Seeing Constantine's pained face, Yang Jian rarely comforted him with kindness: "Okay! Cheer up, try to make up for what can be made up for before, and let it go if it can't be made up for."

Constantine took a deep breath, rubbed his face hard to calm down, "Okay! Now let's continue discussing about Mammon and Gabriel. I'm thinking that if we reveal Gabriel's conspiracy in advance and tell Mammon , will they fall out and fight to the death."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Although Mamen is the prince of hell, he is far inferior to Gabriel in terms of strength, and when Mamen chooses to cooperate with Gabriel, he is actually under the control of Gabriel. There is no way out, because what he has done has gone against Satan's wishes. Once he finds out, even if he does not die, he will suffer unimaginable punishment. Mammon has no choice, even if he knows that Gabriel is using him , he can only choose to sacrifice his own strength to help Gabriel get promoted, and then use Gabriel to escape Satan's punishment. Anyway, he will not die if he loses his strength, and he will be able to practice back in the future. This is already a conspiracy. It's pointless to know the truth even halfway through, Mammon doesn't dare to turn against Gabriel, it won't do him any good, and he can't do anything to Gabriel, that's all."

Constantine thought about it carefully, and it was really like this. It can only be said that Gabriel's calculations were too ruthless, leaving no retreat for Mammon at all.

Chapter 267 The Arrival of Mammon

Although they had already guessed Gabriel's possible plan, but the crowd had no good way to deal with her, because the matter had developed to the present, and for Gabriel, it had already been brought to light, and it was regarded as an overt conspiracy.

"Father, how should we deal with Mammon and Gabriel? We don't know their specific strengths at all, and we don't know if we can handle them, Archangel and Son of Hell!" Arthur was a little worried. An angel of this level has fought Mo Devil before, and he is not sure in his heart.

"You still have the face to say that if you hadn't run away from home, these few months would have been enough to make your strength grow a lot, and it's too late to regret it now."

Arthur's face was a little embarrassed, but the Yang family was not talking nonsense. You must know that there is a mother box at the lighthouse to provide energy for him to strengthen, and his strength grows rapidly.

"Okay, you don't have to worry too much. Now the power of the Seagod in your body is almost fully awakened, and with the artifact in your hand, even if you are not an opponent against Gabriel, at least you can save your life. Maybe it's in their hands. Under pressure, you can break through the final boundary and fully awaken, and it’s really not possible, and your father and I, if it really gets to that level, I will use my trump card!" Yang Jian said, glancing at the watch on his hand out of the corner of his eye, if If you find out carefully, a transparent device at the bottom of the watch is filled with a strange liquid, which is divided into three strands in total.

Arthur asked curiously: "Father, I've always been curious about what your trump card is? Can you..."

"No..." Yang Jian gave Arthur an angry look: "Of course, the fewer people who know about hole cards, the better. You are sometimes careless. What if you accidentally expose my hole cards?" manage?"

Arthur's face twitched, and he stopped entangled with his father's trump card, "Well, I won't ask, but are you sure it's okay? Gabriel almost counted everyone's tricks, isn't this a good thing , what if he doesn't come with us to engage in conspiracies?"

"Don't worry, your father and I are not a good person. If it's really playing tricks, I don't know who has played with whom? But since you said so, then I will make some preparations."

Yang Jian drew a circle with his big hand, opened the space door out of thin air, grabbed a bag from it, and threw it to Constantine.

Constantine was shocked by Yang Jian's method of opening the space door. Before he could react, he felt a bag hit him. He quickly reached out to catch it, opened it curiously, and found that it contained Thumb-sized transparent beads.

"What are these beads for? What are you giving me?"

"Nowadays, people in the second world of Los Angeles have started to hunt demons. You give them these beads, as long as you carry them with you. After the demons die, these beads will automatically absorb the power of the demons. When the storage is full, collect them and give them to the demons." I."

Constantine looked at Yang Jian warily, "What do you want to do, the power of demons is not so easy to use."

"Don't worry, I'm not you. I just want to make a special magic equipment. In short, you just do it. I won't do anything that endangers the world."

Although Constantine was a little hesitant, he finally chose to trust Yang Jian, nodded and said: "Okay, I will contact them immediately at Midnight, those demon hunters will agree, and there are some dark creatures, I think they should also will help."

Yang Jian nodded in satisfaction, looked at Angela again, took out a bracelet from his pocket, and handed it over, saying, "You wear this bracelet, and don't take it off at any time, the devil can't get close to it with it." your body."

"What a beautiful bracelet!" Angela took the bracelet, and found that it was an unusually exquisite silver metal bracelet, with seven milky white crystals the size of peas inlaid on it. It felt cool when in contact with the skin. The more comfortable you are, the more you can put it down.

Constantine felt the extremely strong holy power the moment the bracelet appeared. He recognized the main metal of the bracelet as a kind of high-purity mithril. Demons dare not even touch it, and the seven crystals are even more It's magical. Although he doesn't recognize it, it is definitely not an ordinary thing, because in his perception, it is almost purely condensed with divine power. If this string of bracelets won't cost tens of millions at the Dark World auction Absolutely can't take it off.

"The spar on this bracelet is very beautiful, what is it?" Constantine wisely did not mention the value of the necklace, lest Angela dare not accept it because it is too precious.

Yang Jian explained casually: "Then it is a kind of holy spar, which contains victory. It is an absolute nemesis for devils, and even mamen dare not touch it."

Of course I dare not touch it. The holy power contained in that bean-sized spar is probably equivalent to the holy power contained in a ton of holy water. It has natural restraint against demons. Seven crystals are equivalent to the holy power contained in seven tons of holy water. Once the power erupts, even Mammon, the son of hell, will be severely injured, "So that's the case, then I can rest assured."

Everyone discussed again, Arthur and Constantine took the beads to the Midnight Bar, preparing to collect the power of the devil, while Angela stayed here, and Yang Jian was responsible for protecting her safety.

Los Angeles seems to have undergone some unknown changes overnight, and the atmosphere is extraordinarily dignified. The local police found that in recent days, the violent incidents in Los Angeles have increased exponentially, and the death toll has increased by more than ten times.

Last night's massacre at a speakeasy, where equipment was smashed to pieces, killing dozens and seriously injuring dozens more, is just one of many similar incidents that have happened overnight More than a dozen police officers in Los Angeles were exhausted. In order to deal with these vicious incidents, they were so tired that they stuck out their tongues and were in a state of collapse.

However, what scares the most in Los Angeles is not the people, nor the police, but the demons hiding in the other world.

The police don't know, but they don't know. The accident happened in a gathering place of some demons. For some unknown reason, the demon hunters in Los Angeles were frantically hunting demons. Not only that, some dark creatures also joined in.

The demons are going to run away in anger, please, you dark creatures are chasing and killing us, aren't we in the same group?Your head was kicked by a donkey, and you actually sided with humans.

The devil suffered an unprecedented blow, and when there was nowhere to go, some well-informed people took the initiative to find the Midnight Bar, expressing that they only hoped to get a legal identity in the human world to survive, and only went with that lunatic Mammon when they were full. The key to rebellion is to rebel against Satan and God at the same time.

In the eyes of many dark creatures, Mammon has been equated with Doubi, so even the demons are divided and suppressed. running dog.

In this way, the work of hunting demons becomes faster. After each demon dies, they will have a ray of black energy absorbed by a bead on the body of these hunters. After the energy of the bead is saturated, the originally crystal clear bead becomes black, and then collected and handed over to Constantine, and then handed over to Yang Jian by relying on the Constantine Sutra.

Poor Mammon didn't know what happened in Los Angeles. The object he possessed was just an ordinary homeless man with no special abilities. Due to the bondage of this body without spiritual power, Mammon couldn't cast spells, couldn't Flying, you can't teleport directly to Los Angeles, you can only rely on walking, the speed is so slow that it makes people desperate.

Mamen is still fantasizing at this time, when he comes in real body, with a wave of arms, countless dark creatures will take him as their master, directly rule the world, become the master of a world, reach the pinnacle of life, and then turn around and stimulate him That 'unmotivated' Daddy Satan.

After more than ten days of trekking, Mamen finally arrived in Los Angeles successfully. The moment he entered Los Angeles again, the dark breath in the air made him almost cry out in comfort. His strength had been suppressed for too long. Entering this city that contained a hint of hell, he could finally use part of his power with confidence.

It's a pity that to Mamen's disappointment, the picture of countless dark creatures coming to seek refuge as he expected did not appear. After waiting for a long time, ten small and small cat demons appeared. Not interested in anything.

"What's going on? Why are there only a few of you? Where's Balthazar? Where's my army?" Mammon asked fiercely, staring at the dozen or so demons in front of him.

A little devil cautiously replied, "Your Highness, more than ten days ago, the demon hunters in New York City started to hunt us madly. Without warning, almost all the gathering points were destroyed, and most of them were killed on the spot." , Even if there are a few survivors, they all hid. Some of us demons are too weak, and some hide secrets, so we can survive.

As for Balthazar, he fled. It is said that he was caught at the midnight bar. He betrayed you, revealed what happened to you, and then he was afraid that you would blame him, so he ran away. "

"Bastard, Balthazar recruited that trash and dared to betray me. I will never let him go. When I rule the world, I will punish him with the cruelest punishment." Mammon looked at the only man in front of him. The dozen or so low-level demons suddenly felt powerless, but soon cheered up. As long as they can complete the predetermined goals, it doesn't matter whether they have these cannon fodder.

"Get ready. I'm coming tonight. In addition, inform our allies to get her ready. I can't wait!"


In Arthur's residence, Yang Jian was alone in the bedroom, and black beads were floating in front of him. Those beads were not flying in the air due to an inexplicable force, and wisps of black air condensed into Yang Jian's palm, gathering more and more. The more the more, the black air in all the beads was completely drawn away, and they became crystal clear again, and an egg-sized, shiny black bead had condensed in Yang Jian's hand, giving people an extremely evil look. Feel. .

Yang Jian looked at the bead in his hand, played with it lightly, and murmured: "Shouldn't it be used? I really don't know what you think about that one? It's better to use it or not, it's just as a backup method. Just in case."

Yang Jian put the beads in his pocket, then stood up from the bed and opened the door. When he came to the living room, he found that only Atlanta was there. Arthur, Angela, and Constantine were all gone. He couldn't help being surprised. He hurriedly asked: "My wife, why are you alone, Angela, John, Arthur and the others? Didn't you say not to go out at this time, and stay at home honestly?"

"Oh, Angela said she wanted to go home to get some clothes. She seems to have been hit by wearing mine for the past few days. After all, her cup number is too far from mine." Atlanta said with a dark belly , showing a fox-like smile, while deliberately puffing out his chest.

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