Yang Jian didn't know that his father and son were being targeted by someone. He stayed in the laboratory for the next few days to study the magical energy in the body of the Egyptian cat god. The main body and the little sheep are responsible for the research, but the living things are not good enough, so they can only find their own way.


Arthur went to a small town by the sea to drink as usual. Recently, if he resumed his hard practice life, he would go to an isolated island to hone his fighting skills during the day, drink some wine in the small town at night, and then go home to sleep , when he fell asleep, the mother box would transmit energy for him to absorb and strengthen his body, making his life boring and boring.

As usual, Arthur drove home drunk and half drunk, not worried about getting into a car accident at all, because with his physical fitness, even if he was hit by a nuclear bomb, he might not be in trouble.

But today seems to be Arthur's unlucky day. On the way back to the lighthouse, Arthur suddenly heard a rumbling sound. He turned his head and was startled. He didn't know when there was a huge wave on the sea, although it was not as good as before. The [-]-meter-high waves that I thought of were also [-]-[-] meters long, and there seemed to be a lot of debris in the waves.


Arthur immediately stopped and walked out, took out the water fork from the car, held it up high, let out a loud drink, and then pushed the water fork to the ground, the huge wave was separated immediately, leaving a lot of sundries behind, The waves dissipated slowly.

Only then did Arthur realize that the waves rolled to the coast were actually countless rubbish, piled up like a mountain.

"What's going on? Who did it? Is this a prank? It's too much to dump the garbage here."

"It's not a prank. It's a wave created by the King of Atlantis and other underwater kingdoms." At this time, the waves that hadn't completely dissipated suddenly parted a passage, and a tall woman came out.

Arthur looked at the wine-red long-haired beauty walking towards him, with a look of interest in his eyes, and asked, "Beauty, who are you? It seems that you are here to find me, what is your purpose?"

"Hi Arthur, my name is Mera, the princess of Xebel Kingdom, I'm here to find you this time."

Arthur is not the muscular fool in the original plot. Under the guidance of Yang Jian, he has a good understanding of the seven kingdoms under the sea. Atlantis, is there anything that can make your highness, the princess, come to find me, an ordinary person?"

When Arthur learned that the other party was the princess of Xebel Kingdom, he immediately lost interest, not because he didn't want to deal with people from the Undersea Kingdom, lest his mother's affairs be exposed, and there would definitely be conflicts with the Undersea Kingdom at that time, but he didn't know The beautiful woman in front of him will be his wife, who will soon end his single life and walk into the grave of love.

"You are not an ordinary person, but the eldest son of Queen Atlanna. I came to you because your half-brother, the current king of Atlantis, Omumu, is going to launch a war against the land people. In the war, countless people will die at that time, so we must find a way to stop him." Mera is also a happy person, and she directly stated her purpose without concealing it.

"What! That idiot Aum actually wants to launch a war on the land, is he tired of his job? It's not like this to seek death, why is it so hard to think about it?"

When Arthur heard the news, his first thought was that Aum's head was kicked by a donkey. If he dared to come to land and his father found out, he would definitely hang him up and beat him. There is no doubt about this point. The old man fully possessed this strength. If he was hiding at the bottom of the sea, Yang Jian would not bother to pay attention to him, but if he dared to come to land, he would be beaten up.

"Don't underestimate Aum. His strength is not simple. As the purest royal blood of Atlantis, he has undergone the most rigorous training since he was a child. His strength is very strong. He is definitely one of the best among the countries under the sea. We can defeat him head-on, so we can only find another way to drive him off the throne and avoid a senseless war. You are the eldest son of the queen, and it is justifiable for you to act, and you are the most suitable candidate."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the position of king of Atlantis, please be smart." Arthur didn't want to be a king. He knew his temperament and was not suitable to be a king at all, so he sat on the throne all day long. All kinds of affairs, wouldn't that suffocate him to death?

"No, you can't escape. This is your responsibility. Your identity means that you can't stay out of it. Even if you don't do it for yourself, you have to think about your father. Aum is ready to attack you and your father. Your Pay attention to self-protection, but what about your father? You can only avoid this by becoming the king of Atlantis."

Arthur's face twitched, and there was only one thought in his mind: Aum is dead, and you dare to provoke his horrible father, how hard it is for you!

However, Arthur didn't show any abnormality. He was very aware of his father's temperament. He liked to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger the most. He always taught Arthur that a low profile is king.

"Please don't take me for a fool, okay? I'm a half-breed, do you think those people in Atlantis will allow me to be their king?"

Although Arthur is unwilling to use his brain, it does not mean that he is a fool. He is very clear that his mixed race is synonymous with shame in the eyes of many Atlanteans. Although he is sure to subdue them with his strong strength, But Arthur was not in the mood to play house games like this with them.

"You don't have to worry about this, we have already thought of a way, otherwise Vico would not be able to tell me your address."

"Vico?" Arthur was silent. He didn't need to care about others, but Vico was different. He was the person who grew up with him and took care of him. Can't refuse.

"Let's go, come with me to see Vico, he will tell you what to do, and stopping your brother Om is also helping him, if your mother is still alive, you don't want him to become a tyrant! "

Hearing Mera's words, Arthur's heart moved, and he thought of a serious problem. If Aum really attacked the land, even if he didn't make a move, even if his father was stopped by his mother, a superman alone would not be enough for Aum. It's time to fight, let alone the Kryptonian warriors headed by Fiora, if something happens, will mother be very sad?You should ask your mother about this.

"Wait a minute, I'll give my father a call and give you an answer."

Bang! !

After Arthur finished speaking, he went straight back to the car, and then closed the car door. Mera, who was left outside, was a little dazed.

what happened?I am a beautiful woman here, but you actually left me outside and locked the door, what do you mean?Are you afraid that I will insult you?Are you still a man?

Of course, Mera didn't know, and Arthur was also helpless. The person he called was actually his mother, and the news that his mother was still alive must not be known to the people in the sea, otherwise the mother and child might be separated again.

In order to prevent Mera outside from hearing his mother's voice, Arthur directly turned on the sound insulation system. Although the car looks dilapidated, it actually has a lot of black technology. After the sound insulation system is activated, even the sound inside Can't hear it from outside.

The phone was connected soon, and Atlanta's voice came from the opposite side, "Arthur, is there something? Why don't you go home so late?"

"Mom, I had an accident here. A beautiful woman named Mera came to me. She claimed to be the princess of Xebel Kingdom. It was Vico who asked him to come to me."

Atlanta thought for a while and said: "Meera! I remember she came to Atlantis when she was young, I taught her for a while, and Vico, since he is willing to tell Mera the news , presumably it won’t harm you, what does he want from you?”

"She told me that Orm was going to deal with me and Dad, and wanted to start a war on the land, and wanted me to defeat him, throw him off the throne, and let me be the king of Atlantis, and you know me I'm not interested in these things, but if that idiot Aum really came to land, I'm afraid he won't be able to go back, he might die here, I want to ask your opinion."

"Aum..." Atlanna didn't know what to say for a while. For the son of Aum, Atlana didn't know how to describe her feelings. If the appearance of Arthur is the crystallization of love, Aum's Appearance is actually the answer that Atlanna herself is responsible for, and she will give birth to a perfect Atlantis heir with a person she doesn't love, but after all, she is her own flesh and blood, and she can't just ignore it.

"Arthur, do one thing for my mother, I beg you as a mother." At this moment, Atlanta's tone was filled with indescribable sadness.

"Mom, there's no need to use this begging word between us, just tell me." Arthur could hear his mother's tone, and replied in a serious tone.

"Go to Atlantis, defeat your brother, become the new king of Atlantis, and eliminate this war. If Orm refuses to give up, then imprison him and let him reflect, so that at least he can Save his life, and don't let your father know about this, okay." At this moment, Atlanta was a little thankful, fortunately, Yang Jian had been spending the past few days in the laboratory and didn't know anything about the outside world. Otherwise, who knows if they will rush into Atlantis and kill Aum.

"This..." Arthur was a little embarrassed. Not only did he have to lie to his father, but he also had to do things he didn't like. It was really uncomfortable.

"If I know that you don't like fighting for power, it doesn't matter. After you become king, you can delegate power and let others handle affairs."

At this moment, Atlanta smiled wryly in her heart. She didn't know how many people had paid the price of blood and tears in order to fight for power and gain the throne, but her own son was afraid of him like a tiger, so she didn't know what to say.

"Alright then! Go to Atlantis now, I'll leave the car here, remember to find someone to drive me back."

After finishing speaking, Arthur hung up the phone and opened the car door again and walked out, "Let's go, let's go find the plating department."

After Arthur finished speaking, he walked directly to the beach and jumped into the water. There was a ripple on the surface of the sea, and he swam to the depths of the seabed.

Meera pursed her mouth in anger, what a man without manners, he hung himself out of the car for so long, yet he still refused to let him go, is it that I am so unattractive?

No matter how much dissatisfaction there was in her heart, Mera had no choice but to plunge into the sea one by one to catch up.

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