It's just that Darkseid has fought in countless universes and has rich combat experience, so how can he be so easily attacked? The reason why Yang Jian succeeded before was not only the carelessness of the other party, but also the fact that Yang Jian used J Darkseid's own power , I couldn't react for a while.

Darkseid turned his head slightly, and two scarlet omega rays shot out from his eyes, but this time the two rays of light did not attack Wonder Woman together, but were divided into two, one omega ray blocked the lightning, and the other ray After making a detour, Zhi Zhi branched out to another bridge and attacked Wonder Woman from the side.

At this time, Wonder Woman was using both hands to control the lightning to resist Darkseid's omega rays. There was no time to get the shield to resist, and she could only watch the rays of light shoot over.

If Wonder Woman is hit by an omega ray, even if she does not die, she will lose half her life. Just when Wonder Woman was desperate, a figure descended from the sky and punched Darkseid hard in the head

This punch was so powerful that Darkseid couldn't help shaking his head, and the Omega ray shot at Wonder Woman suddenly lost its aim, and hit a few meters away from Wonder Woman. Although it was blown away by the aftermath of the explosion, But it didn't hurt.

Dakseid stabilized his body, looked at the attacker, and found that it was actually Superman, he was slightly taken aback, didn't he just hit him flying?Why did you come back so soon?

Soon Darkseid's doubts were solved, because he found that a space door appeared in the sky at some time, and Superman got out of that space door just now. The situation immediately understood what was going on, it must be the method of the golden armored warrior before.

Darkseid was furious and reached out to grab Superman.Zhongwei was angry, stretched out his hand to grab Superman, unexpectedly there was another space behind Superman, Superman stepped back, and the space door closed directly, as if swallowing him, let Daxai's punch fall empty.

Before Darkseid could retract his hand, another space door appeared behind Darkseid, and Superman flew out of it and punched Darkseid in the back.

Dakseid lost his balance and rushed forward four or five steps before stabilizing. He turned around and prepared to attack Superman, but at this moment Superman had retreated again, the space door was closed again, and then a space was opened from above. The door came out and punched Darkseid again?

In this way, the space door kept flashing, and Superman appeared and disappeared, which made Darkseid helpless and suppressed him for a while.

Chapter 289

Darkseid was held back, so there was no need to worry about it for the time being. On the other side, Steppenwolf had already led an army of demons to attack the metropolis. Although the US government also deployed a defense line, the gap in strength was too great, and it basically didn't work.

The Steppenwolves also knew that biochemical weapons like demons had low IQs. If no one commanded them, they would basically be fighting in chaos and would not be able to exert their due power at all.

So Steppenwolf asked Kalibak to lead a team of elite demons to entangle Fiora and two Kryptonian warriors at the beginning, while he led an army of hundreds of thousands of demons to attack the metropolis and plunder the city The population in the world was transformed into demons, and they conquered the earth in the shortest possible time.

Everything was going well at first, the human army was almost collapsed under the attack of the demons, and it seemed that it was about to take Metropolis, the most prosperous city of the strongest country on earth, but at this moment become steeper

Boom! ! !

The ground began to vibrate violently, cracks appeared one after another, and continued to spread around, and the ground slowly bulged, as if something had come out of the ground.

With the roar of the earth and the flying dust, a huge figure slowly imagined in front of everyone.


There was a deafening roar, the sky was cloudy, lightning struck from time to time, the ground shook, the wind swept across, the huge beast roar was accompanied by continuous lightning, and the giant beast showed its ferocious form in the mist.

Steppenwolf looked at the giant in front of him and couldn't help being a little stunned. What kind of monster is this!Is it really the so-called backwardness, a backward planet without a few strong players?

Through satellites, high-level U.S. government officials also saw the appearance of this super monster. It was more than 400 meters tall and looked somewhat similar to a cockroach. It had a triangular head, blood-red eyes, and two pairs of huge forelimbs. The sharp big knife seems to cut open the space, it is definitely a killing weapon, with a pair of wings on the back, the wingspan is close to [-] meters, when it is lightly flapped, the dark clouds will be torn apart, causing the violent airflow to turn into a destructive hurricane, blowing the ground things are easily pushed far away.

The doomsday-like scene is shocking, the super monster slowly moves forward, and the demeanor of the world-destroying monster is undoubtedly displayed.

Feeling the aura unintentionally exuded by the other party, Steppenwolf felt a sense of fear deep in his heart. This kind of monster was absolutely beyond his ability to deal with.

Needless to say, the behemoth that appeared at this time was of course Muto. From the very beginning, Yang Jian was thinking about how to deal with the inexhaustible demon-like army?After all, this kind of biochemical weapon is endless, no matter how hard it is to kill, it can't be killed. In the end, Yang Jian put his idea on Mu Tuo, and if the number is not dominant, he will use his huge body to make up for it.

Standing on Muto's triangular head is a figure with an unusually hot body and a mask on her face, which makes it difficult to see her real appearance, but all superheroes know her true identity .

Atlanta waved her hand vigorously, pointed at the dense army of demons in the sky, and shouted softly: "Muto, attack with all your strength and kill them!"


When Muto heard Atlanna's order, he laughed excitedly. Muto was aggressive by nature. As a titan, since its birth, he has been absorbing the energy transformed from the mother box, and his strength is getting stronger day by day, but With such a strong power, Yang Jian controlled him to death, and he had nowhere to vent his energy. Today, he finally had a chance to show his strength.

Muto locked onto the demon-like army in the sky, his blood-red eyes glowed fiercely, and the two pairs of abnormally thick forelimbs began to flash with blood-red light.

Bang! ! !

The two pairs of forelimbs hit the ground heavily, and a powerful electromagnetic pulse was released, spreading forward in a fan shape.

When this Muto was still an egg, Yang Jian provided him with the highest purity energy. After birth, he used the mother box to convert it into the energy it needed, and fed it until it couldn't absorb it. There was never any need to worry about the lack of energy. question.

Under Yang Jian's energy supply regardless of the cost, Muto has evolved, and it is more than one level stronger than Muto in the Godzilla world, and the electromagnetic pulse it releases is also more powerful.

At the moment when the energy electromagnetic pulse was released, the monster in the sky seemed to be frozen, then lost its power, and fell from the air with a bang, bang bang, and the ground was already covered with corpses of the monster.

You must know that Muto's electromagnetic pulse has a natural restraint on electronic and mechanical products. In the movie, the electromagnetic pulse released by Muto instantly paralyzed the entire city.

This is only the performance in the movie. In the novel, Mu Taku's electronic pulse can even directly interrupt Godzilla's atomic breath, making it unusable for a short time.

But now this Muto belongs to the evolutionary type, and the electronic pulse it releases is more powerful. After all, the demon is a kind of biochemical arms that is half mechanical and half human. After the mechanical part is destroyed by the electronic pulse, it naturally loses power. So in some respects, Muto can be regarded as the nemesis of the demons. There are more than [-] demons who died under Mutoto's powerful electromagnetic pulse, and they are all close to the demons who invaded the earth this time. One-third of the total army.

Steppenwolf looked at the demon-like corpses all over the ground, especially in some places where the piles were several meters high, and his heart was full of despair.

Even on Apocalypse, demons are just a consumable weapon, but it is a huge loss to die so many at once. This time they will be severely punished by Darkseid. After all, Steppenwolf is the one who invaded the earth this time. Mainly refers to the person in charge.

How to do?What should I do?Steppenwolf panicked, relying on the solution, gritted his teeth for the last time, swung the battle ax in his hand, and ordered the demon-like army to divide into two troops, one part killed Muto, and the other continued to kill the metropolis, intending to use The Earthlings of the metropolis have come to create more demon-like creatures to make up for their mistakes, hoping to make up for the loss this time.

The Steppenwolf knew that he had no way out, so in order to reduce the punishment, he would do anything at all.

Atlanna, who was standing on Muto's head, sneered, and gave the order again, "Muto, attack freely and try your best to slaughter the enemy army."


Muto roared excitedly, spreading his wings vigorously, like a super hurricane, turning into a moving natural disaster, rushing madly in the army of demons, at least hundreds of demons were smashed to pieces every time he flapped his wings, but No matter what kind of enemy they face, the demons will not be afraid. Under the command of Steppenwolf, some of them bypass Muto and continue to rush towards the metropolis.

Affected by Muto, the weather has changed, dark clouds cover the sun, and many people in the city hide in their homes shivering, praying that this doomsday scene will pass as soon as possible.

Of course, some people are afraid, while others are happy. In an underground space, Constantine looked at a middle-aged man with a straight suit but an unusually pale face with a smile on his face, and said, "How is it? Your Excellency, Prince, I said that you don’t have to worry about the sunshine problem at all, someone will solve it for you, now that I’ve fulfilled my promise, it’s up to you next.”

The middle-aged man in the suit said with a displeased face: "You still mean what you say this time. Since this is the case, we will naturally not break the promise. Although in the eyes of many people, our blood race is insidious and cunning, but this time we are definitely on the sidelines." On the human side, after all, once humans are extinct, we will starve to death, and humans are the basis for the development of our blood race."

It turned out that this middle-aged man was actually a vampire, and he was also a vampire prince. He was already at the top of the vampire race.

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