Similarly, the same is true in the Shushan world. The practitioners of this world, the immortals, mainly relied on mana and magic weapons to defeat the enemy before fighting against others. Who has stronger mana?Whoever has the more powerful magic weapon has a higher chance of winning.

But once you reach the level of a celestial being, mana and magic weapons become secondary, and the most important thing is the realm.

For those who have survived the catastrophe and become immortals, their bodies and primordial spirits have been tempered, their life levels have been sublimated, the mana contained in their bodies is not far behind, and the magic weapons in their hands have their own strengths. At this time, at this time It depends on who can exert their strength more.

Generally speaking, the higher the level of the person, the stronger the power they can exert. For example, those who have certified the Golden Immortal Status, their realm has reached the level of the Golden Immortal, but their mana is suppressed by this world. Stay at the level of the celestial beings, but because of the realm, they can use a share of magic power to exert ten times the power. Even if there is a gap in the same fairy body mana power, it can't be ten times worse. This is the real person of bliss These great abilities are the reason for the ceiling of the Shushan world.These are the reasons why they can stand on the ceiling of the world.

It took Xu Feiniang just a few hundred years to overcome the catastrophe and become a celestial immortal. She can already be regarded as a celestial wizard, but in terms of background, after all, she is not as good as the old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years like the real bliss. It is also impossible for Jane's teaching to reach the golden fairy realm in such a short period of time.

But Yang Jian is very clear about what Xu Feiniang's obsession is, and she will give everything for revenge. If she can't untie her heart knot, there will be many twists and turns in her practice in the future. In order for Xu Feiniang's future practice path to be smoother, Yang Jian Still decided to let her take revenge.

In order to ensure Xu Feiniang's safety, he must have the strength to protect himself, at least to compete head-on with a master like Master Ji Le.

Because of the gap in realm, ordinary methods will definitely not work, and we can only find another way. This is the method that Yang Jian thought of.

In the prehistoric legends, the full version of the Dutian Shensha Formation can condense Pangu's true body. Pangu took the path of proving the way with strength. , Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu, its biggest feature is that it does not require very high realm, the key is to accumulate mana to exercise the body, no matter the enemy has thousands of methods, all kinds of magic weapons, uh, since one punch breaks it, one strength Ten will drop.

The Twelve Capitals of the Shushan World, Tianshensha, are obviously different from the prehistoric world, but Yang Jian discovered that they can also condense the body of gods and demons, and have the ability to destroy heaven and earth, but this body of gods and demons must not be named Pangu, otherwise it will be true. It is disrespectful to the Great God Pangu, so Yang Jian called it the real body of Dutian Shensha, which is also the reason why Xu Feiniang wanted to attack the green-robed ancestor Xuan Mizhu. The external avatar is the most suitable for controlling the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons. The pure aura has no attributes and can accommodate the power of all attributes.

Now Xu Feiniang has truly experienced the strength of the Dutianshensha formation. Although she can barely exert [-]% of the power of the formation, she still can't condense the complete Dutianshensha real body. She can only condense a pair of fists. But it is enough to fight with a power as powerful as Ji Le Daoist. No matter what kind of exquisite attack method the opponent uses, he will directly punch him and smash him to pieces.

This is the case with breaking all laws with one force. Although Daoist Ji Le can use the torrent formed by the Qiankun Needle to wipe away the fists condensed by the demonic energy, he needs to concentrate all his energy and cannot continue to attack Xu Feiniang. The two became a stalemate.

At this moment, Master Ji Le felt bitter, this gray-robed man who came from nowhere was really difficult to deal with, he just used one move back and forth, he didn't care about anything, he punched and punched down again, but it was such a simple move It made him helpless, with a destructive aura on his fist, directly locking him, unable to dodge at all, he could only choose to fight hard.

In just one cup of tea, Master Ji Le and Xu Fei Niang exchanged dozens of notes, but their mana remained undiminished.

Daoist Bliss is a powerful person who has obtained the status of the Golden Immortal, the unity of heaven and man, and his mana is boundless, while Xu Feiniang uses the Dutian Shensha formation, as long as he is in the formation and his mind moves, the magic power consumed will be reduced In addition, the two of them just spent a little bit of energy in the battle. If this continues, even if the winner can be determined, it will take a few months.

boom! !

The huge fist collided with the red torrent formed by the Qiankun needle again, and the two of them were pushed back by the opponent's power at the same time. The real person of Ji Le suddenly stretched out his hand, and all the Qiankun needles were taken back, saying: "Stop, as it is now According to the situation, it is almost impossible for the two of us to decide the winner. This time, the target is a few rare treasures in the cave, and those juniors are the key. In this case, we might as well not make a move. How about their respective fortunes? Whoever can get the treasure will belong to him."

"Okay, let's wait and see." Xu Feiniang thought for a while, and nodded in agreement, sitting cross-legged in the formation, closing her eyes and resting her mind, waiting for the result.

But Zen Master Xiaoyue walked along the canyon and came to a fairy mansion very quickly. This place has experienced several generations of owners, and after thousands of years of repair and management, the space inside is not small, and the stone rooms are very luxurious. At this moment, the formation outside It was all broken, Zen Master Xiaoyue felt some familiar remnant breath, knew that it must be Bai Guyi's work, and wondered if the treasure had already fallen into their hands, so he immediately quickened his pace in anxiety.

Chan Master Xiaoyue flew forward for a while, but was suddenly blocked by a figure. The man was short in stature, but his aura was not weaker than Chan Master Xiaoyue. Let's go back."

Zen Master Xiaoyue scolded angrily: "It turns out that you are a white dwarf who is good at hugging the thighs of the Emei sect and licking Qi Shuming's stinky feet. Then Zhu Mei is fine. After all, you have learned art from Jing Jingzi. You have nothing to do with them. But it’s also such a style, which is really contemptible.”

Bai Guyi said: "You don't know anything about the Emei faction and I. Our friendship for hundreds of years is like that of our own family. Besides, before Daoist Changmei ascended to the ascension, he also entrusted us to take care of his descendants. We promised to do things with others. It’s a shame. Now it’s the time when Taoism and demons ebb and flow, and hundreds of schools are vying for supremacy. Emei’s great prosperity is already the general trend. If you are sensible, go back to Emei to confess your mistakes to the head teacher Qi and apologize, and I will say a few good words for you. Qi Shuming, the head teacher, may be able to allow you to return to Emei for the sake of friendship in the past, otherwise, after today, hundreds of years of hard work may be exhausted."

"Even if I die, I won't bow my head to Qi Shuming. You think everyone is such a soft-boned, brazen fellow like you! It's really rare in the world, and you're really a loyal lackey! Do you know what you're doing? "

"Hmph! What I do is my own business. You don't need to worry about it. At least I have a clear conscience. But you, the apostate, have no face to speak out here."

"Hahaha..." Zen Master Xiaoyue listened to Bai Guyi's words, as if he had heard the funniest thing, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "You are also qualified to say that you have a clear conscience. At the beginning, you were so angry because of Ling Xuehong's soldiers. Uncle Ling Hun didn't go to rescue him, so he brought Zhu Mei to the door together. While Ling Hun Yuanying was traveling, he destroyed his body so that he could only be attached to a beggar. The immortal became a beggar full of dust.

Because of this, you have formed a great enmity. If you hadn’t had Qi Shuming and the others backing you, Ling Hun would have fought you to the death. Therefore, Ling Hun held the first and second volumes of the Yuanyang Book of Heaven, and you and Shorty Zhu held the second volume. , but no one can get anyone's.

And Zhu Shorty is not even a thing. Back then, Wen Jin and Wen Jin were best friends. When the two went down the mountain to collect medicine, Wen Jin got a secret book of Langjiao. , just because Wen Jin joked that there was still half of the book, which was hidden by herself, so Zhu Mei took advantage of Wen Jin Yuanying to hide his body when he was traveling, and forced him to take out the book, which made Wen Jin ruined. After cultivating for a lifetime, she was forced to reincarnate.

You two dwarves are the same breed, no wonder you have such a good relationship, and you still have the face to say that you have a clear conscience. "

Bai Guyi was so angry that the three corpses jumped up. As the saying goes, you don't slap someone in the face, and you don't expose your faults when you swear, but Zen Master Xiaoyue sprinkled salt on his wounds. How can this be tolerated, "You want to die!"

Bai Guyi suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, and tens of thousands of invisible and intangible sword qi swarmed towards him. It turned out that he had actually set up an invisible sword array here, and he used the invisible flying sword left after the fall of Ascetic Toutuo, but it seemed Feeling that it was not enough, he also released his flying sword, apparently with murderous intentions, to use the invisible sword array to attack back and forth, and kill Zen Master Xiaoyue here.

Zen Master Xiaoyue did not expect that the other party would use a killer move as soon as they came up, and Xu Feiniang only counted that Qi Jinchan had obtained an invisible sword, but did not count that Bai Guyi also had it, and used it to set up a killing array. He has no shadow, no sound, and is the best at hurting people's primordial spirit. If he is hit by a sword, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die. Back then, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was planted by the invisible sword. .

But fortunately, Zen Master Xiaoyue knew that Qi Jinchan had obtained an invisible fairy sword, and he had been on guard all the time. Although Bai Guyi was now using it with greater power, he panicked and threw something in his hand, and colorful smoke appeared, covering his whole body Covered by Taiyi Wuyan Luo, blocking the random shooting of sword energy, and then released the broken jade hook to fight fiercely with Bai Guyi.

The Intangible Sword Formation is one of the three Great Mountain Immortal Formation of the Emei Sect. It ranks second only under the Liangyi Huichen Formation. It is incomparably mysterious and powerful under the leadership of Bai Guyi. Yi Wuyan Luo borrowed from Zen Master Xiaoyue, and this Taiyi Wuyan was re-refined by mixing the essence of the five elements from Yang Jian, and its defense power was greatly increased. Otherwise, it would have been severely injured, but even so, it was only in There is more than enough self-preservation in the formation, but there is no way to break out of the formation.

"Taiyi Wuyanluo, I didn't expect that the black-robed man would lend you this treasure, and you would still have the nerve to use it. That man was the murderer who killed the ascetic fellow Taoist. It's really hateful to take revenge and work hand in hand with the enemy." Bai Guyi was surprised to see that Zen Master Xiaoyue actually used Taiyi Wuyanluo to protect himself.

"Hmph! My relationship with Emei has long been severed. The ascetic Toutuo and Zeng Nianji are half-brothers. Why did they say anything kind to me back then? It doesn't matter if this brother doesn't recognize it." Zen Master Xiaoyue also wiped a cold sweat secretly in her heart. With Taiyi Wuyan Luo as the most important body protection treasure, he might really die here today, so he couldn't help secretly scolding Bai Guyi for his insidiousness.

"Since you are so ruthless and ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude."

Bai Guyi waved his head again, the dense invisible sword energy in the sky condensed together, and a transparent sword appeared faintly, which turned into more than ten feet long and flew towards the blue light released by Zen Master Xiaoyue's broken jade hook. Then it penetrates in like a hot knife cutting butter, breaks through the blue light, and slashes fiercely on Taiyi Wuyanluo.

Zen Master Xiaoyue was taken aback, but fortunately, the five-color mist protecting her body seemed weak, but in fact it was extremely tough, impenetrable by water and fire, and hard to move by wind and thunder. It may be cut at any time.

Zen Master Xiaoyue sprayed three mouthfuls of energy in a row, causing the five-color mist to surge like a tide, and the depressions bulged everywhere, as if trying to bounce the invisible sword energy away.

Seeing this situation, Bai Guyi hastily increased his mana output, and also spewed out a mouthful of energy that landed on the invisible sword, and the sword energy moved forward a few inches.

Zen Master Xiaoyue was very worried, for fear that he would not be able to withstand the opponent's fairy sword, but fortunately, Taiyi Wuyanluo's defense was strong enough, and the invisible fairy sword stopped after advancing a few inches, no matter how Bai Guyi pushed it Can't make any progress.

"It's so powerful Taiyi Wuyan Luo, even the Swordless Formation can't be broken."

Bai Guyi had long known the name of Taiyi Wuyan Luoluo, the defensive treasure, but he did not expect it to be so powerful. When the Emei faction and Wutai faction fought swords for the second time, before Qi Shuming fought against Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, he was worried He couldn't break through the defense of Taiyi Wuyan Luo, so he specially tricked Zhu Hong into stealing it, which led to Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch being besieged to death. Now Bai Guyi has truly experienced the difficulty of Taiyi Wuyan Luo In the place where the five elements are entangled, the five elements are born together, and the life is endless. As long as it cannot be broken in an instant, the five elements will quickly recover under the circulation of the five elements.

The two sides work together, the outside wants to attack, and the inside defends with all their strength. For a while, no one can do anything to the other, and there is a stalemate.

boom! !

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the Immortal Mansion, a hole was blasted, and the brilliance of the tree flew out from it, three groups of purple-blue flames, three circles of green, red, and yellow entangled with each other, and another The dragon-shaped precious light more than three feet long has a jade ruler in it, and it looks like it is about to break through the sky.

At this time, Qi Jinchan came out holding a ring-shaped magic weapon, but it was the Yang ring in the Tianxin ring. Jinchan had a relationship with the Tianxin ring. After putting away the Tianxin ring, he chased after him, but saw Bai Guyi fighting with Zen Master Xiaoyue there, and hurriedly shouted: "Master Bai, the magic treasures are about to fly away, catch them quickly!"

At this time, the two of them couldn't care less about continuing the battle, and went to collect treasures at the same time.

Chapter 324

The treasure was right in front of them, so there was no need to worry about fighting, Zen Master Xiaoyue and Bai Guyi shot at almost the same time, grabbing the nearest Tianfu rare treasure.

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