Aum firmly believed that he could defeat Arthur. The physique of the Atlanteans was far better than that of the land people. In Aum's heart, Arthur's blood of the land people would drag him down. How could a mixed blood be his opponent.

"Take him to the Ring of Fire, he is still there, tomorrow I will defeat him head-on in front of all the people of Atlantis, and I want to prove to all the people that I am the real king of Atlantis. "

With a bang, there was a burst of cheers around, and everyone was excited, only Vico and Mera looked disappointed. The matter had developed to this point and it was out of their control, so they could only hope for luck.

In this way, Arthur was taken down and sent to the Ring of Fire, a place where Atlantis held duels.

The handcuffs and shackles on Arthur's body were untied, and someone sent him food to let him have a full meal, as if it was a guillotin before execution.

Arthur looked around and found that there were a lot of weapons piled up here, which could be chosen at will, but Arthur Arthur didn't plan to use these defective products because he had better ones.

The whole Atlantis became lively because of the upcoming duel, and they gathered towards the Ring of Fire. Just watching this shocking battle, Arthur himself was ready to take a rest after eating and drinking heartlessly. , so as to meet the next decisive battle.

But Arthur is destined to not be able to rest in peace. Someone came to him not long after. After Vico sent everyone away, he walked in with Arthur's water fork, and said to Arthur angrily: " Do you know what you are doing? How can you easily decide to duel Orm, you don't understand what it means?"

"No, I understand. Although you haven't told me, I have learned about the traditions of the Atlanteans through other channels. Naturally, I know what the sacred duel represents? As long as I win, the crisis can be resolved, right? It's that simple."

"How do you know you're going to win? If you lose, it's all over."

"If there is no if, I will win, it's as simple as that."

Vico was full of helplessness towards Arthur's self-confidence for no reason, wondering if he had taught Arthur astray?

"You may be an invincible fighter on land, but it's different in the water. You will be a little unaccustomed to the water. Aum has lived in the water since he was a child and has undergone the most rigorous training. He is the best fighter. You don't have much chance of winning. of."

"No, in the face of absolute strength, the so-called acclimatization is just a small problem. Even if it will reduce my combat power in the water, I still have the confidence to beat Aum."

Arthur is very sure and sure that Aum is definitely not his opponent, because he doesn't think that Aum can be like himself, with a particularly fierce father who uses huge energy to help him strengthen his body every day, even if he has a perfect Aum Aum, who is of the blood of the Atlantean royal ancestor, may have physical fitness far superior to that of ordinary Atlanteans, and he has also undergone hard training in the later stage, but compared with the resources he has, he is definitely not the slightest bit worse. In this case, if you lose, you might as well find a piece of tofu and kill yourself head-on.

Seeing Arthur like this, Vico was helpless. The two couldn't talk at all. One thought he would win, and the other thought he had no chance of winning. They were completely opposite to each other, and no one could convince the other.

"Well, since you are so confident, let's discuss how to make your chances of winning better." Vico couldn't convince Arthur right now, so he had to follow his words.

Arthur instinctively wanted to refuse, but seeing the expectant look on the old man's face in front of him, and then recalling the situation when Vico taught himself to do his best and care about himself like a son, his tone softened, "You If you win, let's hear what you have to say!"

Vico began to introduce Aum's strength, fighting habits, etc., and also said some ways to deal with it. Arthur nodded on the surface, but actually didn't take it to heart at all, just wanted to make Vico feel at ease.

Time passed unknowingly, when Arthur heard footsteps coming from outside, he stopped under Arthur's signal, and soon two people came here, one of them was a well-dressed, well-dressed Mera, the other person is naturally Aum who has changed into a relatively ordinary armor, no longer his coquettish golden armor, this armor is more suitable for fighting.

Mera looked at Arthur, and the two looked at each other. They seemed to have a thousand words to say, but because of Aum's presence, they didn't dare to speak easily.

"Vico is going over there in Princess Mera, I have something to talk to him about." Orm looked at Arthur and said, completely unaware that a green hat was about to be put on his head.

Although Vico wanted to stay, he couldn't disobey Ohm's order, so he had to take Mera away, leaving only two brothers, Orm and Arthur.

This is the first time for the two brothers to get along alone, and they are sizing each other up carefully. Arthur didn't pay attention to it before, but after a closer look at this matter, he found that Aum still has the potential of being a little boy. The temperament exuded by a high position is absolutely fatal to women.

And Aum looked at Ya in a more complicated way, with disgust, hatred, and anger, but there was a trace of joy deep in the eyes.

Sometimes fate is so strange, brothers are arranged in different positions, destined to fight each other, but fortunately it is not a man and a woman, otherwise who knows what the situation will be in the end.

Chapter 299 The Duel Begins

After a long time, Orm said, "Did you know? There has always been a legend in the bottom of the sea that the sea monster Karason has the power that even the king of Atlantis is afraid of, so he is imprisoned in the depths of the sea." At this point, Karasan has been sleeping, waiting to rise one day, and so is Atlantis, and now the sea monster has woken up, and the war is inevitable."

Arthur just smiled, "Actually, Karason is not asleep, it is hidden in the sea in the center of the earth, guarding the body of the first king of Atlantis, and also guarding the three golden tridents, so don't just give Kara Mori is blamed, in the final analysis, it’s just your ambition. The reason you launched a war on the land is that you want to take the opportunity to unify the countries under the sea. If I’m not wrong, when you met with the Zebel Kingdom before, The person who attacked should be bribed by you, right? It’s a bitter trick to get the Zebel Kingdom to stand on your side, but it’s a pity that the conspiracy has always been on the stage, and there will always be a day when it will be exposed, and it will depend on how you end up.”

When Yang Jian rescued Atlanta from the hidden sea in the center of the earth, he left something there for spatial positioning, thinking that one day Arthur would need the golden trident, but unfortunately, whether it was Atlanta or Arthur had no interest at all and could only let it go.

However, Yang Jian had already told Arthur clearly about the matter of the hidden sea in the center of the earth, including the matter about the sea monster Carlson. A tentacle is used to make takoyaki. It tasted good at the beginning, but the whole family ate it for half a month and didn’t finish it. How many tons does a tentacle foot weigh?

The murderous intent in Omuya flashed past, and the plan in his heart was revealed by the other party, which made him very disturbed, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but I still want to remind you, don't be fooled by that old fox King Zebel, he is much more insidious than you, if I guessed correctly, he has already guessed that the previous attack was you It was planned, but he also wanted to start a war against the mainlanders, so he pretended not to know. You did what he wanted to do, put you in front of the mine, and hid yourself behind. Do you know who it is?"

Aum's face suddenly changed, thinking carefully about what Arthur said just now, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

"Okay, it's useless to say these things now, I just think you're using Karason as a metaphor too much. After all, Karason has devoted himself to guarding the golden trident for countless years. There is no credit but hard work. Give him some sympathy." Bar."

"Wait, you just said the golden trident, do you know the whereabouts of the golden trident?" At this moment, Aum finally realized that Yang Jian had mentioned the golden trident more than once.

"I know, it's in the center of the earth, hidden in the sea, but it's not easy to get it. Not only do you need to break through Karason's block, but you also have to pass the test of the first king of Atrakis."

"How can I get to the hidden sea in the center of the earth, tell me!" Aum's tone became a little anxious. If he can get the golden trident, then it will be a matter of him to unify the countries under the sea, and even ah has degenerated into a beast. The trench tribe will also listen to his orders.

"It's not easy to know. I'll tell you if you defeat me, but I think you're hopeless. For a person like you who sits in a well and looks at the sky, you can't see the truth of the matter at all. How foolishly you want to start a war with land people? What's the difference between courting death? If it wasn't for the mother's sake, I wouldn't care about your life."

Hearing Arthur talking about his mother, Aum, his face suddenly changed, "Shut up, you are not qualified to mention your mother, she was executed because she gave birth to you, so I have been hating you all these years."

"It seems that you still have deep feelings for your mother. So when your mother was sacrificed to the Trench Race, did you try to save her? Did you go to see her afterward? Did you miss her?"

Aum was silent for a while, and then said after a while: "As a king, you don't need extra emotions. This is what my father taught me."

"King Ovax? That is such a bastard. Now that you have grown up, I think you should understand that the reason why my mother was executed at the time was not only for giving birth to me, but more importantly, she was a victim of political struggle. Because our mother became the rightful heir of Atlantis, the reason why Ovax became king was because he married his mother. If his mother didn't die, he would never be able to control Atlantis, so he planned everything Get rid of mother, don't tell me you can't even think of this."

Aum wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start, because he knew that what Arthur said was right at all, and everything was the result of the power struggle.

"Arthur, I don't want to kill you. I will give you one last chance. Go home now and never come to Atlantis again. War is inevitable."

Arthur looked at Aum seriously, and after confirming that the other person's words were sincere, he nodded, "It's still a little human, but it's a pity, I refuse!"

"Then see you on the battlefield!"

After Aum finished speaking, he immediately put on his helmet, grabbed his weapon, a shiny silver trident, rushed upwards with the buoyancy of the water, and the roof opened automatically. The moment Aum appeared, there was a sudden call Endless cheers.

"My brother came from the land to challenge my throne, today we have to fight in the ancient way, only..."

Arthur raised his head and looked up at Aum who spread his arms and enjoyed the cheers of the crowd. He cursed secretly in his heart, and then patted his chest. A blue jelly-like object quickly wrapped Arthur in, and you turned into He made a suit of water-blue battle armor, only part of his face was exposed, and then he grabbed his water fork and rushed out.

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