Skye quickly came to the top of the Stark Building, inserted the crutch in his hand into the outer protective barrier of the Rubik's Cube, and pressed a button. The space channel in the sky shrank rapidly and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Miss Skye, you got the scepter, what about Loki?" Stark also flew over at some point, looked at the scepter in Skye's hand, and asked immediately.

"It's just down there. A friend of mine found his trail. He has already notified other people to arrest him. You should go too."

"Great, I still have a bill to settle with Loki, let's go one step further."

When Skye came down from the Stark Tower, he found that Loki had been surrounded by Thor, the Hulk, Hawkeye and others, but he didn't realize he was a prisoner at all. After drinking with a glass of red wine, he put Throwing the quilt aside, he said: "I surrender!"

Many people were unhappy with him and wanted to beat him up, but there was a younger brother, Saul, who was next to him, so of course he didn't allow it, and this time Rocky cooperated very well, didn't make any small moves, and honestly put on handcuffs, Because of Yang Jian's butterfly effect, Loki was saved from being crazily beaten by the Hulk, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

Deep in the void of the universe, at the end of the Great War in New York, the ancient mage and Odin left, leaving only Thanos sitting on the throne with his head bowed in thought. After a while, he raised his head again, looked at the direction of the earth, and murmured Said: "I put it there for the time being, and I will take it back one day."


After the end of the New York War, the name of the earth resounded throughout the universe, especially the Avengers, which made everyone remember their names.

In addition to the original Avengers, Skye and the others are also famous. Skye's title is still Shockwave. She is beautiful and powerful. Many people are her fans.

After Ivan attacked Stark in Morocco, he was given the title of Sang Whip. After this war to protect New York, his image changed. The title of whip is more domineering, so I rejected it. In addition, I continued to use the title of mourning whip.

Miaomiao’s performance in battle is even more eye-catching, but it is a cat, and I don’t know what name to use more appropriately. In the end, someone claimed that its huge size, powerful strength, and majestic moves after its transformation are simply a cat. The king of beasts is simply called the king of beasts.

As for Dabai, even if you enter version 2.0 and are powerful, but when he takes off his armor and reveals his body, everyone is cute in an instant, and in the end he is named Mengshen.

In addition, the giant robot controlled by Nick Fury did not get any title in the end, because ordinary people believed that it was a new type of war machine developed by the government, and did not think it was controlled by one person.

In addition, in this war against aliens, there is also Yang Jian, a person hiding in the dark, but people on the earth don't know, and they don't know that the examples in the universe are unclear. On the contrary, Yang Jian experienced After this war, it became famous in the universe.

The Obsidian Five-Star General is also a well-known powerhouse in the universe, but now there is a mysterious mage who fights against them with his own power, without losing the wind, and also destroyed the command center of the Chitauri army. Let Earth take this unprecedented victory.

However, the matter about Yang Jian was later passed on to the ears of a few people, because after Thor returned to Asgard, he also heard the rumors in the universe through Heimdall's eyes and ears, and guessed that The so-called mysterious mage is Yang Jian. Later, when he went to the earth, he told other people about these things. Until then, Iron Man and the others suddenly realized why the space fortress of the Chitauri star suddenly exploded, and why the Chitauri army lost power. , It turns out that everything is due to Yang Jian, and for this, I went to Science and Technology to express my gratitude to Yang Jian.

Chapter 260 Space Sublimation

When Yang Jian from the Marvel world came to the chaotic space again, he found that there was an extra sun in the sky, and the deity who hadn't shown up for a long time actually appeared here, floating in the air, holding the sun in his hand Majestic.

Marvel Yang Jian obviously felt that a magical change had taken place in this world. It seemed that there was a ray of life, which should be due to the sun. After all, the sun nourishes all things, and it is normal for such a change to occur.

In addition to the main body, there are two clones from other worlds present, one is Yang Jian, a basketball player from the world of slam dunk, and the other is Yang Jian, a little sheep.

Through the connection of venom, Marvel Yang Jian quickly learned what happened in the chaotic space during this period. What surprised him was that the sun was actually condensed by eternal fire.

Some time ago, Odin suddenly found Yang Jian and sent the Eternal Flame, which made Yang Jian very strange. It was originally agreed that the Eternal Flame should not be sent until Sol's strength reaches Hela, the goddess of death. , although Sol's strength has reached the level of the heavenly father, but he is still some distance away from the goddess of death, Hela, why did he send it here in advance?

Later, after Odin's explanation, Yang Jian knew the reason, because the pendant Yang Jian gave to Sol was made of a kaleidoscope Sharingan, and one of the moves was created based on Susanoo. , can turn Sol into a thunder giant hundreds of meters high, maybe he can't kill Hela, but with the storm hammer he just hit, he can completely destroy Asgard, which has reached Odin's minimum requirements , that's why Odin sent out the Eternal Flame in advance.

Then what else is there to say, this kind of good thing comes to your door, don’t be a fool, Yang Jian unceremoniously accepted the eternal fire and sent it to the chaotic space, but he didn’t expect the main body to make it into a round sun.

After a while, the main body stabilized the sun and then slowly fell to the ground. There is a clear difference between the main body and the avatar. In this chaotic space, except the main body can freely enter and exit, the other avatars are in different worlds, and can only come with consciousness. , using the venom to temporarily condense the body, which can be seen at a glance.

"Boss, have you refined the Eternal Flame? Tell us about the law of fire, and I will try to study it scientifically." Yang Jian, the little sheep, was the first to greet him. The soul had an attack, and he was not polite at all when he spoke.

The main body, Yang Jian, doesn't care either, they are all his avatars, and he knows their personalities very well. Of course, he will try his best to meet their requirements. The perception passed on.

Soon the three avatars had more insights about the power of the law of fire in their minds, but unfortunately, only Marvel Yang Jian could use it.

Basketball player Yang Jian Yang Jian is in the world of slam dunks and does not allow the appearance of extraordinary power. The perception of these flame powers can at most make people become hot-blooded, sunny, and attractive to women.

But Yang Jian, the little sheep, has a different view. A new inspiration appeared in his mind, planning to give electric technology equipment more effective use of solar energy.

Of course, it is Yang Jian from the Marvel world who has gained the most. Through the comprehension of these laws, he has initially mastered the ability to control flames, and the eternal flame originally came from the Marvel world, and there is no need for any changes in the rules. It's easier to get up.

After initially mastering the flame ability, Marvel Yang Jian opened his eyes again, "Boss, I'm a little strange, since different worlds have different rules, why the space you opened up can accommodate the rules of different worlds, the dragon veins of the Naruto world, space ability , Gravity, the Eternal Flame of the Kongjia gem in the Marvel world, the Qi of the Dragon Ball world, as well as the DC world, the world of gourmet food, the world of death... It seems that they can be perfectly displayed in this space."

"That's because when I first opened up this world, I kept the chaotic state as regular as possible. At that time, I had already used the motherboard of the Flame Queen fused with venom. After rigorous calculations, I retained the most primitive attribute of this space, which is chaos. , although it is weak, it can accommodate the power of all systems, can integrate the power of rules from different worlds, and has unlimited possibilities, but as a price warehouse, it will grow very slowly."

"It turned out to be like this. Although the growth was a bit slow, it was totally worth it. Then how is the world of Shushan where you are now? Will you be targeted by the will of that world when you find something abnormal?"

The main body Yang Jian shook his head with a smile and said: "No, needless to say it can't be discovered, even if it is discovered, the original consciousness of that world can't do anything to me."

Hearing what the main body said, the three avatars immediately became interested, and Yang Jian, the little sheep, quickly asked: "Why, do you mean that your strength is already strong enough to fight against the whole world? The Shushan world is a mythical world. It stands to reason that only Only when you reach the level of the legendary saint can you fight against it."

Normally, each world has its own rules. The origin of these rules is gathered together, which is the way of heaven in that world. Once it finds that it may endanger the existence of the world, it will definitely be erased at all costs. They don't know where the main body is. Come with such great confidence.

"Don't think wrongly, I'm not as powerful as you imagined. The reason why I have confidence is because I discovered a secret in the Shushan world."

"The secret of the Shushan world!?"ⅹ3

The little sheep Yang Jian, the basketball player Yang Jian, and the Marvel Cup screamed at the same time, and at the same time stared at the main body Yang Jian curiously.

"That's right, I found out that Shushan World should have been a base for a certain Daoist master to cultivate talents at first, but later it was discovered by other forces because of the ten-year increase. Can the Buddhist sect not help but take a share? There is also the magic sect. I intervened, and the result is the current situation."

The basketball player Yang Jian seemed a little unbelievable, "How is this possible?"

Yang Jian, the little sheep, showed a thoughtful expression on his face, "Maybe it is really possible. The Shushan world belongs to the mythical world, and there are legends of 3000 great worlds in the mythology. Maybe the Shushan world is just one of them, and it is controlled by a certain boss." , it is not impossible to build a place for cultivating talents.”

Ontology Yang Jian looked at the little sheep appreciatively, "Yes, you really thought of it first, all the practitioners in the Shushan world have a common cognition, that is, they will enter the ethereal fairyland after ascension, so the question If you come to the fairyland, you will call it the fairyland, why do you need to add the word ethereal?"

The basketball player Yang Jian had a look of surprise on his face, and immediately exclaimed, "I understand, the ethereal fairyland is not the real fairyland, if the previous guess is true, the ethereal fairyland is a space between the mortal world and the real fairyland , was forcibly opened up by humans, and the purpose is to plunder the talents who originally belonged to the fairy world."

"That's right, that's it, and the Ethereal Immortal Realm should have been opened up by a certain Daoist master, and later the Buddhist sect discovered this secret and stepped in. People who practice Buddhism have the opportunity to enter the Lingshan Buddhist sect, and the worst is indeed the demon sect.

Since ancient times, there are very few people who have ascended from the Demon Realm. It should be because they have been suppressed by both Buddhism and Taoism.

Therefore, unless it is really a person with extremely high qualifications and brilliant talents, who can be recognized by everyone in the demon world, he can ascend to the demon world. For thousands of years in the world of Shushan, there has only been one person, the Lord of the Stone God Palace. "

"But wouldn't you be more dangerous in this way? What if a master from the Buddhist or Taoist sect descends to attack you?"

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