Qi Shuming's six masters pushed the formation with all their strength. There are six gates in the Liangyi Mote Formation, life, death, light, darkness, illusion, and annihilation. Every two gates face each other, and there are three groups in total. Having two portals corresponding can play a part.

But the power of the six gates is doubled, but there are two flaws. Qi Shuming controls the most important life gate and is in a dominant position. The other five gates must revolve around the life gate, but Qi Shuming's mana cultivation is the lowest among the six. In order to cooperate with him, the other five could only reduce the output of true qi, and could not maximize the power of Liangyi Mote.

Another point, after all, this is not the original Liangyi mote array, but a simplified version of the Liangyi mote array based on six pure yang orbs. Without the Taiqing talisman to press the array, many magic effects cannot be exerted.

But even so, the two large formations of fine dust should not be underestimated. The six people activated the banner gate, and boundless brilliance exploded inside Yang Jian's twenty-eight constellation formation, intertwined with each other to form a fantasy world. The middle of the flag gate is like a large egg-shaped colorful cloud, the inside is dark and disillusioned, the tide of light is surging, gorgeous and colorful, and it has transformed into an infinite world. Gold and iron horses, flames and ice, mountains of knives and mountains of swords, forests of wine and meat.

If it were a different person, the body would be smashed to pieces in an instant, and every fragment would be integrated into a world, even with the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth, he would not be able to survive.

But Yang Jian didn't care, since he dared to enter the battle, he was sure to fight. Following Yang Jian's loud shout, the twenty-eight main stars burst into light, transforming into phantoms of the four great beasts of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Roaring, swimming crazily, blocking the world derived from the Liangyi mote formation.

"Now it's my turn!"

Yang Jian's relaxed and comfortable voice came out from the formation, Qi Shuming and the six were not good at dark, but it could not be stopped at this time, the endless starlight gathered in the middle, surrounded the big sun and the bright moon, and soon turned into a face , the eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon, and the cycle of yin and yang is endless.

Suddenly, that face opened its mouth, and a river of countless stars spewed out from the mouth, directly crashing into the position where Qi Shuming's Shengmen was located. Originally, the brilliance illuminated the universe, but as soon as the galaxy came, the surroundings immediately dimmed, and the place where the eyes could see was full of brilliant starlight.

Fortunately, the Liangyi Mote Formation, as the Emei Sect's Zhenjiao Formation, naturally has its unique features. In a hurry, Qi Shuming mobilized the endless world transformed by the Liangyi Mote Formation to stand in front of him. The illusory world is constantly broken and reborn, finally blocking the river of stars, and when the river of stars fades, the brilliance of the flag gate will rekindle, and light will reappear in the eyes of everyone.

"It's not bad, it actually blocked it. It seems that there is something wrong, let's come again."

The power of the stars gathered again, Qi Shuming and the three monks and two nuns were taken aback, and hurriedly strengthened their attacks, hoping to stop them, but they still couldn't break through the defense of the four holy beasts, and soon the star-transformed face sprayed out another Xinghe, the six masters could only resist as before. Obviously they also trapped Yang Jian with a large formation of Liangyi Mote, but looking at the situation in front of them, it seemed that it was reversed. Bo can't help each other.

If Yang Jian is willing, boating can destroy this fake version of the Liangyi Mote Array, but Yang Jian is very interested in the ability of the Liangyi Mote Array to transform the world. Although it is only illusory, it is true and false Often in a single thought, illusion can also be transformed into reality. Sooner or later, Yang Jian's chaotic space will be transformed into the real world. It is a good time to take this opportunity to observe it, which will be very helpful for opening up the world in the future.

Yang Jian leisurely spent time with the six masters, but the pot exploded outside. Of course, Emei's side was shocked. Emei was the leader of the righteous way, Qi Shuming was the head teacher, and five of the most respected Buddhist experts joined forces. , but still can't take down a white-robed man. Could it be that the moment when the magic rises and the Tao disappears is approaching, what should I do?

The demon side is naturally pleasantly surprised. They have been oppressed by Buddhism and Taoism for a long time, and they have suffered a lot. There appeared a master who fought against three monks and two nuns with his own strength, so there is no need to be afraid of them in the future.

Just when Yang Jian was fighting with the six masters, the Sand God boy on the side of Mo Dao was holding back his evil in secret. He looked at Master Ninja on the side of Righteous Dao, that was his enemy, and he always wanted to find a chance to solve the two The cause and effect among human beings is that Master Ninja is also a well-known power in Buddhism. He can ascend to the Land of Ultimate Bliss at any time. It is only because of his heart that he has been nostalgic for the mortal world. Moreover, there are many masters in Buddhism. Once the Sand God Boy attacks Master Ninja, There are bound to be other Buddhists who can help, especially the three monks and two nuns, and the sand god boy is the most fearful, but now the three monks and two nuns are being held back, and there are also ancestors Haha, the blood god Deng Yin, and the old devil Honglian. Waiting for the help of magic masters, the most important thing is that the black ran, the gray robe and the two mysterious people, if there is a scuffle, can they take the opportunity to settle the cause and effect?

Sand God Boy pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind. While other people were not paying attention, he suddenly shouted: "The hypocrite of the Emei Sect bullies the few with more, it is really shameless, we can't let the seniors in white go against the enemy alone, everyone! Fight with me!"

Because Sha Shen Boy's voice was too sudden, and all the magic masters saw that Yang Jian fought against Qi Shuming and the three monks and two nuns with their own strength, and they were all excited. The child prodigy responded with such a roar, and even Xu Feiniang's two avatars didn't have time to stop it.

The sand god boy rushed out, and flew to the battlefield with his body and sword together, aiming at Master Ninja, followed by Patriarch Raging Fire, who launched the Raging Fire Thunder Sword, and the flames filled the sky, followed by Mingsheng Xu Wan, Yaoshi Guchen, As well as the golden body Arhat Fayuan, monk Zhitong and many masters and nephews, as well as Venerable Poison Dragon of the Western Demon Cult, they also led the crowd to fly high into the sky, throwing magic sand...

Ancestor Honglian, Blood God Deng Yin, and Haha Ancestor glanced at each other. Seeing that Boy Sha God was directly attacking Master Ninja, he understood what Boy Sand God was thinking. kill.

In fact, Red Lotus Old Demon and the others also had the same idea, but they were preempted by the Sand God Boy, the Evil God Boy, before they could make a move.

You must know that these old devils have no good things, and they have countless enemies. It's just that they didn't dare to take action easily before, because as long as they make a slight change, the masters of Buddhism, Taoism, and Western religions will definitely sense it and set up traps to wait. They drilled in, you have three monks and two nuns from the Buddhist school, and the two golden immortals from the Taoist school are powerful, with them in charge, you dare not make a move easily.

But now there are three mysterious people, the white-robed man dragged Qi Shuming and the three monks and two nuns with his own strength, the gray-robed man once defeated the real person of bliss, and there is also a black-robed man, although the specific strength is not known, But later, I heard people say that the ascetic Toutuo, who was among the Three Immortals of the East China Sea, was easily beheaded, and his strength must not be much weaker. Even if he is not Yan Yumu's opponent, at least it should be no problem to hold him back?

In this way, the seven most difficult masters of Buddhism and Taoism are all dealt with. It is the time for them to show their talents, to avenge their revenge, and to retaliate against their grievances. This kind of good opportunity should not be missed!

The Emei side saw a group of demons coming to kill them, how could they show weakness, and they also went up, the scene was completely out of control, hundreds of fairy swords, magic swords came and fought fiercely, there were red flame swords, white light swords, and green lights The swords, each with a brilliant color, colorful flashes, thousands of divine thunders, and the magic thunders exploded continuously. There are five fire thunders, Taiyi thunders, and ghost thunders.

In the arena, it can be said that the Eight Immortals are crossing the sea, each showing their supernatural powers. The Buddha Mentuo recites the Buddha's name and releases the divine light of Purdue. Tens of billions of sand were calcined by fire, and the land was torn apart, the sea was dry and rocks were destroyed, soldiers' heads rolled down, and their limbs burst into blood.

Of course, the people fighting below did not affect Yan Yumu, Daoist Ji Le and the black robe and gray robe clones. The four figures flew into the air and confronted each other. No one made a move first, they just competed in momentum.

Because of the death of his friend Zhu Youmu, Jiang Xuejun felt resentment in his heart, and immediately identified Master Tuotuo. Two sword lights shot out like meteors chasing the moon, and Tianlong cut into two golden dragons to wander around. Once he found an opportunity, he would rush Go forward and cut Master Tuotuo into two parts.

However, three lotus flowers appeared in front of Master Tuotuo, the red, blue and yellow lotus flowers swirled and swam. No matter Jiang Xuejun was using two fairy swords, Tianlongjian or Silent Thunder, he still couldn't break through the defense of the three lotuses, Master Tuotuo didn't just take beatings and didn't fight back. He transformed into a half-demon, half-Buddha dharma body, clenched his fists and blasted at Jiang Xuejun. The berserk force retreated again and again.

Don't think Master Tuotuo is usually quiet, but he is a shrewd person. Seeing Xu Feiniang's two avatars confront Yan Yanmu and Li Jingxu in the sky, he racked his brains to find a way to help.

However, Master Tuotuo knew very well that with his own strength, he couldn't get in the way of the Golden Immortal's power, so he could only think of other ways, so he focused on Jiang Xuejun, Yan Yumu's only apprentice. People have deep feelings, once Jiang Xuejun is killed, Yan Mu will definitely be distracted, so Xu Feiniang will have the opportunity to find the enemy's opening and take advantage of the opportunity to attack.

However, Master Tuotuo is very smart, and he knows very well that if he wants to kill Jiang Xuejun, he must seize the opportunity to hit him with a single blow, and play the characteristics of quickness, precision and ruthlessness. Therefore, he did not rush to attack when he came up. He mainly focused on defense, just to find Jiang Xuejun's weakness.

Jiang Xuejun didn't know that he had become the target of Master Tuotuo. While avoiding the attack of Master Tuotuo's body, he controlled the sword to attack fiercely. That day, he used the sword art to the extreme. The power of the sword is like the fiercest storm in the polar region. It is sharp, fast and ruthless, freezing and crushing everything the sword touches.

The cold wind freezes the water vapor and condenses it into a milky white ice mist, wrapped in two golden sword rainbows, like two ice giant dragons, plus the two golden dragons transformed by Tianlong scissors, it looks like four dragons surrounding it from a distance Follow Master Tuotuo to swim, but every time he touches the red, blue, and gold three-color divine light of Tuotuo's body, he will be shocked back.

Jiang Xuejun is impatient, a series of attacks did not hurt Master Tuotuo, the anger in his heart became more and more intense, especially when he thought of the death of his friend Zhu Youmu, he was even more resentful, his heart became ruthless, he opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood on Tianlong After cutting it, the two golden dragons were nourished by the essence and blood, and they suddenly glowed with golden light. They rushed towards Master Tuotuo with their teeth and claws, and surrounded him head to tail. The master cut it into two sections.

Master Tuotuo's eyes lit up when he saw Jiang Xuejun's actions, and finally seized the opportunity. With a twist of his body, his joints cracked, and he instantly transformed into a three-headed and six-armed shape. The front head was no different from a normal person, but the left head was It is full of blood, extremely ferocious, and the head on the right is the Buddha's light looming, and the eyes are full of warmth and kindness.

Seeing Tianlong scissors approaching, the looming head of the Buddha's light controlled the two hands into tens of feet, just the size to grab the necks of the two golden dragons, and they would not let go despite their struggles.

"Dare to take my magic weapon, court death!" At this time, Jiang Xuejun felt that something was wrong, and immediately chopped off the two fairy swords.

But this time it was the bloody head's turn to make a move. It also reached out with two hands and grabbed the two fairy swords. Although it was scratched and bloody, it finally lived up to the promise.

Jiang Xuejun increased his mana and wanted to take back the magic weapon, but at this moment Master Tuotuo's remaining hands began to seal, and the three lotus flowers that had been guarding him all the time flew out at the same time, Qinglian supported Jiang Xuejun from below, and appeared The blue light was there, Jiang Xuejun was so anxious that he struggled to get up, but at this time a golden lotus and a red lotus fell from the sky, spinning the lotus petals at high speed like sharp blades, before Jiang Xuejun could react. , cut her into three sections.

Jiang Xuejun cut Shang and Yang into three sections before, but now it's her turn to be cut into three sections by Master Tuotuo. I have to say that fate is uncertain, and good fortune tricks people.

Chapter 333 Four Great Golden Immortals

Yan Yumu and the real person of Ji Le teamed up to confront Xu Feiniang's two avatars. Because the two avatars put too much pressure on him, he concentrated all his energy and didn't have the mind to observe the surrounding situation at all. Feeling extremely distressed, they have a deep relationship between master and apprentice, how could they ignore it, so I couldn't help being distracted.

The gray-robed avatar sensed the weakening of Yan Yumu's momentum, and immediately seized the opportunity to strike. Twelve small flags flew out, rising against the wind, and turned into large banners tens of feet high. Endless demon energy was emitted, and it quickly converged towards the gray-robed clone. The gray-robed clone held a magical lamp on its head, blocking all demonic thoughts, attracting demonic energy into the body, and the body rapidly swelled up, and finally even the twelve flags were integrated into it Among them, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant skeleton with a height of several thousand feet, clenched its fists and slammed down on Yan Yumu fiercely.

"Not good!" The real person of Ji Le yelled, seeing that Yan Yumu was distracted by the death of his apprentice, and there was no time to resist it. The real person of Ji Le knew very well the power of the fist of the skeleton demon god. In this case, Yan Yumu would absolutely block it. It can't be helped, once Yan Yumu is injured, it is absolutely impossible for Ji Le Daoist to stop the black robe and gray robe two powerful enemies.

Daoist Ji Le bravely came to Yan Yumu's body, holding a sapphire lotus pod in his left hand, as if it had just been picked from the lake, it was so delicate and charming, when he flicked it hard, thirteen streaks of turquoise sprayed out from the hole of the lotus pod He shot at the fist of the Skeleton Demon God, and stretched out his hand to his waist, and raised his hand to shoot out countless red lines, which were exactly his Qiankun Needle.

Swish, swish, swish, the red thread formed by the Qiankun needle converged into a torrent, facing the fist with a series of crisp sounds, slowing down the attack of the fist, Li Jingxu shook the lotus pod again, and the thirteen essences were mixed together to form A vortex, tearing its fist and passing by, took the punch.

The lotus pod in the hands of Immortal Bliss is exactly the green lotus among the five lotus flowers. Immortal Changmei got it from the Lord of Shishen Palace and kept it in the treasure house of Emei Sect. It contains the essence of Yimu, which is very effective in healing injuries , Qi Shuming made a special trip back to Emei, brought Qinglian here, and handed it to the real person of Jile to use. On the one hand, it heals the wounds, and on the other hand, it is also a powerful magic weapon.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, cheer up, now is not the time to be sad, let's deal with the opponent in front of us first." Master Ji Le hastily allocated part of his energy to persuade him.

At this time, Yan Yumu also realized his mistake, and quickly pulled himself together. After all, he was a powerful person in Jinxian's career, so he quickly adjusted, "Thank you, Master Li, for your help. I'm fine."

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