On the other side, after Atlanta hung up the phone, she thought that Arthur had said just now that Aum was going to deal with Arthur and her husband, so who would be photographed?

Atlanta was thinking, she had to make some preparations to get rid of the killer in advance, not because she was worried that those people would hurt Yang Jian, but because those people were worried that Yang Jian would find clues and found Aum, and Yang Jian In anger, she would kill Orm, and Atlanta, a mother, was really worried.

Chapter 297 Arthur Arrested

Arthur and Mera dived into the sea, and soon came to the inside of a sunken ship, where there was an Atlantis submarine hidden in advance by Mera, which looked like a big fish.

Some traffic workers were several times faster, and soon entered the depths of the seabed, and came to a beautiful place. Atlantis is indeed the longest and most powerful of the seven kingdoms under the sea, and it is extremely prosperous. , Encountered all kinds of underwater creatures along the way, exuding brilliant brilliance, illuminating the entire seabed, it is definitely the most beautiful place on earth.

If you want to enter Atlantis, you must go through many inspections, but it is not difficult for Mera to solve. She is not only the princess of the Zebel Kingdom, but also the fiancee of Aum. She passed the inspection easily and quickly. I came to a barren place in Atlantis. This is an old area. Atlanteans used to live here. However, with the improvement of living standards, some of these old areas could not keep up with the trend of the times, so they were abandoned. , can now be said to be inaccessible.

The submarine stopped next to a sunken ship. The shipwreck was wooden and probably 100 years old.

Arthur and Mera walked out of the submarine and entered the sunken ship. Arthur found that there was no water inside the sunken ship, and an invisible force isolated the sea water from the outside.

When Mera saw Arthur's expression, she knew what Arthur was thinking, and immediately explained: "This is an air bag. In Atlantis, only nobles can breathe fresh air. It can be used as an insurance measure."

Arthur nodded and looked away. At this moment, someone came up to meet him, and it was Vico.

"Long time no see, old Vico, how are you doing recently?" Arthur warmly hugged Vico while saying hello.

Vico said a little tiredly: "To be honest, the situation is not very good. There are too many things that have happened recently, which makes me a little exhausted."

Mera frowned, and seeing Vico's appearance, she knew that things had changed again, and asked quickly, "What's wrong? What happened? How bad is it?"

"Not long ago when Aum met with your father, he was attacked by humans and even injured his father. Now your father has chosen to support Aum in launching a war against land people. Among the seven kingdoms under the sea, two of them Two of them lost their news, and the Trench tribe turned into barbarism and were overly repelled. Of the remaining four countries, Atlantis is the most powerful, followed by Zebel. With your father's support, it is equal to the two most powerful countries on the bottom of the sea. With the alliance of powerful countries, Aum has enough troops to suppress the other two countries and let them join the war against the land people.”

"Wait a minute, how could humans attack Aum and the others? Among humans, Atlantis is just a legend, and they don't know your existence at all. Is there a misunderstanding?" Arthur's face was a little ugly, the situation It was getting worse and worse, and for some reason Arthur always had the feeling that there was some kind of conspiracy in the attack.

Mera nodded, agreeing with Arthur, "I don't think the situation is right either."

"But it's true. I was there at the time. The human battleship opened fire without warning. Your father was accidentally injured. Fortunately, Aum rescued him in time. It's also because of the distance they chose. The sea is too close, maybe it was a coincidence that we just met a human battleship." Vico sighed, feeling helpless.

"Coincidence? I don't think there are so many coincidences in this world. If I'm not wrong, the location of the alliance should be chosen by Aum, right? It just happened to be such a coincidence that it happened to be attacked by land people, which made Aum furious." Shenwei saved King Xebel, it's really a good plan." Arthur sneered, although because of his strength, Arthur prefers to speak with his fists, but it doesn't mean that he has no brains and wants to rebel. Under Yang Jian's teaching, Arthur has intelligence beyond imagination, as long as he is willing to use his brain, he can guess what's going on in an instant.

"Calculation!" Vico was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, his face changed slightly, "You mean to say that this matter is a scene directed and acted by Aum, and the purpose is to get Zebel to support him in this A war against the people of the land."

"Of course, as long as you think about whoever benefits after the fact, as the king of Atlantis, he was attacked by someone, which gave him an excuse to go to war, and made King Zebel owe him favors, standing He supported him here, and showed his bravery to everyone, if there is no accident, the war between the sea people and the land people is a foregone conclusion."

Mera also understood at this time, and immediately became anxious, and hurriedly said: "No, I must go to my father and tell him the truth of the matter, and he cannot be used by Aum just like this."

"Okay, even if you tell the truth, how many people will believe it? Without the slightest evidence, slandering a king is a felony, even your father may not believe it." Arthur smiled ironically , For Aum's half-brother, he really looks down on him, he will play these tricks, but he doesn't know that strength is the root, as long as he is strong enough, he doesn't need these tricks at all.

"Arthur is right. Without evidence, even if you tell everyone the truth, they will only think that you deliberately sow dissension. Therefore, we still plan to make Arthur the new king and prevent This war."

As he spoke, Vico took out a cylinder from behind, opened it and pulled out an ancient blueprint and spread it out, with a golden trident pattern drawn in the middle.

Vico spread out the drawings carefully, as if he was holding the most precious treasure in the world, "Some time ago, an archaeological team discovered this, which recorded the subordinate clues of the golden trident. As long as the trident can be found, no one can find it." Prevent Arthur from ascending the throne, and then this senseless war can be stopped."

Arthur looked at the map that Vico regarded as a treasure, and his brows twitched. He really wanted to tell Vico that there was no need to follow the map to find such trouble. I know the whereabouts of the golden trident, and I can take you there now, but I want to After thinking about it, I gave up, because I want to explain why I know the whereabouts of the golden trident, and it is easy to expose the fact that my mother is still alive. At that time, they will probably find their mother and return to Atlantis to be the queen. Wouldn't it be necessary to separate from my mother again?

"Actually, I don't think it's so troublesome. I don't need to find a trident. As the eldest son of the queen, I beat Aum to the ground and forced him to swear that he would never invade the land..." Yang Jian said halfway, He stopped suddenly, turned his head to look outside, his face became serious, "I think we have to stop for a while, there are guests coming, we have to entertain first."

Vico was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that someone had found this place, "It's impossible, I just found this secret place recently, and it's impossible for outsiders to know about it. I only told Mera, plus you have a total of three How could a person be discovered?"

At this moment, Vico couldn't help feeling a little suspicious of Mera, and it was impossible for him to expose himself. Arthur had just arrived and didn't know at all, and after much deliberation, Mera was the only one left.

"Remove all the impossibilities, and the rest is the answer. Some of us have been tracked. Are you looking for something extra on your body?"

Vico and Mera lowered their heads to search on themselves at the same time, and soon Mera's expression changed, she took a bracelet from her wrist and threw it on the ground, and then crushed it with her foot.

"Damn it, I was lied to by Orm. He said it was a relic left to him by the Queen of Atlanta and asked me to carry it with me. I didn't expect that he was plotting against me from the very beginning. This place must have been surrounded. What should I do?" At this moment, Mera also panicked, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry, things are not as bad as you imagined, and there is still room for change. You are the princess of the Zebel Kingdom, and Aum still needs your father's support. As long as you are not seen, even if you know it is you Yes, and no one will shoot you unless there is real evidence, I will cause chaos later, and you find a chance to leave."

"But what do you do?" Vico regretted it very much, because his carelessness put Arthur in crisis. If Arthur really had an accident, he didn't know how he would have the face to meet Queen Atlanta in the future?

"The key now is to ensure that your family is safe, so that you have a chance to save me! Even if I get caught, it's nothing, but you are different. If you see a mixed race like me, you may be detained directly. charges of treason."

Arthur picked up his water fork and guarded the entrance while speaking. Vico and Mera glanced at each other, looking for a place to hide.

Whoa! !

Following a burst of spray, eight figures rushed in. They were a group of Atlantean warriors wearing white airtight armor, holding energy weapons in their hands, and opened fire without hesitation when they saw Arthur.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Arthur was dodging in the narrow space with incomparable flexibility, and the energy beam almost flew past his body. After regaining his footing, the water fork in his hand was suddenly thrown out, and the white-armored warrior in the front was shot instantly. Pierced, flew upside down and was nailed to the wall, and smashed several companions around him tottering.

By the time those white-armored fighters regained their stature, Arthur had rushed over and snatched the energy weapon from one of the white-armored fighters, and then fired at them in turn.

Boom boom boom...

Soon the female Atlantean warriors wearing white warriors were wiped out, but before Arthur could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a sound of splashing water, and another group of Atlantean warriors broke in , this time it was a group of warriors wearing red airtight armor, they did not hold energy weapons but each held a sharp sword.

The red-armored warrior rushed towards Arthur quickly, killing him from front to back, left to right.

Arthur sneered, and rushed to the person in front, tilted his head, avoided the oncoming knife, grabbed the opponent's wrist with his backhand, snatched the sword, and cut a hole in the chest armor with the knife, and stored it inside The sea water flowed out, and the Atlantean warrior suddenly had difficulty breathing, pulled off his mask, then turned around and ran, plunged into the water, and saved his life.

Arthur brandished a war knife, and the shadow of the knife was heavy, and quickly defeated the group of red armored warriors.

At this time, the leading red-armored warrior couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed over with a sword in his hand, while shouting: "I arrest you in the name of King Aum!"

Arthur didn't bother to listen to what he had to say, he turned around and swung the knife across to block the opponent's slashing blows.

At this time, the red-armored warrior clenched his fist, and circle after circle of energy quickly converged on the fist, hitting Arthur hard on the head.

"Well done, big crab, let's compare whose fist is harder." Arthur wanted to attract the attention of the Atlantean warriors, buy time for Mera and Vico to escape, and deliberately behaved extremely violently.

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