But the real person of blissful joy exists, how can he care about the eyes of the green robe ancestor, the real person of blissful joy rarely makes a move, looking at the entire Shushan plot, there are very few people who died in his hands, if it is not a last resort, the real person of blissful joy is very Less likely to be a killer.

But the ancestor of the green robe is different, he is one of the rare people who makes the real person of Ji Le move to kill, because in the eyes of the real person of Ji Le, the ancestor of the green robe is full of resentment, which is almost condensed into substance, which hurts and kills countless people. What happens to innocent people, the green-robed patriarch looks like a ghost, short like a dwarf, with green hair, and palms like chicken feet. This is obviously due to improper cultivation and excessive accumulation of toxins in his body. He falls into madness from time to time. , eating people's hearts raw, even more beasts than beasts, because even beasts can't and seldom kill their own kind. Pao Pao Pao Pao is equal to eliminating demons and defending Dao, so the real person of Bliss will not be soft in the slightest

Many of the devils present recognized the real person of Ji Le, and they all backed away in fright, but the green-robed ancestor not only did not retreat, but rushed forward. At this time, he had lost his mind and could not tell the difference. The difference in strength between the two sides only wants to kill the other side.

"Death to me!"

The green-robed patriarch yelled angrily, stretched out his small hand like a chicken's claw, his five fingers were bent like hooks, and projected an inch-long emerald green edge, which obviously contained a strong poison, and he used a killer move as soon as it came up.

Although the green-robed patriarch lost his mind, he was taught by Xu Feiniang before, and almost instinctively showed his defensive methods. A slap-sized, extremely white brocade handkerchief flew out from above his head, emitting a hazy white light , and then spread out layer by layer, completely covering it inside, but it is a barrier of cold light of hundreds of poisons. The green-robed ancestor's cold light of hundreds of poisons is woven into a brocade handkerchief!

The defense against the Hundred Poisons Cold Light Barrier is really good, but the problem is that since it is whoever it is, if it is someone else, such as Kuxing Tutuo, Zhu Mei and the like, it can indeed resist for a while, but it is useless against extremely real people.

I saw a flying sword appeared in the hands of Master Ji Le, and he slashed down directly. The poisonous cold light seemed to be paper, and it was broken in an instant. Cut off the waist.


In the horrified eyes of the green-robed ancestor, the fairy sword passed by his waist, and the body of the green-robed ancestor was cut into two pieces, but the strange thing is that he did not die just like that. Enveloped by him, his upper body turned into a ray of light and flew southward, returning to his lair of the hundred barbarians.

As soon as the real person of Ji Le appeared, he immediately suppressed all the demons. The real person of Ji Le is famous, even if he has not seen it with his own eyes, he can guess his identity after seeing the boy-like appearance of the other party and the strength he showed just now. He knows that he is not an opponent, so he can only pin his hopes on Xu Feiniang who is shrouded in black robes behind him.

It's just that no one noticed that Xu Feiniang, who was shrouded in black robe at this time, had a sneer on her mouth, and her eyes were looking somewhere.

Just now, Master Ji Le killed the green-robed patriarch with only one sword, which stunned all the devils and attracted everyone's attention. No one noticed that the figure of the laughing monk disappeared. The invisible sword bestowed by the master concealed his body and sneaked towards Xu Feiniang secretly.

The laughing monk was bold and careful, and kept observing in secret. He found that all the demons had a kind of awe for the man in black, so he guessed that the identity of the man in black was not simple, and an idea came to his mind. If it is severely damaged, then the credit will be great.

It's just that when the laughing monk sneaked up to the side of the black-robed man and was still a dozen steps away from him, he suddenly saw the black-robed man turn his head to look at him. The laughing monk was shocked, knowing that he had been spotted, and turned around. I ran away, but it was a step too late.

Xu Feiniang tossed her hand lightly, and a cloud of multicolored smoke appeared, turning into a five-color barrier to envelop him inside.

"Taiyi Wuluoyan!" The ascetic Toutuo who was hiding in the dark couldn't help screaming.

Chapter 314 Death of Ascetic Tutuo

Taiyi Wuyan Luo itself is a body-protecting treasure, one of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's multi-intent magic weapon, although it is mainly used for defense, but if it is used in reverse to trap the enemy, it can also exert a magical effect.

After Monk Xiao was trapped, he rushed left and right, and the invisible sword in his hand slashed, but he still couldn't break through. After all, the biggest feature of the invisible sword is that it is invisible and formless. It is most suitable for sneak attacks, but facing the enemy head-on There must be a lack of attack, and Monk Laughing is still relatively shallow, compared to Xu Feiniang, he is very different, watching Taiyi Wuyanluo tightening and tightening, he is about to be trapped.

The ascetic Toutuo, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, didn't care about hiding anymore, and showed up directly to save people. The laughing monk is a disciple he has painstakingly cultivated, so he can't just leave here.

Originally, Master Ji Le planned to save Monk Laughing, but he didn’t expect Su Xing Tutuo to take action ahead of time because he cared too much about his disciples. Master Ji Le felt relieved for the time being, thinking that with the power of Su Xing Tu Tuo, even if he lost to him in a short period of time, he would not be defeated. His life would be in danger, so he could take the opportunity to observe Heipaoren and see how strong he was.

brush! !

A white light flashed, and Ascetic Toutuo slashed at Taiyi Wuyanluo with the invisible flying sword in his hand. The invisible sword energy was urged to the limit. He knew very well that he had to fight quickly and save people in the shortest time, otherwise his disciples would be killed. But it is dangerous.

What Kuxing Toutuo didn't expect was that Xu Feiniang took the initiative to take back the Taiyi Wuyanluo before his Wuxing Sword Qi fell on the barrier of colorful smoke and clouds. Otherwise, if you continue to chop, you will cut your good apprentice into two pieces first.

Ascetic Toutuo was a little annoyed because he forcibly withdrew the sword energy, but now that he didn't care about it, he grabbed Monk Laughing and was about to run away.

"Since you're here, don't even think about leaving, just stay!" Xu Feiniang made a deep voice, waved her right hand, and a multicolored divine light flew out of her sleeve, and then divided into five, but it was black, white, blue, and red. , the yellow five-handled fairy sword.

At the same time, Taiyi Wuyanluo reappeared, spread out and turned into a formation, and the five-handed fairy swords fell according to the mysterious trajectory, forming a five-element sword formation in a blink of an eye, trapping the ascetic Toutuo and his disciples inside. Xu Feiniang herself also turned into a beam of colored light and entered the formation.

"Not good!" Master Ji Le exclaimed. He could feel the power of the five-element sword array, and he could only vaguely see the ascetic tutuo who was trapped in the epicenter struggling hard, attacking with all his strength. The inexhaustible five-element sword energy, if the time is delayed for a long time, I am afraid that there will really be life-threatening.

Immortal sword in Ji Le's hand slashed down, and the sword light criss-crossed, but the sword array also erupted with colorful rays of light, colliding with the sword light.


An extremely dull voice sounded, and the colorful rays of light were broken, revealing the five swords that formed the sword formation, and the sword light of the real person of Ji Le continued to cut down.

Buzz! ! !

The five swords suddenly vibrated violently, and the colorful brilliance they emitted blended together, and the five elements intersected, prompting dense, countless sword qi to shoot out, colliding with the sword qi of Master Ji Le to cancel each other out.

As well as Le Zhenren's cultivation, he couldn't do anything about the Five Elements Sword Formation for a while, and Zhu Mei also rushed over to help, but he was even more unlucky, and couldn't even get close to the Five Elements Sword Formation.

Master Ji Le and the dwarf Zhu Mei were blocked outside for only a moment, but they didn't know that they had missed the only chance to rescue the ascetic Toutuo in just such a moment.

Inside the five-shaped sword formation, seeing the ascetic toutuo protecting his disciples and struggling to resist the sword energy of the five elements, Xu Feiniang's eyes showed a ray of hatred, and she pulled off the cover of the gourd hanging on her waist, and patted it lightly, one by one. A baby more than a foot tall exuding white light appeared, two white lights suddenly shot out from his eyes, and he took off his ascetic head instantly.

Xu Feiniang bent down, bowed to the chubby baby, and at the same time shouted: "Baby, please turn around."

Another ray of light spewed from the baby's mouth, circled around the neck of the ascetic toutuo, and suddenly a huge head fell down from the ascetic toutuo. were beheaded together.

"No! Master!"

After Monk Laughing lost his master's protection, his body was instantly cut into wounds by the Five Elements Sword Qi, blood flowed down, staining his clothes red. Unfortunately, he didn't have the heart to care about this mad rush to Ascetic Toutuo's side and hugged him The head and corpse, crying is called a sad.

"Drink!" "Kill!"

The Immortal Bliss and the dwarf Zhu Mei who were outside the formation immediately knew something was wrong when they heard the laughing monk's cry, and at the same time roared angrily, pushing the immortal sword in their hands to the limit and slashing it down.

boom! !

With an earth-shattering roar, the multicolored brilliance disintegrated and turned into a rain of light all over the sky, falling one after another like a celestial maiden scattering flowers.

The goal has been achieved, Xu Feiniang didn't intend to continue to entangle with them, she just stretched out her hand and took back the Five Elements Zhuxian Sword and Taiyi Wuyanluo and retreated to the side, revealing that the smiling monk was crying bitterly while hugging the dead body of Ascetic Toutuo.

Everyone present, whether it was the upright Daoist Bliss, Zhu Mei, Qi Jinchan, or the devils from the demonic side, their eyes widened in disbelief. Ascetic Tutuo, one of the famous three immortals of the East China Sea, in such a short period of time Li was defeated, even his head was beheaded, and he just died like this!

Daoist Bliss could not accept what he saw, because he found that the ascetic Toutuo was not only beheaded, but also the soul was killed. This is the longest and rare situation in the world, because even if Youtian's hatred kills, at least he will leave a chance for the other party to be reincarnated. .

"Your Excellency, don't you feel that your actions are too vicious? You actually cut off the soul and didn't give him a chance to reincarnate. It's really against the law of heaven. Aren't you afraid that the catastrophe will kill you in the future?" Daoist Ji Le stared at the whole body. The black-robed Xu Feiniang had a rare murderous look in her eyes.

Ji Le Boy didn't expect him to be careless for a while, and let the other party kill the ascetic Toutuo under his nose, and he didn't know how to explain to Qi Shuming and the others after returning.

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