However, no matter how bad the relationship between them is and how fierce the fight is, there is a premise that they must complete the task assigned by Dakseid, because they are well aware of Dakseid's brutality. If they fail, they will also suffer from ordinary people. Unimaginable severe punishment, even more terrifying than death, that's why he was so honest.

Steppenwolf looked at Calibak with a sneer, but didn't say anything more, and continued to extract energy from the ground to replenish the mother box, and stayed here honestly like a turtle.

In order to find them in the outside world, all the countries on the earth are looking crazy, and the superheroes have also made a strong attack, destroying more than a dozen demon-like lairs, but they still haven't found Steppenwolf and his party. trace.

Of course, it's not completely fruitless. Batman roughly circles a range based on the distribution of the human's lairs. These lairs are distributed around the metropolis, and Steppenwolf and his party may be hidden within the surrounding area of ​​the metropolis.

In addition, Batman also has a guess that the strength of Apocalypse is far above the earth. If he wants to attack the earth, he will definitely choose the strongest country on the earth, the strongest and most prosperous city as the starting point, so as to show One's own powerful power achieves the purpose of deterrence, so the other party may open the space door near the metropolis.

Batman reported his guess to government personnel, and hoped that the US government would reach an agreement with other countries as soon as possible, allowing other countries to send support to fight against the next enemy.

The U.S. government also felt that what Batman said was reasonable, but when they asked other countries for support, no country responded, because although those countries also knew that Batman's test was probably right, they were not afraid of [-] Just in case, if the location of the other party's invasion is not the United States, not a metropolis, but other places, in case their country becomes the first place where the enemy invades, and the army of their own country runs to support the United States Well, wouldn't that be a big loss?

Faced with this situation, the United States also has its own hardships. For the first time, it has experienced what it means to shoot the top bird with a gun. It used to be proud of its own country's strength, but now it is only full of sorrow.

Time passed quickly, three days passed in a blink of an eye, the three mother boxes in the mysterious lower space suddenly shook violently, currents wrapped around the surface of the mother box, and there was an invisible force that attracted the three mother boxes to each other To get closer together.

Steppenwolf showed a smile on his face, and said excitedly: "The energy is finally full, now we can open the space door, summon Darkseid and the army of demons, and the earth will belong to us immediately."

"Don't be wordy! Act now! I've had enough of these boring days, and I'm going to find out that I'll tear those superheroes on Earth to pieces with my own hands." Kalibak said in a buzzing voice.

Steppenwolf snorted coldly, but didn't argue with Calibak, and turned to look at Granny.

The kindly grandma understood, and reached out to take out a small box. After starting it, the space fluctuations spread out circle by circle, and soon a space passage appeared in front of everyone. They had made preparations before that, using the resources at hand, set A short-distance space pass.

Steppenwolf, Kalibak, and Granny Granny each picked up a mother box and strode into the space passage, followed by the three Nemesis team members immediately.

When Steppenwolf and his party walked out of the passage, they had already arrived at the seaside. Behind them was a city full of high-rise buildings, which was the metropolis. In some respects, the metropolis of the DC world was the New York of other worlds, the United States Number one city.

The three members of the Nemesis team immediately dispersed and stood on guard, while Steppenwolf, Calibak, and Granny Granny held up the mother box in their hands, and at the same time shouted like a pilgrimage: "For killing, for death, for Darkseid comes, come!"

Buzz! !

The three mother boxes vibrated in unison, escaped from the control of the Steppenwolves and flew into the sky. With a roar, the three mother boxes burst out a ball of white light at the same time, gathered together, and slowly opened a huge space door.

Because of the energy emanating from the mother box, the landform changes, the molecular structure of the earth begins to be sufficient, and gradually transforms into a reddish-brown unknown substance, which becomes lifeless, and flows like lava, spreading very fast, and soon Quick close to Metropolis.

Because of Batman's reminder, the U.S. government has set up a line of defense around the metropolis. A large number of tanks and chariots are gathered together, and even tactical nuclear bombs are prepared. Before it started, it became a pile of broken copper and iron. The reddish-brown substance expanded wildly like a virus, and soon approached the metropolis.

No matter at this speed, the entire metropolis would turn into a dead zone in a few minutes.

But fortunately, at the critical moment, the savior felt a figure with underwear on backwards descending from the sky, and opened his mouth to spit out a burst of freezing air, continuously freezing the ground, forming a line of defense.

Needless to say, it was Superman who came, because he was in the metropolis, so he came the fastest. In fact, he could have arrived earlier, but it took a while to find the toilet. After all, he needed to hide his identity. When it was time to get up, Clark had to find a toilet.

Steppenwolf, Kalibak and the others saw Superman's actions, but they didn't stop there. Instead, they looked at Superman with a sneer on their faces. If a frozen line of defense can prevent the mother box from transforming the planet, then the mother box How could the box become the treasure of their Apocalypse? Among the planets conquered by them, most of the planets were once frozen, but the mother box still easily transformed the planet into the environment they needed. A modification that directly changes the molecular structure, even if it is frozen, it doesn't matter.

Sure enough, the line of defense laid by Superman only slightly slowed down the speed of transformation, and soon the red substance crossed the line of defense and continued to spread.

Superman's expression changed drastically, and he spewed out more frozen air, but the effect was not affected.

"Carl, I'll help you." At the critical moment, Fiora arrived with two Kryptonian warriors. During this time, they also learned how to fly, heat rays, and breathe freezing air.With the four of them working together, the blast of freezing air greatly slowed down the spread of the reddish-brown substance.

"It's unbelievable! The freezing air emitted by the four of them can actually slow down the mother box's transformation of the earth. We may encounter this kind of ultra-low temperature, and I'm afraid it may be frozen." Steppenwolf looked at the four Supermen, There was a hint of caution in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Kalibak did not refute, but nodded in agreement, "Indeed, they are all powerful enemies, and I am not sure of defeating them."

Grandma Cixiang sneered and said: "It doesn't matter. Now they are held back. Although they can temporarily delay the transformation of the mother box, they can't stop it. Their strength will always be exhausted. Their feelings will make them weak. If this continues, they will eventually become weak." It's a good thing for us to have to live and die."

Indeed, at this time, Superman is about to reach the limit, and the ultra-low temperature can indeed stop or even freeze these reddish-brown substances. Unfortunately, the current Superman is not the silver Superman who can freeze the sun in one breath in the later period, and his super breath can't do it yet. This level is almost irresistible, but thinking of the nearly tens of millions of innocent civilians in the metropolis, they can only hold on, hoping that there will be a turning point.

Superman's efforts were not in vain. At this time, a group of ion sparks appeared in midair, and automatically circled to form a space door. Yang Jian walked out.

Looking at the reddish-brown area below, Yang Jian put his hands together, and a ball of orange-red energy appeared, and then waved lightly, the orange-red energy formed a huge circle, covering the red area. The brown substance was tightly locked inside and stopped spreading.

Yang Jian has mastered the mother box for so many years, and came back to Space Little Sheep to help with research. His understanding of the mother box is no longer lower than that of Dakseid, although the energy intensity of the three mother boxes has increased by more than ten times. , but the essence has not changed, so Yang Jian can temporarily suppress the energy of the mother core.

" is this possible?" Steppenwolf yelled in disbelief!

Calibak and Granny Cixiang were also terrified. They were able to forcibly restrict the transformation of the planet by the mother box. No one in the entire Apocalypse could do it except Darkseid. If this is the case, the strong men of Darkseid, they are definitely not opponents, and they can't help but pray in their hearts, hoping that Darkseid will appear as soon as possible, they don't want to face such a powerful enemy.

Perhaps they heard their prayers, at this time a demon-like sprang out of the space gate, flapped its wings and flew, raised its head and roared twice, and then flew straight towards the metropolis.

"Fire!" At this time, the U.S. military fighter plane just arrived, and the military leader through the satellite saw the situation here clearly, so he immediately issued an attack order.

Whoosh!The fighter plane in the front directly fired a missile, dragged the orange flame tail, hit the target, and with a bang, the monster was blown to pieces, which made everyone watching the battle heave a sigh of relief, as long as it can be killed, everyone's face Show a smile.

But in the next second, I couldn't laugh any more. A head-like demon swarmed out from the space channel, densely packed like a black tide, making everyone realize what overwhelming is, not a metaphor, but a true portrayal.

In just a short while, hundreds of thousands of demons have entered the earth, densely gathered around the coastline.

"Fire! Fire! Kill them." Because the military boss shouted frantically, venting the fear in his heart.

The air troops fired missiles in a dense formation, frantically killing the gushing monsters with powerful firepower, and clusters of fireworks exploded in the air, and the sound of explosions continued to ring out on the sea.

But when he saw the results of the battle, the commander's heart sank to the bottom of the sea. There were too many monsters. In the attack just now, less than one percent of the monsters were wiped out. There will be more monsters coming from behind. No one knows how many demons are captured from the space gate, but everyone knows how much ammunition there is. With the current trend, they can only delay the demons from rushing out of the blockade if they use up all the ammunition. It's useless for a war.

"God! Have you really given up on humans? Why are there so many monsters?"

Batman had already handed over all the information in his hands to the U.S. government. When they also studied demon-like living bodies, even though Batman also said that the number of alien armies would be unbelievably large, the U.S. government also attached great importance to this. Information, whether it is imminent, they found that they still underestimated the number of enemies.

"Contact me Batman immediately, and ask him what's the situation?" The military leader finally calmed down after being persuaded by everyone, and began to think about the solution. The first thing he thought of was Batman, after all, the news of the enemy All provided by Batman.

The call was connected soon, and before Batman could speak, the military boss directly picked up the microphone and said angrily, "Batman, what's going on? Why are there so many enemies?"

"Before I told you that the number of enemies is very large, so you are ready! Now you ask me!" Batman said coolly.

"Can this situation be described in more words? It's so desperation. You didn't explain clearly... Forget it, it's useless to talk about it now. Let me ask you, is there any way to deal with these aliens?" The situation is urgent , There is no need to intrigue, just go straight to the point.

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