At this time, other people in the plane also turned to look at Skye, waiting for her answer. Skye and the others have a lot of good things in their hands, not to mention the steel suit, which was able to transform the Helicarrier into a mechanical life before. The energy cubes of the body are even more precious, and the injection that they have taken out now should not be a simple thing, and they are also very curious.

"It will indeed make you a big man, even bigger than the Hulk, a huge armored giant, but it is a little different. To be precise, it should be at the cost of consuming your body's life energy to form a unique Matter, wrap you in it to form a huge armored giant, the size depends entirely on your ability to bear, once your energy is exhausted, you will pass out, the armored giant will vaporize and dissipate, and return to its original state... "

Yes, the injection that Skye gave to Captain America was a giant transforming potion researched in the world of Attack on Giants. Allen's father was able to create giants in a technologically underdeveloped world like the world of giants. Yang Jian has a better ability. Of course, there is no problem. After some research, this higher-quality huge transformation potion has been produced. There must be some side effects, but Huachang is within an acceptable range, and it is for others to use anyway. Yes, even if there is a problem, the fellow daoist will never die. Yang Jian only cares about the poor daoist.

With Captain America’s physical fitness after being injected with super serum, he should be able to recover even if he was damaged by the giant serum. As for the transformation into a giant, the spirit will be tested like never before, and even collapse. This is just for others. Captain America is a legend. Even when his body was still weak, he had a heart that never gave up and was extremely firm. Now it is no problem, and he can definitely bear it.


At the top of the Stark Building in New York, as Dr. Selvig activated the device, a blue beam of light soared into the sky, hitting a void in the clouds more than [-] meters above the ground, and the space twisted as if melting. A black hole appeared at the middle point, and then expanded into a circle in an instant, and a space black hole with a diameter of about tens of meters appeared in the blink of an eye. It stabilized at a high altitude, and the hole projected a brilliant cosmic star.

Originally, New York citizens were enjoying a busy day, but a disaster suddenly struck. Amidst the stunned expressions, bursts of screams sounded from the black hole.

At the other end of the space channel, in the void universe of a certain galaxy that is light-years away from the earth, there is a huge battleship like a starry fortress suspended in the silent starry sky, and countless biomechanical bodies with unknown life forms float around and swim back and forth.

The Chitauris are a locust-like invading race. The number of these half-biological, half-mechanical monsters is innumerable. Some drive airships, and some hide in Leviathan monsters specially used for transportation.

Leviathan is a monster that can swim freely in the universe. After transformation, its body is covered with hideous and terrifying solid armor, gray stiff muscles, and its huge mouth that occasionally opens is full of sharp teeth. It almost wants to choose people. There are countless Chitauri people hanging from the ribs on both sides of it, all of them are wearing armor and have hideous faces, their bloodthirsty and fierce eyes exude murderous intent, and the whole void is shivering under this murderous intent trembling.

The Chitauri were full of desire for destruction. When the space channel opened in the void, everyone was boiling. They had waited for too long. When I saw the earth through the channel, they finally acted.


Countless Chitauri swarmed out like locusts, drilled out of the tunnel, poured into the sky above New York, shouted loudly, and shot towards the city frantically. It was too urgent, and the people of New York did not have time to retreat. What they faced was the merciless bloody massacre of the Chitauri, which quickly turned into a hell on earth.

The first to catch up were Iron Man, Dabai, and Ivan. Iron Man seemed to have returned to Stark Tower, hurriedly changed into a new armor, and tried to destroy the instrument that opened the space channel, but obviously failed. The three of them Don't talk nonsense and fly directly to the sky, fighting with the Chitauri's vanguard.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The sound of explosions was endless, and the sky was filled with flames. Stark's shoulders bounced off and dozens of small tracking bombs flew out. There were bumps on Ivan's body, and energy cannons shot one after another. Dabai was made of shock gold materials The battle armor, combined with telekinetic power, rushed into the enemy group to kill and kill, and successfully wiped out a wave of Zeta Swiss soldiers. Unfortunately, the number of the enemy and us is too large, and the three of them have to constantly avoid energy attacks. Their offensive can only last for a while. In half a minute, he was chased and fled.

Zita Swiss Soldiers poured out of the space channel continuously, and spread out in the air vehicle.

However, there are exceptions. The Fantasy Technology Building, which is only a few streets away from the Stark Tower, was also attacked by the Zeta Swiss soldiers, but they soon regretted it and returned home one by one.

At the top of the fantasy science and technology building, Jin Bing holds a cane and sits on a chair with a big horse and a golden knife. The thugs raise an energy cannon weighing hundreds of kilograms, point it at a Leviathan steel giant, and press the button. A thick beam of energy shot out, just hitting the target, and the shattered head of the Leviathan steel giant fell from the air.

Jin Bin's move was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The densely packed Zita Swiss soldiers drove the airship towards the fantasy technology building, but Jin Bin had already prepared for it. With an order, ten super soldiers made by Yang Jian were dispatched one after another. They are all wearing exoskeleton armor and various advanced weapons.Almost armed to the teeth, distributed around the fantasy technology building, fighting with the Zeta Swiss soldiers.

It is worth mentioning that the old man Anton Vanke came to talk about being a teenager, and he actually wore a special steel battle suit, flying around in the sky, fighting with the Chitauri star, and even shocked him with his own strength. The defensive power of the golden battle armor directly collided with the enemy's airship, smashing the opponent to pieces.

Seeing his father's wild behavior, Ivan almost had a heart attack from fright, and quickly told his father to take it easy in the communicator, he was really afraid that his father would have an accident.

Jin Bing leads a group of super fighters who can barely guarantee the safety of the fantasy technology building, but there is nothing they can do elsewhere. After all, their number is limited. Facing the countless Chitauri army, it is already the limit to ensure the safety of their own site.

The three of Iron Man, Ivan and Dabai cooperate with each other, which can be described as a tacit understanding, which is somewhat unexpected, but it seems to make sense when you think about it carefully.

There is a saying, the one who knows you best is often your enemy, Iron Man turned around and flew in a certain direction, Ivan didn't look back, and directly shot out an energy beam to open the way for him.

Facing the siege of several Chitauri airships, Ivan pulled out two long whips and destroyed several airships in the front direction. Just as the airship behind him was about to attack Ivan, Iron Man's attack followed.

Iron Man and Ivan, the fateful opponents, have no intention of stumbling each other at this moment. They often think of each other as enemies, and study each other's abilities and habits. After a long time, they understand each other better than anyone else, so Being able to easily guess the other party's next move, there is a basis for cooperation in this way, and the two sides are seamless.

As for Dabai, although the coordination is a little rusty, it is not good. Dabai relies on the advantages of mere mechanical life, calculates the fighting style of Iron Man and Ivan through the data, actively integrates into it and cooperates with them, and the efficiency of killing the enemy Not bad.

The difference from the original plot is that because Loki destroyed the turbine of the space carrier before leaving, in order to transform the space carrier into mechanical life, Dabai spent some time, Iron Man, Ivan and the others rushed to Stark Tower At that time, the space channel has been opened, and Loki has disappeared. Only Dr. Selvig is busy there. The only advantage is that Iron Man doesn't have to become a chokeman and be thrown out of the building by Loki. So where did Loki go?

In a restaurant only two streets away from Stark Tower, Loki sat at the dining table, staring at a blonde beauty in front of him with an ugly face, and there were four people of different shapes lying beside him, including gangsters, There are waiters, there are policemen, they've all blended into the past.

"Who are you?" Loki asked angrily.

Loki had no choice but to be angry. Originally, his plan went smoothly. According to the plot he expected, he should open the space channel, summon the Chitauri army, conquer the earth, let everyone surrender under his feet, and then let Soo Well, these superheroes become their own captives.

But just now, Loki received an inexplicable call, and came here unknowingly. When he woke up, he found that he had walked into the restaurant. Influenced by his power, he was played by others.

Who is he?The second prince of Asgard, the aloof god Loki, is best at magic, and the scepter in his hand is even better at mind control. He is usually the one who teases others, and when has he been teased by others.

Rocky, who was furious, of course wanted to find out who dared to attack him, and then met a uniformed policeman in the restaurant. Rocky stopped him without hesitation, and then used the spare scepter to control the other party , but I didn't expect that when the scepter was tapped on the opponent's chest, the opponent passed out directly.

When Loki was wondering why his scepter stunned people instead of controlling the other person's mind, another gangster walked in outside the restaurant, speaking in the same tone as the previous policeman.

Loki didn't believe in evil, and used magic to control the other party for the second time, and then he passed out again, and then the waiter sat in front of him again, in the same tone as before, Loki tried twice more, fainted two people, and finally sat down The one in front of him became this blonde beauty.

At this time, Loki of course understood that these waiters, policemen, and blond women were all controlled by a certain existence, talking to him remotely, and the main body was not here.

What makes Loki strange is that in terms of magic level, Loki is also ranked number one in the nine countries, and he is also the most beautiful among them. All kinds of magic that descends his own consciousness on other people should have a strong sense of power. At least to suppress the consciousness of the original owner, there will always be some incongruity, but Loki does not feel the slightest abnormality from the other party, and the spirit is completely in harmony, as if this is the other party's body, how is it? How did you do it?

The blond beauty in front of Loki sat lazily on the chair, said with a smile on her face: "It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to meet the legendary evil god Loki, and I need to talk about some small things by the way." .”

Rocky said coldly: "There is nothing to talk about between us. Soon the earth will be conquered by me. I will be the king of the world. Everyone will drive on my feet. Now I will give you a Opportunity, tell me your identity, and then do things for me honestly, I will give you the highest status."

Loki felt that his victory was decided. Now that the space channel has been opened, the Chitauri army will continue to rush over. Even if there are some powerful superheroes on the earth, they will eventually face the endless Chitauri army. There is only one way to defeat, and the tone of speech becomes arrogant.

Chapter 255 The Negotiation Between Loki and Spirit

The blond beauty looked at the arrogant Loki, gave him an idiot look, and sighed: "I really don't know where your inexplicable self-confidence comes from? Could it be because of Thanos' support?"

"You know Thanos?" Loki asked in surprise.

"Of course I know more than you think."

"In this case, you should know about Thanos, who is the most powerful overlord in the universe. Do you think Earth still has a chance of winning? Even if your Earth wins this time by chance, what about next time?" Loki looked at Thanos. Be confident.

"Loki, I always thought you were a smart person. Haven't you ever thought about why Thanos didn't come to Earth himself? Don't say that he doesn't bother to take action on a backward Earth. Thanos is a lunatic He has always wanted to wipe out half of the life in the universe to maintain the balance of the universe. There are billions of human beings on the earth. It can be said that it is one of the planets with the most life in the universe. Why doesn't he come to the earth to wipe out half of the life here? Woolen cloth?"

"This..." Loki naturally didn't understand the reason.

"Let me tell you, in fact, it's not that he doesn't want to, but he doesn't dare. There is an existence on the earth that he dreads, and the earth is one of the nine kingdoms, which is ruled by Asgard in name. Odin's father, Odin, will certainly not stand by and watch the earth being invaded. Although Odin is old and his life is coming to an end, it should not be underestimated. If Odin joins forces with the guardian on earth, the The tyrant only has to be beaten, so the earth is not as simple as you imagined. Thanos dare not come, but there is something he wants on the earth on the earth, so he hits his idea on you as a The prince of Asgard, using you as a vanguard, will become a dispute within the nine kingdoms. The Chitauri army came at your request. It can't be said that it's his fault, the blame is all on your head, how about it, now you understand how you were used?"

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