In the end, there were only a few demon hunters left in the bar. After discussing with them, they sent a representative to Constantine, "We will try to hunt and kill demons as much as possible, but Mammon may have to be handed over to you to deal with it." , the son of the devil is too powerful, not to mention there is an archangel Gabriel behind you, but I need to explain one thing in advance, if necessary, we will choose to kill the twin sister behind you, in this way Interrupt the coming of Mammon, if that time really comes, I hope we won't be blamed."

"Are you mistaken? Angela is innocent." Arthur was immediately unhappy when he heard what they said.

"There are too many innocent people in this world. If Mammon's plan really succeeds, how many people will die on the earth. Do you think they are innocent?"

"This..." Arthur was choked and speechless.

"Okay, let us handle the matter of Mammon and Gabriel. You just need to kill the demons on Earth."

Constantine quickly smoothed things over and persuaded everyone to calm down. After discussing and finalizing the next plan, Constantine, Arthur and Angela left the Midnight Bar.

This area in the west of Los Angeles is where the poorest people live. No matter how glamorous the city looks, there is a dark side. This poor place is also the most chaotic place in Los Angeles. As a country where guns are legal, crime can happen anytime, anywhere. When it happened, for example, right now, there was an armed fight taking place in a dark corner.

This was a mafia fight, and it was almost out of their minds, but at this moment, a mass of ion sparks appeared, and quickly spun around to open the space door. Yang Jian walked out with a jar in his arms, stared at himself dumbfounded Yang Jian sighed helplessly, and said: All of them fainted, and those people fell down immediately.

In the end, another person came out of the space door, and Atlanta turned her head to look at the space door with surprise on her face, "Honey, when did you learn this space ability, why didn't I know?"

"I learned it from the big guy behind me some time ago. It's pretty good. You can get where you want to go in an instant. But the disadvantage is that you have to locate and list the place you want to go in advance. Fortunately, there is a number zero. Help, I can use the satellites in the sky to help me locate, otherwise I will have to spend a lot of money." Of course, Yang Jian would not hide these trivial matters from his wife, and closed the space door while talking.

"So that's it, it's really practical, where are we going next? Do you know where Arthur lives now?"

"Of course I know! Now that we know that Arthur is in Los Angeles, the search area has been reduced. Zero invaded the monitoring system of Los Angeles. After a little comparison, we can see through Arthur's disguise. Combined with his recent entry and exit places, it is determined that his residence is Nothing could be easier, come with me."

Soon Yang Jianyang took Atlanta to an old villa. With a light touch, the door lock automatically opened, and the two walked in.

This villa is already a bit old, but the internal facilities are all available, and it is already considered a mansion in this civilian area.

No matter which world he is in, Yang Jian belongs to the ranks of rich people, and of course he will not be stingy with his son, so Arthur has never worried about money. Going to this slum area, but you won't treat yourself badly.

Arthur's run away from home was premeditated. Before coming to Los Angeles, he went to Haidilao to fish for some treasures, exchanged a lot of money on the black market, and then spent double the money to buy a luxurious villa. As for security issues, there is no need at all. Worry, based on Arthur's strength, if someone comes to rob, they can only be unlucky.

After the couple walked into the villa, Yang Jian first put the jar in the dining room, and then Yang Jian went straight into the kitchen to get busy. Today Yang Jian plans to show his skills and cook a table of delicious meals to conquer his wife and son.

Yang Jian took out some vegetables from the refrigerator, and then began to show off his cooking skills. Although Atlanta wanted to help, she was kicked out by Yang Jian every time, so she could only sit in the living room waiting with an aggrieved face. with.

In fact, seriously, Atlanta's cooking skills are not bad, but it depends on who you compare with. My cousin's cooking skills are definitely five-star, no, it should be higher than five-star Level one, because Yang Jian has absorbed Yang Jian's culinary memories from the gourmet world, and he is already the top chef in the world.

It's not that Yang Jian is bragging, even some of the most common side dishes, after being cooked by Yang Jian's hands, can become delicious food with complete color, fragrance and taste. It is already the best delicacy in the world.

Speaking of this, Yang Jian couldn't help but feel complacent. Every time Atlanta was angry, Yang Jian could conquer him as long as she showed a little bit of cooking skills. Cai Chi's saliva drools, giving him an inexplicable sense of accomplishment. Atlanta has long bowed to Yang Jian's cooking skills.

Chapter 265 The Dog Licks Constantine

Yang Jian was busy in the kitchen for half an hour, readying a few small dishes, and Atlanta brought them out and put them on the table. The fragrance that emanated made people salivate.

Atlanta felt a little ashamed, her husband was too good to be a headache, and it would appear that he was too incompetent as a wife, even cooking was inferior.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Atlanta ran to open the door.

"You damn bastard... bastard!"

After the door opened, Constantine stood outside and opened his mouth to yell, but he was dumbfounded halfway through the swearing, and couldn't speak anymore.

Originally, Constantine thought that Arthur's father should be the one who opened the door. When he thought that the other party had hired a killer to deal with him, he couldn't help but get angry. The old man he imagined was an extremely beautiful woman with a noble aura that made people feel confident and ashamed.

"Uh! I'm sorry, I... I made a mistake, are you..."

Constantine quickly apologized, but in front of such a woman, he was so stressed that he stuttered a bit, and was shocked by the aura emanating from the beautiful woman in front of him.

Atlanta didn't pay attention to Constantine, but looked at him, and Arthur was pushed aside by Constantine, and he threw his arms around Arthur's head and shouted: "Arthur, you brat, Where did you go? I haven't been home for so long, I miss my mother!"

Being held in Atlanta's arms, he was almost out of breath. He quickly pushed it away with his hands, and at the same time shouted: "Mom, let go, I still have outsiders here. Save me some face."

"Mom?!" x2

Constantine and Angela almost popped their eyes out. The beautiful woman in front of them was actually Arthur's mother, but she didn't seem to be 30 years old. Standing with Arthur and saying that they were siblings, they would doubt the reality. It's brother and sister, because this woman looks younger than Arthur, is it a mistake?

Atlanta held Arthur for a while before hesitating to let go, then turned her head to look at Angela and Constantine and said, "Sorry, I'm so happy to see my son, don't be offended, you are Arthur's Friends John and Angela, nice to meet you, I am Arthur's mother Atlanta."

"Uh! Hello, nice to meet you." Constantine.

"You're so beautiful! You look so young!" Angela said.

Atlanta smiled slightly, "Thank you for the compliment, come in quickly, the meal is ready, let's eat together."

Atlanta led the three of them to him. When he heard the food on the table and smelled the food, he couldn't help swallowing, it was so delicious.

Constantine resisted the idea of ​​eating and tasting, turned his head to look at the kitchen, his face was stinky, he still didn't give up the idea of ​​finding trouble with Yang Jian, it was the first time in his life that he was cheated so badly, he must put Find the place.

"It smells so good. Dad must have made it himself. Is he still busy in the kitchen?" In his own home, Arthur sat down on the chair, scooped up a spoonful of soup and drank it. An intoxicated smile appeared on his face.

"Already busy, it will be ready soon, just wait a moment."

Constantine looked at the food on the table, it was envious and jealous!I thought viciously in my heart: I didn't expect that old bastard who hadn't seen each other to have such a trick. Could it be that he used this trick to get the beauty in front of him? It's really abominable, why not me, no, he must be pitted hard Take revenge for the previous things, or I will feel uncomfortable.

While Constantine was gnashing his teeth and thinking about how to deal with Yang Jian, Angela and Atlanta were talking in a low voice, looking at Atlanta's chest from time to time, and then looked down at her own. With a lost face, he sighed secretly in his heart: Lost!Whether it is body or temperament?I actually lost to an old woman.

When Yang Jian came out of the kitchen with the last dish, the atmosphere in the restaurant was a little weird, but Yang Jian ignored it and greeted with a smile: "Hello, I am Tom Curry from Arthur, because I like Chinese culture , so there is a Chinese name called Jian Yang, you can call me Yang directly."

Constantine and Angela were shocked again, because she found that Arthur's father was also very young, and he was also a handsome guy, all of them were young, beautiful and handsome, so how could they mess around?

His smile is so warm, no, no, what am I thinking?This bastard cheated me, and I want revenge.


Constantine slapped the table heavily, and said angrily: "You bastard, you still have the face to smile here, do you know how badly I have been hurt by you? Cancel the mission to hunt and kill me quickly, or else I'm not done with you."

"Don't be angry, the task will be canceled automatically after three days, everyone is hungry, sit down, eat, and try my craft, Miss Angela, you must be terrified after going through so many incomprehensible things, eat more It's good for the body."

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