"But how do you connect the two worlds of hell and other people? Since you will not die, the passage to hell will naturally not open, how to guide the consciousness of hell to come? All this is false, you lied to me, right?" Mammon asked eagerly, he only hoped that his guesses were all wrong.

"It's very simple, as long as I have the coordinates of hell, I just know something about the laws of space. Although I can't open a passage to hell, it is still possible to break a few cracks, which is enough to guide a ray of consciousness to come. The power of hell collected in advance, coupled with my space ability, can completely cast the magic of purgatory on earth while ensuring my own safety." Mammon broke Mammon's last hope without hesitation.

In fact, apart from the two points mentioned by Yang Jian just now, there are some additional conditions, but the two most difficult points have been solved, and the others are naturally no problem.

"It's over, my father must know what I did, what should I do? What should I do?" Mamen cried with a mournful face, with a look of desperation, which is really looked down upon, but there is no way, in fact, his cheap old man Daddy Satan had made a terrible impression on him.

"Damn it, no, I want to leave here, I want to leave here!" Gabriel also showed panic for the first time. He was about to leave here and rushed to the edge of the fog, but was blocked by an invisible space barrier. The war spears stabbed out continuously, but they couldn't hurt him at all.

"It's all over!" Mammon murmured to himself. He knew very well that the magic of Purgatory was special. The moment it appeared, it would definitely attract the attention of his father, the king of hell, Satan. Being discovered, thinking of the punishment he might encounter, trembling all over, his fear reached the extreme.

hum! ! !

With a burst of spatial vibration, the entire world was frozen at this moment. Except for the range covered by the black mist, everyone outside stopped moving, as if the pause button was pressed, because the black mist In the area covered, the entire space has been stripped away, and the connection with the outside world has been cut off. The flow of time and the outside world have been completely disconnected. In the past decades or hundreds of years in this space, the outside world may only be a moment.

"Oh, it's so exciting, Mammon, you brat, you didn't tell me about such a fun thing, it seems like I'm a failure as a father!"

A somewhat cynical voice sounded. The owner of the voice was a young man in a black tuxedo with a red flower pinned to his chest. He was completely different from the old man with dark circles in the movie. He was a handsome young man. He was walking out of the darkness step by step with bare feet, and he didn't seem to have the courage to be the master of hell at all.

"Father, father... my lord father!"

When Mamen saw this person, she knelt down tremblingly in fright, and she couldn't even speak fluently. Even though this person was not Satan's body at all, it was just a projection, or even a ray of consciousness, but Mamen was still incomparable. fear.

Although the person who came looked ordinary, after confirming the identity of the other party, no one dared to underestimate him, because this is Satan, the king of hell!

Satan looked at Mammon who was kneeling on the ground, curled his lips and ignored him, then turned to look at Gabriel again, "My dear sister, you are so mean, you only play with your eldest nephew, but my younger brother can't even say hello!" It's really sad not to fight!"

Although Satan had a smile on his face, Gabriel couldn't feel the slightest warmth, only endless coldness.

However, Gabriel's performance was much better than Mammon's. Although he was terrified in his heart, he still held the gun in his hand firmly, and did not kneel down like Mammon, even though he knew the opponent's strength, in this As the king of hell, Satan can use the power of hell to kill himself in one move, but he still doesn't give up.

"You have been expelled from heaven, you are no longer my brother, you are now Satan and not Lucifer." Although Gabriel was stubborn, he did not make a move. In the projection of hell, Satan is almost omnipotent, following Fighting with him here is just asking for humiliation.

"It's really ruthless, what's the difference between Satan and Lucifer? I'm always me, why should I care so much about my identity? Sometimes I really want to kill all of you hypocrites." Although Satan said so, he didn't Meaning to make a move, he finally turned his head to look at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian's expression didn't change at all, he just stood there quietly. On the contrary, Arthur, Atlanta, Wonder Woman, Constantine and others behind him raised their guards with serious faces. After all, this is the king of hell. King!

Satan looked Yang Jian up and down, looked left and right, his eyes became more and more curious. In fact, he noticed something strange when Yang Jian summoned the hell projection, and immediately divided his mind to observe the situation here. What Jane said before is in her ears, so she is so interested.

"It's unbelievable that you can use such ancient magic as purgatory on earth in a clever way. In terms of magic among human beings, you are already at the pinnacle of existence."

The smile on Yang Jian's face remained the same, and he said neither humble nor overbearing: "Thank you His Majesty Satan for your compliment, it's just that you are a little clever and can't get on the stage."

"This is not cleverness. You can use the demonic power you collected to make sense of the area of ​​the new city, but directly opening a space crack to connect the two worlds of the world and hell is not something that can be justified by cleverness. It only shows that you The understanding of the law of space has reached an unimaginable level. It is no longer a genius. How about it? Are you interested in coming to hell to work for me? I will satisfy all your requirements. This opportunity is rare, don’t miss it !"

Yang Jian shook his head and refused: "Unfortunately, I am living well, and I don't want to die for the time being. Besides, even if I die, my soul will not go to hell."

"Why, do you want to go to heaven? You know that if I don't get a talent like you, I usually ruin it."

As Satan's words fell, there seemed to be a little more coldness in the field, and the atmosphere became tense. Wonder Woman and the others even took out their weapons.

"No, I won't go to heaven. In fact, my soul has been marked by a special existence. If I really die, my soul should be summoned by that existence. After all, I am his. As an employee, you have to work hard without credit, as a boss, you should not abandon me."

"Huh?" Satan was very surprised that there were still people who dared to compete with them for jobs in hell and heaven. After carefully looking at Yang Jian, he found that the other party's soul was covered with a layer of strange energy that he couldn't see through.

"It's so strange, I can't see through your soul. Besides the old man, you are the second one. Even Gabriel and the others, I can see through their souls at a glance. I'm a little curious about the boss behind you Who the hell is that?" The old man Satan was talking about was, of course, God.

After hearing Satan's words, everyone was horrified. Could it be that Yang Jian has some secrets?Can be compared with God.

"Can you tell me who is the person behind you? And you call him the boss, is he a businessman? What kind of existence is he?"

Yang Jian's thoughts changed sharply. Of course, the news about the main body cannot be easily revealed, but maybe he can take this opportunity to fool Satan.

"I don't know exactly what kind of existence my boss is, but in my opinion, he is a higher-dimensional existence that is above you. Let alone strength and convenience, who is stronger and who is weaker, at least it can Connecting countless different worlds is something you can’t do. I’ve only met him once, but I can’t describe his appearance. In addition, he can indeed be called a businessman, communicating with countless worlds, looking for spokespersons, and obtaining knowledge, tools, food, etc. in different worlds through transactions. I am one of his spokespersons, insisting on fairness and voluntariness in principle."

When Yang Jian mentioned the indescribable existence, Satan's face changed. He also generally knew Yang Jian's strength. If it wasn't because of the gun of fate, it would definitely be above Gabriel. In Gabriel's eyes, Neither he nor God can reach the level of indescribable, because indescribable means incomprehensible, is it really a higher-dimensional existence than oneself.

Yang Jian thought for a while, decided to try it out, and said with a smile: "A fair and just deal? I'm very interested. Can I make a deal with you?"

"Of course no problem, this is my honor, but I have to explain that the so-called fairness and justice are only relative terms, but the principle of voluntariness can be guaranteed, because an item has different values ​​in the supplementary world, my boss will It’s like a middleman who obtains items from one world and trades them in another world. In the original world, it may be just an ordinary item, but in another world it may be a rare treasure.”

"That's really interesting, so do you think there are any treasures that I can exchange?"

Yang Jian pretended to ponder for a while, then raised his head and said: "As the king of hell, you have supreme power in your hands, wealth is at your fingertips, and you also possess unparalleled power. Ordinary treasures can't get into your eyes at all, so What is really worth trading is not something precious, but something that can arouse your interest."

Satan nodded in agreement, "Indeed, I have lived for too long, I have seen all kinds of rare treasures, and there are fewer and fewer things that interest me, so can you bring me some What about the surprise?"

"Coincidentally, my boss just gave me a special item some time ago. It may not be of much use to others, but it may be a good gadget for you, and it may interest you."

As Yang Jian said, he reached into his pocket and took out a palm-sized rectangular crystal. If you look carefully, you will find a pocket samurai sword sealed inside the crystal.

"Hey, that's so interesting. It's actually a weapon that is condensed purely with the ultimate power of the soul. What is it?" Satan was attracted the moment the crystal appeared, and before Yang Jian could speak, he stretched out his hand. Move, the crystal fell into Satan's hands, and he looked at it carefully.

A smile appeared on Yang Jian's face. Sure enough, everything was as expected. This little gadget aroused Satan's interest.

"This is a weapon from another world, and its name is Zanpakuto!"

Chapter 275 The DC version of Zanpakuto

"Zanpakuto? It's a strange name!" Satan thought for a while, and found that he had no relevant information about Zanpakuto in his mind.

"It's normal if you don't know, because Zanpakuto comes from another world. There is no heaven and hell in that world. After all lives die, their souls will have two destinations, one is the world of dead souls, and the other is In the virtual circle, if a soul has a complete memory, it will usually enter the world of dead souls, continue to live there, and can also practice cultivation. When the strength reaches a certain level, it may become a god of death.

And regardless of being severely damaged during life, resulting in an incomplete soul, or the souls of those beasts who are not smart enough, most of them will enter the virtual circle, because the soul is incomplete, and there is a big hole in the soul, which represents, uh, flaws and incompleteness, Always full, they will devour each other until enough energy is accumulated to evolve into a new form. "

Satan looked at the crystal in his hand and muttered to himself: "Is there a world without heaven and hell? It's such an interesting world, I really want to see it with my own eyes."

At this time, Satan had already believed and started to believe Yang Jian's words, thinking that he was only half-skeptical, and his behavior just now was just deliberately testing Yang Jian's reaction.

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