Loki's face turned pale, and he felt as if he was really caught in a conspiracy, but he still didn't want to admit it, and said through gritted teeth: "Don't try to lie to me, Thanos is the overlord of the universe, how can he be afraid of a small earth? Also, how can there be people on such a backward planet that Thanos would be afraid of?."

"Then who do you think is stronger, Thanos or Odin?"

Loki thought for a while, then shook his head, "I don't know, Odin in his heyday should be stronger."

"Yes, Odin in his heyday was definitely the top existence in the universe. Even now that he is old, Thanos doesn't dare to be careless, but don't you think Odin's attitude towards the earth is a bit strange? I think you should have discovered it too. , more respect, if there is no existence on earth at the same level as him, would he do this? If there is no corresponding strength, how can he get more respect, Luo Ji, the arrogant third princess, think about it carefully Bar."

"It seems to be really..." Loki was halfway through, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Just now the other party seemed to call himself the third princess, "Bastard, I am the second prince of Asgard, not some third princess, you are humiliating me ?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, your arrogant personality is too easy for people to associate. My boss always said that about you before, and I'm a little used to it. I'm really sorry!" The blond beauty said without sincerity.

"Shut up, you rude person, don't use these nonsense to deceive me, I am the second in the family, and I am a man, the second prince, not the third princess, I will become Asgard in the future God King." Loki almost jumped up at the end.

"Cut! The prince is the prince, but it is true that you are ranked third. As far as I know, you also have a sister, Odin's eldest daughter, Hela, the goddess of death. She was originally the number one in Asgard." The heir in line, but it is a pity that because of a mistake, she was sealed by Odin, and everything related to her was wiped out. By the way, Hela was sealed on the earth. If you are interested, you can see it. Maybe you can form an alliance with your sister and rescue her, that is the seal that Odin has set with his own life force, if the seal is broken, Odin will die immediately, how about it? Are you interested in killing your father?"

"Shut up, you don't have to deal with me and Odin, and don't do stupid things, even if Odin dies, he should die at the hands of outsiders!" Loki's eyes were full of murderous intent. If he hadn't tried it before, what he saw was not If the opponent's body can't be killed, the meeting has already started.

Although Loki was very dissatisfied with Odin, it was because Odin treated him differently. Loki thought that he was more suitable for the position of God King. Everything he did was to get Odin's approval, but he never thought about it. kill him.

"Really, sometimes I really have a hard time understanding the thoughts of you people. Everyone always likes to say what they mean, even if I was born from human emotions, I still don't understand the feelings of you people."

Loki's heart moved, recalling what the blond beauty said just now, his eyes flashed: "I understand, you are a collection of human consciousness, no wonder you have no abnormality in possessing other people, and you are done with everyone. Fit, because you were originally from them."

"Bingo! You answered correctly, but unfortunately there are no prizes. Besides, I am just a collection of human consciousness in New York, artificially created by my boss, and my control is limited to New York, so you can call me Ling, the spirit of New York, very Nice to meet you, Your Highness the Third Princess!"

Hearing the name of the third princess, Loki immediately became angry, "I said before, don't call me the third princess, or I will kill you, maybe you think that as long as New York still exists, you can live forever, but if I directly The whole of New York is destroyed? I have the ability."

Not afraid of Loki's threatening spirit, "I don't think you will do this. On the one hand, what you want is domination instead of destruction. On the other hand, New York is my boss's territory. You are here to mess around and do some damage. It doesn't matter, but if you want to destroy New York, sorry, my boss will definitely kill you himself."

"Who is your boss? Want to kill me too?"

"Your brother Sol, who is full of muscles in his head, awakened the power of Thor with the help of my boss. Do you think he has the ability to kill you?"

Loki was silent for a moment. It must not be easy for the opponent's boss to do this. This is something that Odin can't do. Although having such a magical ability does not mean that the combat power is strong, but Loki dare not go bet.

"Okay, Loki, I think you are a smart person and should be on the side of victory, so don't rush to give your life to Thanos, it's better to take a look first before making a decision."

Loki was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, I will follow what you said, but why did you help me? What is the purpose?"

"Because my boss wants the scepter in your hand, I have already negotiated with S.H.I.E.L.D. After this battle, your scepter will become a trophy and belong to my boss."

"Do you think I'll agree?"

"Yes, because this is a good thing for you. The scepter was given to you by Thanos. It is not only your weapon, but also a means for Thanos to monitor you. It is safer in the hands of my boss. If you don't agree..." The spirit-possessed blond woman's face suddenly became terrified, and she said in a gloomy voice: "I will die!"

For some reason, at this moment, Loki felt cold all over, and there was a feeling in his heart, if he refused, he would really die?

Loki suppressed the panic in his heart forcibly, and pretended to be indifferent on the surface, "Well, if I really lose this war, the scepter will also be your trophy. Compared with those from S.H.I.E.L.D. On the contrary, people like you are more pleasing to the eye, it is better to give the scepter to you than those disgusting mortals, I agree."

"A wise choice!" Ling nodded in satisfaction, and regained his smiling face. The cold feeling before disappeared instantly, as if everything was an illusion.

"I like to deal with smart people. It's settled like this. Now you can leave and do what you want. I have temporarily cut off the connection between the scepter and Thanos with the magic seal given by the boss. He won't find out what you do."

"Then I'll take my leave!" Loki nodded with a smile, got up and walked out of the restaurant, no one knew, in fact, Loki's back was soaked, walking a certain distance, after turning a corner, avoiding everyone's world Hidden in a corner.

"Damn it, it's really scary. Who is the boss that woman mentioned? It messed up all my plans. Although I haven't seen the real person, but through clues, I can confirm that the boss mentioned by the Spirit of New York is probably not inferior to the boss. The existence of Odin can even help Thor awaken the power of Thor, why haven't I heard of it before? Is he really just for the scepter? Will there be other purposes?"

While Loki was thinking hard, there was a sound of lightning and thunder. Looking up, he saw that the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds. Sol didn't know when he came to the battlefield and was looking for Loki.

Loki cursed secretly in his heart, quickly changed his image with illusion, and hid himself in the chaotic crowd. He was very self-aware, and he was not Thor's opponent in the first place. For the sake of being abused, let's be honest.

Sol used his electromagnetic perception ability to search around, but found nothing, so he could only temporarily give up looking for Loki, and turned to kill the Chitauri star. At this time, Sol held back his stomach and wanted to vent his anger. a bit.

The Thor's Hammer in Sol's hand was raised high, divine power surged, and the wind raged suddenly. A huge vortex appeared in the sky, and violent thunder was bred in it. , the nearby Chitauri airship and giant Leviathan were hit, turning into scorched black and falling from the sky.

Saul vented a bit, feeling a little better, and turned around to kill Iron Man, Ivan's side, ready to join them.

Thor uses Thor's Hammer to fly while releasing thunder and lightning to kill enemies. After awakening, the artifact of Thor's Hammer is not enough for Thor. Odin has already sent people to collect materials and let the dwarves help create a new weapon. Storm Tomahawk, Thor's brand new weapon may be unveiled in a while.

The Leviathan beast that appeared in the movie is not only perfect, but it is only because of insufficient funds. As an alien race known for its aggression, especially the strength shown in the movie, the Leviathan flying over New York There are at least forty or fifty giant beasts.

Sol specially chooses a monster like Leviathan to deal with it. It is not easy for Thor to destroy a giant Leviathan in the movie. He even needs to join forces with the Hulk. But now Sol's strength is already comparable to that in the movie. Worst of all, a single blow could blow the head of a Leviathan to pieces.

With the addition of Sol, Ivan, Iron Man and Dabai felt a lot easier. Just now, his Chitauri army was chasing him with nowhere to go, not to mention how miserable it was. The front was rampant, and they hid behind and took the opportunity to sneak attack, barely blocking the enemy's siege.

Although the space channel limited the speed of the Chitauri army's invasion, they couldn't stop the continuous attack of the sea of ​​people!The longer the time dragged on, the more the Chitauris became, and soon they covered the sky and the ground, the streets, the buildings one after another billowed with thick smoke, Iron Man, Sol and the others, although they were powerful individually, could They killed a lot of enemies, but they didn't care about their heads. Facing the overwhelming number of enemies, they could only deal with a small part of them. There was nothing they could do about it. Terrible, I don't know when the support troops will arrive.

Just when Thor and the others were at a loss, a Quinjet fighter rushed to the battlefield, and Captain America and the others finally arrived.

Before the plane landed, the cabin door opened, and a beautiful figure with a kitten on her shoulder jumped out of the plane.

The person was in mid-air, and the little milk cat on his shoulder suddenly left his shoulder, and his body swelled up rapidly, turning into a two-meter-high monster, and Skye quickly rode on it.

Meow Meow's body flipped in the air, and landed lightly on the top of a building. Skye, who was riding on it, said vigorously: "Meow Meow, it's time for us to show our talents. You're welcome, let's do our best."

"Look at me!"

Miaomiao didn’t talk nonsense, opened her mouth to charge, and the violent energy continued to gather, and the light became brighter and brighter. After reaching the limit, a beam of energy shot out, instantly killing a giant Leviathan hundreds of meters away. Breakthrough, falling from the sky after losing power.

It's not over yet, Miaomiao continued to maintain the beam, her head turned, and the beam swept back and forth.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Wherever the light beam passed, whether it was an airship or a giant leviathan, they exploded one after another, turning into clusters of fireworks and blooming in the air. In just ten seconds, six giant leviathans, nearly a hundred of them The Taree airship was destroyed, and the results were remarkable.

Chapter 256 Armored Giant Captain

Seeing Miaomiao's performance, the Chitauri star was immediately attracted attention. Dozens of airships surrounded them from all directions, and beams of energy beams shot at Miaomiao and Skye.

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