"Hmph, show mercy? What a joke, my son of hell, Mammon, when did I need others to show mercy?"

Mammon's voice fell, and he charged at Arthur again. This time, he directly used all his strength. Although it would speed up the collapse of this body, he couldn't care about it now.

Chapter 270

Arthur swung the water fork in his hand, and raised it high to meet Mammon's top-down grab. There was a loud bang, and the ground under Arthur's feet cracked, but he managed to block it, and then hit his knee to mammon.

Mammon also raised her leg and kicked it over. With a bang, her two legs hit each other, and each took a few steps back.

Arthur took the opportunity to wave the water fork in his hand, and countless streams of water converged and turned into water spheres. After being highly compressed, they shot out at Mamen. Each stream of water was like a thin line, enough to cut through the steel plate.

Mamen's body moved and jumped in the narrow space with incomparable flexibility, dodging the attacks of streams of water, but she couldn't dodge it and resisted directly with her body. Although she was wounded one after another, she recovered in a blink of an eye.

But Mammon knew that it would be bad for him to continue like this, so he had to find a way to break this situation, endured several attacks, and quickly approached Arthur, his eyes glowing red, and soon approached six or seven meters away from Arthur .

"Look at my eyes!" Mammon suddenly shouted, the red light in his eyes became strange.

Arthur was startled, it was too late to close his eyes, his vision was filled with bloody red light, and finally he felt faint, various images appeared in his mind, it seemed that he saw his father being beheaded, and he His mother was sacrificed to the Trench Clan, and countless monsters tore her into pieces, and saw countless decayed bodies besieging him, barging their teeth and claws to take their own lives.

Arthur immediately understood that he had fallen into a fantasy drama, and what was displayed in front of him was the loopholes in his own mind. Based on this, the terrifying picture was formed. This is the trick that the devil is best at. It captures the weakness of human hearts. Use them to lead people into the abyss of depravity.

This illusion must be broken as soon as possible, otherwise it will be dangerous. Although Arthur was not disturbed, the method of breaking the illusion taught by his father emerged in his mind, bit the tip of his tongue hard, and at the same time burst out the divine power in his body Come.


Arthur only felt a shock in his body. Under the dual effects of pain and divine violence, the illusion was instantly broken, and the real environment appeared in front of him. At this time, Mammon's claws were less than three meters away from Arthur's head, but it was still Well, Arthur's burst of divine power slowed his movements a bit, and this time was enough for Arthur to save himself.

"Little water!" Arthur yelled violently, and the water-blue armor on his body suddenly swelled up, turning into a huge water polo, wrapping Mammon inside before he could react.

Mamen felt that her body was imprisoned in the water, and it took a lot of effort to move. Moreover, the water polo was constantly squeezed in the middle. It was obviously only a water polo with a diameter of less than three meters, but the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, as if she was in the bottom of the sea at a depth of [-] meters. .

Mamen tried to move his body to get away from the water polo, but the water polo was very spiritual and could move with his movement, there was no way to escape.

Feeling the heavier and heavier pressure, Mammon gritted his teeth, curled up his body, the strength continued to gather, and the black mist on his body became thicker and thicker.

Until Mammon felt that his strength had been compressed to the limit, his body suddenly stretched out, and the violent journey to hell erupted instantly.

Arthur was startled, and quickly backed away, while yelling: "Defend with all your strength!"

Atlanna heard Arthur's shout, and hurriedly protected Constantine and Angela behind her. With a move of her hand, a large amount of water was also condensed, turning into a water shield in front of her.


The violent explosion of the power of hell shattered the water polo, and the water splashed in all directions. The walls, the ground, and the ceiling were shot out densely, with hundreds of small holes, and some even penetrated through several layers of walls, and the outside world could be seen. The light is turned on, and it can be seen how strong the penetrating power is.

Some of the water flowed towards Arthur and Atlanna, but they were blocked by them.

After Mammon got away, he didn't fight back immediately, but stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the power of hell gathered to form a strange-shaped sharp blade. Then he rushed over and slashed at Arthur viciously. It caused a lot of damage, and he didn't dare to use the violent fighting style before.

Arthur snorted coldly, and with a thought, the water flow spurted out just now converged again, attached to the body surface and turned into armor again. Xiaoshui is an alternative life form made of water condensation, which can gather or disperse. And with Arthur's mind, it is not so easy to be destroyed.

With the protection of Xiaoshui's magical armor, even if he gets hit by Mammon a few times, Arthur let go completely, brandishing the water fork and fighting with Mammon. fierce.

Atlanta put away the water shield, then turned her head and said to Constantine: "The battle here is beyond your control. I will send you to a safe place first, and then come back to help them."

Although Konstantin was a little unwilling, he saw that the alloy table was twisted into an iron lump by the aftermath of the battle, and then he was honest and helpless. At this time, he would only drag his feet here, "Well, I will trouble you! "

Atlanta lifted Constantine with one hand, grabbed Angela with the other and carried it on her back, then smashed open the window and jumped off the stairs.


Angela was still in a coma and had no sense of the external situation, but Konstantin knew it very well when he was sober. He yelled in horror and cursed the crazy woman in his heart. Wouldn't it be like falling into pieces if he jumped from such a high place? Sauce?

But soon Constantine found that his worries were unnecessary. During the fall, the water flow quickly converged and wrapped the three of them into a huge water polo. The moment it landed, the water polo bounced a few times with full resilience. Down, to offset the force of the fall, so that the three of them landed safely.

At this time, there were still many people watching in the psychiatric hospital. Naturally, they saw the scene of Atlanta and the others descending from the sky. After the water polo dispersed, they were shocked when they saw the people inside. They instinctively picked up their mobile phones to take pictures. But before she could make a move, Atlanta had already grabbed Constantine and Angela and disappeared in an instant.

After coming to a corner and avoiding everyone's eyes, Atlanta put Angela on her shoulders into Constantine's arms, "I'll leave the rest to you, take her away!"

"Uh, okay, okay!" Because Angela was stripped naked by a demon before for a ceremony, after being rescued, there was no time to find clothes in a hurry, and Atlanta just gave her her coat Put it on, and the inside is completely vacuum. When Constantine took Angela just now, it happened to touch some special parts. Even with Constantine's heart, he was a little distracted, and his face turned red.

Atlanta looked at Constantine contemptuously, and thought to herself: Man!Turn around and prepare to leave.

boom! ! !

At this moment, there was a violent roar from inside the building. The milky white saint, black mist, uh, blue water waves, and orange flames erupted at the same time, and the most violent force on the entire roof flew into the air, shattering It split apart and turned into countless fragments that fell from the sky.

Those onlookers poured blood. It was really a fire at the city gate, which brought disaster to the fish in the pond. They just wanted to watch the fun, but they suffered such a catastrophe. Watching the densely packed gravel fall down,

not good!Atlanta yelled loudly, not caring about hiding, rushed out from the corner, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the water pipes, fire hydrants, and faucets in the mental courtyard exploded at the same time. Tens of meters long, the water whip, like an octopus' tentacles, waved crazily, whipping towards the gravel falling from the sky.

As the queen who once fell to Atlantis, Atlanna's blood is even more pure than that of Arthur, and Yang Jian certainly will not hide her from his wife, and he will teach the law of water to her without reservation. her.

Over the years, Atlanta's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Not only is her body strong, but her understanding of the law of water is also improving. It's just that she doesn't have a water fork artifact like Arthur that can help control sea water, and she doesn't have a pet like Xiaoshui, so The controlled water flow is less than one tenth of Arthur's.

However, Atlanta also has an advantage, that is, he has a more detailed control over the law of water, and the tentacle-like water whips accurately whipped the falling stones, keeping the crowd watching, almost without any Casualties.

"I'm still alive, what happened just now? These water whips protected me."

"Over there, it was the woman who protected us just now, just like the Aquaman who fought against Doomsday a while ago, able to control the water flow." At this time, someone spotted Atlanta's figure and immediately screamed.

"It's really her, she has a really good figure, but it's a pity that she is wearing a mask. I don't know if she looks pretty or not? No, I have to thank her personally. It would be great if I could see her face under the mask."

"I'll go too, I'll go too, she has such a good figure, she must be a big beauty."

Atlanna heard those people's words and couldn't help but feel helpless. You are still thinking about these things at this time, so don't run for your life.

"Everyone is leaving, this place is about to become a battlefield, staying here will only lead to death, hurry up, go as far as possible." Atlanta shouted softly.

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