Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Early this morning, a colorful brilliance flashed across the sky above the gathering place of the Emei Sect, and a boy with a collar around his neck appeared.

"The younger generation pays homage to the Reverend Bliss, and the senior comes here. If you have lost your way, please forgive your sin." As the head teacher of the Emei School, Qi Shuming personally brought his wife, several seniors, and a group of juniors to welcome the visitor. The famous Reverend Bliss Li Quiet.

Although Li Jingxu looks like a boy, no one dares to underestimate him. What Li Jingxu uses now is not his original physical body, but the real body made by collecting the essence of the five elements after enlightenment. The Taoist companion who stayed with him in his own cave all the time.

Li Jingxu waved his hand and said: "You are the headmaster of a faction now, you don't need to be so polite, just be casual, by the way, there is something wrong with your complexion, what happened?"

"Senior's insightful eyes are like torches, something really happened." Qi Shuming smiled wryly, and told the story about the demon corpse Gu Chen getting out of trouble early and Wannian Wenyu being stolen.

Li Jingxu's expression also changed slightly when he heard the words, and he pinched his fingers to calculate, but the more he calculated, the more confused he became, "It's so strange, why the secret of heaven has become so blurred, I can't count He An as the one who made the move I can't even grasp any clues about where it came from, it seems that either his mana is superior to me, or there is a treasure on his body that conceals the secret, but I can't help you with this matter."

Qi Shuming and the others glanced at each other, with a hint of disappointment on their faces. At first they thought that Daoist Ji Le had a high level of cultivation and might be able to count something, but they didn't expect to be no better than them, even so, they could only accept it.

Chapter 313

"Senior, you don't have to worry about it. It is a kindness from heaven to us Emei that you can come here." Qi Shuming, as the head teacher of a school, can speak, even if he was disappointed in his heart, he did not show it.

Master Ji Le knows that what Qi Shuming said may not be sincere, but he still feels very comfortable, "You're welcome, now Ciyun Temple is suitable for the situation, do you have any plans? If you need me, you can tell me, I once asked Fellow Daoist Changmei promised to take care of you, so naturally you won’t miss your word.”

"Nowadays, all the demons gather in Ciyun Temple. Just what we have heard is Shang Heyang, the king of the five ghosts, the patriarch of the green robe, Xu Wan, the sage of the underworld, the venerable poisonous dragon, and the King Kong Arhat Fayuan who is the host. Evil, as for who else is not clear, we plan to send a few juniors to spy on the enemy's situation first, but we are worried that they will be in danger, so we want to ask Senior Bliss to protect us secretly."

This is the routine that the Emei faction always likes to play. First, there are juniors to provoke the enemy and arouse the anger of those demons, but secretly there are elders to protect them. Be the elders and then take action, label the devil as bullying the little by the big, and then directly take a shot to solve it. If one is not an opponent, send a few more sieges. Anyway, they have reasons and evidence. It is you who first use the big Those who bully the young, don't blame us for bullying the few with more. Looking at the plot of Shushan, I don't know how many masters of the magic sect have been tricked like this, and their deaths are unknown.

Master Ji Le thought for a while, and said: "This matter is not difficult, I will ensure the safety of the juniors, but I can't personally deal with those devils, otherwise I will be suspected of bullying the younger."

Ascetic Toutuo hurriedly said: "Senior, you have been misunderstood. We have no intention of letting you deal with those demons. You are only responsible for protecting the safety of the younger generation. In addition, Junior Brother Zhu and I will go together. We'll just pay for it."

The dwarf Zhu Mei also said: "That's right, I invited you over just in case. After all, today's machine is chaotic and no one knows what will happen. We can feel more at ease with you in charge."

"Then there is no problem, so who do you plan to send to test the enemy this time?"

Qi Shuming immediately said: "Let my son Jin Chan go with Brother Ascetic's disciple Monk Xiao!"

"That's right, these two little guys are the smartest, so there must be no danger." Kuxing Toutuo has confidence in his disciples, and he is definitely among the best in the younger generation, and Kuxing Toutuo also passed on to his disciples an invisible sword, You can use it to be invisible, whether it is used for sneak attack or escape.

Qi Jinchan and Monk Xiao stood up together and saluted the real person of Ji Le. Looking at the agility in the eyes of the two little guys, the newcomer of Ji Le was also happy and nodded in agreement.

Now that the plan has been decided, the Emei Sect took action immediately. Monk Laughing and Qi Jinchan set up Dunguang and swaggered towards the direction of Ciyun Temple. Ascetic Toutuo and Zhu Mei disappeared and followed behind. Go to the top of Ciyun Temple and wait quietly for the opening of the show.

Soon two rays of light fell outside the gate of Ciyun Temple, and Qi Jinchan and the little monk appeared. They had discussed it before coming, and the two were not afraid of the scene. Qi Jinchan directly stepped forward and cursed Said: "Listen to the devil inside, get out of here quickly, wash your necks, and wait for me to take your dog's life..."

The devil in Ciyun was dazed by the sudden yelling and cursing from outside, and it took a while to realize that this is a child from which family, who dared to come here to cause trouble after eating a bear's heart and leopard, all of them were angry , angrily came to Ciyun Temple.

Soon a crowd of demons gathered at the gate of the temple, looking at Qi Jinchan and Monk Laughing who were still yelling and cursing, they didn't know whether to take action for a moment, they still wanted to save face, and they really had no interest in bullying children.

"Where did you come from, you little brats who dare to act wild here? Who are you? Report your name." As the master, Fa Yuan finally asked him about the situation.

"Demon, you heard me clearly. I am the son of Qi Shuming, the head teacher of the Emei Sect. Qi Jinchan is the same. You demons have committed a lot of evil. Today is your death day. I will personally send you on your way, my lord."

Fa Yuan's complexion changed, and he said angrily: "So it's Qi Shuming's son, no wonder you are so arrogant. For your young and ignorant sake, I don't care about you, I save your life, go back and tell your father, let him do it himself." Come on, don't let your little baby come to die."

"The bald donkey is so shameless! You bastards who are like clowns, you don't need my father's help. I will save you today, sir." He was so angry, but he didn't want to bear the reputation of being a bully, so he resisted not to make a move immediately, and smashed the nasty little guy in front of him to pieces.

Ascetic Toutuo and Zhu Mei who were hiding in the dark were very satisfied with Qi Jinchan's performance. Judging from this situation, as long as there is another wave of fire, those devils will not be able to bear it anymore, and then they will have a shot reason.

Ascetic Toutuo holds the invisible sword in his hand. This sword is made of [-] kinds of elixir, which he absorbs from the sun and moon elites and the pure gold of Western Taiyi. At the beginning, he used the invisible sword to sneak attack Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch and severely wounded him, and then his brothers stepped forward to besiege him and beheaded him.

It's just that Kuxing Toutuo and Zhu Mei didn't know that the real blissful bliss hidden in the air at this time had a solemn expression, and his eyes were fixed on a man in black robe standing at the back.

The black-robed man seemed casual, but his gaze always swept over the hiding place of the ascetic Toutuo and Zhu Mei from time to time.

Originally, Ascetic Toutuo used the invisible sword to hide himself and Zhu Mei's figure, and it was difficult for others to notice, even Xu Feiniang couldn't do it, but Xu Feiniang had a black and yellow gourd on his body, and the little guy hidden inside was extremely sensitive to aura, so he noticed it Xu Feiniang was notified immediately after the aura fluctuated from the invisible sword.

Xu Feiniang immediately understood that there was an expert hiding here, but he also knew that the more advanced a person is, the easier it is to detect the gazes of other people, so she didn't look directly at it, but used the corner of her eye to look at it from time to time. Scan it, and finally determine the location of the hidden person.

Xu Feiniang's actions were very secretive, she deceived most of the people, but she was the only one who failed to deceive the Immortal Ji Le, who had a higher level of cultivation than her.

In addition, the real person of Ji Le also discovered one thing, although the man in black robe has been standing behind, people will always ignore it, as if he is a dispensable role, but he has been standing behind her like a servant Master Tuotuo The mana fluctuations emanating from the body are extremely mellow, and the three teachings of Buddhism, Taoism and magic are mixed, but they maintain an extreme balance, which is very mysterious.

According to the observation of Master Ji Le, Master Tuotuo's cultivation has reached the peak of the earth's core, and he is only one step away from going through the catastrophe and becoming a celestial immortal. Compared with the ascetic Tutuo, Zhu Mei and Zhu Mei are not weaker at all. An opponent, but this kind of person is willing to stand behind Heipaoren like a servant, which is incomprehensible.

The other demons seemed to have a kind of fear towards the black-robed man, and they instinctively distanced themselves from him, which aroused the interest of the boy of bliss. After observing carefully for a while, he found that he could not see the cultivation of the black-robed man .

The golden body Arhat, Fa Yuannai, said a few words to Qi Jinchan temperately, wanting to send him away, lest he couldn't help but slaughter this brat, and end up with the reputation of being a bully, but he never wanted Qi Jinchan to surpass him. He talked more and more vigorously, and scolded everyone present.

"I really didn't expect the son Qi Shuming taught to be so uneducated. It seems that the master really misjudged him. He shouldn't have passed on the head teacher of the Emei Sect to him." Zen Master Xiaoyue said unkindly.

Qi Jinchan was taken aback for a moment, looked at Zen Master Xiaoyue, and guessed his identity as soon as he turned his eyes, "You are Zen Master Xiaoyue, right? A traitor who betrays his master, what right do you have to say about me?"

Zen Master Xiaoyue's face turned cold, and Qi Jinchan's words directly hit the vital point in his heart.

The green-robed patriarch suddenly laughed loudly, "You really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, are you really not afraid? Be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth, if you don't leave today, you will have to stay here."

Qi Jinchan turned to look at the green-robed patriarch, and said sarcastically, "You're so ugly, and you're so short, what's there to be afraid of? Kneel down and kowtow three times, I might consider taking you as a disciple."

A few days ago, the green-robed patriarch was taught a lesson by Xu Feiniang. He lost nearly one-tenth of his favorite attack method, the hundred-poison golden silkworm cup. I wanted to vent my heart, but I didn't expect to be banned by Xu Feiniang. I was going crazy for such a long time. At this time, Qi Jinchan scolded me, and finally couldn't bear it and shot directly.

"Ignorant brat, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you, go die!"

In order to vent the anger in his heart, the patriarch in green robe directly used his favorite attack method, regardless of whether the opponent was a child or not, he opened the Gu bag tied around his waist, and densely packed golden silkworm Gu bees rushed out , countless dots of golden light made a buzzing sound, biting towards Qi Jinchan.

"Monster! Dare!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout in the air, and a ray of red thread came from the sky, one turning into three, three turning into nine... The three-point universe needles quickly turned into tens of thousands of needles. The magic needle just hit a golden silkworm Gu, but in an instant, all the poisonous golden silkworm Gu of the green-robed patriarch was killed.

"This..." The green-robed patriarch was dumbfounded, his most proud method was broken just like this, and all the poisonous golden silkworm Gu that he had painstakingly bred in captivity died like this.

A wave of anger burned in the chest of the green-robed ancestor, and it became more and more intense. Looking at the boy floating in the sky, the murderous intent in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

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