In front of giant robots, even Captain America, who is more than 20 meters tall, is just a little bit. On his steel body, there are many small new weapons. When using energy cubes to transform, these weapons are not fully Transformation requires human manipulation. At this time, the staff on the Helicopter Carrier can use their skills to control the gun barrel and shoot wildly, and experience the thrill of killing the enemy by themselves.

Boom! !

The flames shot up into the sky, the billowing smoke fluttered, and the wreckage of the Leviathan monster scattered around with the impact of the explosion. In fact, there were some Hydra spies inside the space carrier, but now they are just fighting to protect the earth. A warrior, as a spy, must remain asleep until awakened. .

After transforming into a mechanical life, the communication was completely taken over, and it couldn't be transmitted without Nick Fury's permission. The boss, Alexander Pierce, settled accounts, but he didn't expect that the man who looked at him differently was the leader of Hydra, and he planned to release a nuclear bomb on New York.


A white light flashed, the roaring explosion was deafening, and Nick Fury hit two Leviathans again, disintegrating into countless metal fragments.

Nick Fury vented a bit, and his mood improved a lot. He turned his energy back to the battlefield. With a spin of his body, he used a pair of mechanical wings on his back to fly the besieged Leviathan beast away, and then used the big sword in his hand to send it away. Another giant Leviathan cut off, killing in the most violent way.

The grievance in Commander Chitauri's heart was too bullying, and he couldn't help but yelled. "Go to your backward planet! Fuck you, there is no strong man! Loki, you bastard, you have killed me. If I knew this, I would not accept this mission of invading the earth. After I go back this time, I must be here. I will sue you severely in front of Lord Thanos!"


At this moment, the door of the command room was suddenly shattered, and the ghost warrior covering Yang Jian's body dissipated, and the commander staring at Chitauri said coldly: "It's not a good habit to complain, but you have no chance. Now, if you really want to sue, go to hell and sue God of Death."

Seeing Yang Jian appear, Commander Chitauri was shocked, "Why did you appear here, what about Ebony Maw and the others? Could it be that you killed them? Impossible, they are Lord Thanos' most capable subordinates, five of them In the case of joining forces, you can't be their opponent."

"Their strength is indeed good, but they are slightly worse than me, and they have escaped now."

"Impossible, don't they dare to disobey Master Shangluo's orders, I..."

Although Commander Chitauri said so, he couldn't help looking at a screen on the podium, and soon found the figure of the Obsidian five-star general. The five of them were boarding a small spaceship. Obviously Is ready to escape.

Commander Chitauri almost vomited blood in anger, don't you all pay for your own strength?Why are they all scared now, and they didn't notify me when they ran away.

Yang Jian also saw the black obsidian five-star general on the screen, and couldn't help sighing. These five people are really good at judging the situation. When they found that Yang Jian changed his tactics and attacked Chitarui's command room, he knew that the situation was over and retreated without hesitation. Those who can afford to let go are indeed talents. Originally, Yang Jian planned to lure them to make a move, but when the time came, he would take the opportunity to give them a hard time, and maybe he could keep one or two of them, but it was a pity that his calculations came to nothing.

"I think you also understand the current situation, so goodbye, if you have a next life, reincarnate to be a good person." Yang Jian raised his hand as he spoke, and a ray of light gathered on the tip of the shield.

"No, don't kill me, I don't want to die, please let me go, I am willing to submit to you and be your servant, as long as..."


The other commanders were pierced through their bodies by a burst of energy before they could finish speaking, and they fell to the ground straight, with an obvious big hole in their chest.

Yang Jian didn't even look at the corpse, and took out a device the size of a human head from his small pocket. After starting it, a one-minute countdown began, and then Yang Jian destroyed all the passages around the control room. No one could reach here, and then opened the space door and got in.

At the same time, the night five-star general also boarded the spacecraft, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the vast universe.

Dark Night Proxima stared at the Chitauri star's space fortress through the glass of the spacecraft, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, "Are we just leaving like this? What should we do if Lord Thanos blames it?"

The superstar shook his head, "It's not that I don't work hard, the enemy is too powerful. I will explain this matter to Lord Thanos personally. If it is really to blame, I will bear it alone."

General Deathblade patted his wife Proxima Anye on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay, my lord is not an unreasonable person, this time there is nothing I can do about it, I didn't expect there to be such a strong person on earth, this time I lost, But I will find it in the future, and there should be a chance to see you again in the future.”

Ebony Throat said affirmatively: "Yes, we will definitely meet again. It seems that we have to find a way to strengthen our own strength, otherwise we will lose face if we are defeated next time."

Dark Ye Proxima nodded, "Indeed, we used to follow the adults and rarely encountered strong opponents, and we were all a little arrogant. I didn't expect so many strong people to appear on the earth, and those people on the battlefield in New York were not simple. , the cat that can transform into a giant beast, the big green man, the woman who fights with a shockwave as a weapon, and those who wear steel suits, and the one who controls the thunder and lightning should be Odin's son Sol, right? It’s not easy to deal with.”

The superstar bowed his head and pondered for a while, and said: "It is impossible to defeat that person in a short period of time just by exercising. It seems that we have to find another way. There is a genetic modification method in the inheritance of Master Thanos, which can enhance strength. In addition, you can use advanced weapons, I will discuss it with the adults after I go back."

Earth New York, for some reason, the Chitauri who invaded Earth ran back like crazy, even if they were attacked while retreating, they didn't care about it, and they didn't have any intention of fighting back. They gathered densely around the space channel, frantically If the space passage is not too small, they all want to squeeze in.

The Avengers looked at each other, not knowing what happened. Although they had super robots transformed from the space carrier to help them out, there were too many enemies, and they had self-knowledge. In the end, they were the ones who lost. Why did these Chitauri people suddenly retreat when they had the upper hand, and they were so eager.

Of course they didn't know that this was because Commander Chitauri gave the last order when he was killed by Yang Jian at the end, returning to rescue him at all costs.

As a half-life, half-machine body, the Chitauris will do whatever it takes to complete an order once they receive an order. That's why this scene happened. They were executing the commander's last order.

"Well, should we take this opportunity to kill more enemies? Now that they are all gathered together, if we cooperate with my shock wave, we should be able to cause them a lot of damage." Scalio asked hesitantly .

"Yeah, this kind of opportunity doesn't come often, and I can also summon Thunder to help out." Saul was very supportive of Skye's idea.

"Wait a minute, something's wrong, let's see what they're up to, and set up a defensive line around Stark Tower, if they show any signs of attack, we'll take action together, but if they leave, then don't stop them "Nick Fury was too cautious and missed a great opportunity, but he can't be blamed. Now he shoulders the comfort of the entire earth and has to be careful.

"Oh, what a pity." Although Sol has grown a lot, his combative character is still there. After a big battle, others are exhausted, but he still has some energy.

Just when everyone was puzzled and didn't know why the Chitauris were retreating, a bright light suddenly appeared. Through the space channel, he didn't see the Chitauris' space fortress suddenly lit up with a dazzling glare!A halo visible to the naked eye suddenly covered the entire fortress, and Chitauri panicked rarely.

The halo suddenly bloomed and then suddenly contracted, followed by endless waves of fire, bringing cold death wherever it passed!

The destruction of the space fortress caused the Leviathan warships to fall one after another. They were already dead cosmic behemoths, but they had this kind of flight ability after being mechanically modified. At the same time, the half-mechanical and half-life Chitauri also lost their power. , completely paralyzed.

Because the space channel is just above the Stark Tower, those battleships that lost power fell from the sky, smashing the Stark Tower to pieces.

"Oh, damn it, my Stark Tower." Iron Man couldn't help cursing when he saw this scene, but fortunately, the quality of the building finally passed and it could be repaired.

"Haha! It turns out that this is the Chitauri's weakness. As long as the command ship is destroyed, they will lose their motivation."

"Yes, if you fight against them in the future, you will have to use beheading tactics."

"Great, we won."

"Wow, long live!"


The human side cheered.In the middle of a sea of ​​joy, but the question some smart people are pondering is, who destroyed the Chitauri's Battlestar?

Skye stood on the street, listening to the cheers of the crowd, with a smile on her face, and Meow has changed back into the image of a little milk cat and sat on her shoulder.

At this time, a blonde beauty came to Skye, handed over a scepter in her hand, and said, "Skye, go and close the space channel, I have found Loki, and I will arrest him later." .”

Skye was taken aback by the unexpected voice, but seeing the white light in the blonde beauty's eyes, he immediately knew her identity, nodded and said, "Got it, Ling, I'll go right away."

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