Yang Jian ran quickly and headed towards the command room. The internal passages of the Chitauri star battleship were densely packed like a beehive. If it wasn't for the map in his hand, Yang Jian might really get lost.

Because it was a secret invasion, Yang Jian tried to avoid the patrolling Chitauri at the beginning, but the closer he got to the command room, the stronger the enemy's defense was. When he passed a corner, there was a rush of footsteps ahead. Sound, finally confronted the enemy head-on.

Seeing Yang Jian, the patrolling Chitauri immediately raised the weapon in his hand, fired a laser and fired.


Yang Jian raised his hand and used the magic shield to block the enemy's attack, then pointed with the other hand, and softly shouted: "Shenfeng Wuying!"

call out!call out!call out……

A series of magic arrows shot out, piercing through the bodies of more than a dozen Chitauri stars in an instant. Sparks burst out from the semi-mechanical bodies, and they fell to the ground and lost their vitality.

But in this way, Yang Jian was also found, and the urgent siren sounded inside the battleship.

They have already come here, and the distance from the command room is less than [-] meters. Yang Jian has no need to hide, and swaggered towards the target.

touch!boom! !

The Chitauri star population was the largest, but it was of little use to a master like Yang Jian. They were rampant all the way, and no one could stop them. At most, they would slow down Yang Jian's pace a little.

Yang Jian killed all directions, as if entering no one's land, when he was about to kill the control room, suddenly a sense of crisis came from the bottom of his heart, and he believed in this instinctive feeling very much, so he couldn't help but stop, and was about to When I retreated back and forth, I suddenly felt a buzzing in my head, as if I had been hit by a sledgehammer. I felt dizzy for a while, and almost passed out.

Yang Jian immediately knew that he was being attacked by someone, and it was a mental attack. He couldn't concentrate on applying the space ability transfer for a while. When he was in a hurry, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind. Obviously, there was also a sneak attack from behind.

Yang Jian turned pale with shock, and didn't care about being ashamed. He rolled on the spot, and the spear flew past Yang Jian's body. After turning a corner and continuing to kill, it actually comes with a locking function.

Yang Jian broke out in a cold sweat. He felt a strong breath of death from the three black lights. He jumped up from the ground, raised his hand, and cast magic to imprison the three black lights in the air, but he didn't have time to make the next move. , suddenly felt a wave of thought power shrouded in the body.


Yang Jian yelled, the magical energy on his body erupted, he forcibly broke free from the shackles of the power of thought, and forced the three black lights back, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a rumbling sound from his body, and when he turned his head, he saw a The four-meter-high monster rushed towards Yang Jian with a violent momentum.

"Guardian of the battle spirit!"

Following Yang Jian's shout, orange energy burst out, forming a giant skeleton on Yang Jian's body. Although only the upper body was exposed, the height was more than five meters, and there was a pair of excessively long skeleton arms.

Needless to say, just by looking at it like this, you can tell that this is a move that Yang Jian created by referring to Susanoo from the Naruto World, but replaced chakra with magic energy. Speaking of which, Yang Jian spent a lot of energy on this move , with the help of Venom's computing power, it was finally created after numerous failures during the period.

If Yang Jian is willing, this skeleton giant can become even bigger, and even become like a [-]-meter-high full-body Susanoo like Naruto World, but now it is inside the Chitauri battleship, and the space is limited. The size is too large, which affects performance, and this size is just right.

Under Yang Jian's control, the huge skeleton waved its two arms, and the right skeleton arm clenched its fist and slammed hard at the rushing big man.

With a bang, the big man flew back at a faster speed than rushing through, directly smashing through several layers of passages, and finally stopped his figure.

Yang Jian didn't relax, because someone sneaked up again, a big man more than two meters tall stabbed Yang Jian's vest with a sharp war blade in his hand.

Yang Jian snorted coldly, grabbed the stabbing blade, and grabbed it with force, then threw it back, piercing the attacker's chest and nailing him to the wall.

If another person's body was pierced by the chest, he would definitely die and could not die again, but he didn't expect that guy to pull out the war blade on his chest as if nothing had happened, and the wound healed instantly.

Yang Jian took a few steps back, and finally saw her attacker clearly, a beautiful woman with blue skin, a big man with a height of four or five meters, a tall and thin man with a head like a chicken leg, and finally a man and a woman. One holds a spear and the other holds a sword.

Seeing the appearance of these five people, Yang Jian immediately knew their identities. The obsidian five-star general under Thanos, the blue-skinned beauty should be a superstar, and she did not appear in the movie. It should be her, the one that looks like chicken legs is naturally the ebony monkey, the big one is the black dwarf, and the last one is General Deathblade and Dark Bilinyi!

Chapter 258 Yang Jian VS Five Star General

Yang Jian looked coldly at the black obsidian five-star general in front of him and said, "I really didn't expect Thanos to send his most capable men here. It seems that he is more concerned about this war than I imagined." Pay attention, unexpectedly came a dark Chen Cang, avoiding everyone's eyes and sent you here, not to mention that the famous five-star black obsidian general would also make a surprise attack."

Yang Jian was also in a cold sweat from fright!If the reaction was a little slower just now, I'm afraid they would have succeeded in a sneak attack. Although Yang Jian has life-saving means such as fairy beans in his hands, who knows if they will have any unique secret techniques, if even the soul can Eliminate, maybe you will really die here.

"We are only here to fulfill Lord Thanos' order. As for the sneak attack or not, it doesn't matter to us. I would like to advise you, in front of Lord Thanos, all those who stand in his way will be destroyed. See how many times you have left." When it comes to dividing your strength, it's best to surrender obediently, maybe Lord Thanos is willing to accept you as his subordinate."

The blue beauty superstar watched Yang Jian actually recruit Yang Jian for Thanos. Her words had a unique appeal, but Yang Jian discovered that this was the use of spiritual power, which could make people recognize her words without knowing it. .

It's a pity that this kind of mental infection ability can't affect Yang Jian at all, because Yang Jian has suffered a loss just now, of course he will take precautions, and use Occlumency to isolate the influence of mental power.

"Come on, put away your tricks, it's useless to me. As for Thanos, I'm afraid he can't take care of himself now. What does it feel like to be stared at by two strong men of the same level? I hope that lunatic can lose a little bit, otherwise He will definitely be beaten, and besides, Thanos is killing a lot in the universe, and he kills half and keeps the other half. There must be many enemies, right? It’s normal to be beaten, and he deserves it!"

The superstar became angry when he heard Yang Jian's mocking words. "Shut up, don't insult Lord Thanos, how can you understand his great ideals, everything he does is to save the universe, you people are not only ungrateful, but are against him, this is the real truth ungrateful."

Yang Jian sneered, and it turned out that Thanos was a lunatic, and his subordinates were also lunatics, "Come on, that purple potato essence keeps saying that he saves the universe, but who gave him the responsibility? Has he asked others if they are willing? He Why decide the fate of others? Even if the universe is really destroyed, it is a matter of life in the universe, and he cannot decide it alone. Thanos said that the universe has reached its limit, but how can he be sure that the universe will not evolve? And when it really comes to that point, when the resources of the universe are exhausted, the life in the universe will naturally unite and come up with a new solution, even if it is destroyed in the end, it is the decision of the life of the whole universe, what's the matter with him?"

"Bold! It's because of you ignorant bastards in the universe that we need Lord Thanos, the savior. How dare you insult Lord Thanos to death!"

The superstar was irritated by Yang Jian's words, and as soon as the words fell, he directly struck, his eyes widened, his spiritual power was highly concentrated to form a spike, and a mental shock blasted towards Yang Jian.

Originally Superstar planned to use mind control to subdue Yang Jian, and then brainwashed it for his own use, but after trying it, he found that his mental power could not invade Yang Jian's brain at all, so he had to give up this plan and kill him.

The superstar is the most trusted person of Thanos. She can steal other people's memory through mental power, and then share it with Thanos, and then pass it on to Thanos. Thanos will also share her knowledge with Superstar. It can be said that Thanos knows The superstar also knows that the only difference is that the superstar does not have the powerful body of Thanos, and his melee combat ability is not strong. He can only be a pure mage, but even this is strong enough.

Superstar can be regarded as one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel world. This mental puncture is extremely powerful. Even though Yang Jian used Occlumency to protect him in advance, he still felt dizzy and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Before Yang Jian recovered his senses, the black dwarf took big strides and rushed towards Yang Jian. There was a loud rumbling sound as his footsteps passed by. Holding a battle ax in his hand, he slashed at Yang Jian with all his strength.

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and the magical energy overflowed his body again, forming a five-meter-tall giant, but this time it was not just a skeleton, but blood vessels attached to it, then the skin, and then covered with a layer of armor. A ghost mask turned into a ghost warrior, looking extremely ferocious, and punched the black dwarf with all his might.

boom! !

With an earth-shattering blast, most of Black Dwarf's body was directly smashed into the ground, holding up the battle ax with both hands, barely resisting Yang Jian's fist, but half of his body was embedded in the ground and he couldn't get out for a while. Yang Jian controlled the ghost warrior , the second fist was ready to hit.

Seeing that his teammates were in desperation, General Deathblade immediately roared and stabbed Yang Jian from the left side with a battle blade in his hand.

Yang Jian snorted, and the hand that was about to hit the black dwarf turned into a claw, grasping General Deathblade's war blade, and couldn't move forward two meters away from Yang Jian's body.

"It's now!"

Dark Proxima saw that Yang Jian's two arms were used, and immediately seized the opportunity to shoot out the sharp gun in his hand, splitting into three black lights and shooting at Yang Jian.

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