boom! !

Superman was not afraid, and instantly increased his speed to the extreme. Within a few hundred meters, it seemed to be frozen, and Superman directly punched him, colliding with Calibak's fist.


The space is shattered, and the energy storm is raging!The two of them felt a sharp pain at the same time, but they endured it and blasted at each other again. Kalibak had the upper hand in power, but in terms of speed, Superman was superior. Each had its own advantages. Together, explain to the world what a macho is?

After the team responsible for protecting the steel skeleton lost Superman's air defense, Wonder Woman could only temporarily give up the rear, flew to the sky to take over Superman's work, and directly guarded the silver bracelet with both hands, releasing a series of thunders, and the sky and the earth suddenly changed color. , lightning and thunder, densely packed thunder formed a protective net, killing the demons that swooped down from the sky.

It's just that before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, something happened again. A black light flew from afar, and before Wonder Woman could react, she was hit on the back.


Wonder Woman was thrown hundreds of meters into the air, and fell heavily on the ground. At this time, everyone saw that it was a battle ax that threw Wonder Woman away. Fortunately, when Wonder Woman released the lightning, she carried her shield on her back. From behind, he happened to block the ax for her, only suffered a slight injury, jumped up from the ground, turned his head to look, and saw the tomahawk flying back into the hands of Steppenwolf, needless to say, the person who attacked just now must have That's him.

Murderous look flashed across Wonder Woman's eyes, she took the shield and sword from her back, let out a yell, and charged Steppenwolf.

Dangdang! ! !

The Steppenwolf greeted him with his battle axe, and the swords and axes collided with each other and made a series of crisp noises. Despite his tall stature, the Steppenwolf was exceptionally flexible and blocked Wonder Woman's attacks one by one.

Although Wonder Woman has been deeply aware of her lack of strength since the last Doomsday War, and she has specially strengthened her training after Yang Jian, her strength at this time is definitely much higher than in the original plot, but facing Steppenwolf Still a little short, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Steppenwolf saw an opportunity, and slashed out with an ax with all his strength, Wonder Woman quickly raised her left arm and used her shield to block it.

boom! !

Wonder Woman only felt a pain in her arm, her body shook violently, and her feet sank half a foot into the ground. Wonder Woman couldn't move for a while, when Steppenwolf's second ax had already slashed across.

Wonder Woman's left arm still hadn't recovered, so she could only block it with her right sword, but she couldn't exert enough strength in a hurry, and the sword was so light that it couldn't resist the roaring tomahawk at all.

Just as Wonder Woman was about to be injured by the Steppenwolf axe, a flash of red lightning flashed past Steppenwolf in an instant.

Steppenwolf suddenly felt a sharp pain in his calf, his body couldn't help losing his balance, and the battle ax that was slashing towards Wonder Woman flew past Wonder Woman.

How could Wonder Woman let go of such a good opportunity, immediately pulled out her leg, and stabbed Steppenwolf's chest fiercely with a backhand sword.

Steppenwolf invaded multiple universes for Darkseid. He has experienced many battles and forcibly twisted his body to avoid the crucial point. Wonder Woman's sword slashed on his shoulder, only cut three inches, and was blocked by his armor , Steppenwolf fell to the ground at this time, took the opportunity to roll over, and distanced himself from Wonder Woman. Only then did he have the opportunity to see the wound on his leg, and found that it was cut open by some kind of sharp weapon. He couldn't help being a little startled. He has been observing a group of superheroes before, and he has also seen the performance of the Flash. Although he saw the Flash beheading dozens of demon-like heads in an instant before, he didn't take it too seriously, because he can It can be seen that although the Flash is fast, his strength is obviously lacking. He thought that with the defense of his armor, his long hair could withstand it, but he didn't expect that the other party could actually hurt him. Steppenwolf may have speculated about the Flash What is the mystery of the opponent's weapon?

But Wonder Woman didn't give Steppenwolf too much time to think, and brandished the sword to kill, Steppenwolf?Immediately commanded a few demons to rush up, and was beheaded by Wonder Woman like chopping melons and vegetables.

However, Steppenwolf's goal had already been achieved. While Wonder Woman was dealing with the monster, she suddenly attacked with the battle ax in her hand.


Wonder Woman cursed despicably, and the sword in her hand produced multiple sword shadows, hitting Steppenwolf's tomahawk again and again, taking a step back every time she hit, her arms numb, but she had to fight hard.

At this time, the red lightning appeared again, and the Flash appeared behind Steppenwolf in an instant, and stabbed him with a knife.

call out! ! !

Steppenwolf felt a pain in his back, and instinctively grabbed it back. Although he missed nothing, Flash was very smart. He knew that his physical fitness was not good enough, so he could only rely on speed to survive. Chance.

Next, Steppenwolf experienced the pain of being besieged. The other party was obviously just two people, and their strength was obviously inferior to his own, but they cooperated too tacitly. Wonder Woman confronted head-on, although Steppenwolf was stronger than Wonder Woman, but He couldn't take it down in a short period of time, and the Flash was in charge of the sneak attack. Whenever he made a sudden attack at a critical moment, he retreated immediately after the blow no matter what the result was. Steppenwolf failed to return after several shots against the Flash. , but Wonder Woman took the opportunity to slash a few swords.

"Don't think that you are the only ones who have helpers, I have them too! Demon-like, surround this place!"

The Steppenwolf shouted loudly, and immediately hundreds of monsters descended, surrounding the battlefield between Wonder Woman and Steppenwolf, and laying down a defense to stop the Flash.

As a result, The Flash is helpless, unable to support Wonder Woman as he likes before, every time he needs to break through the defense line of the demon, and even if he breaks in, Steppenwolf will do it in advance under the reminder of the demon. Be prepared, the effect of the sneak attack will be greatly reduced.

With no worries left, Steppenwolf focused his energy on Wonder Woman, and the attack became more ferocious. The battle ax in his hand was like a stormy sea, and he chopped out continuously. Fei, followed by the sword, barely blocked two moves, but couldn't catch it anymore, and sat on the sand tens of meters away.

There was a cruel smile on Steppenwolf's face, how could he be able to stop himself without a weapon, he slashed down with an ax in both hands, as if he wanted to split Wonder Woman in half.

It's just that Steppenwolf didn't notice. At this time, Wonder Woman didn't panic too much. She quickly jumped back, and at the same time untied the golden rope hanging around her waist, and swung it suddenly. The rope seemed to come alive, like a poisonous snake, and quickly Wrapped twice around Steppenwolf,

After Wonder Woman landed, she pulled hard, and the rope tightened to bind the Steppenwolf tightly.

Steppenwolf took two steps forward involuntarily, but soon forcibly stopped his figure and began to compete with Wonder Woman.

On the other side, because Superman and Wonder Woman were lost successively, the air support of the two masters suddenly showed its flaws, and densely packed demons swooped in and attacked from the air.

Arthur immediately controlled the water flow, turned into two big hands and slapped it. Dozens of monsters were knocked into the air, but soon more monsters rushed over. Isabel Batman was about to rush over to help, Yang Jian hurriedly Shouted: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Batman and Isabel stopped at the same time. Yang Jian's performance has always been very reliable. Now that he said so, there must be no problem.

Yang Jian pointed helplessly, using half of his energy to continue to control the rock giant to attack the demons. At the same time, he clasped his hands together, a ball of flame emerged, and when he threw it into the sky, the ball of flame exploded instantly, forming a fire net. At the same time, Yang Jian shouted loudly: "Eternal Flame Net!"


The monsters that rushed over hit the fire net and burned instantly, and they couldn't be extinguished no matter what. Using the energy of the monsters as fuel, they burned more and more vigorously until they were reduced to ashes.

Yang Jian's flame ability was obtained by studying the Eternal Flame, which inherited the characteristics of the Eternal Fire and never goes out. Although this kind of attack is not very useful to the real strong, just like Gabriel last time, It only needs to consume a part of the holy power to expel this kind of flame, but it is perfect for dealing with cannon fodder such as demons.

Yang Jian's Eternal Fire Net eliminated most of the monsters, and it didn't matter if a few of them occasionally broke through the defense.

Seeing that Yang Jian and the others were getting closer to the mother box, Grandma Cixiang couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately flirted with the extremely strong female warrior standing behind her.

The female warrior understood, took a few steps forward, looked at the [-]-meter-high rock giant in front of her, took a deep breath, and then raised her feet, a strange gravity wave emanated from the combat boots under her feet.


With the scream of the female warrior, that foot stomped down heavily, the ground began to shake, countless cracks spread out, and the largest crack spread forward quickly, until it came to the rock giant's feet.

The stone giant sank into the ground with one foot, its body suddenly lost its balance, and fell backwards. If it really fell, Yang Jian and others hid behind the stone giant at this time. If the stone giant fell, they would be the first to be unlucky up.

Chapter 286 Target Mother Box

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