When Xu Feiniang left Old Demon Honglian's cave, she couldn't hide the joy on her face. She clenched her fists and gradually dissipated the aura of catastrophe in her palms.

The more advanced the demons are, the stronger the luck that Xu Feiniang will get from them after death. The old demon Honglian has been famous for many years. If he really dies in this catastrophe, what will be provided to Xu Feiniang His luck is absolutely unimaginable.

"Another old devil is used by me. Who should I look for next? Sand God Boy, Blood God Deng Yin, or Haha Patriarch, um, let's go to Blood God Deng Yin and release him first. He has been imprisoned by Daoist Changmei for many years , must be very harmful to Emei, his blood nerves are so powerful that he doesn't need to use any magic weapon at all, and he can recover his strength soon after getting out of trouble. With his temperament, he will definitely fight to the death with Emei, which is just right. Make some trouble."

In just one month, Xu Feiniang traveled all over the three mountains and five mountains, all corners of the country, and with her excellent eloquence, she persuaded every old devil to agree to participate in the sword fight at Ciyun Temple. I don't know how many people of the magic way have been fooled to die.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, there was only the last day left for the last stage of the sword fight. Emei's right-handed masters, headed by Qi Shuming, Emei's head teacher, although there are many masters who are present at the scene are still above him , but Qi Shuming has a righteous reputation, and can talk, and is good at mediating relationships, no one objected.

On the side of the Demon Sect, Xu Feiniang's two disguised avatars are leading the way, because people in the Demonic Way pay more attention to strength, and whoever has the biggest fists can listen to whoever has the biggest fist. At this time, the Red Lotus Old Demon, Blood God Deng Yin, Sand God Boy and other unrivaled old demons, but these demons are honest now, and have no intention of challenging the authority of Xu Feiniang's avatar Well, the reason why this happened is naturally because they were rejected by the gray robe The Taoists have already trained them with the Twelve Capitals, the gods and gods.

Every time the demon heads thought of the body of the demon god condensed in the 12-du Tianshen formation of the gray-robed man, they felt trembling all over, it was too violent.

The red lotus old devil's defensive treasure is the red lotus among the five innate lotus flowers in the Shushan world, but it was blown away by the skeleton demon god condensed from the Dutianshensha formation.

The red dust of the Sand God Boy can overwhelm the emotions and desires of a cultivator. Once trapped, he can no longer get out, but the skeleton demon god wrapped in red dust and sand was directly smashed to pieces.

Blood God Deng Yin relied on his blood nerves to transform his body into a blood shadow, not afraid of any attack, but he didn't expect the Skeleton Demon God to grab him directly in his hand, and smashed the space with force, almost crushing Blood God Deng Yin up.

After some fighting, everyone was convinced, and they voluntarily respected the gray-robed Taoist, and never dared to stab their heads again.

Chapter 326 Jiang Xuejun VS Shang Heyang

On the agreed day of the sword fight, both sides went to an open space excavated not long ago outside Ciyun Temple.

Xu Feiniang's two avatars in black robe and gray robe on the side of the Demon Sect are leading. Master Tuotuo and Zen Master Xiaoyue follow behind like servants. Master Tuotuo is in charge of serving the avatar in black robe, and Zen Master Xiaoyue is in charge of the avatar in gray robe.

Because in the process of winning the treasure before, Zen Master Xiaoyue saw the strength of the gray-robed avatar and gained great benefits, so he took the initiative to ask to wait on him, because this incident made the ancestor Haha very dissatisfied. You must know that Zen Master Xiaoyue betrayed After Emei, he cast himself under the patriarch Haha's door, and was given the secret technique of the heavenly demon by the patriarch Haha. It stands to reason that Zen master Xiaoyue could not escape his control at all, but he did not expect Zen master Xiaoyue to get two purple blue flames. After refining the two demon training flames, they directly burned off the restraints on their bodies, and completely got rid of the control of the ancestor Haha.

Haha Patriarch wanted to teach Zen Master Xiaoyue a lesson, but unfortunately he was stopped by the gray-robed avatar. Haha Patriarch knew very well that he was no match for the gray-robed man, so he had to suffer this dull loss.

Behind the two avatars are Honglian Patriarch, Haha Patriarch, Blood God Deng Yin, and Sand God Boy, the four masters of the magic way. , Venerable Poison Dragon, Underworld Saint Xu Wan, Yaoshi Guchen, Patriarch Liehuo, Moco Venerable Sikong Zhan, Golden Body Arhat Fayuan and others, some of them brought their disciples with them, and some of them were sword immortals who were cultivating alone. There were nearly a hundred people in total, each with a fork and a sword, soaring through the clouds and making fire, coming with a mighty momentum.

Compared with the Emei faction, the number of the two groups is much lower than that of the Emei faction, but the quality is far better than that of the Demon Gate. This one is nothing, but the ones who really make people blind are the ones behind, Ji Le Daoist, Yan Yumu, two powerful men who have already certified the Golden Immortal Status, Zunsheng, Baimei, Tianmeng, three Zen masters, Fentuo , Youtan, the two gods and nuns, and the three Buddhist monks and two nuns have all been present. The strong one can stand shoulder to shoulder with the real person of Ji Le, and the weaker one is only a line behind.

In addition, there is a group of masters at the level of earth immortals, Tian Canzi of the Qingcheng School, Ling Hun and Cui Wugu and his wife from the Xueshan School, Luo Ziyan, Bai Guyi, Zhu Mei, Master Fanxia, ​​Master Tulong, Zhu Youmu, Jiang Xuejun, Shentuo Yixiu...

The immortals confronted each other, Qi Shuming in green clothes floated forward, and Xu Feiniang's black robe clone went up to meet them. No matter what deep hatred there was between each other, at least there was a superficial politeness, and they asked each other to greet each other.

Qi Shuming took the lead and said: "We cultivators, no matter friends or foes, have supernatural powers that can move mountains and seas. It is easy to break rivers and ground. If you are red-eyed and use great supernatural powers no matter what, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to the innocent people in the mountains and the people below the mountains." The mortals around, if we set up the formation in advance, it will be like a ring, everyone will only fight swords in the formation, and the loser will only need to admit defeat, and they can go out and admit defeat in time, how about it?"

The black-robed avatar said coldly: "This idea is good, but I can't trust you, who knows if you will engage in any kind of conspiracy and calculations. Back then, my fellow Daoist Taiyi agreed with you to fight one-on-one when fighting swords in Huangshan. You are about to lose, but you never thought that you would call the ascetic toutuo and Xuan Zhenzi to besiege my friend Taiyi together. Then you wait for it.

When Daoist Changmei was around, even though he overwhelmed me, Daoist Changmei was magnanimous and kind to others after all, but when you came to teach, Emei bullied the weak, slaughtered dissidents, and set his eyes on the top, not letting others go In my eyes, you are still so hypocritical, and you keep saying that you are thinking of the common people in the world. If you set up an formation to seize the advantage of the land, when the time comes when we enter your formation, won't it become a knife on your chopping board and let you be slaughtered? ! "

Qi Shuming murmured in his heart that it was a pity. To be honest, he really planned to do something with the formation. If possible, he would not use the Liangyi Mote Formation. It has exerted [-]% of its power, but it has refined six pure yang orbs in advance, which is enough to exert [-]% to [-]% of its power when combined with the formation flag. Wipe out all the monsters.

Of course, it was impossible for Qi Shuming to express these thoughts, so he pretended to say: "Fellow Daoist misunderstood me, I really don't want to hurt innocent lives, since you suspect that I will play tricks on the formation, why don't we lay it out together?" Formation, supervise each other, so you don't have to worry about the other party's tampering."

"Okay, it's up to you. You must completely let go during the formation process and let the opponent observe. This formation is only used to resist the aftermath of the battle."

Qi Shuming and Xu Feiniang both agreed, and under everyone's supervision, each side selected a few people to step forward and form a formation.

Soon a ground of about [-] square meters was formed, the inner layer was arranged in the direction of the nine palaces, and the outer layer was a ring with the flags of the Twelve Capitals. The blue light and black mist loomed, surging with the wind, gathering but not dispersing, like a curtain.

After the formation was set up, Qi Shuming did not ask for a duel right away, but looked at the black robe clone and asked, "Friend black robe, why has that white robe disappeared so far? Could it be something secretly plotting? I heard that the white-robed man has a high level of Taoism, and I have always wanted to meet him, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

The black-robed avatar knew that Qi Shuming was jealous of Yang Jian, but Xu Feiniang didn't want Yang Jian to be involved because of her own affairs, because Xu Feiniang felt that she owed the other party too much, and it was the kind of thing that would never be clear. The kind of person who doesn't want to hurt the other party because of his own affairs.

"White-robed fellow Taoist is such a person, and you can see him whenever you want. Now that white-robed fellow daoist is busy and cannot come here, otherwise there is no chance for you to speak nonsense here."

"Oh? If that's the case, then why don't you come? A few days ago, the white-robed lord relied on the power of the formation to injure the real person of Ji Le. Now we have also set up a formation, and we want to invite the white-robed lord After appreciating it, it's a pity that he didn't dare to show his face, could it be because he was afraid?"

"Shut up, senior in white robe has a noble status, how can you allow you to make irresponsible remarks here, and the dignified Emei headmaster actually speaks ill of people behind his back, it really is getting better and better." Master Tuotuo, who had been standing behind the black robe clone, endured He couldn't stop, even though he had never seen him before, he knew that the white-robed man was Yang Jian, who was a great kindness to him, and the kung fu technique that combined the strengths of the three schools of Buddha, Taoism, and magic was a gift from him.

"In that case, why didn't he dare to come, don't say anything..."

"Who said I didn't come?" A voice came from far to near, and everyone felt a blur in front of them, and a figure shrouded in white robes appeared in the field.

The black-robed avatar couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw Yang Jian, "Yang Qian..."

"Black-robed fellow daoist, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you still have the same demeanor. Because of some personal matters, you are late. Please also invite the black-robed and gray-robed fellow daoists." Yang Jian interrupted Xu Feiniang, lest she Accidentally slipped my mouth.

"White-robed fellow daoist, it's an honor for us to have you here, but it's disgusting for some villains to sow discord." The gray-robed avatar immediately reacted, and pretended to say hello, confirming the identities of the three friends.

Seeing the person who had been waiting to appear, Qi Shuming's eyes revealed a gleam of coldness, but he quickly disappeared, pretending to be generous and cupped his fists and said: "This white-robed fellow Taoist, it really is better to see it than to hear it, from Li Zhen I have heard of your name from the population, but I have admired it for a long time, and I know that your magic power is very powerful, so I have always wanted to ask for advice, I have created a battle with a few fellow Taoists, and I don’t know if you will dare to join the battle."

"Why don't you dare? But I think it's better to break the formation just to be the last one. Now that the two masters of righteousness and magic are gathered here, one is to fight swords, and the other is to resolve some personal grievances. I think we should compare them as the finale of the grand finale." it is good."

Qi Shuming looked at Yang Jian seriously, finally nodded and said, "That's fine, Your Excellency Yibaipao."

The two sides retreated to their respective camps, preparing to arrange candidates for the first sword fight, because the first match was crucial, Qi Shuming planned to make a good start himself, but was stopped by Xuan Zhenzi, "The head teacher is the coach, don't move lightly, Let me do the first round, and kill a few of them first to eliminate harm for the world!"

Mo Dao is also discussing the candidates for the first battle. A group of old devils are not good-tempered people, and they all swear at each other and ask to fight. After arguing and fighting, they can't make up their minds. In the end, Shang Yang, the king of five ghosts, couldn't stand it any longer. , directly rushed out to the front of the formation, and shouted to Emei: "Jiang Xuejun, do you dare to fight me?"

Jiang Xuejun has a straightforward temperament, and he hates demons and heretics the most. Hearing Shang Heyang's challenge, he rushed out immediately. Xuan Zhenzi, who was about to fight, had no choice but to retreat when he saw this scene.

Jiang Xuejun looked at Shang Heyang, his eyes were full of fighting intent, and he said loudly: "Demons and evil ways, how can I be afraid of you? You must be a devil this morning, just take this opportunity to avenge the old ghost who did not harm me that day."

"Very good. It seems that we have thought of going together. I just want to avenge my teacher. I can't deal with you, Yanmu, so I just want to use you to vent my anger."

It turns out that the master of the Five Ghost Heavenly King Shang Heyang is the well-known invisible venerable of the Demon Sect. Since Jiang Xuejun debuted, he has rarely suffered a disadvantage, because Jiang Xuejun's master Yan Yumu has already practiced the Golden Immortal Karma, and he is one of the Taoists. Second only to the existence of Daoist Bliss, even if some people with high mana meet Jiang Xuejun, they dare not kill her to avoid future troubles. powerful.

But there are exceptions, not everyone is afraid of Yan Yumu, Venerable Wuxing is one of them.Jiang Xuejun met Venerable Wuxing back then, and suffered a great loss at his hands. Together with her good friend Zhu Youmu, they almost died because of it.

However, beating the young ones led to the old ones, and the Venerable Wuxing was secretly plotted by the mother Yan afterward. When the doom of the Venerable Wuxing came, he took revenge and made her soul fly away. I want to seek revenge from her, but the difference in strength is too great, so I can only bear it.

After Jiang Xuejun received that blow, he practiced even harder. In less than a hundred years, he entered the realm of the earth fairy, and trained a magic weapon that specializes in defeating demons.

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