As Yang Jian said, he opened the jar placed in the middle of the restaurant. It was brought back by Yang Jian with the lighthouse on his head, and a strong fragrance wafted out instantly. At this moment, everyone present couldn't help but salivate. It is too fragrant.

"I like Chinese culture more, and I have also been involved in Chinese cuisine. The name of this dish is Buddha Jumping Wall. It took three days from the initial selection of ingredients to the successful production. Let's eat together. This is a rare opportunity."

Yang Jian has the memories of the chef Yang Jian from the gourmet world. The dishes he made are definitely the best in the world. This delicious food immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It smells so good, I can’t help it anymore, no, how can I be bought by the enemy’s sugar-coated shells, I have to settle the score with him, but it seems okay to settle the score with him after eating a full stomach, or...

Yang Jian personally scooped up a bowl for everyone, but deliberately left out Constantine, which made Constantine unhappy.

"Hey, old guy, what do you mean? Why isn't mine?" Constantine swallowed several times and almost flipped the table angrily.

"You're welcome, everyone, eat, there's a lot more." Yang Jian didn't seem to hear what Constantine said at all, first picked up the bowl and took a sip, heaved a sigh of relief, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Bastard, did you listen to me?" Konstantin became even more angry. Is this the first time someone ignored him like this?

Constantine looked at the others, hoping that Arthur and the others would help to say a few words, but he almost vomited blood when he saw it. At this moment, even Angela was busy eating, putting the meat into his mouth with a spoon, It's like melting, not to mention how delicious it is, it's almost inedible compared to the food I ate before.

"You, you, you... one by one..." Konstantin was trembling with anger, and his words were a little awkward, wishing to turn around and leave here to avoid being humiliated, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of food and did it himself After scooping up a bowl, when he ate the first bite of meat, all the annoyance of Konstantin disappeared, and there was only one thought in his mind, it was so delicious!

After drinking and eating.Arthur, Angela, and Constantine were lying on the farm chairs, eating with a big belly, and they didn't even want to move. They were really full.

In comparison, Yang Jian and Atlanta are much better. After all, Yang Jian will make some food by himself from time to time at home and share it with Atlanta. If he eats a lot, he will have resistance, unlike them So full of food.

In just such a meal, without even saying a few words, the conflicts between each other have disappeared and they seem to have become best friends, and everyone talks casually.

"Arthur, I really admire you for being able to withstand the temptation of food and run away from home. If it were me, I would promise to go home on time every day, and I would not leave even if I was killed. How can you eat such delicious food every day? What's not satisfying?" Konstantin couldn't help but rub his stomach, let alone the so-called cannibalism, he had completely lost the idea of ​​making trouble for Yang Jian.

Angela nodded approvingly, "That's right, this is the best and most delicious food I've ever eaten in my life. It seems that I have to exercise more to lose weight, or else I'll have a surplus of calories."

Arthur shook his head with a wry smile. Although his father has unparalleled cooking skills, the problem is that he doesn't cook often. He only cooks himself when he is in a good mood. Usually, he is the robot zero. Work, and in addition, spend dog food with my mother all day long, and abuse him as a single dog, who can bear it.

Arthur didn't want to get entangled in these issues and quickly changed the subject, "Well, Dad, let's get down to business, about Angela..."

Yang Jian waved his hand vigorously and said, "Why are you in a hurry? Looking at you like this, do you have any thoughts about my aunt?"

"Father, don't talk nonsense. We are just ordinary friends. We just don't want to be killed by her and the devil."

"Ordinary friend? I think you are the body of a greedy person."


Hearing what Yang Jian said so directly, Angela spit out the drink she just drank.

"Cough cough cough! You misunderstood, Arthur and I are really ordinary friends, we have known each other for less than two days now."

Yang Jian looked Angela up and down, then turned her head and said to Arthur: "That's love at first sight! But you two are useless, the gap is too big, son, don't be emotional, she is not good enough for you."

Angela didn't have any special feelings for Arthur at first, and really just regarded him as an ordinary friend, but when she heard Yang Jian say this, she suddenly became a little angry, "Sir, you are really rude, even if I am just a Ordinary policemen are not something you can belittle at will."

Yang Jian shook his head, "I didn't mean to belittle you. Besides, you misunderstood. When I said unworthy, I didn't mean your identity and status, but purely physical problems."

"Body, is there something wrong with my body?" Angela asked worriedly. She also knew that she was being targeted by the devil. Could it be that her body had been tampered with.

"No, your body is fine, at least not now. The person with the problem is Arthur. He has a special blood, and he has been receiving the most brutal training during the process of growing up. His body is tougher than steel. Hands can lift things weighing a hundred tons, if the two of you are together, especially when you are on the bed, if you fail to control your strength, you will be crushed."

Angela couldn't help shivering, and a moment of passion between a man and a woman appeared in her mind. When the man got excited, he tore the woman into two pieces with too much force. That scene was simply terrifying.

Arthur was a little dumbfounded, his father had too much brains and always thought of such things, "Dad, don't talk nonsense and scare people, okay?"

"I'm not talking nonsense, son, I advise you, if you want to find a woman, find a stronger one, such as Wonder Woman, who said that a softer woman is more comfortable to hug and sleep, but it is too soft, and I can't bear it." If you keep your physique, it will kill you."

"Yes yes yes! Dad, you are right. We will talk about these trivial matters later. The key now is the coming of the son of hell. Mammon will bring blood and blood to the earth. Don't you care?"

"Don't worry, it goes without saying that he hasn't come yet. Even if he does come, I can send him back to hell. In addition, I found a situation. This time you should come this time. Mammon made the decision without telling Satan, because he Once his plan succeeds, transforming the earth into a new hell, he will become the lord of the world, even be equal to Satan, and cut off the resources of hell from harvesting souls from the earth, so now there is the simplest way to let Satan Knowing what his son is doing, although Mammon appears to be the son of Satan, but in fact the devil has no family affection at all, and Mammon will definitely be in bad luck when the time comes."

Constantine next to him suddenly realized, no wonder he always felt that something was wrong before?Whether it is heaven or hell, human beings on earth are needed to replenish resources, how can it be possible for others to rule the earth.

"That is to say, the coming of the son of hell to the world is not as dangerous as you imagined. You can handle it completely. If this is the case, why did you cheat me? You also spent [-] million dollars to hire a killer."

"Because you're too stupid!" Yang Jian expressed the essence of scumbag in one sentence.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't go too far, why did I cheat. It wasn't intentional, what does your look mean? Uh, take it back, don't think that you are Arthur's father and I have to let you go. "Konstantin became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he was ready to hit someone at any moment.

Arthur was taken aback, and quickly pulled Constantine back, telling him to sit back on the chair. Just kidding, his physique alone was not enough for his father to beat him with one hand. If he rushed up and killed him twice, he would be killed Dad beat me down.

"Father, don't be angry. Actually, John is a nice guy, but he's just messing around."

"Don't worry, I'm not angry at all. I know this kind of scumbag personality very well. Believe it or not. I can turn him into a dog lick with just one word."

"What kind of dog licks you, you have the guts to tell you again, tell you, even if the sky falls, I will never..."

"I can cure your lung disease! By the way, what did you say just now?" Yang Jian said flatly, and Konstantin was immediately stunned.

"I mean, as long as the sky doesn't fall, you are my boss!" Constantine threw himself in front of Yang Jian in an instant, hugged Yang Jian's thigh and cried, "Boss, boss, you are the god in my heart , you are my belief..."

Constantine really turned into a dog licking instantly, stunned Arthur and others.

Yang Jian twitched his legs but couldn't move, "Let me go!"

"Okay boss, are you thirsty, I'll pour you some water!"

"Shut up, I'm not your boss! Don't call me that!"

"Okay boss. Are you tired? Let me give you a shoulder massage."

"I told you, don't call me boss."

"Okay boss, I will listen to you from now on, you let me go east, I will never go west, you let me catch dogs and never chase chickens..."

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