In fact, there were not so many people on the righteous side in the original plot, but for some reason, the secrets of the past few decades have changed, which is really elusive. They are all called, but even so, I still feel uneasy in my heart. It is really a catastrophe coming, the secret of the sky is vague, and I almost lose the ability to deduce the secret of the sky, and I really have no idea.

Just as Qi Shuming was thinking about something, a spiritual light flew from afar and landed in his hand. When he felt the information contained in the spiritual light, his expression changed immediately.

Chapter 312

Seeing the strange expression on Qi Shuming's face, Xuan Zhenzi, who was sitting next to him, asked quickly, "Headmaster, what happened? Who was talking to Chuan Xun just now?"

Speaking of which, Xuan Zhenzi is still superior to Qi Shuming in terms of magic power and morality, but before Daoist Changmei ascended, he chose Qi Shuming as the head teacher. superior.

"Senior brother, let's see for yourself!" Qi Shuming sighed, flicked his fingers, and flicked the spiritual light that flew into his hand to Xuan Zhenzi.

Xuan Zhenzi caught the aura, and after checking the information, his face also changed drastically, "How could this happen? The demon corpse Guchen was actually out of trouble, and Wannian Wenyu was born early and was taken away by someone."

Ascetic Toutuo, Songshan Erlao Baiguyi, Miaoyi's wife Xun Lanyin's complexion is not good-looking, they understand the inside story, it will be a matter of time for Guchen to get out of trouble, but it should definitely not be now, according to the instructions left by their benefactor Changmei Zhenren And judging from the results of their deduction of the weather, it should be a while. There is also Wannian Wenyu, who was born early and was taken away by someone.

Kuxing Toutuo said with a sad face: "I don't know what happened. Ever since the heavenly secrets changed a lot decades ago, everything has been a little unpredictable. Even our original Emei Daxing plan has been affected. I don't know what the teacher has arranged Can it work?"

Xuan Zhenzi's expression changed immediately when he heard the secret words of penance, and he scolded angrily: "Junior Brother, don't talk nonsense, how can the teacher's cultivation level be wrong, maybe this is the teacher's test for us, and we are not allowed to say such things in the future .”

Only then did Ascetic Toutuo realize that what he said just now really hurt morale.Hastily said: "Senior brother taught me that I know I was wrong."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the arena was a little tense, Qi Shuming, as the head teacher, smoothed things over and said: "Okay, Brother Ascetic just made a mistake unintentionally, and he knows he was wrong, senior brother, don't blame him anymore, let's talk about what happened in Mangcang Mountain first Well, according to what Fairy Qingsang said, when the accident happened, he was entertaining Fairy Wanmiao Xu Feiniang, could this matter have something to do with that temptress?"

Miaoyi's wife, Xun Lanyin, immediately agreed and said, "It's very possible, it's such a coincidence, it didn't happen sooner or later, and it happened when the couple was going to pay a visit. It must have broken the restriction and let the demon corpse go away." I'm afraid Wannian Wenyu has already fallen into her hands."

On weekdays, Xun Lanyin has been acting with Xu Feiniang all the time, and the two seem to be like sisters on the surface, but at this time Xun Lanyin clearly treats Xu Feiniang as the most vicious woman in his speech and behavior.Bundle

Xuan Zhenzi shook his head, having a different opinion.Said: "It shouldn't be Xu Feiniang. At that time, she was exchanging Taoism with Fairy Qingsang, and she didn't have time to help Gu Chen out of trouble. You must know that Gu Chen was sealed off by his teacher himself. The fire cloud chain and fire cloud ring are also treasures. How can it be so easy to break open, there must be something hidden in it."

Ascetic Toutuo thought for a while, "Why don't we ask someone to help test that Xu Feiniang, speaking of Xu Feiniang's whereabouts have been a little strange in recent years, she would take the initiative to go down the mountain to accumulate good deeds and assist her in her own practice. It stands to reason that I am the only one who accumulates good deeds. Only disciples of the orthodox Taoist sect will know, how does Xu Feiniang know the mystery, could it be that she was instructed by an expert?"

However, when disciples of Xuanmen orthodoxy reach a certain level of cultivation, most of them will go down the mountain to accumulate good deeds. It can also reduce the power of the Heavenly Tribulation from time to time. Those famous orthodox sects have always kept it hidden and never publicized it to the outside world. It is precisely because of their experience that the orthodox disciples of the Taoist sect are like cutting leeks, soaring to the fairy world one after another. Those who practiced in the side sect were out of breath.

Although Xu Feiniang was taught by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch himself entered the Tao from a demon and became a monk halfway. There are many things that are not guided by anyone, so he is not clear at all. With his body and good luck, the Three Immortals of the East China Sea would not dare to take his life, at least they would not even have the chance of reincarnation, so they didn't think Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch knew this, and Xu Feiniang was even less likely.

According to Ascetic Toutuo's idea, find someone to test Xu Feiniang and confirm whether it has something to do with the recent changes in the heavenly secrets. If it is really related, kill Xu Feiniang directly, so as not to affect their future plans for Emei.

The idea of ​​ascetic Toutuo is very tempting, but Qi Shuming still vetoed it.

"Xu Feiniang's matter is of great importance, she is a crucial part of our dialogue, and we need to use her communication skills to lure those masters of the magic way out and eliminate them one by one.

So before that, she must not arouse her suspicion, and I don't think that with his strength, he can release the demon corpse Gu Chen silently and take Wannian Wenyu away.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, let's find a way to deal with the next battle with the demons in Ciyun Temple, end the matter here as soon as possible, and then go back to the East China Sea to refine treasures, that will be my Emei faction in the future. The magic weapon of the group of demons cannot be lost. "

In the first half of the Shushan plot, the three immortals of the East China Sea basically did not appear. They have been nesting in the East China Sea to refine treasures and refine them. It took hundreds of years to succeed. You can imagine how powerful this fire is.

This time, if it wasn't for the great change in the secrets, and the sword fight in Ciyun Temple is the first battle between the righteous and the demons, it is of great importance, and they are worried, so they temporarily gave up sword training and came here to ensure that this fight The sword can fight and win.

"Alright, seven days later is the time for the sword fight we agreed with Ciyun Temple. Now a lot of monsters and ghosts are gathered here, and some of them are famous evildoers. We have to be careful and calculate the time. Well, I have already persuaded Master Ji Le to promise us to come in person, so I will feel more at ease with him in charge."

Emei's side discussed and decided what to do next, and everyone chose a place to meditate and rest.

At the same time, another monster came to Ciyun Temple, a black light flashed and landed outside the gate of Ciyun Temple. The demon corpse Guchen reported his name, and the Zhike monk immediately went to report to Fayuan .

Fa Yuan was overjoyed when he received the news, and sent someone to inform all the devils in the temple, and then took his proud disciple Yu De to greet him in person.

Yaoshi Guchen is a figure of the same generation as Daoist Changmei, half a generation older than most of the demons in the temple today, Fa Yuan was extraordinarily polite and invited him into the room.

After arriving at the main hall, a group of devils had already gathered here, and the demon corpse Gu Chen found a lot of familiar faces in it, but he didn't care, but focused his attention on the black robed On Xu Feiniang.

"You are the black-robed Taoist that Xu Feiniang said. I just got out of trouble and was entrusted by Fellow Daoist Xu to help out, but I was injured. I heard Fellow Daoist Xu say that you have a secret technique that can heal my injuries. I don't know if it is true or not. " Yaoshi Guchen spoke very bluntly, he didn't seem to be begging for help at all, if someone with a bad temper changed, I'm afraid he would directly fight with him.

All the devils present looked like they were watching the show, and they didn't intend to remind Gu Chen at all. They had seen the power of the man in black before, and secretly thought that Gu Chen might be in trouble.

But what is surprising is that the black robe as the second soul of Xu Feiniang didn't mean to be angry at all, because she had already known the cause and effect of the matter from the deity, and directly stretched out her hand to pat the gourd on her waist. A ray of dark yellow light flashed, and a fat, white baby less than one foot tall appeared in the field.

Xu Feiniang said a few words in secret, the baby nodded immediately, a ball of white light radiated from its body, covering Gu Chen, opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of black air, which quickly penetrated into Gu Chen's mouth and nose.

When Gu Chen was illuminated by the baby's light, he felt boundless fear, because he found that his body and even his soul seemed to be frozen, and he could not move at all. At that time, he instinctively wanted to resist, but unfortunately he was powerless, he could only watch helplessly as the cloud of black air penetrated into his body.

When Gu Chen closed his eyes and waited to die, he suddenly felt a very comfortable feeling after the cloud of black energy entered his body. Daoist Mei is trapped in the ground, and has been burned by the earth fire all year round. The fire energy accumulated in the body was rushed out of the body by the pure yin energy, and he was forced out of the body in an instant, and quickly recovered from his injuries. The body of the corpse is actually a bit stronger.

Yaoshi Guchen's original panic turned into enjoyment, but soon this comfortable feeling disappeared, because the ball of mysterious yin energy quickly left his body, was swallowed by the baby again, and then Drill into the gourd and disappear?

At this time, Gu Chen regained his ability to move. After the pure Xuanyin Qi left his body, if he lost something in his heart, he even had the urge to grab it back, but then he thought of the situation just now when he couldn't move his whole body, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Can't help dispelling this idea, the color of fear in his eyes is hard to hide.

The crowd and demon bosses around saw the performance of the demon corpse Gu Chen, and laughed secretly in their hearts, how about it, will you suffer a lot now?Who made you so arrogant, you deserve it!

However, when all the devils thought of the scorching heat that had emanated from Gu Chen before, the earth fire energy accumulated over hundreds of years was forced out like this!The man in black seemed to be eating and drinking with ease. How strong is this man?I'm afraid that the existence of the real person of blissful joy can't do it.

A group of devils once again imagined Xu Feiniang's powerful strength, but they didn't know that they were all thinking wrong. Xu Feiniang's strength was just a strong person who had just entered the level of a fairy, far inferior to Li Jingxu, let alone her Now it is only the first second soul.

The key to Xu Feiniang's ability to instantly heal the wounded demon corpse Gu Chen lies in the black gourd.

The Xuanhuang Gourd was refined by Yang Jian based on the legendary Flying Sword of Slaying Immortals. The main material used was the innate murderous aura condensed after tens of thousands of years after the corpse of the ancient dragon was corrupted. A mysterious thing that can fix the practitioner's soul and body together, and then kill the body and soul together.

But besides that, he has another role, that is to gather the world's mysterious Yin Qi, and it is also the purest Xuan Yin Qi in Sega.

Over the years, Yang Jian has accumulated tens of millions of good deeds through the construction of homes for the elderly, orphanages, etc. through the Four Seas Commercial Firm he established in the mortal world. Integrating into the black and yellow gourd, and forming a brand new life elf with that ray of murderous aura, that is, the little baby in the gourd.

After the Xuanyin Qi merged with the light of merit and virtue, it became neutral and peaceful. The Xuanyin Qi that was spewed out just now is enough to withstand thousands of years of practice by the demon corpse Gu Chen, so it was possible to get rid of it in such a short period of time. heal him.

With Xu Feiniang's intimidation, all the devils appeared to be extraordinarily honest. After communicating with Gu Chen, after learning that all the magic weapons in his hands were destroyed in his experience over the years, they showed their "goodwill" one by one, and they were willing to Provide some materials for him to refine the magic weapon again. Of course, these materials are not given away for free. They have to be repaid in the future, and they must be repaid with items higher than the original value.

The demon corpse Gu Chen didn't say much about it. For people in the devil way, this is a matter of course. With Xu Feiniang as an expert on top, the demons get along well, at least on the surface.

After getting the materials he needed from a kind of devil, the demon corpse Gu Chen asked King Kong Luohan Fayuan to find him a place to retreat and refine treasures while the duel was still some time away, although he could only refine some gadgets , but at least it can play some role for those who go to the Emei School.

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