Meow Meow jumped up and down with Skye, shuttled between high-rise buildings with incomparable flexibility, and constantly avoided the enemy's attack, but the number of Chitauri was too large, and they were soon surrounded.

"Tigers don't show their power, you think I'm a sick cat, don't you? Look at my big air shock!" Skye saw that the Chitauri Stars were almost gathered, his right fist began to emit white light, and he punched out with all his strength. .


There was a sound of glass shattering, and white cracks appeared in the air, quickly spreading in all directions, even the air was shattered, not to mention those airships and Leviathan monsters, which turned into balls of fireballs from the air. Fall in the air.

Meow Meow and Skye teamed up to kill the Chitauri Stars. Skye alone destroyed more than 100 airships and a few Leviathans, and then quickly killed them in other places. Continuously spraying beams, fixed-point strikes, a shocking and large-scale map cannon, and the coordination is perfect. In terms of killing efficiency, their group is comparable to the combination of everyone else.

The performance of Miaomiao and Skye was so eye-catching that it attracted everyone's attention. Skye jumped up from Miaomiao's back, landed on a giant Leviathan, and lifted the steel shield behind it with one hand. A, the other hand pressed down, and the shock wave was released, directly shattering the middle part of Leviathan and breaking it into two sections.


The giant Leviathan fell to the ground, stirring up dust, while Skye had already jumped onto an airship, and after punching the Chitauri star dry with two consecutive punches, he controlled the airship and crashed into another Leviathan.

Seeing Skye's graceful figure, Saul couldn't help sighing, "It's so beautiful, it's almost like a Valkyrie."

"No matter how beautiful it is, it's useless, and it's not your woman." Stark said with a slightly sour taste. At first, he wanted to have a super-friendship with Skye, but he was beaten up, but thinking of his It's really lucky. If Skye is really angered, with the strength shown by this violent woman, even if she is wearing a steel suit, she can't stand her punch. I provoked her twice but survived. Lucky Great.

"I didn't say that I wanted her to be my woman. Jane was enough for me, but her performance reminded me of the Valkyrie Legion, which used to be the most powerful army in Asgard. I used to I want to join, but unfortunately I later found out that the Valkyrie Legion only needs women, and then the entire army was wiped out in an accident. If Miss Skye is willing to join Asgard, I am willing to persuade my father to rebuild the Valkyrie Legion and let Miss Skye be the legion Long!" When Thor spoke, his hands kept moving, and with a wave of Thor's hammer, the thunder released destroyed several airships.

Stark shook his head and didn't say anything, but he didn't think Sol's proposal had any chance of success. Stark knew exactly how desperate Skye was to Yang Jian. He was beaten badly back then!

The performance of Skye and Miaomiao is too impressive, and it seems that other people are somewhat lacking, especially Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow, which are really unsatisfactory.

At the beginning, Captain America showed off his moves with his superb physical fitness, and commanded the New York police force to lay down the line of defense, but he was soon chased by countless Chitauri troops and ran around.

Fortunately, Dr. Banner arrived not long after and helped them out. The members of the Avengers gathered together. In addition to the original plot members, there were also Meow Meow, Skye, Ivan and Dabai. In a dizzying manner, a large safe area was quickly cleared, allowing citizens who took refuge on the streets to have a place to stay.

In addition, the agents of the Trident headquarters arrived in time, dozens of them wore exoskeleton armor produced by fantasy technology, and worked together to fight against the Chitauri, and teams of police also joined in, or to maintain order, Or to rescue the injured, more and more citizens fled here for refuge.

However, the number of the Avengers team is small. Facing the Zeta Swiss soldiers with advanced equipment, except for a few of their high-end combat capabilities, the others are really unable to fight, and gradually exhausted.

Captain America once again used his commanding ability and began to deploy division of labor. Hawkeye occupied the commanding heights as a sniper expert. Ivan, Dabai, Thor and Stark dealt with the enemies in the air, and he and Natasha were responsible for cleaning up the enemies on the ground. The fish that slipped through the net, Meow and Kai and Captain Hulk have nothing to say, let them play freely.

Under a reasonable division of labor, everyone's abilities are brought out to the greatest extent. Sol alone is worthy of the name of Thor, and now he has advanced to become Storm Thor. The Leviathan steel behemoth turned into pitch-black coke, strangling many aircraft along the way,

Hawkeye stands on a building, covering his teammates and responsible for scouting the movements of the Chitauri. Hawkeye's bow and arrows are always fired, which greatly reduces the pressure on his teammates.

On the ground, the hulk meets gods and kills gods. Relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, he doesn't need to dodge defense at all. His jumping ability is amazing, he tosses and jumps between buildings and kills Qi Swiss soldiers one after another.

The combination of Miaomiao and Skye is the real killing machine. A mouth-firing energy cannon opened the way and a large-scale shock wave attack. Almost half of the dead Chitauri star died in their hands.

The members of the Avengers broke out together, the situation was reversed, and everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.

It's just that everyone knows that this is only temporary. A person's strength and physical strength are always limited. Even the Hulk cannot fight endlessly. A monster with unlimited energy like him needs to rest, let alone other people.

The first one who couldn't hold on was the captain. The area of ​​the shield couldn't cover the whole body, but he was sent flying by a concentrated energy beam.

"Captain!" Black Widow yelled and wanted to come to the rescue, but unfortunately she was stopped by the attack from the Chitarising star.

Captain America barely got up from the ground, the exhaustion all over his body made him unable to stand still, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, maybe you are really an outdated veteran like Stark said.

"But I can't just fall down like this! As long as there are people who need me, and only I have a breath, I will continue to fight."

The captain's eyes became firm again, and he reached out his hand to take out a blood-colored injection from his bosom, took a look, and ruthlessly plunged into his arm to inject it.

As the red liquid entered his body, Captain America only felt heat all over his body, and his whole body seemed to be on fire. Captain America felt intense pain all over his body, which almost didn't overwhelm his reason.

"Ah ah ah..."

Captain America let out a series of screams, and then his body was split open, and strange substances gushed out of his body. These substances wrapped Captain America inside, and then continued to expand. Soon, a height of more than 20 meters, A giant covered in white bone armor appeared in front of everyone.


The feeling of being burned by the fire on Captain America who transformed into an armored giant still hasn't dissipated, and the pain is terribly painful. Looking at the densely packed Chitauri army around him, he immediately rushed to them. Now Captain America needs to vent.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The armored giant in the form of Captain America ran, and every step he took would shake the ground, leaving large footprints on the ground after passing by.

At this time, a giant Leviathan appeared in front of him, and Captain America did not slow down at all. He jumped up tens of meters away from the Leviathan, hugged the giant Leviathan, and forcibly pulled it away. Pulled it off, grabbed his head with both hands, twisted it hard, only heard a click, and broke it forcibly, Leviathan lost power and fell to the ground.

Captain America seemed to have done a trivial thing, but he still hadn't vented his anger. He grabbed the tail of the giant Leviathan, threw it hard, and hit another Leviathan. When the opponent's body was unstable, he jumped up again to catch him, and punched and kicked the second Leviathan to kill him.

At this moment, those who were watching the battle in New York were stunned. Looking at the armored giant in a frenzy, they almost lost their ability to think.

"What's the situation, have they all turned into monsters?" Natasha was so shocked that her mouth opened wide in an O shape.

"Sol, the Hulk, Meow and the others are fine, but the captain..." Hawkeye was on the top of the building, watching the change of Captain America in horror, and he was incomparably shocked, and at the same time felt a little strange I don't know if I can get power from the master of fantasy technology Ke.

"Captain, is he okay? It seems that his condition is a bit..." Stark was a little worried, and something was obviously wrong after the captain transformed into armor.

The change of Captain America through the satellite also falls into the eyes of other people, some are happy, some are worried, and some don't care.

The happy ones are of course agents like Nick Fury and Coulson who have confidence in Captain America. The stronger Captain America is, the happier they are.

Of course, the ones who are disturbed are those with bad intentions, such as Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain America is an uneasy factor for him, especially after a period of time, it feels like Nick Fury has discovered something, even doubted myself.There are some transfers within S.H.I.E.L.D. that he can’t understand. The relationship between Captain America and Nick Fury is unusual. Now that Captain America’s strength has increased greatly, if he also participates in it, it will definitely be bad news for him.

"Maybe there is a good opportunity right now. New York has been invaded by aliens, and there is every reason to use nuclear weapons. Maybe we can use this opportunity to solve the unstable factors of aliens and Avengers together?"

Pierce bowed his head and pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind. He sent an order secretly, and finally shouted softly: Long live Hydera!

Captain America is still showing great power on the battlefield, and four or five giant Leviathans are destroyed in his hands a day. If it is another race, facing such a powerful enemy as Captain America, I am afraid that I will feel fear in my heart.

But the Chitauris are different. They are half-mechanical, half-living bodies, completely controlled by the central system, and there is almost no fear at all. Beasts, a few of them came to kill Captain America.

hoohoo! ! !

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