"You are Batman, what are you doing? Let go of John." Angela, who had just changed her clothes and came out, happened to see Batman remembering the scene of Constantine, and immediately rushed over to save him.

"Miss Angela, you are also the person involved. Since you are here, let's go together. There are some things that cannot be avoided, and it is better to face them directly."

Batman didn't have the slightest sympathy, and directly knocked Angela down with a punch, then took out a few ropes to tie Angela and Constantine, and then used the bat fighter to take them to Yang Jian's side.

Gabriel and Mammon were still confronting Yang Jian and the others. Both sides had their own scruples, and no one dared to take the initiative to make a move, so they could only enjoy their mouths.

Gabriel looked at Yang Jian and said sincerely: "With your strength, you are one of the strongest even in heaven. Why do you need to protect these mortals like ants? If you are willing to rely on me, wait for me to break through In the current realm, I am willing to give you supreme power, eternal life, and your status is only below me."

Yang Jian said with contempt: "Come on, if you still want to break through, heaven will find out about your conspiracy sooner or later. At that time, God will definitely send someone to arrest you and impose sanctions. Do you think you still have a chance?"

"Of course, I still have the gun of destiny in my hand, and I can find another opportunity to help Mamen surrender. With the help of Constantine's unique soul association, as long as I swallow the power of Mamen and integrate the power of heaven and hell , will surely reach the realm of God the Father.”

"Gabriel, Gabriel, you bastard, you actually want to absorb my power, so what you said when you cooperated with me before is also false." Mamen stared at Gabriel viciously , as if he would do his best if he didn't give him a satisfactory answer.

"Okay, Mammon, put aside the hatred between us for now. I know I was wrong, but now we have no way out. I can swear that as long as I can break through, I will do my best to keep you safe and find you. A way to help you break through the existing realm." Gabriel was also driven into a hurry, in order to achieve his goal, it can be said that he would do anything at all.

Mamen's complexion changed for a while, and she finally nodded and said, "Okay, I'll trust you again, I hope you won't let me down."

"Don't worry, I will do what I say."

Yang Jian sarcastically said: "Che, Mamen, I'm really worried about your IQ. It doesn't count if you get tricked once, and you have to get tricked a second time. Do you really believe what he said?"

"To be honest, I really don't believe that much, but do I have any other options now? I can only gamble." Mamen's tone was a little helpless.

Mammon trembles whenever he thinks of the punishment he will receive from Satan after his betrayal is discovered. It is simply more terrifying than death, so although he has little hope, he still chooses to gamble and help Gabriel. After Gabriel's plan is successful, he will become an existence equal to Satan, and he may be able to protect him. Although Gabriel may cross the river and demolish the bridge, there is no worse result for him. If Gabriel is willing to help him One, then he wins the bet, and then he doesn't have to worry about Satan's punishment.

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise. If you are worried, we can sign an ancient contract." Gabriel promised quickly.

"That would be great." After Mamen finished speaking, she snorted coldly and said no more. Gabriel must have made her feel uncomfortable. Even if she decided to continue to cooperate with Gabriel, she would definitely not have a good face.

Gabriel comforted Mamen, then turned his head to look at Yang Jian and said, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, anyway, hand over Constantine and that girl named Angela to us, and you can put forward corresponding conditions as a price." , as long as it is not too outrageous, I can agree, this is my final bottom line, I know that you may not trust me easily, so I can also sign a contract with you."

"We are not that idiot Mammon, how could we be deceived by your rhetoric, we will not agree."

Gabriel's face showed a murderous expression, "There is nothing to talk about in this way, do I need to remind you? Neither I nor Mammon have any retreat. If it is really urgent, everyone will break up and we will The two teaming up can completely pull you to take pictures and even destroy the whole earth, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Why, are you scaring me? I didn't want to scare you too much. Anyway, as soon as Constantine dies, Satan will appear immediately, and we will see who will be unlucky first."

Yang Jian knew very well that at this time, uh, she must not shrink back, otherwise Gabriel and Mammon would definitely push forward.

The atmosphere became tense again, and the battle was imminent, but at this moment, a shadow appeared in the sky, and the Bat fighter flew over, and after landing, Batman, Constantine and Angela walked out of it, just Constantine and Angela With his hands tied behind his back, Ra was pushed by Batman.

When Mammon and Gabriel saw the two people they wanted most appeared, their eyes lit up immediately, and they wished they could snatch them over immediately, but at this moment Yang Jian snorted coldly and blocked their way , forcing them to suppress the restlessness in their hearts.

Mammon and Gabriel knew very well that even if they were able to defeat Yang Jian, it would take a while, enough time for Batman to kill Constantine, and Satan would definitely be brought over by then, which they had always avoided .

Batman took Constantine and Angela to meet Yang Jianyang and the others, and then untied Constantine and Angela's rope.

Yang Jian ignored Constantine's aggrieved eyes, and got together with Batman to whisper.

"Black Bat, do you have anything to do?" Yang Jian looked at Batman expectantly, knowing that Batman is one of the smartest people in the DC world, hoping that he can find a way to solve the current predicament.

Batman pondered for a while, but shook his head, "I can't help it. Just like Gabriel and Mammon, they have no way out. For Constantine and Angela, they are determined to win, even if they lose both. Really starving cut off their hope, maybe they will really do something crazy, I don't know how many innocent people will die, but if we hand over people to them, and suffered a big loss in your hands before, it will definitely I won’t let you go, by the way, you just mentioned about the contract, can you restrain them?”

Yang Jian shook his head, "Don't put your hopes on the contract. In some respects, the contract is a tool used by the devil to lure human souls. Just like the law, there are always loopholes in the contract, and the devil can always find a way to bypass it. The contract achieves its own purpose. For example, according to the ancient contract, the devil cannot stay in the human world for a long time, but some smart devils have been hiding on the earth for thousands of years, because they have found the loopholes in the contract. It is human beings who suffer the most from signing a contract with demons. Although there are some smart people who can benefit, they are very few. Moreover, if Gabriel can really break through the current state, her strength will be so strong that we can look up to her , the contract signed before is difficult to form an excellent binding force on her, and I don't think you will pin your hopes on others' honesty and trustworthiness."

"So if Constantine is killed, what will be the consequences of attracting Satan, the king of hell? Will it get worse?"

"I don't know about this, but I am more inclined to summon Satan. Although the legendary king of hell has a bad reputation, in my opinion, he speaks better than angels, perhaps because of his high status. He has passed the low-level stage of relying on deception to lure the spirit to degenerate, and he is relatively more trustworthy."

"Is that so? Then kill Constantine!"

Batman raised his hand as he spoke, and a bat dart was about to strike Constantine's throat. Now Mammon and Gabriel were frightened and ready to step forward to snatch him.

"and many more!"

At the critical moment, Yang Jian forced everyone to stop and look over with puzzled expressions.

Facing the doubtful eyes cast by everyone, Yang Jian took out a black bead the size of an egg from his pocket and said, "You want me to try it, maybe you can lure Satan here without killing Constantine, after all my friend One game, if you can not do it, it is better not to do it."

Without waiting for Gabriel and Mammon to take any action, Yang Jian tossed the bead lightly, and it exploded in mid-air. A cloud of thick ink-like blackness spread out, and the people present felt a heavy feeling, which made people feel a little overwhelmed. out of breath.

Chapter 274 Satan Appears

Before Gabriel and Mammon could react, the thick ink-like mist covered an area of ​​hundreds of meters. At the same time, Yang Jian made a false stroke with both hands, and violent spatial fluctuations came continuously. Everyone present The person suddenly felt an extremely heavy pressure all over his body, and most of his strength was suppressed.

People with insight can perceive that the shrouded area is connected to another space, restricted by the projection of consciousness in that space, and no one can escape.

Mamen, who was the first to feel the existence of another space, changed his face greatly, because he was too familiar with it, it was clearly the power of hell, and at the same time, he vaguely guessed the meaning of Yang Jian's previous actions, looked at Yang Jian with terrified eyes, and roared Said: "Asshole! What are you doing?"

Yang Jian shrugged indifferently, "Didn't you already guess it? This is the purgatory of ancient magic on earth, and you know exactly what will happen."

Now not only Mammon, but even Gabriel yelled in horror, "Are you crazy? You will die in this way, is it worth sacrificing yourself to deal with us? Hey! No, your magic is the same as purgatory on earth. It's a little different, but you can really connect to hell, how did you do it?"

Purgatory on Earth is an ancient magic. The effect of this magic is very simple, that is, to sacrifice one's soul and flesh and blood. At the moment of death, the moment the soul is about to be pulled into hell, the connection between hell and the world will be forcibly stabilized. Attracted by the will of hell, use the power of hell to destroy the enemy.

Purgatory on Earth is a taboo ancient magic. If there are humans to cast it, even if they succeed in killing the enemy in the end, the person who casts the magic will die.

Generally, powerful demons will cast this taboo purgatory magic when they are desperate, because using this magic must use the power of hell. Many powerful demons, in order to perish with the enemy when their avatars and incarnations are in danger, Will sacrifice the use of this taboo means.

Hearing Gabriel's words, Arthur and Atlanta looked at Yang Jian worriedly. Although they had confidence in Yang Jian, they still knew something about this taboo magic. Could it be that they really needed to sacrifice themselves? Is it necessary for the life and soul of a man to perform such forbidden magic?

Yang Jian gave Atlanta a reassuring look, and then said to Gabriel: "No! I won't die, you should have discovered that I used a tricky way to cast the magic of purgatory on earth, or I modified it. This magic, if you want to cast this magic, you need to do two things. First, you have the power from hell. The bead I threw out before was condensed from the power extracted from the demon body. There are hundreds of demons. , many of them belong to higher-level demons."

A look of surprise appeared on Constantine's face, "So it's like this, no wonder you gave me so many beads before, and let those who hunted demons carry them with the purpose of absorbing the power of demons after they die. . . ”

"That's right, those powerful demons use their own power as the basis to create a hell-like area in the human world, connecting the body of hell and the avatar of the human world to communicate the two worlds, and guide the consciousness of hell to come. , then I can also use the collected demon power to create the same environment."

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