When Qi Shuming reported his name, the monk in charge of guarding the gate was taken aback. You must know that this is the head teacher of the Emei Sect, the head of the orthodox Taoism, and hurried into the temple to report.

When Fa Yuan received the news, he was also taken aback, and immediately called all the devils in the temple over, and then met Qi Shuming in the main hall of Ciyun Temple.

Not long after, Qi Shuming walked in under the guidance of the Zhike monk, glanced at everyone in the hall, and first greeted Zen Master Xiaoyue: "Senior brother Miechen, I haven't seen you for many years, and your style is still the same."

"Huh!" Zen Master Xiaoyue looked unhappy, and snorted coldly and said: "Who is your senior brother? I can't bear to be called by you, the head teacher of Emei. I have already broken my friendship with Emei, and call me Xiaoyue." Zen Master."

Qi Shuming sighed pretentiously, "Senior brother Miechen, why is he so persistent? After all, you and I have been brothers for many years, and when our teacher was alive..."

"That's enough, don't mention the previous things again. The old man with long eyebrows is unfair, and he is biased against you in every possible way. He even left a jade box to deal with me. If I hadn't obtained the ancient Gonggong's most treasured broken jade hook, I'm afraid I would have died in my hometown." In your hands, what do you have to say today? You procrastinate again, and when you finish your work, we might as well have a competition and see what you have improved over the years. "

All the devils in the hall watched Zen Master Xiaoyue and Qi Shuming's verbal confrontation, and they didn't intend to dissuade them, they all looked like they were watching the show.

Everyone present knew that Zen Master Xiaoyue was originally a disciple of Master Changmei, because he was displeased that Master Changmei had passed on the position of head teacher to Qi Shuming, and in a fit of rage he betrayed Emei and joined Haha's ancestors. It is normal for Qi Shuming, who hates him so much, to be angry.

"Headmaster Qi, tell me the purpose of your visit this time. I don't think you will deliberately provoke us like those juniors before." Fa Yuan saw that Qi Shuming still wanted to say something to Zen Master Xiaoyue, for fear Continue to quarrel and quickly interrupt their conversation.

Qi Shuming had no choice but to give up persuading Zen Master Xiaoyue, turned his head to look at Fa Yuan and said, "Actually, I came here this time to tell you something, because I have some accidents in my teaching, and it needs to be delayed for a month."

Venerable Poison Dragon asked aggressively: "Qi Shuming, are you joking? The period of the sword fight was decided by both of us. In fact, you changed it as soon as you said it. Are you afraid? It's okay to admit defeat."

Facing Venerable Poison Dragon's aggressiveness, Qi Shuming didn't say much, but looked at Xu Feiniang who had been sitting there, covered in black robe, "What does Your Excellency Black Robe say?"

Seeing that Qi Shuming didn't even look at him, he was completely defiant. He wished he could start a fight with Qi Shuming now, but when Chu saw the mysterious black-robed man, he immediately calmed down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

Xu Feiniang looked through the mask and looked up and down Qi Shuming, the head teacher of the Emei sect. He looked very personable, with pure and pure magic power, and he really had the demeanor of the head teacher of Emei school.

"I know your purpose of delaying time. I'm afraid you want to invite an expert to help out, but I agree, and I will give you a month. I want to see what expert you can invite."

Xu Feiniang's cold voice came out, even though Xu Feiniang tried hard to suppress the hatred in her heart, her voice was unavoidably strange, after all, the person in front of her was one of the murderers who killed Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, so Xu Feiniang couldn't help feeling angry .

Zen Master Xiaoyue and the others realized after hearing Xu Feiniang's words that Emei must have suffered a great loss before, and the death of Ascetic Toutuo made them understand that the matter was beyond their calculations, so they planned to invite their colleagues to deal with them.

Fa Yuan suddenly became anxious, "Seniors in black robes are not allowed. These so-called decent sects have always been hypocritical and conspiratorial. If they postpone the duel as they said, who knows how many helpers they will have?"

Xu Feiniang interrupted the court with a wave of her hand, "So what? They can invite helpers, can't we? It just so happens that I also have a few close friends, so I can invite them together. Those close friends of yours and mine are capable , who in this world can be an enemy?"

Hearing that Xu Feiniang said that he wanted to invite his friends to come to help, he was surprised that Wu Qi Shuming was still a group of monsters. In some respects, best friends are like dogs of the same feather, at least they have similar skills, otherwise they would not be able to play together.

Although they haven't seen who the so-called best friend is?But judging from the performance of the man in black, his cultivation must be far from weak.

Qi Shuming knew that among the friends in the black robe population must be the white robed man who once defeated the real person of bliss with one move, but it was obvious that there was more than one of them, so could there be any masters?Where did these people come from?Why haven't I heard of it before?

Da Qi Shuming had a headache, but he didn't dare to show it, pretending to be confident, but who knew the pain in his heart?Especially the death of Ascetic Toutuo made him feel more and more uneasy. Will the Emei Millennium Plan that has been laid out since the time of Daoist Changmei really succeed?

"Fellow Daoist in black robe is really happy. Since you agree, then the matter has been settled like this. The sword fight will be postponed for one month, and then we will have a showdown." In any case, the purpose of this visit has been achieved Now, Qi Shuming cupped his fists and was about to leave.

"Wait!" At this moment, Chan Master Xiaoyue suddenly called Qi Shuming to a stop.

"How to Miechen... um! What advice does Zen Master Xiaoyue have?" Qi Shuming originally wanted to call him Miechenzi, but seeing the other party's eyes that seemed to be killing people, he could only change his words.

"Qi Shuming, isn't it impolite for you to leave like this after we haven't seen each other for so many years, why don't you take this opportunity to compete and let me see how you have improved over the years." Zen Master Xiaoyue looked at Qi Shuming with murderous intent in his eyes.

Qi Shuming didn't immediately agree to Zen Master Xiaoyue's proposal, but looked at Xu Feiniang again, and said, "This is how you treat guests. I came here this time with sincerity, but you are so aggressive. Do you want to treat me like this?" Am I staying here completely?"

Xu Feiniang snorted coldly, "You don't have to talk to me. The two armies do not kill me when they fight. I am not like you people in Emei. If one loses, many will besiege. Zen Master Xiaoyue has a personal grudge against you. You brothers and sisters It is your business to compete, it has nothing to do with me."

Qi Shuming curled his lips secretly, thinking: Why didn't you say that just now, now we are brothers.

"Forget it, since Zen Master Xiaoyue has such an elegant mood, I will accompany you. Let's go outside, do you dare to follow?" Qi Shuming turned his head and walked outside after speaking.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Zen Master Xiaoyue said, a broken jade hook appeared in his hand, and he chased after it aggressively.

Seeing that there was a good show to watch, all the devils couldn't let it go, and all their brains rushed out, only Xu Feiniang was still sitting there, not moving, because Xu Feiniang knew very well that Zen Master Xiaoyue had no chance of winning at all.

In fact, needless to say, Zen Master Xiaoyue, even if Xu Feiniang made a move in person, or even called a group of demons to attack together, Qi Shuming would most likely be able to leave safely.

As the head teacher of Emei, the head of the leader of the righteous way, there are countless rare treasures in his hand, who knows what cards he has?Since they dared to take the risk themselves, they must have full confidence. This is the background of being the leader of decency. No one knows what cards they have.

It's just that Xu Feiniang didn't expect that the matter would end sooner than imagined, and it took only a cup of tea before and after. Everyone returned to the hall, and the one walking in the front was the dejected Zen Master Xiaoyue.

So he was defeated. It stands to reason that Zen Master Xiaoyue and Qi Shuming have similar cultivation skills, right?What happened?Can't help but get curious.So Xiaoyue tried to walk back dejectedly, which not only made Xu Feiniang a little puzzled, but what happened to make Zen Master Xiaoyue lose so quickly?

Chapter 321

Xu Feiniang was also curious about what happened, so she directly asked her doubts.

Chan Master Xiaoyue wasn't injured, she didn't look like he was at a disadvantage, but she seemed to have a trace of grievance on her face, she sighed and said: "That Qi Shuming is despicable and shameless, he took great pains to deal with me. I'm afraid, but he specially refined an iron fairy shield, which just restrains my broken jade hook."

"Iron Bi Immortal Shield!" In order to avenge Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, Xu Feiniang had studied the magic weapon in the hands of the Three Immortals of the East Sea, so she knew about the Iron Bi Immortal Shield.

The Iron Bi Immortal Shield was forged by Qi Shuming from the cold iron that has been in the East Sea for thousands of years. Its shape resembles a protective shield. The upper end of the shield is a bou. There will be a hundred feet of cold light from the mouth and eyes, two white air, wherever it goes, no matter whether it is sand, stone, gold or iron, it will melt when it meets it, and when it is blown by those two white air, it will be wiped out immediately, as fast as an arrow , is invincible, travels through mountains and places, and travels thousands of miles in an instant.

But Xu Feiniang knew that Zen Master Xiaoyue had misunderstood him, and this fairy shield was not specially trained to restrain him. It can only be said to be a coincidence. The hook is the relic of the ancient water god Gonggong. It belongs to water, and it happened to be restrained by the Baizhang cold light of the fairy shield.

As the head teacher of the Emei Sect, Qi Shuming is exquisite in all aspects, comparable to Zen Master Xiaoyue, who knows how to be a man. The two sides fought a few moves, Qi Shuming showed his own strength, not at all inferior to Zen Master Xiaoyue, and showed his iron fairy shield to prove himself There is a magic weapon to defeat the enemy, and then he proposed that it was just a sparring, not a battle of life and death. Well, everyone ended in a draw. Zen Master Xiaoyue also knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely lose in the end, so he could only choose to accept it. Look, what happened to Qi Shuming How beautiful it is, based on this, we can understand why the people of Changmei Town chose Qi Shuming as the head teacher.

Seeing Zen Master Xiaoyue's sad face, Xu Feiniang thought for a while, and felt that she should help him. After all, she was the one who invited him to help out. Although there was some part of using him, there was also a favor in it. If it can help Zen Master Xiaoyue improve his strength and use it to deal with the Emei Sect, it will be exciting to think about it.

In terms of mana, Zen Master Xiu Xiaoyue is by no means under Qi Shuming, but after he betrayed the Emei Sect, he took refuge in the sect of the ancestor Haha. Apart from a broken jade hook, he really has no magic weapon to show. For his strength, the best way is to find some powerful magic weapons for him. Among them, there are already broken jade hooks for attacking. treasure.

Yang Jian knew very well the magic treasures left by the Ascension Immortals in the Shushan world. He once told Xu Feiniang about the locations of many immortal caves, and explained what treasures were inside. Recently, Xu Feiniang was just about to dig out a strong man. To get the treasures in the cave mansion, Zen Master Xiaoyue can just get a share of it.

"Fellow Daoist Xiaoyue, don't be sad. As you said, in terms of mana and cultivation, Qi Shuming can't beat you at all. He just relied on the treasure in his hand to show off. If fellow Taoist has a treasure in his hand, Qi Shuming will not be safe today." There is indeed an opportunity right now. A friend of mine found a cave left by an immortal. There are several treasures in it. They are all rare treasures left by the immortals from the upper world. My good friend only needs one of the old ones left by the seniors, if you don’t dislike it, you can go for it.”

Zen Master Xiaoyue was overjoyed when he heard the words, and understood that the other party was trying to benefit him. Ai Zhenzi was a well-known figure in the world of practice. He used the Golden Immortal Fruit Status as his Ascension to the Immortal Realm. Being able to get one is already a great fortune, never thought that the pie falling from the sky would fall on me.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior. I don't know where the cave is? How can I find that friend of senior?"

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