"Dongxuan Fairy! Is it you? Could it be that you want to take advantage of the fire?"

The green-robed patriarch instinctively thought that Dongxuan Fairy wanted to deal with him. Whoever made the Six-winged Golden Silkworm recognized that only Dongxuan Fairy had it? Unfortunately, because of Yang Jian's appearance, many things changed. Silkworms are no longer exclusive to Dongxuan Immortal, but outsiders have no knowledge of them, leading to misunderstandings.

Xu Feiniang controlled the six-winged golden silkworm toad, and directly bit the green-robed patriarch, who was so frightened that the green-robed patriarch turned around and fled. Although there was only one six-winged golden silkworm, its threat was far greater than the millions of toads. The Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu lure was too much, it was not something the seriously injured ancestor in green robe could handle.

However, the loud shout of the green-robed patriarch earlier attracted the attention of Xin Chenzi and Tang Shi. One of them was his eldest disciple, and the other was his most beloved disciple. I was a little dazed for a while, when did the green-robed patriarch, who had always been brutal and powerful in their eyes, be in such a mess?

Xin Chenzi couldn't help touching the red magic knife in a cloth bag behind his back. On the surface, Xin Chenzi was loyal to the green-robed patriarch, but secretly hated him because one of his arms It was eaten by the green-robed patriarch. He always wanted to take revenge, so he secretly borrowed the red-haired patriarch's Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Knife.

"Master, I'll help you!" Tang Zhao was loyal to the ancestor of the green robe, and immediately rushed to save people, without seeing the situation clearly, the ancestor of the green robe could only dodge and run wildly, relying on his three-legged cat's cultivation , what is the use other than death?

At this time, the patriarch in green robe saw Xin Chenzi and Tang Shi, his eyes lit up, and he rushed towards the two disciples immediately. He didn't ask the two disciples to be able to deal with the six-winged golden silkworm, he only hoped that he could win some escape for himself time.

"Master, I... hey! Master, what are you going to do?" Tang Shi just approached the green-robed patriarch, but the green-robed patriarch grabbed his neck and threw it at the six-winged golden silkworm behind him.

what! ! !

A series of shrill screams came, Tang Shi's unlucky man was pierced by the golden light transformed by the six-winged golden silkworm, but it was swallowed up in just a few breaths, and there was not even a scum left.

Seeing this, Mu Xinchen was almost frightened to death, especially at this time, the green-robed patriarch had already rushed towards him, the eldest disciple. It seemed that he planned to feed him to the six-winged golden silkworm, and hoped that the six-winged After the golden silkworm is full, don't continue chasing him.

Xin Chenzi hated in his heart, gritted his teeth, and made a decision in an instant, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, and immediately pulled out the Heavenly Demon Blood Transformation Sword on his back, and it swelled rapidly, and in a short while, it expanded to Hundreds of feet in length, like a ghostly river of blood cutting through the sky in an instant, it suddenly cut across.

"Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Knife! The treasure of the red-haired old thief, Xin Chenzi, you villain dare to collude with outsiders, I will kill you."

The green-robed patriarch understood what was going on in an instant, and was annoyed. His mana transformed into a big green hand, crystal clear, with clear texture, just like real substance, and lightning flew out, like a roc catching a dragon, towards the demon The Bloody Knife melted into the blood and grabbed it hard.

Boom!boom! ! !

Boom again and again!The big green hand collided head-on with Xuehe time and time again. After all, the mana of the green-robed patriarch was superior. Soon Xuehe couldn't hold on, was caught by the big hand, quickly shrank, and soon changed into the body of the Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Knife, and then The big hand continued to smash down, and Xin Chenzi was directly smashed into the ground and turned into a meat paste.

Although he killed the traitor, the green-robed patriarch didn't feel the slightest excitement, because at this time he felt a ray of crisis coming from behind him, and it was too late to avoid it. In my body, this pain continued to spread. I looked down and found that my body was disappearing from the position of my heart, being swallowed by a golden light.

"No!" The green-robed patriarch let out a stern roar, the voice was so desperate, so terrified, it was too late to stop it, and soon his body was completely swallowed up, leaving only one bead Floating in the air, the six-winged golden silkworm flew towards a mountain peak with its support, and was caught by a jade hand.

Xu Feiniang held the Xuan Mizhu and observed it carefully, with a smile on her face, "Although this green-robed patriarch's character is not very good, this orb is really good, that's all, although you have committed too many crimes, but after all, you got it I owe you a favor, so I will give you a lifeline so you can do it yourself."

As Xu Feiniang said, she stretched out a finger and lightly touched the Xuan Mi bead, pulled out a wisp of Yuanzu, and was about to send the green-robed ancestor to be reincarnated, but at the moment when she threw the Yuanshen in her hand, she thought again. What, imprinted a Taoist orthodox foundation-building technique in the primordial spirit with a secret method, and then threw that wisp of primordial spirit out and let him go to reincarnate.

"Green-robed Patriarch, according to your practice method, even if you reincarnate ten times, you will not be able to do more in the end. It will only be because the cultivation method is not correct, and there will be more and more impurities in the primordial spirit. In the end, it will be infected by the demonic nature, or become Crazy, or become a demon slave, and send a copy of our authentic Zhuqi Kungfu, I hope you can achieve a positive result in your next life, after all, you are also invited by me to come out of the mountain to participate in the sword fight at Ciyun Temple, although this time my place Suspicion of repaying revenge for kindness, but this should be paid off, if you recover your memory in the next life. If you want to ask me to report a car, I will follow suit."

In the original Shushan plot, the ancestor of the green robe was invited by Venerable Poison Dragon to participate in the sword fight at Ciyun Temple, but because of the appearance of Yang Jian, the fate of many people changed everywhere. After the incantation of "Friends of the Daoist, please stay", I decided to gather the Qi of a group of demons for my own use. As long as she is invited out of the mountain with a word of "Friends of the Daoist", half of the luck in that person's body will be absorbed by Xu Feiniang after death , so Xu Feiniang ran around to invite people from the Demon Sect to be born, and the green-robed patriarch was one of the unlucky ones.

The death of the green-robed patriarch still had a great impact on the Baiman Mountains, because the commotion of the war was not small, and many people saw the scene of the death of the green-robed patriarch. Some people were happy about it, while others Sorrowful, of course, there are more people who are happy. After all, the green robe ancestor is cruel by nature, even his disciples have to be careful. Now that the green robe ancestor is dead, everyone relaxes, but they are also worried because the green robe ancestor After death, will the Baiman Mountain forces be invaded by their forces, and how to resist it then?

But all of this has nothing to do with Xu Feiniang. After getting the Xuan Mizhu, she left directly. It took an hour, flew thousands of miles, and stopped when she came to a valley. In the cave, set up a magic circle to prevent outsiders from disturbing, and then take out the Xuan Mizhu that you just got.

"The death of Ascetic Tutuo will definitely deal a huge blow to the Emei Sect. Since they have already started to summon helpers, the time for sword fighting may be delayed. This is exactly what I need. Taking this opportunity, I will refine the Xuan Mizhu Sacrifice The second soul, combined with the magic weapon that Senior Yang left me, I am afraid that I can remain undefeated against an existence like the real person of bliss. If I have enough strength, it will be much more convenient to invite those masters of magic. Have the confidence, those old devils are all insidious and cunning, they are all guys who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles, it's better to be more cautious."

Thinking of this, Xu Feiniang started to act, holding the Xuan Mi Bead, opened her mouth and exhaled a mouthful of true energy, falling on the bead, the egg-sized Xuan Mi Bead slowly rose, the whole body was green, emitting streaks of blue light, reflecting the entire cave. The room is all green, and an acre of green clouds radiate from the Xuan Mizhu, wrapped in the Xuan Mizhu and spinning around, surrounded by green clouds, it looks very beautiful, but when the green light falls on the body, there is a disgusting feeling of vomiting .

These green clouds are the poisonous miasma gas that the ancestor of the green robe refined into the Xuan Mizhu, the most polluting magic weapon, Xu Feiniang didn't like it very much, she kept using her own true energy to refine it, and the poisonous miasma gas in it was expelled. The highly poisonous evil spirit will dissipate, and Xuan Mizhu reveals her true colors, the whole body is shiny and white, which makes people love it.

The Xuan Mi Pearl has returned to its original source, the next thing to do is to refine it into a second soul, Xu Feiniang can be said to be familiar with it, after all, she has experienced it once before, when she refined that dragon ball into a second soul. It took a lot of hands and feet when the primordial spirit was born, because the Dragon Ball contains five elements of spiritual energy, and the power of the five elements needs to be tamed during the refining process, but the Xuan Mi Pearl is not so troublesome, because it is condensed from pure and extreme spiritual energy. It does not contain any attributes of neutrality and peace, so the refining process is very smooth.

Three days later, Xuan Mizhu suddenly burst into white light and flew into the air automatically, a figure slowly formed in the white light, and after the white light dissipated, a woman in white clothes who looked exactly like Xu Feiniang appeared, with a smile on her face , Looking at Xu Feiniang's deity, she praised: "I have seen this deity! Congratulations to this deity's strength."

"You are me, and I am you, so why not say congratulations." Xu Feiniang looked at the second soul... No!It should be the third soul, said with a smile.

The third soul has been accomplished, and the next step is to refine a few powerful treasures for him. Xu Feiniang took out a magic lamp and twelve formation flags from her bosom, and sighed inwardly: I don’t know the twelve capitals. Is Tianshensha really as powerful as Senior Yang said?

Chapter 319: Nine Yin and Nine Yang

The magic lamp and the twelve formation flags in Xu Feiniang's hands were prepared by Yang Jian in advance. They have been almost refined, and only the last step is needed to complete them. It is precisely because of the existence of these two treasures that Yang Jian was able to Let Xu Feiniang snatch the green-robed patriarch's Xuan Mizhu, refine it into a third soul, and use it with the second treasure to exert its greatest power.

The twelve formation flags are necessary for setting up the Great Earthquake in Zhidu. If it can be done successfully, Xu Feiniang will use the third soul to set up the formation, even if it is the real person of Ji Le, he will not be afraid at all.

After coming to the world of Mount Shu, Yang Jian also did research on the formations in this world. Judging from the plot, the most powerful formation should be Emei's Liangyi Mote Formation. Yang Jian was a little dissatisfied and wanted to Finding a formation that could fight against it really made Yang Jian a success.

At the beginning, Yang Jian used the heaven and the earth as a furnace, gathered the power of the stars, and used the sun and the moon as firewood to cultivate an immortal body and an immortal god. Those satellite magic weapons were used to attract the power of the stars, and they were lost after success. It worked, and then based on the idea of ​​waste utilization, I tried to use the power of the stars to form a star formation, and finally a [-]-star formation was born. In Yang Jian's view, it is not weaker than the Liangyi Mochen formation. The last time Yang Jian used this formation to deal with the ceiling bliss real person in Shushan World, he was hit hard with one move. One can imagine its power.

The twenty-eight constellation formation made Yang Jian think of the Zhoutian Xingdou formation of the monster clan in the legend of the prehistoric period, and then thought of the Twelve Capitals of the Witch Clan's Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons formation that could fight against it. At that time, an idea came into his mind , is it possible to create a similar array?

It just so happened that in Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's memory inheritance, there is the spell of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods, which can borrow the power of the Twelve Demon Gods, but the vocabulary is very vicious, and one needs to use one's own blood as a guide, and use it once to lose one's life.

After researching, Yang Jian felt that the ten demon gods were related to the legendary twelve ancestor witches. It might be the result of their evil thoughts after their fall. In this case, the memory of evil thoughts may also have the arrangement method of the legendary 12 gods and evil formations. .

With the help of the deduction ability of venom, Yang Jian finally gained something after trying again and again, and refined these 12 banners, each of which has an image of a demon god, or a python head and a human body, with pedals A water dragon, or a snake body with a human face, or six legs and four wings, shaped like a yellow sac... very similar to the legendary 12 ancestral witches. These were imprisoned on the banner after Yang Jian summoned the demon god. .

Yang Jian tried it once with a semi-finished array flag, and it was extremely powerful. If it was completely successful, it should not be inferior to the Liangyi Mote Array.

Of course, these twelve gods and demons are just phantoms, and the big formation under the currency cannot be compared with the genuine twelve capital gods and demons, but it doesn't matter. After borrowing the power of the twelve demon gods, they can be condensed into a magical body. , the pure power of the big bottle is enough to smash the void, and it is enough to walk sideways in the Shushan world.

It’s just that the Twelve Gods of Heaven created by Yang Jian also have a flaw. No matter what relationship the Twelve Gods and Demons have with the former 12 Ancestral Witches, now they are just a thought, and they have transformed into formless and formless Heavenly Demons. , and the demons all have one thing in common, that is, they like to lead people to fall, especially those who practice.

Summoning the demons to refine magic weapons is extremely powerful, but it is also the most dangerous. The demons are the most capable of taking advantage of people's dangers. As long as there is a slight hint in their hearts, it becomes their opportunity, secretly fueling the greed in the hearts of the treasure refiners, and being led to The degenerate completely became the slave of the Heavenly Demon.

Of course, people with a truly determined mind can also send them over to control the demons as slaves. For this reason, Yang Jian specially refined a magic lamp of the secret demons of the heavens for Xu Feiniang. Demons, the treasures possessed by one of the few monsters of the Demonic Dao, are only the training methods of each person are different.

Yang Jian tried his best to help Xu Feiniang make such a magic lamp. The lamp oil in the magic lamp is more than ten thousand years old, and it is the most feared thing by the demons. Yang Jian used the ancient lamp oil that the demons feared to refine A drop of Xu Feiniang's blood is mixed into the magic lamp of the demon sect. She is a matchmaker. The blood energy is combined with the lamp oil, and the soul is combined with the demon. influences.

Omens will create illusions, instill many ideas, ideas, memories, and even distort people's worldview and values, making people crazy and doing many things that they would never do normally.At this time, you must always maintain the dominance by yourself, tame the demons, and light the magic lamp, then the next practice will be much smoother, because when the magic lamp is burning, it can not only emit fragrance, keep people's mind clear, and the magic fire can also Block the external demons, minimize the influence of the demons, and if necessary, use divine fire to punish the demons.

Of course, the ability of the magic lamp is always limited. In the end, it depends on one's mind. If it exceeds the limit of the magic lamp's ability to resist demons, it must be stopped. Yang Jian specifically warned Xu Feiniang.

Xu Feiniang took a deep breath and began to practice treasures. The third soul turned into the aura Qingyun, which was as big as his mother, and held the magic lamp of the heavens. After passing 12 large flags, the real fire of three flavors is sprayed out of the mouth, and the final refining begins.

At this time, the demon god in the twelve banners seemed to come alive, baring its teeth and claws, roaring at Xu Feiniang, and began to struggle violently, as if it was about to break free from the banners and tear Xu Feiniang into pieces.

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