"You send as many troops as possible to participate in the war, delay time, wait for the leader of the enemy to appear, we will immediately implement the beheading plan, if we succeed, everything is easy to say, if we fail, we will die first, as for human beings, maybe they will be extinct Go." After Batman finished speaking, he ended the communication without waiting for the other party to speak.

The military boss was so angry that he almost slapped the table, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and ordered: "Mobilize all troops, stop the enemy at all costs, and persist until the beheading plan succeeds no matter what."

Soon the U.S. military, sea, land and air forces were fully mobilized and moved towards the metropolis at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Yang Jian swiped his hands on the battlefield, and space doors opened one after another. Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Arthur, and Isabel who had just transformed into Death came out of the space doors. The locator sent by Yang Jian can determine the location for space teleportation.

Yang Jian glanced at the group of superheroes in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I don't need to talk nonsense, you have seen the situation, and now we can only fight, let's fight!"

"Fight!" A group of superheroes roared, and rushed out at the same time, killing the demon-like army.

Chapter 284

Brush brush! ! !

A red lightning flashed back and forth on the battlefield, and when the red lightning passed by each demon, those demons would stop their movements immediately, and after a while, blood mist would emerge from the neck, and then their heads followed Physical separation.

If you look closely, you will find that the cut-off devil-like gaps are smooth and smooth, obviously cut off by extremely sharp weapons.

With such a speed, it is conceivable not to be the second person except the Flash. In less than a minute, hundreds of demons died in the hands of the Flash, although it is not worth comparing with hundreds of thousands of demons. I mentioned it, but his actions were very encouraging.

If you slow down Flash's movements, you will find that he is holding a short knife in his hand at this moment. The reason why he can kill the demons so quickly is due to the weapon in his hand.

If the Flash wanted to kill a monster in the past, he could only use the simplest method, punching it one after another, blasting tens of hundreds of punches in a short period of time, and hammering the monster to death. The speed of the Flash is not difficult to achieve this, but the efficiency of killing the enemy is not very good. After all, the surface of the demon-like body is covered with a layer of metal armor. A weapon, but at the speed of the Flash, he can slash hundreds of knives in an instant, and ordinary weapons will shatter after only a few uses.

But it's different now, because the short knife in Flash's hand can completely withstand the damage of Flash's speed force, because it is made of vibration gold, a weapon specially made for him by Yang Jian.

As one of the toughest metals in the Marvel world, Zhenjin showed its power for the first time in the DC world. After Yang Jian learned of the weakness of The Flash's lack of attack power, he specially gave him this short knife. Thanks to the blessing, the Flash's killing speed has increased by at least ten times. Now even Superman has to be careful when facing the Flash, because the vibration gold weapon combined with the Flash's speed can completely hurt his body. If the Flash catches Opportunity, a knife cut in the neck, even a superman has the possibility of death.

The Flash with the gold-shocking weapon directly transformed himself into the god of death on the battlefield. The lightning bolt seemed to be a death talisman, and the red light emitted made people panic.

Superman's speed is second only to The Flash, and he brought three Kryptonians headed by Fiora to attack the demon-like army aggressively. The Kryptonians have a body of steel, and their fighting style is much wilder. How many enemies were punched directly, no matter who came across them, he would be blasted into pieces, and even the strong wind on the fists could blow the quasi-demons away.

Superman's killing efficiency is not inferior to that of The Flash, but he seems to feel that it is not enough. He withdraws his fist, his eyes flash red, and two heat rays shoot out, piercing through more than a dozen monsters. Then he turned his head, and the heat rays Sweeping, I don't know how many demons were cut into two pieces and died.

Fiora and the other two Kryptonians glanced at each other and followed suit. Heat rays shot out from their eyes, and the four of them turned into lawn mowers, and a large number of monsters fell from the sky.

Although the four incarnations of Superman are lawn mowers, there is someone who is more efficient than them, and that is Arthur. In other places, Arthur must not be as good as Superman and the others, but this is the seaside.

What is Arthur's biggest thing?It's not a strong physical quality, nor a strong strength, but the ability to control sea water in his blood, and this place happens to be by the sea.

Boom! !

Arthur plunged the water in his hand, and suddenly the waves rolled, and the vast sea set off huge waves in an instant. The sea water rolled back, storms, tsunamis, and whirlpools came one after another. In the midst of it, a tsunami with a height of [-] meters was set off, and the roaring sound shook the sky.

According to records, even the highest wave is only [-] to [-] meters high, and the [-]-meter-high wave has already surpassed the highest record. It turned into meatloaf directly on the beach.

According to a rough estimate, there are as many as [-] to [-] demon-like feet killed by Arthur's big move, but this is not the end, Arthur controlled the sea water to gather again before the waves dissipated, and after being highly compressed, it shot straight into the sky , although the water flow is thin, its power is more than that of armor-piercing bullets, and a large number of demons were pierced by the water flow, and they fell from the air one by one screaming.

Wonder Woman, holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, savagely slaughtered the demon-like army without mercy. Those demons were either decapitated, cut in half from the waist, or cut in two from top to bottom. The film fully makes people feel the horror of the female man.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of monsters have died in the hands of Wonder Woman. Originally, Wonder Woman was quite satisfied with her record, but when she saw that Arthur, Superman and Flash were still fruitful, she immediately felt overwhelmed by her result. He was very dissatisfied, and immediately became determined to win. He put the sword and shield behind his back, then stretched out his hands, and the guardian silver bracelets on both wrists slammed into each other forcefully.

Crackling!With Wonder Woman as the center, violent thunder and lightning raged, spreading for dozens of meters. After being hit by lightning, the demons within this range were directly turned into coke, and there was even a faint smell of meat, and even the miserable It didn't even have time to utter a cry, and it fell from the sky like a dumpling.

Wonder Woman roughly calculated that there were about two or three hundred monsters killed in her hands just now, they were far inferior to Superman. Immediately observing the surrounding situation, she quickly chose a monster that was relatively concentrated. place, rushed over, and then released violent thunder and lightning again.

Lightning and thunder kept coming, and Wonder Woman made a big kill. The number of people who died in her hands gradually increased, and slowly caught up with Superman and Flash. Of course, it is definitely far inferior to Arthur, but Wonder Woman is also considered satisfied, and Asics is a special case, there is no comparison at all.

In comparison, Batman, Cyborg and Isabel are far behind. When Batman sees the newly upgraded Bat fighter, he shoots bullets out desperately, and these missiles are mixed in from time to time. His performance is notable. At this point, fifty or sixty demons have been eliminated.

The steel bone is still an old method, the arm is assembled into an energy cannon to shoot, and one after another, he will kill the demons one after another. After all, the time he has been transformed into a biochemical human is too short to effectively use his ability to fight.

As for Isabel, she performed better than Batman and Cyborg. Although her combat experience is infinitely close to zero, there is no way, who made her lucky.

With the help of Yang Jian, he became the god of death, and just yesterday, Zanpakuto awakened, and completed the initial solution, the ability is actually flames, so Yang Jian returned to Chaos with his hands, and got an eternity Fire, integrated into the Zanpakuto modified by Isabel Demon.

However, Isabel held a giant Zanpakuto with a length of nearly [-] meters and killed all directions. The blade was burning with flames. Every time she swung a tongue of flame tens of meters long, it easily turned that kind of demon into ashes. Even Its metal casing had melted away.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Isabel's Zanpakuto is so powerful just at the beginning of the solution. If it can be undone, wouldn't it be comparable to the Liuren Ruohuo, which is known as the strongest Zanpakuto in the Shinigami world? Should we intensify our cultivation?

But then Yang Jian gave up this idea. It is almost impossible to enter the state of 卍解, in addition to requiring a huge amount of energy for cultivation, it also requires the efforts of the owner of the Zanpakuto, at least tens of hundreds of years, Yang Jian Jane is not that patient.

Yang Jian watched Superman and the others charge ahead, alas, it would be unreasonable if he was too leisurely, so he decided to put on a show, at least on the surface, he seemed to be working very hard.

Yang Jian thought for a while, then condensed a ball of orange-red energy with both hands, and lightly threw it out, falling on the sand and spreading it quickly.

Boom! !

With a roar, the ground cracked, and huge rocks emerged from the ground and floated in the air, and then gathered together to form a rock giant with a height of nearly [-] meters. There was a layer of armor made of sand on the body. The red light flickered, looking extremely mighty.

The Marvel world and the DC world are like twin brothers in some respects. The rules and power systems of the two worlds are almost identical. The abilities that can be used in the Marvel world can also be used in this world, whether it is space The door is still a rock giant.


The rock giant stood up and walked forward. Every step he took was a roar, which could be described as shaking the earth, leaving huge footprints on the sand.

Leaving aside the strength of this rock giant, just its huge size and mighty appearance can deter a lot of people, but it is a pity that this time the opponent is a monster, after they are transformed, they can only kill , I don't know what fear is, screaming and killing the rock giant.


Countless monsters rushed towards the rock giant. The [-]-meter-high rock giant waved both hands, and slapped out huge palms. The bones and tendons of those monsters were broken, but even so, the countless monsters still They rushed towards the rock giant one after another, bumped into the rock giant, and some exploded directly, and soon the surface of the rescue demonstration became pitted.

At this time, Yang Jian raised his hands, and some gravel mixed with fine sand quickly gathered on the rock giant, unable to fill up the potholes on his body.

After Yang Jian controlled the rock giant to slaughter thousands of monsters, he suddenly felt that the efficiency seemed a little slow. Did he kill thousands of monsters?Later, I suddenly felt that this kind of efficiency was a bit slow, so I decided to be more ruthless.

At this time, the rock giant suddenly squatted down on all fours, like a gorilla, its back wriggled, and sharp stone thorns emerged, at least to say the least.

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