With the order of the Vampire Prince, countless vampires came out of the darkness and killed the monsters rushing into the metropolis.

In fact, it's not just vampires. On the streets of the metropolis, the manhole covers of the sewers were uncovered one by one. Werewolves, ghouls and other dark creatures were dispatched together. Taking advantage of the geographical advantage, they began to ambush the demons.

A group of dark creatures were desperately fighting there, but Constantine, the initiator of this operation, secretly hid in the dark, watching others desperately ahead.

Constantine cherishes his own life very much. His principle is to send others to die, and to do good things by himself. His lung cancer was finally cured, and he has a good life waiting for him, so he should not risk his life with demons. , This kind of dangerous matter should be handed over to others.

Constantine once again explained why he has the nickname of Scumbag. Who else is scumbag if this kind of person is not scumbag?

Originally, Steppenwolf was commanding a group of monsters to besiege Muto, but when they received the news that the monsters had invaded the metropolis, their faces turned black with anger. They didn't expect there to be ambushes in the city. Human beings are too insidious.

Steppenwolf decided to check the situation inside the metropolis and put down the siege of Muto for the time being.

When Steppenwolf entered the metropolis, he happened to see a monster being torn to pieces by two half-human, half-wolf monsters. He was furious and swung an ax to kill the two werewolves.

But at this moment, a red lightning flashed from a distance, passing by the Steppenwolf in an instant, and then the Steppenwolf felt a sharp pain in his leg.

This feeling is so familiar, Steppenwolf has been distracted by this trick before, and only the Flash can do it.

Steppenwolf really has no good way to deal with Flash, because Flash's speed is too fast, and he can't catch him if he is slippery.

If the Flash didn't have a weapon in his hand, Steppenwolf didn't need to care at all. Even the Flash's attack would not be able to hurt him in the slightest. However, with the addition of a weapon made of vibrating gold, the threat of the Flash suddenly increased. Threatening the life of the Steppenwolf, if the Flash seizes the opportunity to stab the Steppenwolf a few more times, it is really possible to kill him.

A single Flash is enough to give Steppenwolf a headache, but the heavens seem to think it's not enough. This is a silver figure descending from the sky, raising its hand and blasting a beam of energy at Steppenwolf.


The Steppenwolf flew out and hit a building before stopping.

Only then did I see the silver figure clearly, half human, half mechanical, with half of the mechanical head exposed, and an electronic eye flashing red light, which was exactly the steel bone.

Before, Yang Jian used the space gate to teleport The Flash and Cyborg away, and sent them directly to the metropolis, because Yang Jian knew that the metropolis would be invaded sooner or later, and it was better to teleport them here in advance to be prepared.

The Flash and Cyborg attacked Steppenwolf crazily, leaving him no time to direct the actions of the demon-like army. As a result, the demon-like army fell into chaos, and all kinds of dark creatures united to defeat each other. In addition, the human army , Slowly clean up the monsters that broke into the metropolis.

On the battlefield by the sea, Batman, Arthur and Isabel are on the periphery. They work together to kill the demons and prevent Yang Jian and the others from disturbing the center of the battlefield. Otherwise, they will fall into the siege of the demons and be seized by Darkside. Break each one.

Batman is also paying attention to the situation in the metropolis. When Muto appeared, he was also startled, and turned to Arthur and asked, "This is the backhand you prepared, no wonder you are not worried at all. But what is the origin of that big guy? Such a colossus has never been recorded in human history."

"Its name is Muto, and it is a titan that lived on the earth in ancient times, but most of the titans have been extinct. My father just got an egg of a titan by accident, and it cost a lot of money. Jin hatched it, but according to my father's idea, try not to expose Muto's existence as much as possible, and its appearance may not be a good thing for humans."

Batman was startled when he heard this, and felt that this matter might not be that simple, "What? Could it be that you can't control this giant titan? Could Muto be harmful to humans?"

"That's not true. The key Titans have a special ability. They can absorb radiation and convert it into another form of energy, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying the earth."

Isabel was even more surprised when she heard the words, "This should be a good thing. Purify the earth, and the living environment of human beings is better. How can this be a bad thing?"

"No! On the contrary, this is very dangerous." Batman understood instantly, and said with a serious face.

"Why do you say that?"

"Think about it, although countries on the earth now have disputes and fights, the impact of wars will be kept within a certain range. In the final analysis, it is because of nuclear deterrence. We all know that the most frightening thing about nuclear bombs is not the explosion. The damage caused was the radiation produced after the explosion, but now there is a creature that can evolve radiation, if the principle of it is thoroughly studied, then He Wei She will no longer exist. What do you think will happen next? Those countries that have hatred will lead to war again, and countless people will be displaced."

Isabel was silent, a little incomprehensible, why would it cause such serious consequences even though it was a good thing?What's wrong with humans?

Chapter 290 Cosmic Limiter

The three Arthurs present were silent. Sometimes they themselves felt that human beings are a race that is very good at killing, constantly testing on the edge of death. At this moment, they had an idea that even if they resisted the alien With the invasion of stars, human beings will also create various situations and crises, and sooner or later they will destroy themselves because they have done too much.

"Ahem!" If the atmosphere is a little weird, he quickly changed the subject and said, "Okay, don't think about it, the real thing is to solve the troubles in front of you. Who can say what will happen in the future? At least we have to work hard now." Teach this group of bastards who invaded Earth a lesson and let them know that Earth is not easy to mess with."

Batman nodded in agreement, "That's right, we can't be too pessimistic, there are always more solutions than problems in this world, and it's not that simple for human beings to study Muto's ability to purify radiation. Time nuclear deterrence still exists, and it will not be easy to go to war. After experiencing the Kryptonians, the sons of hell and this alien invasion, the earth should focus on fighting the invasion of foreign forces. Under the pressure of powerful enemies Under this circumstance, human beings will exert unimaginable power, and they will not have the intention to start a civil war."

Batman's words are correct, but if Isabel and Isabel listen to it, they will have a strange feeling in their hearts. It seems that the invasion of Apocalypse this time is not entirely a bad thing. In the fight against aliens, there are fewer acts of death.


bump bump! ! !

With the help of Yang Jian, the space door kept opening and closing, making Superman appear and disappear, punching Darkseid one after another. Later, when Artifact Woman joined in, Yang Jian could always be accurate with the help of Venom's calculations. Taking advantage of the timing, Darkseid was beaten again and again. Although Superman and Wonder Woman cannot cause fatal damage to him with their current strength, it feels too uncomfortable to be beaten passively, and Yang Jian is very insidious. Using a strange magic, a ball of orange-red energy appeared in Superman's fist, and the power on the fist was increased several times, making Darkseid feel more and more pain in his body.

Think about the way Dakseid just asked to temporarily put his hands on his back to ignore everyone, and then look at the embarrassment of holding his head with his hands and resisting Superman's fist, the difference is too far.

Although it is only a clone, the pain is real. Dakseid feels that the muscles of his whole body are numb, and Superman's fists are getting heavier and heavier, making a sound like metal and iron clashing, which is quite a few It didn't stop for a few minutes, and even Superman was a little soft.

Darkseid has fought in countless universes, and has never suffered such a big loss. The anger in his heart is getting stronger and stronger, and the light in his eyes is becoming more and more dangerous.

Roar! !

Finally, Darkseid's anger reached its limit. A deep, beast-like roar came from Darkseid's throat, and an extremely violent power radiated out. Just throw Wonder Woman and Superman out.

Pat clap clack!Boom!Boom!Boom!

The first unlucky ones were the surrounding demons, who couldn't bear the aura emanating from Dakseid's body and burst out one after another.

Yang Jian was startled, he felt that the energy in Dakseid's body was growing crazily at this time, at least several times stronger than before, and there was no tendency to stop at all.

This situation is too unreasonable. Yang Jian can be sure that what is in front of him is definitely not Darkseid's body but a clone. His body has been sitting on Apocalypse. Could the clone also explode?

Yang Jian sensed it carefully, and soon discovered the abnormality. It seemed that a wave of energy was transmitted from the space channel and merged into Darkseid's body. Yang Jian immediately understood what was going on. It was Darkside who was bullied miserably. Regardless of calling stronger energy from the main body.

Dozed off, he slowly raised his head and looked at Yang Jian, Superman and Wonder Woman who had already gathered together. A wicked smile actually flashed across his face, he clenched his fists tightly, and when his knuckles touched, there was a piercing crack Voice.

"Did the ignorant little bug have a good time playing just now? Now it's my turn."

The three of Yang Jian yelled inwardly, and then saw two scarlet omega rays in Darkseid's eyes, aimed at Yang Jian, and Darkseid knew that Yang Jian was the key. Standing in an invincible position, if Yang Jian cannot be dealt with first, he can only be beaten passively.

Yang Jian was startled, and quickly crossed his hands, using venom to condense a golden shield, and at the same time, there was a raging fire burning on the surface of the shield to meet him.

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