As Yan Yumu said, he swung the crutch in his hand suddenly to the side, because at this time, the five elements Zhuxian sword of the black robe clone had already killed him from the side.

boom! ! !

The Five Elements Immortal Execution Sword glowed with colorful brilliance, illuminating the whole world, and when it collided with Yan Naim's crutch, there was an earth-shattering roar. The Five Elements Execution Immortal Sword suddenly split into five parts and shot at Yan Naimu from different directions.

Yan Yumu snorted coldly, shook her hands and released the Silent Thunder, which exploded in an instant. Although it was silent, it was infinitely powerful. It was more than ten times stronger than the Silent Thunder used by General Jiang Xuejun before. His fairy sword was blown out in an instant.

At the same time, the people of Bliss Town were also fighting with the Skeleton Demon God. The black-robed avatar glanced hastily, and saw the Skeleton Demon God punching him with one punch after another, but was shot thirteen times by the lotus pod in his hand. Under the green energy, it was obviously difficult to tell the winner within a short period of time, his thoughts changed sharply, and soon he had an idea, stretched out his hand, and the five split sword lights suddenly merged together, and then the Taiyi Wuyan Luo throw out.

The sword light continued to swell, and soon transformed into a multicolored dragon thousands of feet long. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed it in, and suddenly there was a hint of agility in the eyes of the colorful dragon, as if he had really come to life.


The colorful dragon opened its mouth and let out a roar, the world was cleared, and the huge power of the five elements surged crazily, and every inch of space was illuminated by the colorful light.

After the colorful dragon appeared, it did not immediately attack Yan Yumu, but turned its head to fly over to the battlefield on the other side. At this time, the skeleton demon god also knocked away the real person with a punch, and then rushed to join the colorful dragon. Wrapped around the skeleton demon god.

Yan Yumu took the opportunity to rendezvous with the real person of Ji Le, seeing the dragon and the skeleton demon god entangled together, she was a little baffled, not knowing the meaning of their actions, turned to look at the real person of Ji Le and asked: "Li Daoyou, do you know what they are doing? Could it be possible to use some secret method together?"

Master Ji Le shook his head, but also didn't know, so he just reminded: "Be careful, although I don't know the meaning of their actions, but our opponents are not ordinary people, so we must not be careless. "

Daoist Ji Le and Yan Yumu didn't have too much time to talk. At this time, the Skeleton Demon God came over again. It was still the simple move before, clenched his fist and slammed it down hard. The multicolored dragon wrapped around the skeleton demon god also moved, opened its mouth suddenly, spewed out a beam of five-element extinction light, and shot at Yan Yumu and Li Jingxu.

It is said to be light, but in fact it should be more accurate to say it is a beam of light, because the big five-star extinction light is several feet thick, and this divine light is extremely powerful. Contrary to it, it is not a disadvantage, now that these several meters thick extinction light strikes with the power of destroying heaven and earth, even the two golden immortals are shocked

Daoist Ji Le hurriedly flicked the green lotus pod in his hand, and the thirteen green energy shot out again, colliding with the Great Five Elements Extinction Line, the green light and light exploded at the same time, and the fight was comparable.

It's just that the real person of blissful joy has not had time to be happy, the fist of the skeleton demon god is already close to him, and there is a unique power on the fist to directly imprison the space.


At the critical moment, Yan Mu was a friend, and instead of leaving the real person of Ji Le to escape, he raised the crutch in his hand and smashed it hard with all his strength, hitting the skeleton's fist.

boom! !

Yan Yumu still underestimated the power of the fist. Daoist Ji Le did not dare to hold the treasure in his hands. Every time he needed to hit it with the Qiankun Needle to relieve the power of the fist, and then use the thirteen green qi shot by Qinglian to carry out the punch. Guidance, exhaustion, so it is only natural that Yan Mu was unlucky, and was directly blasted out by the unparalleled huge force.

But Yan Yumu's efforts were not in vain, he bought time for Master Ji Le, and in time used the thirteen green qi from the Radiant Green Lotus Pod to wrap around his fist and lead it elsewhere.

After passing through the crisis, the real person of bliss immediately flew back, and soon found Yan Yumu whose body was embedded in the mountain wall. His face was extremely pale, obviously injured, the real person of bliss hurriedly shook the lotus pod in his hand, and shot out a stream of fresh air , Drilling into Yan Yumu's body, her pale complexion immediately improved a lot.

"Friend Daoist Yan, how do you feel? Can you fight again?" Daoist Ji Le asked with concern.

Yan Mu took a deep breath and suppressed the injury, "It's much better. I didn't expect this skeleton demon to be so powerful. It seems that I can't touch it head-on."

"That's right, hey! It's my fault that I didn't remind you in time. You must be careful later. You are responsible for fighting against the dragon's Great Five Elements Annihilation Light, and I will be responsible for dealing with the demon god."

"It's so hard work." Yan Mu didn't want to face it, because she knew very well that the distribution of Ji Le Daoist was the most reasonable.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The Skeleton Demon God took great strides to catch up, and every time he took a step, there was a loud rumbling noise, but it was just three or five steps closer, as usual, the five-colored dragon sprayed a big five-star extinction light, and the Skeleton Demon God smashed it down with his fist, just The real person of Ji Le and Yan Yumu have already suffered a loss and learned a lesson. The two work together in a division of labor. The giant skeleton and the colorful dragon were barely blocked by the joint efforts of the people.

The four major golden immortals and industry-level powers were fighting there, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while. The sand god boy here almost jumped up with joy. He has only played against Master Ninja for a while, but he has been keeping his strength Watching in the dark.

Sand God Boy is a cautious person, and he is also worried that if the two mysterious men in black robe and gray robe cannot stop the real person of Ji Le and Yan Yumu, he will run away immediately without hesitation, but he did not expect that the two mysterious men are more powerful than him. The imaginary is more capable, not just blocking it, but directly suppressing the two top golden immortals in the Taoist sect, so what else is there to say, fuck it!Take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of your old enemy.

The Sand God Boy suddenly raised his hand, and a large cloud of red smoke and dust rose immediately, billowing like a tide, covering the sky and avoiding the sun, and a fantasy world appeared inside, with various characters flying through the clouds and driving the fog, each using magic weapons, red light lofty!

In Hongchensha, the Sand God Boy is able to gain a great reputation, this treasure has a lot of credit, even if a fairy falls into Hongchensha, it will be difficult to escape.

Looking at the crimson smoke and dust in the sky above the mountain from a distance, when it is released, it is thinner than smoke, flowing and flying, as if splashed with colored ink, dyeing the sky red, it does not look terrible, like cinnabar. Unpredictable, people have to admire the magic of the fairy family!

The red dust can evolve the world of the heavens, which is similar to the Liangyi Mochen Formation. In the world of mortals, there are grotesques and grotesques, and the atmosphere is myriad. The six worlds in it are ever-changing, and people can't help but be addicted to it.

Master Ninja has practiced for many years, participated in the study of Buddhist scriptures, and realized the Dharma by himself. Although Hong Chensha is powerful, she can't do anything to her. She brews momentum in the air, casts the light of Buddha from ten directions, and sings non-stop. , The treasure is solemn, and a young nun appears in the Buddha's light, more than ten feet tall, with a solemn figure, wearing a white gown, like Guanyin Bodhisattva!The left hand is holding a golden treasure wheel, and the right hand is holding a jewel

The figure suddenly flipped his right hand, and the orb fell downwards. This bead is called the Mani Bead of Liberation, and it can emit immeasurable divine light, like a sun falling from the nine heavens. Everyone feels that the Buddha's light is getting stronger and stronger, and the eyes are golden. , the billowing heat wave is coming,

Sha Shen Boy sneered, he knew very well that the opportunity was rare, if he didn't get rid of Master Ninja this time, with the hatred between the two, the other party would come to him sooner or later, and he would never stop dying, so this time he also risked his life and put The power of Hongchensha has been exerted to the extreme. There are countless souls in the world of mortals, shouting constantly, some cursing, some seducing, some accusing, trying to shake Master Ninja's heart.Fall into it.

Master Ninja was covered with Buddha's light, dyed the entire world of mortals golden, his face was full of compassion, and his mouth was like Huang Zhongdalu's: "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn back and be on the shore!"

The Buddha's light shone on those souls, and they immediately woke up. However, the secret method handed down by the Devil's Sect is so powerful that it can directly change the new thoughts of these souls. Buddhism only makes them sober, and will not let them listen to themselves. These souls have long been used to the world of mortals. Everything in the world, even if he is awake, he is unwilling to leave, and soon sinks back into the world of mortals.

The sand god boy laughed loudly, "You bitch! My red sand is not so easy to break, you can keep it for me too."

The red dust quickly spread towards Master Ninja. Master Ninja was full of grief, his eyes were full of tears, he folded his hands on his chest, and chanted the mantra. The Buddha's light became stronger and stronger, and the golden Buddha's light became golden for dozens of miles. Generally, large pieces of Buddha's light fall on the top of the red dust sand, and penetrate quickly, but are quickly driven out by the red sand, and the two confront each other back and forth.

Buddhism is the best at restraining demons, and Master Ninin's mana is not weaker than Sand God Boy, but the red dust is too mysterious to take it down. Master Ninja's pair of jade hands quickly formed various Buddhist seals, Flying out of the Buddha's light sword, it instantly rose to a length of hundreds of feet, and struck at the sand god boy with the momentum of splitting the sky and the earth!

The Sand God Boy also saw Hong Chensha, but he couldn't help Master Ninja, raised his hand and shot out a magic needle, a secret treasure of the magic way, a secret magic needle from the heavens, a thin red thread more than a hundred feet long, and shot at Master Ninja like lightning. This magic needle is also extraordinary. The earth immortals can't resist it at all, even the masters who have cultivated the immortal body can't resist once they are nailed by it,

The magic needle collided with the Buddha's light sword, but it was lost. Most of it was cut off, and the other part was shot at Master Ninja, but was blocked by the Buddha's light, and was gradually obliterated into ashes.

The Sand God Boy used a secret method to call out the seven gods and demons with form and non-phase, and sprayed out a mouthful of blood, performing the blood sacrifice technique of the demon sect, and quickly increased mana power in a short period of time. There were a total of fourteen gods and demons, one by one. Master Xiang Ren, the seven gods and demons with appearances are several feet tall, with red hair and red eyes, three heads and six arms, breathing magic fire from the mouth, shooting magic light from the eyes, moving mountains and breaking mountains. Hand to hand.

There are also seven formless gods and demons, even more powerful, invisible, invisible, and intangible, making people fall into the plot unknowingly. Buddha light blocked.

But in a blink of an eye, the sand god boy found that his fourteen demons hadn't played much role at all. After all, his Hongchensha was the most lethal to Master Ninja, so he simply took back the fourteen demons and controlled Hongchensha wholeheartedly. Surrounding Master Ninja, I didn't expect the effect to be good. Although it was a bit slow, it actually dyed the golden Buddha's light into red bit by bit. If it was a one-on-one battle, the longer the delay, the better for him.

Chapter 334 Red Lotus VS Yi Zhou Haha VS Yizhen

After the old demon Honglian beheaded several masters of the righteous way, he was stopped by an old man. Seeing the appearance of the other party, the old demon Honglian's face became gloomy, "Yi Zhou, you old bastard just wanted to hug Emei's stinky feet. If you work hard enough, bring your whole family here, aren't you afraid that they will die here?"

It turned out that the person who stopped the old devil Honglian was Yi Zhou, the owner of Xuangui Island. Even his wife, son, daughter-in-law, daughter, and even two grandsons came to help Emei, which is a great favor.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Since I dare to bring them here, I am sure to protect them. You should worry about yourself. Today, you old devil is doomed."

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