When Arthur came outside, he found that there were jagged seabed peaks and various cliffs around him. If it was on land, no one would dare to stand up, but this is the bottom of the sea, and he can move freely with the buoyancy of the water without falling. .

Of course, this does not mean that there is no danger. Below is the endlessly churning lava sea of ​​fire, exuding fiery temperature. Once accidentally falling into it, it will be instantly reduced to ashes.

Compared to Orm's cheers, what Arthur got was all kinds of insults, such as bastards, traitors, and the like kept ringing out, but Arthur was not affected at all, because he had expected such a situation long ago.

No matter where it is, fierce battles can arouse the blood in people's hearts the most, not to mention this sacred duel related to the throne. The eldest son of Queen Atlanna vs. the current King of Orm is related to the entire Atlantis future trends.

The cheers of the people of Atlantis became louder and louder, and the octopus tentacles frantically beat the big drum inside, and the sound made people's blood boil even more.

Arthur and Ao raised their weapons facing each other at a distance of three or four meters, and bumped into each other to show their respect.

After taking a few steps back, Orm rushed out first, jumped up, and smashed the trident in his hand to Arthur.


Arthur chuckled, and swung the water fork in his hand. Following the sound of weapons clashing, Arthur bowed slightly, then stabilized his figure, and then pushed up hard, and Orm was directly caught. Fly out.

Arthur took advantage of the victorious pursuit and kicked his feet, and killed him, but at this time Orm, who was thrown out, turned his body over, made a turn, and swung the trident in his hand towards Arthur's waist.

At this time, Arthur realized that he had made another habitual mistake. Now he was in the water, not on land. If a person cannot fly, it is difficult to change direction in the air, but it is different in the water. The power of water moves the figure with ease.

Orm's sweep was fast and ruthless, and the sharp outer edge of the trident slashed towards Arthur. Arthur could only stand up the water fork in his hand to block it in a hurry.


Arthur was repelled by the opponent's force for four or five steps, causing waves of water, but soon stabilized his figure, and stabbed Aum with a simple straight stab.

But Orm was unwilling to confront Arthur head-on, twisting his body like a nimble fish, avoiding the water fork, and quickly approaching Arthur, the trident in his hand pierced Arthur's chest from bottom to top.

Arthur stomped his feet hard, his body flew back, and the water fork in his hand slammed on Orm's trident.

Orm turned his body slightly, buffering Arthur's strength with the resistance of the water, and then rushed over from the side again.

Aum is like a nimble fish, advancing and retreating suddenly, all kinds of tricks come out one after another, although it can't hurt Arthur, it also makes Arthur flustered.

Yang Jian was very surprised, "It seems that I really underestimated the people of the world. I didn't expect Aum to use the advantage of underwater combat to be able to perform to such a degree. Obviously, the speed, strength, and reaction are not as good as mine, but he still Can you suppress me?"

Arthur didn't know that Orm was ten times more shocked than him, because from the first fight, Orm found a problem. Arthur's strength was more than a bit stronger than him, and his hands were numb when the weapons intersected. , Arthur seemed not aware of it, and easily lifted him away.

Then Aum tried in other aspects, and found that Arthur surpassed himself not only in strength, but also in speed, reaction, and physical fitness. The only thing he lacked was the experience of fighting in water.

Aum chose this flexible fighting method, not because he wanted to, but because he was forced to do so. Didn't he want to crush Arthur head-on and defeat Arthur in the most passionate and violent way?There is really no way!If it was really head-on, I am afraid that Aum would be beaten to the ground by Arthur's brute force within a few moves.

Dangdang! ! !

The weapons of Arthur and Orm are constantly clashing. On the surface, it seems that Orm is holding a trident, and Arthur has the upper hand against the attack of the storm. The exaggerated Atlanteans around are even more violent to cheer for their king. They hoped to defeat Arthur as soon as possible, but they didn't know that Aum was in pain at this moment, his arms were numb from the shock, and he was almost unable to hold on.

What's more terrible is that Arthur is gradually adapting to his attack rhythm, and I'm afraid he will start to counterattack soon.

Compared with those different Atlanteans, Mera, Vico, and King Nereus are matte but sharp, and they can naturally see it.Aum's situation is not good. This fighting method can't last long at all, and consumes too much energy. Even if Arthur maintains this state all the time, he can exhaust Aum to death, not to mention that Arthur is not the kind to suffer For those who can't fight back, seeing him ready to move, he is already preparing to fight back.

Vico's face was full of surprises, and he thought to himself: No wonder this brat is so confident. It turns out that his strength is already so strong. I underestimated him before, but I wonder how his strength can improve. So fast?Forget it, what happened to him?At least not a bad thing.

Mera, who was watching the game in a luxurious room, also showed a smile on his face. The situation in front of him was beyond his expectation. Arthur could actually defeat Orm. The victory is just around the corner. If everything goes well, it might not be so troublesome. This war can be stopped.

In contrast, sitting next to Mera, Nereus of the Zebel Kingdom was full of anxiety, "No, we must find a way to stop this duel. If this continues, Orm will lose to that half-breed."

Mera immediately said: "Father, outsiders are not allowed to intervene in the holy duel. You should know the rules. To be honest, I didn't expect you to bow down to Atlantis."

King Nereus kept his eyes on the duel field, and said angrily, "What else do you want me to do? It was humans who attacked first. Do you want me to beg them to let you go?"

"Don't say you didn't see it. That attack was too coincidental. You are not so easily deceived. The reason why you did this is because you want to start this kind of war."

"It's time to let the land people know where they are. If you want to start a war, then come."

Hearing her father's words, Mera immediately understood that her father was the real old fox, and everything was under his control.

It’s just that King Nereus did not expect Arthur’s accident. He is so powerful. If Arthur really defeated Orm, then this war can be completely stopped. Who made Orm so confident that he just directly Position this duel as Arthur challenging him to fight for the throne, so that after he is defeated, he must give up his position as the king of Atlantis.

Dangdang! ! !

Orm's attack became more and more violent, but Arthur was no longer in such a hurry as before, and it became easier to deal with it, because he had gradually grasped the rhythm of Orm's attack and gradually adapted to underwater combat. Preparations for breeding have already begun.

Aum could naturally see Arthur's change, and became more and more anxious in his heart, thinking about the solution. If he continued like this, he would only die.

Aum's mind turned sharply, and when he glanced at the water in Arthur's hand, he had an idea in his mind.

Speaking of which, the weapons in the hands of the kings of Atlantis have always been tridents, but Atlanna only has a five-toed water fork, which involves another old incident.

Originally Atlantis had always been inherited by men, but in the generation of Atlanna, there was only Atlanna as a child, without any brothers and sisters, so the throne could only be passed on to Atlanna, That's why Atlana became queen.

Originally, Atlanta's father had already made arrangements to marry her to Ovax, forming a situation where two kings coexisted and ruled Atlantis together, and then the child they gave birth to became the next Atlanta King of Tees.

Before Atlanta became queen, a weapon was built for him in advance. In order to show her uniqueness, instead of the commonly used trident, the water fork with five toes is different, and it will be rebuilt after she succeeds in the future. A trident.

Because it is a transitional product, although the materials used to make the water fork are high-quality products, they are still a grade lower than those used to make the trident.

I just didn't expect that the world was unpredictable. Atlanta resisted the arranged marriage and married Yang Jian's predecessor, Tom Curry. Someone made a weapon for her again, so Aum instinctively felt that the water fork in Arthur's hand was inferior to his own trident, and perhaps he could use this to turn defeat into victory.

Chapter 300 Super God Arthur


The trident in Aum's hand collided with Arthur's water fork, and he flew back with the force, quickly opening a distance of tens of meters.

Arthur was about to chase after him, but at this moment, Orm suddenly made a strange move, a burst of power burst out from his body, and he sprinted to kill, his body spun at high speed like a top, and the trident in his hand was like a drill bit kill to.

Arthur said that he didn't know what Aum was doing, but he instinctively felt a sense of crisis, and quickly greeted him with the water fork in his hand.

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