Zen Master Xiaoyue hesitated for a moment, then put away the treasure, and said: "I understand, I am ashamed to accept it like this. The kindness and virtue of seniors, Xiaoyue will never forget it. If there is a mission in the future, I will definitely go all out."

"Don't be too happy too early. Although I have said it before, I still want to warn you that these rare treasures of heaven have karma. In some respects, it is you who have taken away other people's opportunities. In the future, you will not be happy." Know what trouble it will cause."

Zen Master Xiaoyue didn't care too much, he thought that with his own strength and the three Tianfu rare treasures he had just obtained, as long as he didn't face such great powers as Daoist Ji Le, he could handle any troubles.

"The virtuous spirit treasures live here. Since it has fallen into my hands, it means that I have a predestined relationship with them. No matter what troubles arise, just come."

"It's good if you have confidence. Now that the treasure has been obtained, I will go to Ciyun Temple to help out. I will meet the masters of the Emei School for a while, let's go together!" As Xu Feiniang's incarnation, it is natural to go to Ciyun Temple to deal with Emei Pie, but find an excuse to make sense of it all.

"Senior is also going to Ciyun Temple. It's great. With the help of seniors, those people from the Emei Sect are like chickens and dogs." Zen Master Xiaoyue flattered him in a rare way.

Xu Feiniang and Xiaoyue Chan rushed to Ciyun Temple, and at the same time, the Emei Sect also invited a group of masters, which can be described as a gathering of wind and clouds.

Chapter 325

Immortal Ji Le took Bai Guyi and Qi Jinchan to escape, and returned to the temporary residence of the Emei Sect. Qi Shuming led a group of Emei masters who immediately exploded.

Who is the real bliss?That was a great power who had obtained the Golden Immortal Fruit Status and was famous all over the world, but he was defeated again, and after learning what happened from the real person of Ji Le, they can be sure that the gray-robed man, the white-robed man and the black-robed man People are gangs.

Qi Shuming felt that his head was getting bigger. Now that the situation has changed drastically, he can't figure out the origin of the other party. This makes all the experts of Taoism and righteousness lose their most effective means, and they are confused about the future.

Qi Shuming and others deliberated for a while, but there was no good solution. Finally, they decided to use the most stupid method, concentrate their power directly, and then use the power of the Liangyi micro-tip array to kill black-robed men, gray-robed men, and white-robed men. They are all variables that may have an impact on their Emei Sect's millennium plan in the future. As long as they are all killed, everything will be solved.

In order to ensure everything is safe, it is necessary to summon more experts to help. The three Buddhist monks and two nuns are not enough, and more helpers are needed. Qi Shuming made up his mind, even if he would owe karma because of it, he would not care about it. I personally wrote a few letters, and once again sent disciples to the Dongfu of the master who had a good relationship with the Emei Sect.

When Zen Master Xiaoyue and the gray-robed man arrived at Ciyun Temple, there was a sensation immediately. Zen Master Xiaoyue showed the three rare treasures he had just obtained to everyone, and the envious eyes of all the old demons were straightened. .

But then Zen Master Xiaoyue introduced the gray-robed man to everyone, and talked about the experience of this trip. When he learned that the gray-robed man in front of him actually defeated the world-famous real person of Ji Le, everyone was shocked.

Don't look at how rebellious this group of old devils are on weekdays, but they still have self-knowledge. Facing the power of Master Ji Le, needless to say defeating him, even saving his life in his hands is already something to be proud of , but did not expect this mysterious gray-robed man to be able to defeat the real person of Ji Le, which made a group of old devils feel awe.

In this world, the strong are respected, and powerful people will be respected no matter where they are. A group of old demons secretly labeled the gray-robed man as not to be provoked.

At this time, Xu Feiniang's other avatar, the black-robed man, pretended to greet the gray-robed man, as if meeting an old friend, and all the old demons suddenly realized that it must not be a simple person to befriend the black-robed senior, but how did they know , the so-called gray-robed man and black-robed man are basically the same person, no!It should be said that they are clones of the same person, just acting in front of them.

All the devils in Ciyun Temple are full of confidence in the upcoming sword fight. Not only do they have a black-robed senior who easily killed Kuxing Tutuo, but now there is another one whose strength is still higher than the real person of bliss Senior gray-robed, with these two great powers in charge, there is no reason why he would be invincible.

All the old demons are gearing up, ready to perform well in the next sword fight, to attack the arrogance of the Emei Sect, and maybe they will be rewarded by the two seniors. It doesn't take much, just give them advice like Zen Master Yue Xiaoyue , just get a few Tianfu rare treasures.

It's just that a group of old devils in Ciyun Temple don't know that while they are full of confidence here, Emei is also confident, and they invite everyone they can.

As time went by, people soon gathered at the temporary residence of the Emei Sect. In addition to the three Buddhist monks and two nuns who had been invited before, there were also Zen Master Zhigong, Li Yuanhua, the bearded fairy, Zui Taoist, Master Obstinate Stone, Master Tailong Tulong, Yi Zhou, the owner of Xuangui Island in the South China Sea, Yan Yumu and her apprentice Jiang Xuejun, strange name Hua Linghun, one of the two elders of the Great Wilderness, Lu Yu, Shentuo Yixiu...

Although there are some people who are unwilling to intervene in these matters and choose to be different, but these people present are already close to half of the power of the righteous way.

Xu Feiniang has been using the four-winged golden silkworm to silently observe the situation on Emei's side. Seeing that Emei has summoned so many experts, she didn't panic at all. She let the two avatars sit in Ciyun Temple while she continued to wander. In all directions, a group of unrivaled old devils were fooled into going to Ciyun Temple.

In the end, no matter what the result is, Xu Feiniang is the winner. If she can defeat Emei, it would be best to take the opportunity to kill the enemies who besieged Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch. It doesn't matter if she fails. Their heads have been cursed, and if they die in the hands of Emei, half of their luck will be transferred to Xu Feiniang. With the help of this huge luck, they will surely make rapid progress. Xu Feiniang believes that one day he will become stronger To the extent that he can easily kill the three immortals and the two elders, no one can stop him from avenging Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch.

At this time, Xu Feiniang was persuading an old devil in a red robe, "Senior Honglian, this sword fight at Ciyun Temple is the first battle between the righteous and the devil when the catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching. If Emei wins, the momentum will definitely be great, and now is the time for you to make a move."

It turns out that Xu Feiniang invited this time, the well-known Red Lotus Old Demon in Shushan, who is one of the most powerful masters in the Demon Sect. There are only two or three people in the entire Demon Sect who can beat him. the old demon lord.

The old devil Honglian looked Xu Feiniang up and down, and said in amazement, "I didn't expect that after the fall of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, the Wutai Sect could still produce someone like you. Now that you have certified Chunyang Tianxian, Xiu In order to far surpass the ancestor of Taiyi Hunyuan, who can ascend to the ethereal fairy world at any time, why should he struggle so hard in this mortal world?"

"Senior Honglian was joking, how can you ascend if you haven't repaid your revenge?" Xu Feiniang said with a blank expression.

The old demon Honglian smiled mockingly, "Revenge, revenge for whom? As far as I know, after the fall of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, the Wutai faction fell apart, and haven't you already 'reformed'? Come on, why do you want revenge now?"

"That was just an expedient measure. My senior brother was besieged to death by the Three Immortals of the East China Sea. He didn't even have the chance to be reincarnated. This enmity is irreconcilable, but I also know that it is impossible for me to defeat Emei alone. So I can only pretend to change my ways and make friends with Xun Lan who is a slut, find out Emei's weakness, and avenge my senior brother."

"That being said, I still can't trust you. Who knows if you really took refuge in Emei or pretended to take refuge in Emei? If you deliberately set a trap to lure me into the game, wouldn't I, the ancestor, have no place to die? Now I am at ease, Why bother with the disputes between you juniors, you better go!"

Red Lotus Old Demon asked his subordinates to see off the guests as he said that, and he also stood up and prepared to enter the inner hall. Red Lotus Old Demon has lived here for many years and held a Red Lotus Dharma Assembly every 60 years to preach for the demons. Let me help the up-and-coming star of the Demon Sect. Now that the red lotus ceremony has not yet arrived, I didn't intend to entertain outsiders. It's just that when Xu Feiniang arrived, under the induction of the demon, the old demon Honglian realized that the other party was a person with a cultivation base. The person under him, but he couldn't figure out the origin of the other party, he was a little curious and had a special meeting, but he didn't expect it to be Xu Feiniang.

The old devil Honglian has always been insidious and cunning, and it is not easy to be persuaded at all. He refused Xu Feiniang's invitation without hesitation, but Xu Feiniang had another way. Seeing that the old devil Honglian was about to enter the inner room, Xu Feiniang, Suddenly he yelled, "Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

A wisp of invisible, invisible, and intangible tribulation air flew out of Xu Feiniang's body and landed on Honglian Old Demon.

Following a strange fluctuation, the Honglian old devil suddenly felt a little confused, and felt that there seemed to be something unusual. When he was about to investigate carefully, Xu Feiniang continued to say: "Senior Honglian, you may feel that something is wrong. I hope that I can live freely by hiding here. Every 60 years, I will hold a Red Lotus Dharma Conference to teach the disciples of the Demon Sect. No one can do anything to defeat you, but you don’t know it. Don’t think you can sit back and relax by hiding here.”

The old devil Honglian stopped, turned to look at Xu Feiniang, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anyone else planning to deal with the ancestor?"

"Yes, you have been targeted, not only you, but to be precise, all the people from the Demon Sect in the world have been targeted. Over the years, I have been pretending to please Emei, but secretly inquiring about their secrets. They have been preparing a millennium plan, and this plan has already begun since the time of Daoist Changmei."

The old devil Honglian's face finally became serious, staring at Xu Feiniang seriously and asked: "Tell me, what is the Emei sect's plan for a thousand years, and they still want to get my idea from the ancestor."

"Since Master Changmei, Emei has started to make arrangements. During the time when Master Changmei ruled the world, he made countless Taoist friends, including decent people from the famous sect, and great powers from other sects of loose immortals.

Many of them owed favors to Changmei. In order to repay the favor, they even promised to let the disciples of the disciples worship Emei in the future.

In this way, the Emei faction has connections and confidence, and is ready to take advantage of the catastrophe to wipe out all the demons in the world, gather the luck of the world, and let Emei and many righteous masters fly to the ethereal fairyland together.

So we have long been the target of the Emei sect. If we can't gather all the masters of the magic way to fight against Emei, we will be defeated by them one by one sooner or later. "

There was a hint of hesitation in the eyes of the old devil Honglian, "Is there any evidence for what you said, and I can't believe it."

Xu Feiniang said with a sincere face: "When the cultivation base reaches the level of you and me, it can be said that you can say what you say, so how can you lie easily? Regarding the thousand-year plan of the Emei Sect, I can assure you that there is no falsehood. If you don’t believe me, I can swear, and I can even go to Tiecheng Mountain with you, and ask the old devil to be a witness, and then I will naturally know whether what I said is true or not.”

The old devil Honglian's face became extremely ugly. At first he was a little doubtful, but Xu Feiniang was willing to swear, and let the old devil Lord Tiechengshan to be a witness, he had completely believed Xu Feiniang's words.

The old devil of Tiechengshan is the real number one person in the way of magic today, and he is the younger brother of the Shishen palace master who has already ascended to the devil world.

It's just that this old devil is arrogant and arrogant, and doesn't look down on his senior brother. Even though the Lord of the Stone God Palace has ascended to the Demon Realm, the old devil of Tiecheng feels that his senior brother is on good terms with those righteous people, and even transformed the five internal organs of the legendary Pangu God The green lotus among the five lotus flowers was given to Daoist Changmei, but he didn't want to fly up, so he opened up a world of freedom in Tiecheng Mountain.

Now that Xu Feiniang has already talked about this point, although the old devil Honglian is no longer suspicious, if the Emei faction really intends to wipe out all the demons in the world, one day they will find themselves on their heads. In this case, it is better to act first , recruit the masters of the Demon Cult, and compete with Emei.

After careful consideration, the old devil Honglian finally agreed to Xu Feiniang, and offered to find a few friends from the same way in the devil's religion, go to Ciyun Temple together, and share sex with Emei.

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