"Director Fury, this energy cube can release a kind of radiant energy to transform lifeless metal mechanical bodies into real life. However, because the energy is limited, we must find someone to cooperate with it. Please put it on now. This helmet, I will start the instrument to transform immediately."

"Wait, you mean that the space carrier will transform into a mechanical life form? Just like you?" Nick Fury took the helmet, but didn't put it on immediately, wanting to ask clearly first.

"No, there is still a big difference between us, because the space carrier is too big, there is not so much energy for complete conversion, so it will form a half-life body, and only a very weak consciousness, In this case, it must be replaced by you. It is completely dominated by your consciousness, which is equivalent to the soul of the Helicarrier. Only when you are with him is it complete, and only you can completely control it. Time is running out, this is a deal, you haven't paid what our boss wants, won't lie to you."

Nick Fury gritted his teeth, put the helmet on his head, Dabai nodded in satisfaction, and directly activated the instrument, and the block embedded in it turned into a ball of energy and spread out, spreading rapidly to every part of the Helicarrier like an electric current .

The Sky Carrier shook, and then the metal of the hull suddenly began to move, and cracks began to appear on the hull. The entire hull was full of collapses and bulges, and soon changed from a complete hull to a messy aggregate of parts, gradually changing its shape , gradually shrinking from a boat shape to an irregular circle.

Then a completely shocking scene appeared. A metal arm of unknown length protruded from the Helicarrier, followed by another metal arm, then the legs, the head, and a pair of mechanical wings appeared on the back. For a minute, no one made any sound, and there was a gurgling sound when the flying aircraft carrier deformed.

A minute later, a huge metal robot with a height of more than [-] meters appeared in everyone's eyes, just floating at an altitude of several kilometers, watching the picture transmitted by the satellite, everyone who saw this scene fell into a state of shock. In the silence, there was no sound.

After a long while, the giant robot that had just been activated and transformed did its work, and its eyes were emitting electronic red light, showing a kind of humanized confusion. Looking down at his hands, the huge mechanical body Standing in the air, it seems that you can grasp the clouds in your hands when you reach out. There are a pair of huge mechanical wings on the back, and two turbines in the middle.

If Yang Jian saw it, he would find that the shape was very similar to the wings of the villain vulture in Spiderman. With a slight flap, the clouds in the sky were blown away. It seemed that he was worried about being discovered, and the robot instinct activated the invisible state. The ability comes from the background plate device of the Helicarrier.

At this time, the transformed giant robot is under the control of Nick Fury's consciousness, and still retains the original internal space. The operator still stays inside and can understand all the situation through the computer, although Nick Fury has a feeling that at any time Use authority to throw them out, but didn't do it.

In addition, several planes were placed inside the Helicarrier but were not converted. Due to insufficient energy, it is already very difficult to complete the transformation of the Helicarrier, so it cannot be wasted.

I really turned into a steel giant. This feeling is so wonderful. By the way, I don’t know if the steel giant can return to the form of an empty sky carrier.

Nick Fury had this idea just now, and it seemed that there was a faint consciousness coming from him. After accepting his order, the giant robot with a height of [-] meters changed again, its limbs folded and contracted, and the pair of mechanical wings on the back also merged into it. In the body, the mechanical feathers are interspersed and gathered together to form two turbines, plus the four square positions of the two turbines in the middle of the wings, which are integrated into the interior of the sky space, folded continuously, and finally re-formed into the sky mother shape of the ship.

At this time, the turbine of the space carrier that was originally destroyed has fully recovered, as if it grew directly.

In fact, it is not wrong to say that it grows out. After being activated by the energy cube, the Transformers have the ability to grow, just like Optimus Prime in the fourth Transformers. At the beginning, it was just a damaged truck. After being able to recover, the original damaged parts are automatically repaired, and it looks like they have grown out.

Inside the Helicarrier, Nick Fury opened his eyes again, took off his helmet and put it aside, turned around and found that the surrounding operators were staring at him dumbfounded, thinking of the 200-meter-high steel that he had seen through the satellite before. The giant is really shocking.

At this moment, Nick Fury was also very excited. Although he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he usually doesn’t need to do it himself, he just needs to sit in command, but who doesn’t have a superhero dream? Nick Fury is no exception, but his previous strength Insufficient, weak-hearted, and now his passionate wish has finally come true. Thinking about the feeling of transforming into a steel giant and controlling a powerful force just now, Nick Fury is no longer concerned about the next alien invasion. So worry, this is confidence.

Nick Fury took a deep breath to calm down his excitement, turned his head to look at Dabai, Skye and the others said: "Now I understand why you were unwilling to use this power before? It is indeed very powerful and amazing , it’s unbelievable.”

Dabai's gentle voice sounded, "It seems that Director Fury is very satisfied with this transaction, so I hope you don't forget your promise, etc. One of the scepter and the Rubik's Cube belongs to us."

"Don't worry, I mean what I say. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube belongs to Asgard. I plan to return it. As for the scepter, I can keep it as a trophy and hand it over to you at that time. I can make the decision." Nick Fury felt This time he has already taken advantage of it. Although the scepter is amazing, he doesn't think it can match his harvest this time. He has no idea that the gem on the scepter is actually one of the six infinite gems.

"Director Fury is a cheerful person, we can trust it, so let's just say that..."

"Thank you for your trust. Speaking of it, we still made money."

"It's just that everyone gets what they need, and no one loses and no one earns."


Looking at Dabai and Nick Fury who were talking non-stop there, Captain America couldn't stand it any longer, "Okay, stop flattering each other here, let's find a way to find Loki first, he's probably ready to open it now The space door has been opened, but I just don’t know where to start.”

Iron Man also agreed, "It is true that the key now is to catch Loki, the scepter is not your trophy yet."

Nick Fury was a little embarrassed, he was indeed a little arrogant, thought for a while, "The whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube is unknown, Dr. Banner is also lost, and Thor, who is thrown by Loki, does not know where to go. Intelligence organization, there is nothing I can do, do you have any good ideas?"

The superheroes looked at each other in dismay. They gathered together full of ambition, but they were easily manipulated by Loki, and they were easily provoked into fighting each other, so that they fell into the current end.

"Maybe we can use the method of elimination. Activating the Rubik's Cube requires a huge amount of energy. There are not many places in the world that meet this condition." Ivan said, glanced at Stark, and added with a half-smile: "For example, Tucker Tower!"

Stark said angrily: "What do you mean? Why is it my building, and the Magic Technology Building is also okay?"

"First of all, the fantasy technology building is a super stronghold built by my boss, who knows how much work he has done there, how many mysterious means have been arranged, I don't think Loki can break through the defense.

Secondly, Rocky Rocky is an egomaniac, smug and vain.This kind of person is eager for flowers and applause, and wants everyone to witness his victory. He needs an audience, and by the way, let his name stand high, which is very similar to someone! "

Natasha thought that Ivan was deliberately satirizing Iron Man, and couldn't help smoothing things over: "Now is not the time to talk about Mr. Stark's bad character, these are not important."

"No, this is very important." Unexpectedly, it was Stark himself who spoke this time. Does he agree with Ivan's evaluation of him just now?

Everyone looked at Tony with weird faces, but he himself didn't care, and said to himself: "I have counted the world, and there is no place with a more ostentatious personality than Stark Tower...that bastard bastard!"

After Iron Man finished speaking, he immediately rushed out of the meeting room, put on some tattered steel suit and flew out of the Helicarrier.

Nick Fury's complexion also changed, and he immediately yelled at the communicator: "Mobilize the satellite immediately, I want to see Stark Tower."

Soon the big screen in front of everyone showed the picture of the top of the Stark Building. Dr. Selvig was building a strange-shaped instrument. After he pressed the button, a blue energy shield wrapped the space gem, and the whole building All the power of the Stark Building was concentrated on the top floor, the nearby buildings were affected, and all the communication power was evacuated.

It's really Stark Tower, yes, it fits Loki's character very well. Although the Fantasy Technology Building is good in comparison, its construction style is low-key, not as ostentatious as Stark Tower, so it was naturally chosen by Rocky.

"Damn! Contact the headquarters immediately and send everyone to Stark Tower."

Seeing the space gem starting to activate in the screen, Nick Fury slapped the table and yelled, and the superheroes immediately got up and rushed to New York.

Chapter 254 The Battle of New York

Captain America, Black Widow, the newly recovered Hawkeye, and Skye and Meowth took the plane to New York. Dabai, Ivan and Iron Man have already taken a step ahead with their iron armor.

As for the space carrier, although it has been repaired, its speed is much slower than that of the Kun-jet fighter and Iron Man. Although the thrusters have been overloaded, they are still far behind.

On the Quinjet fighter plane, Skye looked at the resolute Captain America sitting in front of him, and thought that Yang Jian had given her something before coming to S.H.I.E.L.D. Now it seems that the earth may really encounter an unprecedented crisis, and perhaps it is time to make up our minds.

Skye took out a blood-red injection from his pocket, took a serious look, and then said to Captain America in front: "Captain, this is for you, maybe you will use it."

Captain America turned his head to look at Skye, stunned for a moment, took the injection instinctively, and asked, "What is this?"

"It can let you get powerful things, but there are some sequelae, only people with faith and determination can use them, and after injection into the body, there will be severe pain, if you can't bear it, you may die, so you don't have to. Don't use it lightly."

Captain America didn't care about Skye's possible death, and carefully put away the injection. For Captain America, if necessary, he can give everything he has without hesitation. The noble qualities of Captain America I admire.

"Then can you tell me what I will look like after the injection? Will I also become a big green man like Dr. Banner?" He was obviously talking about his own life and death, but Captain America didn't have any sense of urgency at all. On the contrary, he said it very relaxed.

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