Atlanna's words made everyone react, turned around and ran, of course, there are also some who are not afraid of death, especially one of the young men with weird hairstyles who ran towards Atlanna, "Goddess, goddess, you are my goddess , you will definitely protect me, right?"

Atlanta almost laughed angrily, and waved her hand directly in this anger, controlling a stream of water to roll up the young man rushing over, and then flung it forcefully towards the sky.


The man screamed and flew out, but Atlanta didn't intend to kill him, the water wrapped around his body quickly wrapped him up, and when he landed, the water polo could buffer the falling force and save his life. Of course there must be some pain.

Soon, the crowd of onlookers ran away completely. Atlanna felt relieved, looked back at the building, and found that the building of the mental hospital had been destroyed, like briquettes. A hole appeared, and a ball of light burst out from inside from time to time, one can imagine how fierce the fierce battle was.

Yang Jian and Gabriel came to the top of the building. At the top of Yang Jian Building, they put their hands together, and the flame rose, and then quickly shrunk, forming a two-handed flaming sword that was about [-] meters long.

Gabriel did not show weakness. He waved his wings and flew up to the sky. He raised his right arm high and held his palm in the void. A scorching white spear completely condensed by holy light appeared in his hand, pointing at Yang Jian from a distance. , throwing it hard.

The moment the holy spear left his hand, the entire tip of the spear was entangled with pure white holy flames, and a powerful force erupted suddenly, like a meteorite falling from the sky. The fiery light lit up the night sky and fell whistling, as if to purify everything in the world.

Through the satellites in the sky, many people saw this scene. If Gabriel hadn't exposed her true thoughts before, many people would cheer for her at this moment, thinking that she was judging evil. Unfortunately, everyone is worried now. It is the golden armored warrior holding the flaming sword below, the hero who once defeated the doomsday and saved the earth.

Yang Jian fixedly stared at the spear falling from the sky, and had already captured its trajectory. Resisting the feeling of heart palpitations, he raised the big sword horizontally in front of his chest with both hands, and fought to meet it.

boom! ! !

The holy gun collided with the flaming sword, violent power erupted, the whole building collapsed instantly, the aftermath spread, love destroyed everything around, rocks flew, even Arthur and Mammon was affected, he didn't care about continuing to fight, and retreated at the same time, resisting the falling stones.

call out! ! !

Before Gabriel could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw a figure rushing out of the berserk energy. The golden battle armor on Yang Jian was a bit tattered, but there was no fatal injury. When it was born, cut it hard.

Gabriel had just unleashed a blow with all his strength, and was panting for breath. It was too late to dodge. Facing the crisis, he gritted his teeth, quickly vibrated his wings and backed away, and at the same time, a gun tip appeared in his hand, continuously injecting holy power into it, A gun shaft condensed from the back of the head, and soon a battle gun took shape, which was grabbed by Gabriel and faced the flaming sword in Yang Jian's hand.


Originally, Yang Jian didn't care, but when the spear touched the flaming sword, the flaming sword almost collapsed at the touch, pierced by the spear, and then continued to stab Yang Jian's face.

Yang Jian was taken aback. He stepped on the air continuously with his feet in the air. There was a loud bang, and the war gun almost slid past Yang Jian's body.

After Yang Jian landed on the ground, he stared at the battle gun in Gabriel's hand with a serious face. There was a burst of crisis in his heart, and a sudden realization in his heart. This is not an ordinary battle gun. The body of the gun is condensed by pure holy power , but the tip of the gun should be the legendary gun of fate, or it should be called the gun of Longinus.

According to the Bible, when Jesus was crucified on the cross, something happened when his body was removed.

Originally, Jesus did not really die, but a fake death. According to the regulations, the soldiers had to break the victim's legs to prove that he was indeed dead.

But the soldiers all confirmed that Jesus was really dead, so they did not do so. One of the soldiers, a centurion named Longinus, stabbed Jesus with his spear in order to prove whether Jesus was really dead. Under Jesus' ribs, blood gushed out from the wound, staining the entire body of the gun red. This time Jesus really died.

Needless to say the following things, this gun was stained with divine blood, and has since become a religious sacred object, also known as the gun of destiny!

In order to achieve his goal, Gabriel worked hard to find this gun of destiny. It was originally intended to help Mammon come to the world, but unfortunately the plan was disrupted and he simply used it as a weapon against Yang Jian.

Chapter 271 Superheroes Arrive

"Those who hold the gun of fate are naturally favored by fate. Since I can find this gun, it proves that everything I have done is right. I will break my own limit and become an existence like a scapegoat."

Gabriel seemed to be giving himself confidence, talking to himself, with a kind expression on his face, he became extremely solemn and held up the spear. As the energy gathered, the tip of the spear emitted an extremely pure light, which became brighter and brighter. Finally, Gabriel The whole person was wrapped up and turned into a ball of light, and the slender figure was completely covered by the light.

Gabriel floated in the air and waved his wings lightly, the holy flame was burning, a trace of overflowing energy distorted the surrounding space, countless pure white energy feathers scattered, it seemed that there were faintly incomparably solemn bells and softly chanted legends. Come, let Gabriel appear more sacred and noble, as majestic as a divine mansion and inviolable.

Feeling the aura that belonged to the opponent's body that had increased several times, Yang Jian's face became extremely cautious, and the two-handed flaming sword in his hand began to condense again, as if under tremendous pressure, it was forcibly compressed from a length of about [-] meters to [-] meters. And the flame disappeared, and the sword looked like a red gemstone, and it looked more like a work of art, but if one could feel the violent power compressed inside, no one dared to underestimate it.


The red long sword and the pure white holy spear collided, and fierce shock waves shot out. With a bright light piercing the sky, the two streams of energy criss-crossed, and between the flashes of lightning, there was a loud noise like landslides and ground cracks.

Russell's eyes froze, and he looked at a gap in his fiery red sword that was cracked by the spear. He gritted his teeth, poured his own energy into the sword to repair it, and then soared into the sky, like flying into the sky. Yang Jian and Gabai Lie's strength is too strong, destroying the world at every turn, and he doesn't want to involve the innocent people below.

I forgot to explain, in fact, Yang Jian already knows how to fly, but his flying ability is obtained by manipulating the gravity around him. After Yang Jian condensed the Taoist Jade in the Naruto World, he has a deep understanding of gravity. After the perception of the body was passed on to the ontology, the ontology used it to comprehend and understand some laws of gravity. Although it is not profound, it is enough to fly.

Gabriel immediately chased after her. Although in order to achieve her goal, she did not hesitate to lead the earth to destruction, but if it was not necessary, she did not want to slaughter ordinary people with her own hands, even if those people were just ants in her eyes.

The two figures, one golden and one white, are like lightning in the air, you chase me, and Gabriel is better in terms of flying speed. He raised his gun and stabbed at Yang Jian. The tip of the gun shone like a star.

Yang Jian turned around suddenly, turned sideways to avoid the stabbing of the holy spear, swung the sword in both hands into a semicircle, and chopped down towards Gabriel's head.

Gabriel had no expression on his face, he swung his hands holding the Holy Spear, and slashed towards the sword with the tip of the spear.

Yang Jian moved the sword in his hand slightly, avoiding the tip of the gun and facing the body of the gun. Yang Jian's idea was very simple. The tip of the gun was the spear of destiny, but the barrel of the gun was formed by Gabriel's holy power. So hard.

Ding! !

The sharp sound made the two of them stagnate slightly. Yang Jian realized that he was wrong. Although the gun wood stem was only condensed with holy power, it was blessed with the gun of fate, and its hardness was actually stronger than his own sword. Gabriel's battle spear was not damaged at all, but the sword in Yang Jian's hand had a crack where it collided with the gun body.


Yang Jian yelled, and a wave of flames several meters high rose from his body, as if his whole body had turned into a huge fireball. The sword in his hand was withdrawn, and then he gathered all his strength to slash it down.

Gabriel let out a muffled grunt, and his body was forced to fall hundreds of meters, but he soon stabilized his body, waved his angel wings, and turned his whole body into a small sun. The dazzling white light shone hundreds of miles pale, and then Grasping the spear with both hands, he forcefully pushed Yang Jian back. The spear danced and transformed into shadows of spears, piercing out like a storm, vowing to kill Yang Jian here.

The energy shopping caused changes in the sky, violent storms, lightning and thunder, the space around the two shrank and then split, the energy storm first flew away the surrounding dark clouds, and Los Angeles, known as the city of angels on the ground, was also devastated by the aftermath.

Fortunately, under Yang Jian's deliberate guidance, the two had already arrived at the beach, and the loss in Los Angeles was not serious.

As the battle became more and more intense, the hurricane roared and raged, the earth and the ocean were filled with dust, covering the sky and the sun. When people looked up, they could see the alternating golden and white light and shadow between the high-altitude clouds, as if the doomsday had really come. .

Gabriel, who possesses the gun of destiny, is several times stronger than before. In addition to fighting in the sky, Gabriel's speed is faster and more flexible, and Yang Jian gradually falls into the disadvantaged.

Arthur, who was fighting fiercely with Mammon on the ground, had a vision that ordinary people could not reach. He naturally found that his father was at a disadvantage. He couldn't help but show a trace of worry on his face. His movements in his hands were a little slow, and Mammon immediately seized the opportunity .

"You dare to be distracted when you are fighting with me. You are really ignorant. If so, go to hell."

Mammon waved his hands repeatedly, and turned into ghost claws. Arthur didn't check for a while, and was caught by the opponent.

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