"Flying stone piercing!" With Yang Jian's loud shout, the stone thorn on the rock giant's back flew out like an arrow from the string, and shot into the demon-like army, followed by a series of screams. The demon was pierced by stone thorns and fell, and the fall was terrible.


Yang Jian waved again, and the second batch of stone thorns appeared on the back of the rock giant, and soon hundreds of magic-like poems were killed. This is simply an infinite fortress.

The performance of a group of superheroes was captured by the satellite, and the images were sent to the military bosses. The bosses who were already a little bit desperate regained their strength at this time. The performance of the superheroes was really impressive. Some people have a feeling that these superheroes can really save the planet.


After Cyborg killed a monster with an energy cannon, the beam of light remained unabated and landed on the mother box in the distance. The mother box erupted with a burst of energy, blocking the energy beam. There was a strange feeling, and when he felt it carefully, a ray of joy appeared in his eyes.

"Everyone, let me tell you some good news. Just now I found out that I can control the mother box. As long as I have access to the mother box, I can control them and close the space channel. I need your help."

"Steel Bone! Are you sure? This is not a joke!" Batman asked with a serious face.

"Of course I'm sure. In fact, if you think about it carefully, I've been transformed into this by the power of the mother box. If I can communicate with the mother box, I can naturally close the space channel."

"Great, it looks like we need a plan to make sure the Cyborg is delivered to the mother box, Arthur, you lead the way, Golden Warrior, you are the outpost, Superman, you resist the enemy's air strikes, Flash, you are in charge Kill the fish that slipped through the net, Wonder Woman and Isabella, and the two of you will follow behind and take care of the rear."

"No problem!" All the superheroes responded almost in unison, and immediately acted.

Arthur raised the water fork in his hand again, and a huge tsunami rising from both sides of the ocean turned into two big hands, and suddenly pressed it forward.

Boom boom boom! !

The monsters blocking the way ahead were sent flying, clearing out a large space, and then spread their two big hands, turning into ten long spiral whips, whipping continuously to prevent the monsters from encircling them.

Next came Yang Jian, who directly let the rock giant stand in front, rushing forward like a bull. Even if some demons break through the defense of the water flow, they don't care if they hit the stone giant and explode themselves. The rock giant is a piece of meat. Shield, and it's just Yang Jian making magic creations, even if they are killed, it doesn't matter.

Superman flipped and flew in the sky, forming an air defense line with Fiora and two other Kryptonian fighters.Kill the monsters attacking from the sky one by one.

The Flash turned into a red lightning and moved around, beheading the fish that slipped through the net.

As for Wonder Woman and Isabel who followed behind, one was raging with thunder, the other was blazing, the sky thunder and earth fire merged with each other, their power multiplied, and a large number of monsters died in the hands of the two.

A group of superheroes quickly approached the mother box, and this action immediately attracted the attention of Steppenwolf and the others.

Steppenwolf carefully looked at the steel frame in the center protected by a group of superheroes, and suddenly his face changed drastically, "No, that biochemical man is a chaotic creation influenced by the energy of the mother box, he can control the mother box, we must stop him , otherwise Darkseid would not be able to descend."

The Steppenwolf discovered the secret of the steel frame at a glance, and did not dare to hesitate, and rushed out first, followed by Kalibak. Although they usually intrigue, but at this time, they must not fight each other, otherwise Darkseid No one can afford the blame, and only the Nemesis team is left in place to continue to protect the mother box.

Chapter 285 The battle is in full swing

Kalibak originally rushed out following Steppenwolf, but his speed was slightly better than Steppenwolf's, and he rushed to the front very quickly, just in time to see Superman charge and kill several demons, Kali Buck saw the opportunity, jumped into the air, and ran towards Superman.

boom! !

Superman spent all his energy on dealing with the monsters in the sky. He was caught off guard for a while, and was hit by Kalibak, a hunk over three meters tall. He fell from the sky while hugging him, and smashed a big hole in the ground.

Fiora was startled when she saw Superman being attacked. Superman's body was related to their Kryptonian future, and she absolutely must not lose anything. Before the sneak attack, a secret order had been given, and thousands of extremely strong monsters rushed over, surrounded the three of them, and fought desperately one by one.

These demons are all made from the corpses of strong people on various planets, and their strength is not weak. Even Fiora and the others cannot solve them in a short time, and they are dragged there for a while.


Kalibak had been prepared for a long time, and when Superman was in a daze, he turned around and put Superman underneath, punching Superman's head with one punch after another.

Superman only felt dizzy, but soon the pain woke him up, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the fist that came down, he gritted his teeth and held it firmly, so that the fist could not fall down.

Looking at the opponent's tall body and messy hair, Superman immediately understood that this must be Kalibak, the son of Darkseid that Yang Jian had mentioned. He knew that the opponent was powerful, but he was not afraid. Doug slammed hard on Kalibak.

Boom! !

Kalibak was directly blasted out, rolling and leaving a deep ravine on the ground, Superman took the opportunity to stand up, and immediately chased after him.

Roar!Although Kalibak was knocked into the air, he was not injured because of his thick skin, and he quickly stabilized his figure, just in time to see Superman rushing towards him, and bumped into him head-on without hesitation.

boom! !

The two figures collided, and the berserk force spread out in a ring. The air wave tumbling directly blew away the surrounding demons, and the entire ground was lifted off a layer. Even Arthur and others were affected. The strong wind made it difficult to stand still.

But Superman and Kalibak, who are the protagonists, didn't notice it. They only saw each other punching out at the same time, hitting each other's head.

In terms of strength, Superman is about the same as Kalibak, but Kalibak has the advantage in terms of size. The two of them were a little dizzy at the same time, but Kalibak came back to his senses a little earlier than Superman, grabbed Superman's arm, and shook it vigorously. into the air, then fell hard.


There was another roar, and a big crater was directly smashed into the ground. There were bursts of severe pain from Superman's body, and his whole body was weak. Suddenly rushed to the sky.

Kalibak grabbed Superman without letting go, and was taken directly to the sky, circled behind Kalibak, and hugged him tightly around his neck. When he flew several thousand meters into the air, he suddenly turned around, and his head and feet continued to accelerate, like a meteorite Usually hit the ground.


Kalibak roared and struggled. He already knew what Superman was going to do. Although he was confident that he wouldn't die if he hit the ground at your current speed with his physical fitness, at least he would be seriously injured.

Kalibak grabbed the arm holding his neck, tried his best to break it apart bit by bit, and then threw Superman out with a forceful swing. Superman didn't continue to chase, just floating in the air.

At this time, the distance from the ground was less than [-] meters, and Kalibak turned his head up and down in the air, turning his head up and down.

boom! !

With an earth-shattering roar, the earth seemed to tremble three times, dust flew up, and the ground shattered in response to the sound. The unstoppable shock wave rolled the sand and gravel and spread around, forming a huge crater.

Superman looked at the crater below, not at all relaxed, because he felt that a more violent force seemed to be erupting.

Sure enough, when the flying dust dissipated, the tall figure of Kalibak slowly raised his hands half-kneeling in the crater, his eyes were bloodshot, his muscles were varicose, and his figure It seems even bigger.

Kalibak was so angry that he let out a beast-like roar, which erupted in an instant, and the surging energy crazily vented outward like a thousand hectares of waves, rushing towards Superman who had just fallen again.

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