This sharp gun was forged by Thanos himself, and the black rays that split after throwing it out can automatically track the target.Any creature touched by it would die on the spot, even Yang Jian dared not touch it.

Feeling the strong breath of death in the three black lights, a sneer appeared on Yang Jian's face. I really thought I was a vegetarian!I was unprepared for being attacked by you before, but now that I am prepared, how can I be so easily succeeded.

The magic power on Yang Jian's body surged again, and the back of the ghost warrior squirmed, and two arms grew out again. The arms drew a light circle, and the two sides appeared as energy shields. In fact, they were the magic shields learned from Kama Taj.

One of the shields easily blocked the three black lights, and the magic shield in the other hand was thrown out suddenly, spinning at a high speed and slashing towards Anye Bixing.

The magic shield is blessed by Yang Jian's powerful strength, coupled with the cutting force of high-speed rotation, if the dark night Proxima Centauri hits this one, the body will definitely be cut into two sections.

General Deathblade was taken aback. He didn't care about others, but Proxima Dark Night was his wife. Even though he was a villain, the relationship between the two of them was surprisingly good. Of course, he couldn't watch his lover get killed. In order to continue to compete with Yang Jian, his figure flickered, and he crossed a distance of tens of meters in an instant, blocking in front of Proxima Centauri.

call out!

General Deathblade's body was instantly blown into two by the waist, and fell to the ground with a thud, but miraculously, the lower body suddenly weathered and turned into countless flying debris, which fluttered around the upper body, instantly revived with full blood, and jumped And Qi continued to brandish his war blade to kill.

General Deathblade's way of receiving is even more perverted than Deadpool. As long as the warblade with the soul in it is not damaged, he will never die.

Yang Jian tried to break it when he grabbed General Deathblade before, but it was a pity that Yang Jian was far worse than Thanos in physical terms, so he couldn't break it.

For Xiaoqiang who can't be killed like General Deathblade, I'm not in the mood to entangle with him. He punched out an uppercut and hit his chest and abdomen heavily. The brutal force smashed him into the water. General Deathblade screamed, A big hole was punched in the ceiling and flew out.

Then Yang Jian turned his target to other people. The first one to be targeted was Black Dwarf. This unlucky guy was punched by Yang Jian just now, his body was stuck, and before he could climb out, Yang Jian's attack arrived. The shield slashed down violently for the weapon.

Seeing that the black dwarf was about to be beheaded, Ebony Maw finally made a move. With his left hand, he restrained the black warrior's arm, slowed down his movements a little, and grabbed the black dwarf with his other hand, dragging the black warrior with his mind. Dwarf star flew back, just avoiding Yang Jian's blow.

Yang Jian failed several times, and was furious in his heart. With a wave of his hands, dozens of magic arrows appeared, and streaked across streams of obsidian stars.

The five superstars looked at each other and quickly gathered together. Ebony Throat held his hands in the air, and the broken metal fragments around them gathered together, and stood at the front to resist the sharp arrow.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The moment those magic arrows came into contact with the shield condensed with metal fragments, a violent explosion occurred. You spent half of the arrow cost to break the defense, and the remaining arrows continued to shoot.

Roar!kill!Boom boom boom! ! !

General Deathblade and Black Dwarf rushed out to meet the remaining sharp arrows at the same time. One was holding a battle blade and the other was holding a giant axe. They waved frantically and collided with the arrows. Being blown to pieces, Black Dwarf suffered only minor injuries due to his thick skin and thick flesh.

Feeling the power of the magic attack, the Obsidian Five Stars dared not let Yang Jian continue, and hurriedly shot back. Superstar and Proxima Centauri shot at the same time, one attacked with spirit, and the other projected a sharp gun again, even if it could not hurt Yang Jian. When it comes to Yang Jian, at least he can delay it for a while.

The plan of Supergiant Star and Proxima Centauri was very successful, and Yang Jian had to devote part of his mind to deal with it. The three black lights transformed by Proxima Centauri Dark Night's spear were very dangerous, and it had its own tracking function. Yang Jian had to deal with it carefully. Mental attacks were even more troublesome. Although they couldn't break through Yang Jian's Occlumency defense, they made Yang Jian faint every time, and his magic attacks were always interrupted.

Ebony Throat, General Deathblade and Black Dwarf also came back to their senses at this time, the three of them looked at each other and nodded, then Ebony Throat directly lifted General Deathblade and Black Dwarf with telekinetic power, and smashed them towards Yang Yang like a meteor. Yang Jian.


Yang Jian controlled the ghost warrior to raise his hand to block General Deathblade and Black Dwarf, but with the momentum of the fall, the attack power of the two increased greatly. Black Dwarf's weapon turned into a war hammer, and Yang Jian was directly smashed back four or five times One step later, General Death Blade rushed to him, and the blade fought hard to cut off one arm of the ghost warrior.

Yang Jian retreated again with an ugly expression, and seized the time to use magic power to repair the severed arm of the ghost warrior, but the attack of the superstar and Proxima Centauri came again, making Yang Jian flustered.

The Obsidian Five-Star General is worthy of being Thanos' capable men. The five of them have their own strengths, and fighting side by side has exerted several times their original power. Yang Jian feels that the Obsidian Five-Star General's fighting style is like forming a team It's the same as playing Boss.

A superstar is equivalent to a magician mage.The dark Proxima is an archer, the black dwarf is equivalent to a tank, and the Deathblade is a meat shield, plus an ebony throat to assist, this combination is very reasonable, and the strength exerted by the joint force is definitely at the level of the heavenly father .

If it were another person, I am afraid that I would not be able to hold on to the defeat, but fortunately, Yang Jian's strength has also reached the level of the heavenly father. There were some mistakes, although they were in a stalemate for a while, but as time went by, as long as Hei Yaowu general made a mistake once, Yang Jian would be able to take advantage of the situation to fight back, and if the delay continued, only Yang Jian could win in the end.

Yang Jian controlled the ghost warrior, waving his four arms, and attacked the black obsidian five-star generals like a storm, but with the tight cooperation of the obsidian five-star generals, he could barely suppress them but could not defeat them.

At this time, Ebony Throat became a non-tactical commander. With the help of the superstar, he connected the spirits of the five people together, and continued to issue orders. With his telekinetic power, he could always send the right person to the right position. And every time a teammate is in danger, he can use telekinetic power to rescue him.

Yang Jian became more and more irritable. He was entangled by General Deathblade and Black Dwarf. The superstars used psychic powers to interrupt him in the air from time to time. Coupled with the fact that Proxima Centauri was watching with a long gun in the dark night, Yang Jian's attacks failed again and again.

Yang Jian was really in a hurry, and even planned to use the method of losing both sides, planning to use the method of sneak attack to deal with Ebony Throat first, but he didn't expect General Deathblade to stand up on his own initiative, relying on his immortal body to block the killing blow for him Even though his body was blown to pieces, he recovered quickly.The other three shot regardless of the cost, but only slightly injured Ebony Throat.

Yang Jian became more and more irritable. He was dragged here, and he didn't know how the war on Earth was going. Could his original plan still work?

"Huh, that's not right, why am I entangled with them here?" Yang Jian was suddenly a little dazed, because he found that he seemed to have made a mistake in the order of priority.

Is Yang Jian's purpose to destroy the Chitauri's chain of command?To relieve the crisis on the earth, the key lies in the Chitauri star, not the obsidian five-star general.

Of course, when Yang Jian made a move against Qi Tarui's main production room, the five-star general Hei Yao would also try to stop him, but this was exactly what Yang Jian wanted.

In terms of strength, the black obsidian five-star general is inferior to Yang Jian, but the key to why they can entangle for so long is that they adopt guerrilla tactics, avoid their edge, and avoid confrontation with Yang Jian, but if they want to stop Yang Jian from going In the main control room, the only choice is to go head-to-head. On the contrary, Yang Jian hopes that they will do so, so that Yang Jian will have the opportunity to kill several of them completely.

After thinking of a way, Yang Jian immediately changed his tactics. The four arms turned into phantoms, forcing the black five-star general to retreat, forced to open a passage, and then stopped entangled with them, destroying and killing all the way to the main control room.

Chapter 259 The end of the war

The Chitauri commander was about to cry, and he really realized what it means to enter the tiger by the front door and enter the wolf by the back door. Their space battleship was invaded, and the Chitauri troops on the earth encountered another powerful opponent.

A few minutes later, under the fierce attack of the Chitauri army regardless of the cost, the earth was almost at a loss. The reinforcements that arrived not long ago were almost lost, and only the Avengers were left there to resist. with.

Although the sacrifice was a bit big, Commander Chitauri thought it was totally worth it. Seeing the victory in sight, Commander Chitauri was just happy when he discovered that shadows enveloped the sky at some point, and an aerospace carrier appeared over New York .

Originally, Commander Chitauri did not pay attention to an space carrier. The technological level of the earth is much lower than that of their Chitauri aliens. In the past, a random railgun hit can take out the air-conditioning carrier, but it doesn't matter, just shoot a few more leviathans to tear it apart.

But he didn't expect the performance of the space carrier to slap him severely.

Cuckoo, creak, creak! !

The space carrier is constantly distorted and deformed, and the cold steel seems to come alive. After a period of decomposition, the space carrier changes greatly. The body is covered with strange lines, and the momentum is compelling.

It soon turned into a super mechanical giant with a height of 200 meters. The pair of mechanical wings on the back stretched more than [-] meters. The body was covered with thick armor. There were four more doors on the shoulders and chest that fired extended-range guided shells. It looked like it was killing And the super murder weapon that exists. .


Dozens of high-explosive bombs bombarded and exploded in succession, the strong wind swept through, and the ferocious explosion shook the surrounding waves, covering and superimposing fireballs, and the flames rose into the sky with black smoke, but they came and went quickly, and the flames were visible to the naked eye. The visible speed was extinguished, and disappeared without a trace within a few breaths. In such a short moment, more than ten Leviathan beasts were turned into pieces.

The other Rising commanders were all frightened and stupid. Should they be so crazy? Before he could respond, the second round of blows followed. The super mechanical giant pulled out a large sword that was more than [-] meters long from nowhere, and swung it Going to kill the giant Leviathan flying in the sky.

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