The scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone present was frightened. How could there be such a perverted thing?

"Wait, the power of the Infinity Stones is not so easy to control. Even if it is one, it is extremely difficult to control the energy in it, let alone six?" Sol suddenly remembered Odin and him. Having said about the infinite gems, I had doubts in my heart, so I immediately asked.

"Others may not be able to, but Thanos is a family of Eternal Titans. He was an omniscient and omnipotent race in the universe. No one knows what knowledge he has passed on. In addition to his powerful body, he can control the energy of the six infinite gems. Strange isn't it?"

Sol thought for a moment and nodded, "That's true."

"Do the Infinity Stones really have such a powerful power?" Nick Fury asked in a trembling voice.

"If the information my boss gave me is correct, yes."

"Damn it, Fury, you shouldn't be studying the Rubik's Cube." Captain America couldn't maintain a flat expression, and became a little frustrated.

"You think I think that the earth is becoming more and more dangerous. What happened in the small town of Mexico before proves that we humans are not alone. The earth must have deterrent weapons."

"So you messed up!" Saul couldn't help but said.

"Shut up, it's not because of you!"

"Me?" Saul was upset, why did he blame himself.

"It's because of you high-ranking people from God's Domain! When you came to Earth, you involved the grievances between your brothers here, causing an innocent town to be razed to the ground. This made us panic for a while, so we started the story of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Research."

Sol is already trying to learn how to become a qualified god-king, not wanting to cause diplomatic disputes, he justified: "Asgard once protected the earth, we have no malicious intentions."

"But you are not alone in the universe, and your position cannot be eternal. There are too many threats in the universe, and human beings are too weak."

"It's an old habit that everyone is dangerous! It's just like what the boss said!" Ivan couldn't help but sighed.

When Nick Fury heard Ivan's words, he immediately pointed at Ivan: "And you, Ivan Vanke, you are a dangerous person yourself, and your boss is even more mysterious. Who knows what he is planning?"

"You mean Mr. Yang?" Saul saw Nick Fury nodding, and immediately said: "You don't have to worry about this day at all, Yang Jian is friends with Master Gu Yi, and Master Gu Yi has guarded the earth for hundreds of years and has been protecting the earth for hundreds of years. Working hard to protect human beings, Mr. Yang can get the approval of Master Gu Yi, so how can he do something that threatens the earth to go online."

The captain, Stark and Banner, the three of them didn't know for some reason, and the captain asked, "Who is the Ancient One mage you are talking about?"

Nick Fury said: "It is said that it is the supreme mage of Karma Taj, a mage organization, but it is secretive and refuses to come to the front desk. Who knows what conspiracy is there?"

"Why are you like this again? Don't doubt others casually." The captain was also a little angry.

"Look, because of an unknown person, Captain America, who is a symbol of justice, has turned his back... It's really dangerous." Nick Fury darkened his face and glared at Steve.

Stark smiled sarcastically: "You think too much, not everyone is a potential threat."

"Now Captain America is a potential threat! What about the big green guy?"

"That's more of an unsettling factor, who knows when he's going to get angry."

"You are slandering..."

"I just prepared for the worst for the planet."


The few people who were arguing did not notice that the gems dotted on Loki's scepter were emitting a twilight, and invisible waves were rippling around, but everyone who was enveloped was full of depression, evil thoughts, anger, jealousy, Emotions such as arrogance breed, and debates and doubts soon turn into quarrels, which are almost out of control and may develop into a fight at any time.

Chapter 251 Chaos

"Dididi! I found a strange energy affecting the human brain, and cleared it immediately."

hum! !

Seeing that everyone was arguing about to get out of control, Dabai suddenly raised his hand and released a low-pitched sound wave, which seemed ordinary, but in the ears of Iron Man and the others, it was like Hong Zhong Dalu.

At this moment, the anger, jealousy and other emotions in Nick Fury, Iron Man, Captain America and others receded quickly like a tide, and they regained their clarity in an instant.

Everyone looked at each other, some didn't understand what happened just now, but they were smart people after all, and they quickly realized that their behavior just now was obviously wrong, as if they were controlled by something.

"What's going on? What's the matter with us?" Nick Fury turned his head and stared at Dabai and asked, since Dabai can bring them back to their senses, he must know what's going on.

Dabai pointed to the scepter seized from Loki next to him and said: "This scepter releases a mysterious energy, it seems to be able to arouse negative emotions in human beings, and continuously amplify these emotions, It is a kind of mental attack, you are affected, and your temper is particularly violent, I helped you clear this energy."

"Damn it! Dog... son of a bitch Loki, no wonder this bastard was caught by us so easily. It turned out that he had planned it beforehand and wanted us to kill each other and defeat us from the inside." Tony Stark couldn't bear it. I kept cursing, and instantly understood the cause and effect.

"Shut up, he's my brother, don't scold him." Although Sol was also very angry, he couldn't let others scold his brother.

"Hmph, he killed hundreds of people in one day."

"Uh! Actually, he was adopted!"

puff!Skye couldn't help laughing, but seeing other people looking over, he quickly showed a serious look and said, "Then why are Ivan and I okay? It doesn't feel strange."

When everyone was arguing before, although Ivan was targeted, he did not show any abnormalities. Even if he was ridiculed by Nick Fury, he pretended not to hear it, and stood behind Skye from beginning to end. Zai has been stroking the cat there, completely ignoring it.

Dabai looked at the necks of Skye and Ivan, "You have the boss's amulet on your body, which can resist the influence of this kind of spiritual energy."

Skye, Ivan touched his neck almost at the same time, and pulled the red rope around his neck, revealing a small pendant carved from jade. Although they are all made of jade, it is obvious that Skye, Skye's one is more beautiful .

This is a gadget that Yang Jian gave them before. They thought it was an ordinary decoration, but they didn't expect it to have such a function.

Tie Xia and the others glanced enviously, but they didn't say much. It's useless to envy anyone who makes someone have a good boss.

"But that's not right, and there's her, why hasn't she been affected?" Skye put the pendant around his neck back, pointed to Natasha and asked.

Just now Skye had been sitting in the corner without moving, watching everyone clean up. Natasha, like him, did not participate in the quarrel from beginning to end, like a transparent person.

Dabai glanced at Natasha and said: "Normally, anyone would be affected by this weird energy, but some people are more resistant to it, and she hasn't changed at all from the beginning to the end, which can only explain one thing, She has experienced too much despair, suffered the most painful things in her life, and was able to recover from these blows, and these negative emotions are not worth mentioning to her."

Everyone couldn't help but tremble when they heard the words. Have they experienced too much pain and darkness?Including Captain Misato, they looked at Natasha with a little more admiration. They have personally experienced how perverted the negative emotional impact is. They have all been recruited, and only Natasha resisted with her own strength. It shows that the other party has experienced more painful and dark things than them, but how difficult it is to still maintain a normal mentality under such circumstances.

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