Darkseid didn't even hide, and then let Superman hit his head with a punch. With Superman's powerful strength, he just turned his head slightly, and then punched out with a backhand.


Superman flew backwards at a faster speed than when he went there, like floating in water, smashing big holes one after another on the ground along a straight line, and flew thousands of meters before stopping.

Now that Superman has already made a move, of course the others can't just sit idle. The Flash burst out instantly, spinning and running around Darkseid, forming a red tornado, and the Zhenjin knife in his hand cut out thousands of The next time, the jingling rang non-stop, cutting on Darkseid's armor.

But unfortunately, the battle armor on Darkseid's body is much stronger than that of Steppenwolf, and it can't be cut through at all. Hundreds of knives were cut in the same place, leaving only shallow marks. What material is the armor on De's body made of? Its hardness is not weaker than that of Zhenjin.

Although Darkseid was not injured, he was upset by the Flash and decided to get this little bug out!Eyes widened, two omega rays shot at The Flash.

The Flash was startled, turned around and ran away, but the light was too fast and could turn around, getting closer and closer to the Flash. Fortunately, the Flash was smart enough to run in a zigzag pattern, passing by the inner demons. Passing by, the demon-like being killed is also consuming the energy of the omega light.

"The Flash! This way!"

Yang Jian looked at the omega ray that was chasing after The Flash, and suddenly had an idea in his heart. He yelled loudly, then swiped his hands, and the space door opened. The strange thing is that there are two space doors, through the outermost One space door can be seen, the second distance is only less than ten meters away.

The Flash didn't think too much, and instantly turned into a red light and went in. When he passed through the second space door, Yang Jian immediately left the second space open, keeping only the first one, and through the space door The back of a little giant can be seen through the door, which is actually Darkseid.

Darkseid was too confident to notice that a space door appeared behind him. Among the two space doors Yang Jian opened, the first space door was connected to his back, and the Omega ray chased the Flash to drill Go in and shoot out from the space door behind Darkseid.


When Dakseid felt a sense of crisis coming from behind, it was too late to stop, and he was hit hard on the back by two omega sets.

Darkseid, who had been expressionless all the time, as if nothing could move her, changed his face drastically, leaned forward and flew out, turning several somersaults in a row before stopping.

"it is good!"

Arthur shouted happily, looking at Darkseid like this, don't mention how relieved he is, the other superheroes are also happy, and being able to make Darkseid suffer such a big loss shows that the opponent is not invincible , and perhaps there is still hope.

It's just that the joy on the faces of the superheroes disappeared soon, because Darkseid had stood up again, exuding an extremely cold aura that almost froze the soul.

Darkseid reached out and touched the back, a big hole had been melted into the black armor, feeling the familiar power, Darkseid didn't understand what was going on, I was also secretly glad that the power of Omega is His own strength and resistance are relatively strong. If it was another person, he would have died, but even so, he suffered some minor injuries, and more importantly, he was injured by his own strength. The big villain boss, who has ever suffered such a big loss, must take revenge.This

"Very good! It's been so many years, yet someone has injured me again, and with my own power, this is the greatest shame in my life, jump off, I will end your life in the cruelest way, let you I regret everything I have done before."

"Sorry, I haven't lived enough. I didn't intend to die so soon, and you can't kill me." Even if Yang Jian can feel that Darkseid is extremely dangerous at this time, she still doesn't say anything. Willing to admit defeat.

"Really? I hope you can still be so confident later!"

A red light flashed in Dakseid's eyes, and the omega light was shot again, and this time the light was obviously several times stronger, and the speed was faster. Yang Jian didn't have time to open the space door, so he just clasped both hands, and a sliver appeared in his left hand. The blue water light and the orange flame on the right hand quickly merged together, the water light and the flame quickly merged to form a spiral arrow, and Yang Jian pushed it out with both hands.

"Water and fire are extremely explosive!"

Boom! ! !

The arrow that combines the power of the two laws of water and fire collided with the omega ray, causing a shocking explosion. Yang Jian's arrow consumed most of the energy of the omega ray and then completely dissipated. The omega ray continued to shoot, Yang Jian directly I punched it hard with my fist, and the light from Houmi's house was blown away.

boom!Taking advantage of Darkseid's second attack, Yang Jian kicked hard, rushed out with a sonic boom, and punched out with all his strength.

"Fist of Destruction!"

Yang Jian shouted loudly, his fist had a strange power, vibrating, exploding, penetrating and merging together.

Although Dakseid felt that Yang Jian's fist was different, he didn't pay much attention to it. He was confident in his own strength, so he also punched out.

boom! ! !

This time Yang Jian experienced the feeling of a superman before, being blown away by the boundless power, his whole body was sore and painful, as if he had lost control of his body for a while, and was thrown dizzy after landing Su Su, it was not until a few seconds later that the body recovered under the repair of the venom.

However, although Yang Jian was seriously injured, Daxeid didn't take advantage of it. It was only because Daxeide was too careless that he was injured by the punch carried by Yang Jian's fist. Sexual fist blasted into Dakseid's body, and then exploded directly, a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of Dakseid's mouth.

However, as the Lord of the Apocalypse, Darkseid has an unparalleled recovery ability. Even if his internal organs are injured, he can recover with a little time. It's just that he is on the battlefield now, and he is just a clone, so he doesn't want to spend too much energy on In terms of recovering from the injury, it can only be suppressed temporarily.

Wonder Woman saw that Darkseid's body was a little sluggish, and prepared for the opportunity to kill, holding a sword and slashing at Darkseid's neck fiercely.


Darkseid stretched out his left hand and held Wonder Woman's sword. The extremely sharp sword couldn't cut through Darkseid's rock-like skin.

Wonder Woman drew back vigorously, but found that the sword was held by Darkseid and could not move at all. At this time, Darkseid's other hand clenched a fist, and he had already slammed over.

Wonder Woman had no choice but to let go of the hilt of her sword, put the shield in front of her, and tried her best to shrink her body, affecting Darkseid's powerful punch.

boom! !

Wonder Woman felt that today was her unlucky day, and being knocked into the air again and again felt like a sandbag.

This time Wonder Woman seemed to have better luck. After being blasted out, Superman reached out to catch her on the way.

"Be careful! His ray is very dangerous, and its power is even stronger. Let's come together. I will be responsible for the frontal attack and cover your surprise attack from the side."

At the end of Superman's words, the whole person rushed straight out, Shuaijia crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, came to Darkseid, and smashed his right fist with all his strength.

Darkseid was beaten by Yang Jian twice successively, and Superman's punch was not small. Darkseid did not dare to underestimate it. He casually threw aside the sword left by Wonder Woman and held it with his size. The sword is useless at all.


Darkseid raised his hand, grabbed Superman's fist, his body trembled slightly, let out a cold snort, grabbed Superman's fist and pulled it, and the other fist slammed on Superman's chest fiercely.


Superman felt as if he had been hit by a mountain, and the pain swept through his body. His body quickly flew upside down and fell into the deep sea.

However, after Superman was smashed into the air, he was not too disappointed, because his goal had already been achieved. Before Superman flew out, he had seen Wonder Woman attacking from behind Darkseid.

In order not to waste the chance that Superman risked her life to fight for herself, Wonder Woman used her big move as soon as she came up, hitting the guardian silver bracelet, and a lightning bolt condensed to the extreme struck the damaged part of Darkseid's back armor.

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