Various illusions appeared in Xu Feiniang's mind, the temptation of money, the temptation of food, the person she hated the most, and the person she always cared about, especially the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch who appeared at the end, which almost made her feel nervous fall.

But fortunately, the magic lamp played a role at the critical moment. When Xu Feiniang was about to fall into the illusion, the magic lamp shone on Xu Feiniang's body, and a ray of coolness spread all over her body in an instant, reminding Xu Feiniang of the environment she was in. In the middle, the magic lamp was hurriedly activated, and the flames of refining the demons burned away the heads of the 12 gods and demons.

Time passed unknowingly, Xu Feiniang was immersed in refining treasures, and the 12 demon heads on the imprisoned formation flag struggled fiercely for a few times at the beginning, but as time went by, the struggle became more and more weak. It is only a matter of time before it will be completely refined.

Soon something will happen to the unparalleled magic formation of the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha. Thinking about it carefully, there are a total of three top-level formations in the prehistoric legend. The only one left is the Zhuxian Sword Formation of the Lord Tongtian. Yang Jian has already pirated two fake and inferior formations. As for the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Yang Jian also created an alternative Five Elements Zhuxian Sword Formation. To refine the formation map, you can only use Taiyi Wuyan Luo instead, which cannot exert much power, so in some respects, Yang Jian pirated the three great formations of the prehistoric world, although compared with the genuine one, it is even more expensive than the original one. One-tenth of the power is not there, but there is no one in the Shushan world that can match it.


While Xu Feiniang was refining the treasure, behind a rock outside the valley, two beautiful figures were secretly guarding the place where Xu Feiniang was refining the treasure.

The two women were both beautiful and charming. They were dressed very similarly, except that one was dressed in red and the other in blue. The woman in red exuded a hot breath, while the woman in blue exuded ice. The cold air, two diametrically opposed breaths, maintain a balance, cancel each other out, and do not emit the slightest fluctuation. If you don't see it with your eyes, even an expert like the real person of Ji Le would not be able to detect their existence. Obviously they A very clever secret method of concealing breath was used.

At this moment, the woman in blue threw herself on the woman in red, stroking her body dishonestly, and at the same time teasingly said: "Xiao Luaner, Yang, senior asked us to protect Xu Feiniang secretly, but on the With her cultivation base, I'm afraid she is still above us, or if we don't care about her, we sisters will find a place to have fun."

Snapped!The woman in red slapped the woman in blue's hand away angrily, "Okay, Bagu, stop making trouble, this is the task entrusted to us by our seniors, we must complete it, we owe too much favor, if we can't But this cause and effect may become our demon in the future, I think you should also be aware of this, or you, the famous female God of Calamity, would not be so honest in recent years."

"Cut! I just don't want to be in debt to others. After all, it is a cultivation technique that can directly reach the immortals. It is only the ability of the previous seniors. It can completely avenge Xu Feiniang. Why is it so troublesome? Is it necessary for us to protect her secretly?"

The woman in red smiled bitterly and said: "We exist just in case, if Xu Feiniang really encounters a difficult master, then it is time for us to play a role, at least we can buy time and give her a chance to escape , I really didn't expect that I, Yu Lian, would be used as cannon fodder one day."

It turned out that these two women were Yu Luan and Bagu Deng, famous female cultivators in the world in Shushan. Yang Jian was so worried about Xu Feiniang's safety that she not only prepared all kinds of powerful treasures for her, but also specially made Two well-trained bodyguards.

Yu Luan entered Taoism very early, and he was under the family of Pan Liupo, who had already ascended to the top. He was a contemporary of the saint aunt in Huanbochi, plus a Bai Younv. The three of them were close friends in the boudoir.

It's just that Yu Luan's luck is bad. The holy aunt has an apprentice, Cui Ying, who never hesitates to plot against Yu Luan with evil methods. Long.

Every time the ground fire surged up, Yu Luan would be burned by her, and she would cast spells to extinguish the fire and suppress the magma, causing unspeakable suffering.

Originally, Yu Luan still had some resentment towards his master. He was clearly the victim. Why was he punished so severely? Until Yang Jian appeared and told him the truth, he understood the painstaking efforts of his master, Pan Liupo imprisoned him here The suffering of burning fire is actually accumulating merits and virtues, because once the volcano erupts, it will be burned to the ground for thousands of miles. Yu Luan's elimination of the calamity of the earth fire is equivalent to saving the lives of thousands of miles. This merit is enough for her to achieve a positive result.

However, Yang Jian had a better method. He directly taught him a set of exercises, absorbed the power of the earth fire for his own use, and refined it into a magic weapon. At the same time, a large amount of the power of the earth fire was absorbed and completely lifted The crisis of a volcanic eruption.

Because the Jiuyang Sha that Yang Jian taught him is a skill that can directly cultivate to the heavenly immortals. Over the years, Yu Luan has made great progress, and Pan Liupo's restrictions can no longer stop her. Put forward the conditions proposed and secretly protect Xu Feiniang.

As for Deng Bagu, the situation is similar. She is a disciple of Aunt Lei, and there is also a younger sister Chen Yufeng. The two killed people in Lingnan and were subdued by Master Youtan. Hate to go away, and later, in order to refine Xue Pozhu, she was trapped under the snow peak, and her body became rigid and obsessed by the cold air. Yang Jian gave her a set of Nine Yin Sha skills, which can not only refine the cold air in her body , so that the stiff body recovered, and gave her a direct path to the sun to reach the gods, how could she refuse Yang Jian's conditions.

Of course, both Yu Luan and Deng Bagu were somewhat angry with Yang Jian's actions, because Yang Jian specifically said that the exercises they practiced were only half of them, and there was the other half, one Yin Yi Yang, Complementing each other, if Yin and Yang are integrated and double cultivated, it is expected to be certified as the Golden Immortal.

At the beginning, Yu Luan and Deng Bagu didn't meet each other, and thought that Yang Jian would definitely let him and a man join the dual cultivation. He must be planning to let him form a Taoist couple with someone. For this kind of arrangement of his life, Both women were very dissatisfied.

Originally, the two girls had already made up their minds. Although the Golden Fairy Fruit is very attractive, if the other party is someone they don't like, they would rather not have the Golden Fairy Fruit.

But after they met, the two women were dumbfounded at the same time, and at the same time realized that they had misunderstood Yang Jian. Since both of them were daughters, they didn't have so many scruples.

Yu Luan and Deng Bagu had a chat, and after learning about each other's experience, they couldn't help but feel that they were both fallen people in the world. One of them was framed by someone, trapped under a volcano, and was tortured by the ground fire when he was young, and the other had a ossified body. , was tortured by the cold air at the bottom of Xuefeng, the two could best understand each other's suffering, the more they talked, the more they got along, and they hated seeing each other late.

In the end, the two women put down their guard completely, and began to practice together according to the fusion of Nine Yin Sha and Nine Yang Sha. Of course, their so-called double rest is not just a thing between a man and a woman in bed. , Alternating cold and heat, mutual assistance of yin and yang.

Only at this time did Yu Luan and Deng Bagu truly appreciate the mystery of Yang Jian's teaching of their exercises. After the fusion of ice and fire, an abstract pattern of yin and yang fish emerged in their minds, as if the magic of the Great Dao was presented in front of their eyes, a kind of morning news Dao Xi can die with emotion.

Yu Luan's kung fu is masculine, and he is best at tempering the body, just like steel forged in a raging fire. Their personal cultivation base and Taoism are constantly rising, and their realm has also been improved. Such mysterious and suitable exercises really make them qualified to obtain the Golden Immortal Fruit Status.

The two practiced for a period of time, and their strength increased greatly. They planned to stay in the mountain to practice forever, but they suddenly received a message from Yang Jian some time ago, so they went down the mountain to secretly protect Xu Feiniang.

Speaking of it, the relationship between the two women is a bit strange. Yu Luan is practicing Jiuyang Sha, which is a positive technique. It stands to reason that he should be stronger, but in fact it is Deng Bagu who is stronger.

Deng Bagu is stubborn by nature, and also has a bit of evil nature, otherwise she would not be awarded the title of a female disaster god. She likes to tease and tease Yu Luan on weekdays, and even touches her hands. That is to say, Yu Luan has a good temper. Stop fighting with her.

Chapter 320

Behind the mountain stone, Yu Luan and Deng Bagu were silent for a moment, and Deng Bagu asked again: "We have been following Xu Feiniang these days, and we know what she is doing. What kind of person do you think this Xu Feiniang is?"

Yu Luan looked up at the valley, and sighed, "No matter what others think of her, in my eyes Xu Feiniang is a kind and righteous person. In order to avenge Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, she plotted in every possible way. In her eyes, Xu Feiniang is a noble woman, but she is just a temptress, but her feelings for Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch are the most genuine, for revenge, she does not kick Emei as an enemy, knowing that she cannot do it."

"Yeah, I also admire such a person, but I don't know what will happen to her in the end. After all, Emei is powerful and the leader of the Taoist sect. Once her actions are exposed, she will definitely be punished by the famous sect. Siege, then it will be dangerous, when the time comes..."

"If there is such a day, we will be the first to be unlucky. After all, we can't just watch her die in danger. At that time, we can only do our best, at least delay it for a while, and persist until then With the arrival of the senior, we can retire with success, and with the way of the senior, I am afraid that no one will be able to match in the world."

"That's right, that person can easily give us this kind of exercise that directly proves the Dao of Heaven and Immortals. Even after the combination of yin and yang, we are expected to get the golden fruit status. Who in the world can match it. It seems that we are just him to ensure that Xu Fei A backhand left behind by Niang Pingan, whenever I think of this, I get a little angry and always feel a little uncomfortable."

Yu Luan gave Deng Bagu an angry look, and asked: "If you were given another chance to choose, would you still choose to agree to the conditions of the senior and protect Xu Feiliang?"

Deng Bagu froze for a moment, then thought for a moment, and then said with a firm face: "Of course I will agree. I am a practitioner who is going against the sky. I don't know how many people have died on this road. If such a good opportunity If you don't grasp it, wouldn't you regret it for the rest of your life, in fact, we are already considered lucky, aren't we?"

"Yeah, we are already lucky, at least the road is ahead, unlike some people who don't know the way ahead, can only grope forward, and even struggle in the mortal world, even if they fall, after reincarnation, they just wait for the memory to recover. Then we can re-enter the door of practice, relying on the exercises taught by our predecessors, we can regain our cultivation in a hundred years, and the road ahead is smooth."

Yu Luan and Deng Bagu also knew that the cause and effect they owed Yang Jian was too great, and it would not be so easy to pay off. Yang Jian proposed that as long as Xu Feiniang was protected, the cause and effect could be settled, which was a great thing for them, so they Days will willingly follow behind Xu Feiniang, and spare no effort to protect Xu Feiniang.

Although the cultivation base of the second daughter is only at the peak level of the Earth Immortal, but with the combination of the two, they can display the strength several times that of their own, even if they encounter a Celestial master, they can win the battle.

The reason for this is that Yang Jian taught them not only the exercises, but also the secret techniques that matched the exercises and the art of refining magic weapons.

For example, Yu Luan, when she was trapped, not only absorbed the power of the earth fire to cultivate and temper her body, but also absorbed the yang flames in the earth fire to refine it into an earth fire heart lotus. This rare treasure is both offensive and defensive. The ground fire heart lotus can resist all attacks, and at the same time push the heart lotus to release the earth flame spirit fire attack, burning everything, only a few treasures can resist it.

As for Deng Bagu, because she already had the rare treasure of Xue Pozhu, Yang Jian did not teach her other methods of refining treasures, but only asked her to refine Xue Pozhu into a second soul, and then according to some animations Inspired by his ice ability, combined with the laws of the Shushan world, he created some secret techniques.

In the plot of Shushan, the usage of Snow Pods is a little monotonous, except that they are used to defend against foreign demons during the catastrophe, and most of the others are to split the Snow Pods into cold air to attack, which is really weak in Yang Jian’s opinion. Now, think about the ice escape in the world of Naruto, the frozen fruit ability of Aokiji in the world of Pirates, and the ice modeling magic in the world of Little Fairy Tail. Yang Jian passed these inspirations directly to Deng Bagu, and asked Deng Bagu to Yang Jian. Her admiration made her develop many new ways to use the Ice Soul Orb.

The other two teamed up to display many powerful secret techniques. The two even tried to refine an ice-fire mixed ball, but it took a few days to refine it. They thought it would be very powerful. Where to go, but after the detonation, it will directly turn hundreds of miles into ashes. Fortunately, the two of them were careful enough to choose a desolate place deep in the sea for the experiment, which did not cause too many deaths, otherwise they would definitely be devastated.

In addition, the two girls are now using a secret technique that matches their kung fu to hide their bodies. The two work together to display cold and hot air. It can cover up the secrets, and no one can count their positions.

Generally speaking, if you hide your figure with spells, there will always be fluctuations in spiritual power. If there are people with advanced cultivation nearby, you can still find it through careful observation. One yin and one yang can just offset the excess fluctuations of spiritual power, making it perfectly hidden, even the great powers of Jinxian can't detect it. This kind of secret technique was specially created by Yang Jian, and it is called the Yin-Yang Shading Technique The second daughter has been following Xu Feiniang these days but has not been noticed, it is the credit of this secret technique.


When Xu Feiniang was refining treasures in the valley, something happened at Ciyun Temple. A sword light fell outside the temple, and a person appeared, and walked quickly to the gate. It was Emei who came. Qi Shuming, the head teacher of the school.

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