Zen Master Xiaoyue almost instinctively took out the broken jade hook to be on guard, but when she saw the other party's attire, she relaxed again, because the other party was wearing a gray dress, covering herself tightly. The black-robed man in Yun Temple is exactly the same, and Zen Master Xiaoyue understands that everyone in front of him must be the friend the black-robed man mentioned.

"Xiaoyue pays homage to senior, what do you call senior?" Zen master Xiaoyue sensed carefully, but found that the other party didn't seem to exist at all. If he couldn't see it, he almost thought that there was nothing in front of you, which made the other party look even more mysterious. Zen Master Xiaoyue can only be described as unfathomable.

"You are Xiaoyue, right? Look at my outfit and you should understand that I don't want to reveal my identity. My name is just a code name. You can just call me Gray Robe. Fellow Daoist Black Robe has sent a message to me before. Now Let's set off and go to Jinshi Gorge to get those rare treasures from the Heavenly Mansion."

Naturally, this gray-robed man is Xu Feiniang's second incarnation outside the body, refined from Xuan Mizhu, the deity did not come, but split up to invite an old devil to participate in the sword fight in Ciyun Temple.

"I've seen the gray-robed senior, so do you know what is the rare treasure of the Tianfu in the Jinshixia Immortal Mansion?" Zen Master Xiaoyue lost to Qi Shuming because he didn't have the magic weapon in his hand. , has almost formed an obsession, and wants to get the treasure and fight Qi Shu again to prove his strength.

Xu Feiniang set up the escape light to fly, and Zen Master Xiaoyue followed behind. Xu Feiniang said while driving: "There are treasures in the Immortal Mansion, all of which are the rare treasures of the Heavenly Mansion. The Sancai Qingning Circle, the Tianxin Ring and the three Ziqing Dousiyayans were carried by the Banished Immortals.

Among them, the Lingjiao Jane is made by the Eastern Horned Wood Jiao, one of the twenty-eight stars in the sky. It is a wood itself, and gold is the most taboo, so it collects the innate gold energy of the West, and refines it with the Yuan Magnetic Gangsha, which is specially designed to break the metal magic weapon. , and invincible, exorcising evil and subjugating demons is no problem. If you can get this treasure, you'd better find Taiyi Yuanjing, collect the western lesser energy for sacrifice, and use it to protect yourself. It can avoid water, fire, wind and thunder, and all evils will not invade! "

"The treasure of body protection?" Chan Master Xiaoyue muttered to himself, he already had the ancient artifact of the Broken Jade Hook in his hand, which was sufficient in terms of attack, but lacked the magic weapon of body protection, this spirit jade slip was very suitable for him.

"The next thing is the Sancai Qingning circle, which is a supreme treasure with both offensive and defensive capabilities. According to the three talents of heaven, earth and man, the celestial phenomena can send out wind, cloud, thunder and lightning, and the forbidden laws of the heavens. The dragon, tiger, tortoise, sparrow, and four-spirited fairy art can be used individually with infinite power, and when combined, it will be ten times stronger!"

Zen Master Xiaoyue's eyes immediately lit up when he heard the words, the power of the three talented Qingning circles was even higher than that of the Lingjiao slips, they could separate and combine to attack, and the changes were endless, and he immediately forgot about the Lingjiao slips.

"Then there is the Tianxin ring, but this Tianxin ring is divided into yin and yang. There is only one yang ring in the Jinshixia Immortal Mansion, and its effectiveness is greatly reduced. Let alone the most precious ones are the three purple blue tushiyans, which are also mine. target, but I only need one of them..."

"I didn't expect that there is such a Ziqing Tushiyan in the world. I have heard about it before. It is said that it is fire, but it is the divine fire of heaven, and it is the divine fire of refining demons. It is just that I have never seen it."

"I'll have a chance to see it this time. Although the treasures are good, the most fundamental thing is ourselves. No matter how many treasures we can get this time, I only need one purple and green Tushiyan, and the rest will belong to you."

"Thank you for your kindness, senior. This junior will definitely do his best." After learning about the effects of several rare treasures from the Tianfu, Zen Master Xiaoyue was determined to obtain them.

Seeing Zen Master Xiaoyue's appearance, Xu Feiniang Xu couldn't help pouring cold water on her, "Don't be too happy. Before I came, I had deduced the secret and calculated that Emei also sent people to seize the treasure, including Qi Jinchan, who It has a certain relationship with the rare treasures in the Immortal Mansion, and there are two masters to help, including one of the two elders in Songshan, Bai Guyi, the old man chasing clouds. The next generation, the most likely is Li Jingxu, the real person of bliss."

"What! Why did Master Ji Le come here? How can this be cured? Wouldn't it be impossible for us to have him here!" Zen Master Xiaoyue was shocked when he heard this, um, he immediately retreated, he still had self-knowledge , if it was other people, such as Xuan Zhenzi, Qi Shuming and others, he would dare to compete, but he couldn't think of taking action against the ceiling of the Shushan world, because it was no different from courting death.

Xu Feiniang snorted coldly, and said in a mocking tone: "Look at your cowardice, what's there to be afraid of, so what about Master Ji Le? Since I dare to come, I will naturally have a way to deal with him. I will be responsible for holding him back when the time comes. You go to deal with Bai Guyi and Qi Jinchan, and I will make arrangements, at least to ensure that you will get a few rare medical consultations from the Heavenly Mansion, so that you will not return in vain."

Xu Feiniang took out a jade talisman from the treasure bag and handed it to Zen Master Xiaoyue, "You must remember that after entering the Immortal Mansion with you, the first thing you need to do when you find the treasure is to use the jade talisman to restrain a purple flower Tushiyan, it will be sent to me at that time, and I will be able to help you at that time. By the way, I remind you that after the fall of Ascetic Toutuo, his invisible flying swords were also divided. Qi Jinchan That brat got one, and with his bold personality, he might sneak up on you secretly, you have to be careful to avoid capsizing in the gutter, as long as you hesitate for a moment, it is enough to create a chance for Bai Guyi to make a move. "

Zen Master Xiaoyue was a little uncertain, and secretly said: This man has such a big tone, he dares to compete with the real person of Ji Le, even the old master of Tiecheng Mountain, who is well-known in the magic way, may not be able to do it, why do you dare to say that?

Seeing Zen Master Xiaoyue's appearance, Xu Feiniang guessed what he was thinking, and said angrily: "You just do what I say, if you find something wrong, just run away while I'm dragging Master Ji Le."

"Senior, forgive me, I don't have such an idea."

"It doesn't matter, it's normal. When I fight with the real person of Ji Le, before I lose, you must act according to my arrangement, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

At this time, Zen Master Xiaoyue had no other choice, so he could only agree, but he also had his own calculations in his heart: anyway, he didn't have to face the most difficult real person of blissful joy, he just had to deal with Bai Guyi and a junior. Escaping, the real person of Ji Le is not easy to kill, so he will not pursue him relentlessly.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely obey the arrangement."

Xu Xu Feiniang nodded, and continued: "Now the cave is called the Miaoxuan Cave of the Mad Master Gu. There is a Sanxian Monk Wei Tu practicing there. He has three apprentices. The eldest apprentice is called Ji Mi. This person knows how to advance and retreat, and has a temper. Fortunately, he is not bloodthirsty. The second disciple is named Wu Di, who is greedy and cruel, and has a vicious heart. The third disciple is Wei Jiao, who is the reincarnation of the black ape. Adults, worshiping under Wei Tu's door, these four masters and apprentices have been eyeing the four treasures, but unfortunately they have no chance to get along with them, and now they are driven out of the cave by Bai Guyi, like a bereaved dog, if you meet them, you can make use of them."

Zen Master Xiaoyue didn't care about Wei Tu, but cared more about his third disciple Wei Jiao, "Senior, you said just now that Wei Tu's third disciple is the reincarnation of the black ape from a friend of the real person of Bliss. about your friends?"

"That's right, that person is also a well-known sect of loose immortals. He has practiced hard for several generations and had a friendship with the real man of bliss. Going astray, he specially borrowed the true energy of the spirit stone to enter the womb, meditated in the mountainside for many years, stabilized the foundation of the road in a place where no one disturbed, and then conceived with the body of a female cultivator Lu Borong, this life is the son of Lu Borong Shi Sheng."

3 While Xu Feiniang was talking with Zen Master Xiaoyue, the family had already flown close to Jinshi Gorge, and just as they arrived at the mouth of the valley, suddenly a bright light flashed in front of them, and a boy who appeared to be more than ten years old flew out, blocking the way of the two of them. It is the real person of bliss.

Master Ji Le glanced at Zen Master Xiaoyue, showing a trace of regret, but quickly disappeared, and then looked at Xu Fei Niang, who was covered in black robes, "I don't know where you are from? What sect and sect do you come from? Where are you?" Cultivating in the fairy mountain? What is the purpose of coming here? Li Jingxu has gone to be polite."

Xu Feiniang hurriedly returned the gift, "The real person of Ji Le has a great name, and it is indeed well-deserved to meet him today. It is a great fortune to meet again. I shouldn't be so secretive. It's just that I have a special status. It's hard to tell outsiders if I know it. To the real person Haihan, as for my purpose, the real person must be clear, so there is no nonsense, let's see the truth in the palm of your hand."

As Xu Feiniang said, he threw out twelve small flags in an instant, and they rose against the wind. In a blink of an eye, Zhuang turned into twelve large banners. The twelve demon gods came alive and roared to the sky. The real bliss is trapped inside.

Xu Feiniang explained to Zen Master Xiaoyue, let him act according to the plan, and then plunged into the formation.

Zen Master Xiaoyue saw that Daoist Ji Le was really trapped, his face showed surprise, he gritted his teeth, and continued to fly to the depths of Jinshi Gorge, making up his mind to get as many treasures as possible, so as not to waste this great opportunity.

At this time, the face of the real blissful person in the formation became extremely serious. Looking at the vast and boundless demonic energy around him, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Now Daoist Ji Le has obtained the status of Golden Immortal Fruit, and he is already a Golden Immortal in terms of realm, but he has been suppressing his own strength. He is only at the peak of the Celestial Immortal. Few people can match the power of the Mianguang Tianxia, ​​and he can see the strength of the formation at a glance At the same time, I have heard people talk about the power of these 12 gods, but this is the first time I have seen someone who can form a formation.

At this time Xu Feiniang flew in from the outside, the two did not fight immediately, they confronted each other for a while, no one could suppress the other in terms of momentum, after a while Xu Feiniang asked: "With the ability of a real person, who wants to break through the cave?" Forbidden, it shouldn't be difficult to get a few Tianfu rare treasures inside, right? Why didn't you help? Just let Qi Jinchan's little devil do it himself?"

The bliss real person and the other party didn't intend to attack immediately, and they didn't mind communicating with him, delaying for a while, after all, he was injured by Yang Jian before, although the injury was temporarily suppressed by the secret treatment, but once he did, he would still Some influence.

"Originally, I really planned to help out, but at the moment I made the move, I had a feeling in my heart, and I specially deduced the secret of heaven to calculate a level, and the result was that if I made a move and forcibly took away the rare treasures in the cave, the next We will encounter an unprecedented catastrophe of life and death. On the contrary, if Jin Chan breaks through the array to get the treasures, no matter how many pieces he gets, they will all belong to him, and there will be no danger. I am not boasting. There is only one person in the Daoxing world who can threaten me, that is, the white-robed man I met not long ago, I think you should be very close to that man, except for the color, the clothes are almost exactly the same."

Xu Feiniang knew that what Daoist Ji Le said was right. If he participated in the fight for the Lingbao, it would give Yang Jian a reason to take action. He would definitely intercept him on the way back. On the contrary, if Qi Jinchan got it by his own Treasures proved to be destined for treasures. No matter how unwilling Xu Feiniang and Yang Jian were, they were too embarrassed to snatch something from a child.

"The real person is indeed worthy of the rare power in the world. The title of the living golden fairy is well-deserved. However, there is a treasure that is very important to me in the cave. If the real person insists on stopping it, he can only stand for one game."

Xu Feiniang said and made a move, and the immeasurable demonic energy immediately gathered, and it instantly turned into a giant black palm. The palm was hundreds of feet in size, covered with dense scales, as if it was real, and it made people fall in love with it at the first sight. fear.

There was no extra nonsense, and no extra actions, the giant hand clenched its fist, and slammed down on the real person of Ji Le with an aura of smashing everything.

Master Ji Le took a step back, shook his hand lightly, and flew out a hundred and eight thousand Qiankun needles, all of which were chi-long red lines connected into several torrents, densely packed, shooting towards the palm like a violent storm.

This Qiankun Needle is the magic weapon that is best at restraining poisonous Gu and demon insects, but it does not mean that his attack power is insufficient. The Hundred Poison Golden Gu of the green-robed patriarch is not only ferocious, but also swallows everything, even an ordinary fairy sword can Crushed, its outer skin is also tough, but it was easily pierced by the Qiankun Needle.

Although Xu Feiniang's large scaled hand transformed into a stronger defense force, but the number of Qiankun needles that can't stand up to the opponent is too large!One Qiankun needle can only make a small hole in the fist, but what about one hundred thousand needles?

The densely packed Qiankun needles hit the fist like a gust of wind and rain, and rushed into the cracks of the scales with incomparable precision, breaking it down like a butcher dispelling an ox, wisps of devilish energy continuously detached from the fist, just in an instant The huge fist was completely smashed into demon energy.

Chapter 323 Xiaoyue VS Bai Guyi

Boom boom boom! ! !

Daoist Ji Le fought with Xu Fei Niang, and there were bursts of roars. The battle between them was a bit strange. It was not like ordinary practitioners at all. Flying swords and magic weapons came and went, only the simplest torrent of fists and Qiankun needles Right bang.

In the world of knights, there is a saying that second-rate masters fight for moves, first-rate masters fight for internal strength, and top masters fight for realm.

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