Fortunately, the battle armor transformed by Xiaoshui actually resisted most of the power, and a wound several inches long was drawn on Arthur's body. It was not very serious, but the black air permeating the wound was a bit troublesome. Because the dark power of hell can corrode the soul, Arthur had to be distracted and mobilize his own sea god power to cleanse and cleanse. However, it was easier to reveal his flaws in this way, and he was defeated by Mammon.

"Bastard, you dare to hurt my son, go to hell!" At this moment, Atlanna rushed over, seeing her son being killed, she condensed several balls of water and slammed it in anger.


The bursting power of those highly compressed water spheres was not weaker than that of missiles, and Mammon had to avoid the edge and retreat temporarily. Arthur immediately took this opportunity to clear the black air in his body.

"Arthur, are you okay?" Although there seemed to be no serious injuries, Atlanta was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, it's all right, now we have to find a way to deal with this bastard." Arthur said, looking at Mammon who was standing not far away.

At this time, Arthur already understood that in terms of real strength, the opponent was absolutely superior to him, and even his mother was not his opponent, but Mammon's current body could not exert his due combat strength at all. When Arthur fought against him, Mammon would fight back with all his strength only when he was cornered. The purpose was just to force Arthur back. His behavior was clearly delaying time. It seemed that Mammon still hadn't given up. I hope that after Gabriel defeats the enemy, he will find another chance to implement his plan of descent.

Arthur and Atlanta, the mother and son, glanced at each other, and at the same time guessed Mammon's thoughts, they had to disrupt the other's plan and force the other's power to take action, so that his body would not be able to bear his own strength As for the collapse, the stronger the devil from hell, the more it will be restricted. Now it has been exposed. If there is no strong body to carry it, it can only be forcibly sent back to hell.

Arthur raised the water fork in his hand, and the endless water flow gathered, and at the same time, the armor on his body merged into it, turning into a huge monster tens of meters high, with eight tentacles constantly waving to bring about a violent hurricane, Atlanta Na also condensed densely packed water blades with the water flow, and the mother and son joined hands to kill Mamen with great momentum.

Relying on her flexible body, Mammon kept dodging the attacks of Mother Arthur and her son. She tried to bypass the blue octopus made of water several times, but was blocked by the flexible tentacles every time. The door also gave up, the body bowed, two big bags bulged out from behind, a pair of black demon wings emerged, flapped twice vigorously, and flew to a height of several hundred meters.

Arthur immediately controlled the octopus to open its mouth and shoot a jet of water at Mammon.

Mammon just floated in mid-air without moving, a cloud of black mist emerged from his body and enveloped his whole body, the black mist seemed to be faintly tinged with a tinge of blood, when the water column entered the black mist, it dissipated instantly, as if being digested by a force average.

Now Arthur and Atlanta were dumbfounded. They had no ability to fly at all, and water attack was the only way to target air enemies. If that didn't work, how should they fight next?

When Arthur's mother and son were in a dilemma, suddenly two red light beams fell from the sky, piercing Mammon's body from behind in an instant.

A look of surprise appeared on Arthur's face. He had already seen the person coming. He was wearing his underwear backwards, and the cloak behind him was waving in the wind. It was Superman.

In fact, in terms of strength, Arthur is stronger than Superman at this stage. Even after the Kryptonian invasion, Superman understood the importance of strength because he was hit by the Doomsday. Strengthening the body, the speed of increasing strength is no slower than him.

Superman has no chance of winning against Mammon, who is stronger than Arthur, but he doesn't need to beat Mammon. Arthur only needs Superman to lure Mammon down from the sky, or hold her back so he can get out of it , and with Atlanta's help, the three of them joined forces to defeat Mammon with great confidence, that's why Arthur was so happy.

Although Mammon was attacked by a sneak attack, two big holes were burned on her body by the heat rays, but Mammon was not very angry. The wound squirmed for a while, and the two big holes disappeared. Then she turned her head to look like Superman, her eyes widened, and the red light flashed Pass.

"Ah!" Superman screamed and fell from the sky, falling into a coma.

Arthur's smile froze on his face. At this moment, there were countless complaints in his heart, and he really wanted to ask Superman: Dude!Are you kidding me?

At the same time, Arthur was also a little puzzled, even if Superman's strength was not much worse than his own, why was it that Mammon killed him in seconds?Could this be Mammon's true strength?

In fact, not only Arthur, but even Mammon himself was a little surprised. He just pulled Superman into the illusion, let Superman see his most painful experience, and then based on this, he created some tragic illusions for him in the future. Delay for a while, take the opportunity to sneak attack, give him a ruthless attack, but did not expect to defeat him with just a simple hell magic, it is as easy as dealing with ordinary people, this mood is too bad.

At first, Mammon thought that Superman was pretending to have some kind of conspiracy, but soon found out that it was real. Superman in a coma still couldn't get rid of the illusion, and pain appeared on his face constantly.

In fact, this is not to blame for Superman. Superman's resistance to magic is too low. In addition, Superman at this stage has just embarked on the road of a hero. Superman, as a remnant of Krypton, because of the destruction of his home planet, coupled with the questioning of the tribe headed by General Zod, the death of Superman's adoptive father and other experiences, made him fall into inextricable pain, and his heart was severely traumatized. The blow, followed by the illusion of his girlfriend's tragic death created by Mamen, which caused Superman to lose his mind, and was dropped in seconds with one move.

Arthur quickly controlled a stream of water and rolled Superman to protect him behind him. Although he was a little annoyed, he was a partner who had fought side by side after all, so he couldn't just leave him dead.

Arthur and Atlanta continued to control the water flow to attack Mammon. Although it didn't have much effect, at least it was better than nothing.

"Arthur! I'm coming!" A long-legged beauty appeared in the east, holding a shield in her left hand and a sword in her right. It was Wonder Woman, who immediately swung her sword and slashed at Mammon.

Ding!Mammon stretched out her claws to grab the sword, and grabbed Wonder Woman's throat with her other hand. Even though Wonder Woman had been training hard recently, she was far behind Superman and the others, and couldn't resist a few moves at all.

Wonder Woman hastily used her shield to block it, and with a stab, her claws slashed across the shield, emitting a series of sparks.

Mammon discovered that the shield and sword used by the other party were actually divine weapons. Although they were not as good as the water in Arthur's hand, they were not to be underestimated. With the claws of the sword he was holding, Wonder Woman was thrown out, and then the wings flapped He chased after him and punched Wonder Woman.

Jets of water shot out from below, but they were easily dodged by Mamen. They flew too high, and there was no time to rescue them.

Seeing that Wonder Woman was severely injured, another beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and blasted directly at Mammon.

But at the moment when the light beam fell, Mammon sneered, and slapped the sky with his backhand, and then saw that light beam was slapped by Mammon as if it had transformed from an invisible to a tangible entity. He went back, and reflected in the direction he came with even more astonishing power, instantly hitting a person whose body was half mechanical, and that person was directly blasted out.

Steel Bones, whose real name is Victor Vic Stone, was originally an athlete, a star wide receiver for the high school American football team, with excellent physical fitness. There was an accident some time ago, and his father Silas was in the other two With the help of scientists, the U.S. government’s laboratory Red Room, which collects various alien technologies, successfully saved its life. During the rescue process, it was transformed into a half-human, half-mechanical biochemical human with the help of the mother box. After what happened when the son of hell came, he rushed over to stop it immediately.

When Cyborg arrived, he saw that Mammon was going to attack Wonder Woman, and he assembled his arms into an energy cannon attack, but he didn't expect that the enemy was stronger than he imagined, and he still couldn't fully control his power. Mammon was caught off guard when he came up, but fortunately, the transformed half-human, half-mechanical body has good defense and was not injured.

However, Cyborg's shot was not useless, at least it slowed Mammon's action, bought time for Wonder Woman, and regrouped to kill Mammon again.

Mammon still wanted to grab Wonder Woman's sword with her hand like before, but this time Wonder Woman was prepared, and before the sword fell, she immediately changed direction and stabbed Mammon's abdomen.

Mammon had no choice but to retreat and dodge, he didn't want to be attacked by the divine weapon, it would be very troublesome for the divine power to harm him.

At this time, the steel skeleton that was blown away also flew back again, and joined hands with Wonder Woman to fight against Mammon, coupled with the occasional sneak attacks of Arthur and Atlanta below, Mammon was also dragged down for a while .

Chapter 272

High above the sky, Yang Jian and Gabriel came and went, their weapons clashed thousands of times, the surrounding space continued to heal without breaking, and destructive energy storms erupted and wreaked havoc again and again.


The fiery red sword in Yang Jian's hand finally couldn't hold on. After all, the gun of fate in her hand was superior. Even if Yang Jian tried to avoid the gun head as much as possible, there would always be times when he missed, and the shattered sword would lose Yang Jian. Under his control, the violent energy of the fire attribute exploded, and Yang Jian quickly retreated.

Gabriel took advantage of the victory to pursue, his figure flashed, turned into a white light, followed closely, and the spear of fate in his hand pierced straight down.

Yang Jiancong condensed a fireball in his hand in a hurry, and threw it directly at Gabriel's face.

Gabriel sneered, the body of the gun shook, and the tip of the gun pierced the fireball instantly. The blazing light flickered, and the fireball exploded and turned into little red light, dissipating, and continued to stab Yang Jian.

Yang Jian twisted his body vigorously in the air, and the battle gun slashed across his waist, because the venom armor was not injured, but Gabriel took this opportunity to slap Yang Jian's chest with a hand .

Yang Jian flew upside down for hundreds of meters before stopping, taking advantage of this opportunity to condense a larger fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters. Right, the fireball actually began to shrink rapidly, and finally became only half a meter in diameter.

"Burst Fire Fist!"

Yang Jian roared angrily, threw the fireball on his fist, and threw it out with all his strength, incorporating an explosive fist force into it. Originally, the power of the fire attribute was difficult to control, but now it became even more violent, with a destructive force. The momentum hit Gabriel.

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