Usually, once Atlanna poses in this pose, Yang Jian will definitely be able to make Yang Jian's blood boil, become mad, and turn into a Midnight Silver Wolf.

But this time Yang Jian didn't have the slightest desire in his eyes, but his face became extremely ugly. "Damn it, if you lose the chain at a critical moment, go find them right away, and hope nothing happens."

Atlanta felt that Yang Jian was a little too sensitive, so she couldn't help but said: "Is there any need to be so anxious? Angela has the bracelet you gave, and the devil can't get close at all. With the protection of Arthur and Constantine, even if Even encountering Mammon is enough to protect themselves, as long as Arthur delays for a while, it is enough for them to send out a distress signal."

"It's logically true, but for some reason I always have a feeling of uneasiness, and it's getting stronger and stronger. I always feel that something will happen. I'd better be careful." Yang simply felt that something was going to happen.

Although Atlanta felt that Yang Jian's worry was unnecessary, but for peace of mind, she decided to go with Yang Jian to find him back. As soon as she got dressed, the watch on Yang Jian's hand remembered Didi. The voice, this is Arthur's distress signal.

"Something really happened!" Yang Jian immediately opened the space door and got in, only to find that Arthur was not far away in a street, a little embarrassed, and there were some people around him looking up at the sky.

"Did I get dazzled just now, as if I saw an angel."

"It should be true, I saw it too."

"But why did the angel attack those three people and take two of them away? Are they devils?"

"Who knows?"


After Yang Jian appeared, regardless of the people who were arguing, she directly used a magic to make the people around her instinctively ignore her existence, and then joined Arthur.

"What happened to Arthur?"

Some ashamed Arthur saw Yang Jian, as if he had a backbone, and shouted: "Father is not good, Angela and John were taken away by Gabriel."

"Gabriel, did she take the shot herself? In such a large hall, aren't you afraid of being caught and interrogated by the people in heaven after being exposed?" Atlanna, who just got out of the space door, turned black and felt that she was slapped in the face Oh, I said just now that there is nothing wrong, and now I am being arrested, it is too shameful.

"It's that lunatic Gabriel. Maybe he thought the plan was about to succeed. He didn't care about other people's eyes at all. He showed his real body, attacked me from behind, and took the opportunity to take John and Angela away. It has wings and can fly, and its speed is so fast that I have no time to save people.”

Arthur looked frustrated, he didn't suffer any injuries, and with the strength Gabriel showed just now, even though he wasn't an opponent, it would be no problem to hold him back, but he didn't expect Gabriel to do such an amazing job. Well, the majestic Archangel actually did such a thing as a sneak attack, and immediately snatched people away after one blow, Arthur had no time to chase him.

"",Ugh!Let's go, let's go to the mental hospital, where Angela's sister died and where Mammon was born, then you will be our decisive battle. "

After Yang Jian finished speaking, she strode towards the psychiatric hospital, and Atlanta and Arthur followed immediately. Both of them felt angry in their hearts. They must find a way to get back after being slapped in the face. In his mind, he imagined the scene of beating Gabriel and Mammon until their noses and faces were swollen.

Chapter 268 Gabriel Exposed

The sky above the mental hospital was covered by a dark cloud at some point, and it gathered more and more, and soon formed a huge vortex. It seemed that something poured down below, as if the end of the world was about to come.

The area covered by dark clouds is getting wider and wider. This phenomenon that cannot be explained by science has attracted a large number of onlookers. They took out their mobile phones or other digital devices to take pictures of the sky phenomenon, and posted it on their personal homepage, calling Watch with friends.

In the mental hospital, the ordinary people were basically killed, leaving only a dozen or so "people" who didn't fit in. They were all in black robes, holding candles in a circle, bowing their heads and quietly reciting eloquent chants, which appeared more than once. Words like hell and doom.

Here is the US Emperor, there are not a few people who like to die, the number of sects is amazing, there are all kinds of beliefs, it is not surprising to worship hell and the end of the world, so even if people see it, it is not surprising.

Led by a super-blonde beauty on the surface, who is really surrounded by black smoke, with horns on her head, red eyes, and scales all over her body, all the "people" walked to an altar, on which they were bound. A young beauty is none other than Angela.

Angela's limbs were bound, um, she was lying on the ground on her back, her mouth was gagged and unable to speak, she struggled hard, but she still couldn't break free from the restraints.

At this time, Angela's intestines were green with regret, why didn't she listen to the advice, and had to go home to get clothes?Although I have been wearing Atlanta's clothes, it is better to be beaten to pieces by the opponent's cup number than to die. If I give it another chance, I will stay here and not go anywhere.

"Great son of hell, according to the scriptures of hell, your sins will surpass those of your father! At the junction of life and death, here, at this time, please descend..."

As the devil's moaning became faster and faster, Angela could feel something pouring into her body, and as the ceremony progressed, her mind began to become a little fuzzy.

And in a room only tens of meters away from the altar, someone was also tied to a pillar. Constantine's handsome face was full of ferocity, and his eyes were full of angry flames staring at a tall man in front of him. woman.

This is a beautiful face with blond hair, who perfectly interprets what is called an angel figure beauty. At this time, she is barefoot, walking without touching the ground, and exuding a confident and noble temperament from the inside out. Because it is too much, on the contrary It's more like arrogance, holding a bracelet in his hand and playing with it, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

On the surface, Constantine was furious and was tied there, but he did not give up hope. He knew that Arthur and Yang Jian must be coming here, everything still had hope. Decided what to do, secretly in his own There was a click on the ring, and a glimmer of light flickered on a button of his suit. That button was actually a pinhole camera, which Yang Jian had given him before.

"Gabriel, you lunatic. You actually cooperated with Mammon, you handed over the human world to hell, and released the sons of hell to come, you fallen one!"

"No, no, on the contrary, what I have done is to give human beings a chance to redeem themselves. They lack a test, a real test. I am still the holy Archangel Gabriel." Gabriel said as if In order to strengthen the persuasiveness, a pair of huge wings are displayed on the back, and each feather is shining with a sacred light, which makes people feel ashamed.

It's just that Gabriel doesn't know that the scene that happened here has already been transmitted through the equipment on Constantine.

At this time, the whole world was in an uproar, looking at the screen in the computer in disbelief, wondering if I had read it wrong.

"Omg, I saw what an angel is, it's amazing!"

"What, is that really Lord Gabriel?"

"No, no, it should be just a movie special effect, right?"

"The special effects of your movie can produce this kind of uniformity, even if it's just across the screen, I can feel that kind of divine power."

"Aren't you kidding... There are really angels?!"

"Great, of course the Archangel is here to save us?"

"What a fart, didn't you hear the conversation just now, this Gabriel is going to test us into human beings, last time God sent a flood to mankind, this time Gabriel is going to release the devil from hell, what do you think? Is it a good thing?"

"Oh my god, I don't believe it, it's all fake. Could it be that the end of the world is coming? I don't want to die!"

Gabriel had no idea that what he said had already been broadcasted, and he was still saying the chilling words with a calm face: "Humans are definitely the ugliest creatures in the world, and they have received too much favor from God. What sins they committed, just repent and God will welcome them with open arms and forgive them, it's not fair!"

"So, you hand over the world to the devil to take care of it? It is your test to cooperate with Mammon, the son of hell, and let him destroy the world."

"Yes!" I have been observing the world, and I have a panoramic view of the despicableness of human nature. I cannot tolerate human beings enjoying God's favor unscrupulously. Since God loves human beings so much, I will make them worthy of being loved. I discovered that human beings can truly find their noble selves in the face of fear and despair.So I brought pain and fear, and let hell come to the world. Those who overcome fear and survive hell are worthy of being favored by God! "

What Gabriel said just now subverted many people's cognition, and those ordinary people in Los Angeles suddenly realized that it is no wonder that there have been various violent incidents recently, and many people vowed to see the devil. Someone accompanied you to make a mistake, but now it seems that it should be true. It is not so difficult to accept that Gabriel, the Archangel in mythology, has demons.

But then everyone felt their scalps tingling again. Gabriel didn't appear to save mankind. It turned out that she was in the same group as Mammon, the king of hell. Many believers collapsed at this moment!Many people said that all this is fake, that is not Gabriel at all, but a powerful demon, pretending to be Gabriel.

But exorcists like Father Midnight and some dark creatures understand that this is true, especially those who know Constantine, and they have no doubt about Gabriel's identity, because about Constantine Ding entered the story of falling into hell and being rescued by angels. They also knew that Constantine was inextricably linked with hell and heaven.

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