer a cold machine, but a real life, with feelings, thoughts, and goals, and maybe he can reproduce like a human being.

Especially people with super high IQs like Tony Stark and Bannerbo think more. Compared with human beings, mechanical life forms have greater advantages. As long as their bodies are not damaged, they can have endless lives. Can evolve infinitely, can control advanced equipment through the network, control machines first, have more powerful power than humans...

If there are enough of these mechanical life forms, can they replace humans?In the future, there will be conflicts with human beings. Will human beings have a chance of winning?

Afterwards, Nick Fury and the others also reacted. Although they tried their best to hide it, there was still a trace of fear in their eyes, and it seemed that Dabai's eyes were more guarded.

Seeing the appearance of the crowd, Ivan also guessed their thoughts, and immediately explained: "Your worries are unnecessary, Dabai's situation is quite special, it is transformed into a living body after being radiated by a magical power, that kind of energy It is limited, and it is impossible to have too many silicon-based life forms. In addition, the consciousness of the transformed target will also be affected by the environment. For example, Jarvis, who has always existed as the steward of the Stark family, if transformed As a mechanical life form, he will also instinctively position himself as the steward of the Stark family, and the information that Jarvis had contact with other people before being transformed into a life form will gradually develop his own feelings."

"That is to say, once Jarvis transforms into a real life body, everything we have in the past will become an emotional bond, and he will become my family." Stark asked eagerly, and he didn't care at this time The grievances between himself and Ivan are over.

Ivan gave Tony a sideways glance, "About this, I have to say that you are very lucky. Jarvis was originally programmed by your father according to his original butler template, and later upgraded by two generations of you. , I have established a deep connection with you, and I am infinitely close to intelligent life. If you make him an indestructible steel body, it will immediately become a powerful helper.

"When I was in Morocco before, that deformed car was also..."

"No! That car is just an experimental product. I wanted to try to see if I could create a mechanical life form in other ways, but unfortunately failed. The car is only controlled by an intelligent program, and it can barely move between the two forms of a car and a robot. transition, not real life."

Tony bowed his head and thought about it, thinking about the possibility of making his own Jarvis a real life body, but to achieve this, he still needs the kind of energy that Ivan said, but as far as the relationship between the two parties is concerned, he wants to learn from each other. I'm afraid it's impossible to get it in your hand.

Although Ivan made it very clear that Dabai would not be a dangerous factor, Nick Fury, as the king of secret agents, made the old habit of threatening everyone again, "Mr. Vanke, I also hope that what you said is true, but There are some things we have to be cautious about, so I hope you can agree..."

"Sorry, if you said that you want us to hand over Dabai to do research, please don't open your mouth, we don't agree." Ivan didn't wait for Nick Fury to finish speaking to know what he meant, and refused without hesitation up.

"You have to understand how serious this matter is, and it is very likely to endanger the earth and the entire human race."

"Dabai is not a tool, but our friend. He has his own thoughts, and we will not let him be your guinea pig."

Ivan refused categorically. On the one hand, he had a good relationship with Dabai, and he was indeed a friend. He didn't want Dabai to be in danger. On the other hand, even if he wanted to agree, it was not up to Ivan to decide, it had to be Yang Jian's decision. Attitude, before Yang Jian said anything, Ivan's position was still on Dabai's side.

Nick Fury was in a terrible mood, and there seemed to be an evil fire in his chest. If he didn't have a trace of reason, he would have ordered the agents to control Ivan and Kai immediately.

"Everyone, please calm down first, and Chief Fury, I have something very important to say." Unexpectedly, it was Dabai who opened the mouth to adjust.

"What important thing?" Nick Fury couldn't do anything, Dabai gave him a step, and he naturally followed the trend.

"Mr. Saul mentioned the Chitauri people just now. This is a big trouble."

Sol doesn't believe you, he is just the heir of Asgard, he also has some knowledge of some alien forces, and the Kirita star is one of them.

"It's a big trouble, isn't it? The Chitauri are not very strong, are they?"

"Indeed, although the Chitauris belong to mechanical organisms, have cutting-edge technological weapons, and huge Leviathan beasts, their individual strength is not very strong, and their greatest advantage is their quantity. As long as there are enough materials , can completely recreate an endless Chitauri army, not afraid of death at all, if they want to attack the earth, they must open the space gate, as long as we guard the space gate, the earth has a great chance of winning, but the problem is that the Chitauri is behind Master, that is the destroying titan Thanos."

"Thanos! Damn it! How could it be that guy? Did Loki cooperate with Thanos?"

Sol's face clearly showed anxiety. After he awakened the real power of Thor, he was indeed a little arrogant. Odin was worried that he was too proud, so he told him about some powerful existences in the universe, specifically explaining the power of Thanos. , and clearly told Sol that with his current strength, he is no match for Thanos at all.

"Sol, don't panic, what's going on with that Thanos? Tell us clearly." Nick Fury saw that Saul from University had this expression, but he didn't pull up in his heart, but he didn't look like that on the surface. Put on your face, pretend to be calm and ask for information about Thanos.

"Thanos is an overlord in the universe. He has countless powerful men and countless armies of various races. He leads his army to fight and kill in the universe. However, he is a bit strange. After capturing a planet, he puts The planet's life is divided into two, kill half and leave half, I don't know what to think."

Nick Fury, Captain America, Iron Man and others looked at each other, but they didn't expect such a strange person.

"About Thanos' strange behavior, I do know the reason." Dabai said cutely, and immediately attracted everyone's attention, "Thanos believes that the resources in the universe are limited, and there are too many lives in the universe today. , has been overwhelmed, so half of life must be destroyed to save this universe.”

"What! Who does he think he is, the savior? Why decide the fate of others without authorization!" Captain America couldn't help but retort. He couldn't understand this kind of behavior the most, and the Red Skull was the same way back then.

Although Iron Man can't understand veterans like Captain America, this time he agrees with his words, "Indeed, if the life resources on a planet are exhausted and they are facing a desperate situation, they will find a way to find another way out. Why should they be destroyed? Ba will definitely think that killing half of the lives is the way out."

There was a hint of surprise in Sol's eyes, "It's no wonder Thanos' behavior is so weird, but why did he have such an idea?"

"I heard that the Titan star where Thanos originally lived faced the same situation, because there were too many people on the planet and there was not enough food. At that time, Thanos proposed a solution. He made a choice to kill half of the lives to ensure the survival of the tribe. Of course, his anger was rejected. A few years later, the Titans perished, and Thanos was expelled because of his crazy proposal. Instead, he became the only one. survivors."

The people present were silent for a moment. Thanos is a pitiful person. Of course, pity does not mean that he agrees with Thanos’ thoughts. If they have the opportunity, they will get rid of Thanos without hesitation. This kind of person is too dangerous up.

"Dabai, it sounds strange to me, how do you know these things?" Skye asked curiously.

"The information was given to me by the boss. There are many secrets in the universe, including Thanos."

"That's it, then do you know why Thanos will stare at the earth?"

"It should be for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem. He is one of the six infinite gems. Thanos' purpose is to kill half of life and save the universe. But with his power, he can kill one planet after another. In the past, it took too long, maybe he wanted to find a simple way, if he could get six infinite stones, these are the six most original energies at the beginning of the universe, if they can be used reasonably, they can should be able to easily wipe out half of the life in the universe."

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